MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 310 Thunder means

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Chapter 310 Thunderous Means

 The swordsmen in the cabin were lying in various directions. Ji Xinghuo quickly checked and found that there were still three swordsmen alive.

 The three swordsmen and one pilot who died were all affected when the fighter plane was pierced by the rock thorn. The injuries of the living people were not serious, and they were mainly poisoned.

However, except for the captain, the other two people were unconscious.

 “Can you still persist?” Ji Xinghuo asked.

This captain is the Red Sky Swordsman, a super alien, and he has a certain resistance to toxins. The poisonous gas in the cabin has long since dissipated, and he can slowly recover without treatment, but he is temporarily unable to move.

 When he saw that it was Ji Xinghuo who came in, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with difficulty:

 “Save my teammates first.”

Ji Xinghuo nodded, dug out the medical kit from the cabin, got an injection specifically designed to relieve neurotoxins, and injected it into the two swordsmen. Their expressions quickly softened and their lives were saved.

While injecting Chixiao Swordsman, the other party couldn't help but ask: "Where are Ye Ju and the two Xuanyuan Swordsmen?"

 He was lying in the cabin, unable to see what was going on outside.

 The deputy director actually betrayed the Sword Bureau. Even if he didn't know the reason, he understood the seriousness of the matter.

"They're all outside." Ji Xinghuo replied.

The Scarlet Sky Swordsman’s eyes widened. All three legendary strong men were defeated? He had heard of Ji Xinghuo's name, Zhao Manying's boyfriend, ranked 49th in the global ladder, but he didn't know that Ji Xinghuo was also a swordsman, so he couldn't believe it for a moment.

At this time, most of the toxins in his body were discharged, and he stood up slowly. When he walked outside the cabin, he saw Ye Tongjun lying on the ground and the Sandstorm Lord, who was only half-body.

 In the distance, there is a headless corpse.


The Scarlet Sky Swordsman took a deep breath. He had to accept the facts before him and said seriously: "My code name is 'Yin Feng', the Scarlet Sky Swordsman of Tianshui Base. We must report to the director immediately."

"It's not possible yet." Ji Xinghuo shook his head, "No communication method can be used at the moment. We can only wait for the superiors to come."

 The mobile phone has been located and has been turned off.

He looked at Ye Tongjun on the ground. The wounds on her body had stopped bleeding, but she had lost both legs. The electric sword was inserted into her chest and pinned to the ground. The electricity continued to discharge, and her whole body was twitching. She had no resistance at all.

 “Ye Bureau…”

 The Scarlet Sky Swordsman looked at her miserable condition with unbearable eyes.

Ye Tongjun is his immediate boss. He used to admire her very much and was promoted a lot, but unexpectedly he betrayed the Sword Bureau.

"Do you know them two?" Ji Xinghuo pointed at the two Xuanyuan swordsmen.

"I've never seen it." Yinfeng shook his head and explained: "My team received an urgent mission from Ye Bureau and set out from Tianshui Base. They picked up these two people on the way. Ye Bureau said that they were Xuanyuan swordsmen and wanted to **** a group of people. A swordsman carrying important items."

 Ji Xinghuo was not surprised.

 Actually, when he received the message on his mobile phone, he realized something was wrong.

Although the message was sent from the backend of the client of the Sharp Sword Bureau, using an encrypted channel, and still in the name of Director Li Hui, sending someone to **** him was obviously superfluous.

 The fewer people who know about supergravity bombs, the safer they will be.

It is impossible for Li Hui not to understand.

From this, it can be judged that it is likely that the insider in the Sword Bureau discovered the situation and sent himself a message from the background, setting a trap.

 And this person must be of a very high level.

So, Ji Xinghuo first handed the super-gravity bomb to Qinghong, took the risk himself, and used the trick to lure out the enemy.

I didn’t expect it to be Mr. Ye Tong!

 Among the three deputy directors of the Sword Bureau, Ye Tongjun is the youngest and has the least qualifications. However, such a powerful figure with a promising future is a member of the Qianyuan Society. Not only did she take action herself, but she also brought two legendary powerhouses with her. This shows that Qianyuan Club was completely anxious and did not hesitate to expose Ye Tongjun's heavyweight trump card.

 Suddenly, Ji Xinghuo noticed something and looked up to the sky.

Yinfeng also looked at the sky, but he only saw the dark night. There was not even a moon tonight, and it was completely dark.

Not long after, there was a low roar above the head, as if a huge mountain was pressing down from the sky. The huge weight produced a gravitational effect, and the sand on the ground was sucked up and the dust was flying.

 Lights suddenly lit up in the darkness, illuminating the outline of a huge figure.

 This is a battleship.

The fusiform hull is more than four hundred meters long and painted in silver gray. Only its bottom armor can be seen from the ground, slowly hovering at a height of about a hundred meters above the ground.

A gate opened on the side of the battleship, and dozens of warriors wearing power armor flew out.

 Seeing these warriors, Yinfeng was overjoyed.

 They are all Titanium Cobalt Dragons!

Ji Xinghuo scanned it with electromagnetic induction. It was a "Jiaolong-class" battleship, the main battleship with the most powerful firepower in the Asia-Pacific community. Its size and cost were second only to the "Kunpeng-class" aerospace carrier.

The Asia-Pacific Air Force has a total of only 16 Jiaolong-class battleships, most of which are deployed in space orbit.

There are only three people in the country who can dispatch a Jiaolong-class battleship so quickly.

 Including the head of state Ji Daosheng.

These three people are the backbone of the Asia-Pacific community. If even some of them betrayed, the Qianyuan Society would not have to spend so much time on conspiracy.

However, Ji Xinghuo still maintained a trace of vigilance.

The group of Titanium Cobalt Dragons flew over and landed in the surrounding area. The leader of the Titanium Cobalt Dragons was 2.8 meters tall and wore special power armor, like a giant.

Ji Xinghuo stood still and saw the opponent's strength at a glance.

The Titanium Cobalt Dragon from the second stage of the Legend, after putting on this power armor, is enough to rival an average king.

"I am Pei Zonggang, commander of the First Battalion of the Great Xia Army." A voice came from under the helmet: "What is the situation here?"

The world's strongest army, the "Great Xia Army", has a total of 3,000 people, organized into five battalions. The titanium cobalt dragons who can serve as battalion commanders must be at the absolute core in terms of strength and status in the army.

 “I am Ji Xinghuo.” Ji Xinghuo introduced himself.

 Then he recounted what just happened in a few words.

Although the titanium cobalt dragons around him were all wearing helmets and could not see their faces, he heard that Ji Xinghuo faced the siege of three legendary strong men with one person, and he was not hurt, but the enemy was killed. Injured, even if you look back.

Ji Xinghuo noticed the intense gazes and asked without changing his expression: "What order did Battalion Commander Pei receive?"

 “Protect you and important items.”

Pei Zonggang replied, and after being quiet for a few seconds, he said: "The captain ordered you to board the ship." He waved to the other titanium cobalt dragons, "Take everyone on site, living or dead, away."

  The Titanium Cobalt Dragons immediately took action to remove the corpses and wounded. Ye Tongjun and Sandstorm Lord were also controlled and brought aboard the battleship.

"plz follow me."

Ji Xinghuo followed Pei Zonggang and flew in through the side gate.

The battleship immediately took off and ascended to high altitude. After a few minutes of acceleration, it broke through the first cosmic speed and continued to ascend to a low-altitude orbit.

"The Haidong ship is the flagship of the first battalion. Two companies are stationed on a daily basis, with a total of 240 titanium cobalt dragons." Pei Zonggang walked with Ji Xinghuo in the battleship and introduced: "Because you are not a soldier and it involves secrets. I will keep the rest. I won’t say much more.”

"It's okay." Ji Xinghuo said it was understandable.

His electromagnetic induction has already clearly scanned the structure of this battleship, and he understands it better than the crew on board. In addition to the titanium cobalt dragons, there are more than 3,000 professional soldiers on the Haidong ship. Whether they are combat personnel or logistics civilians, all of them are aliens. There are training rooms, hospitals, martial arts arenas, etc. on the battleship. All kinds of living and entertainment facilities are complete, just like a complete community.

Pei Zonggang took Ji Xinghuo to a secret room.

This is located in the core of the upper level of the battleship. The floors and walls are made of alloy several meters thick, and there are layers of protective measures. A whole team of Titanium Cobalt Dragons stand guard outside, and Pei Zonggang personally brings in a few Titanium Cobalt Dragons.

 The gates fell down one after another, isolating the inside and outside.

Pei Zonggang lifted up the visor of his helmet. There was a layer of transparent glass inside, and his face could be seen. His features were straight and resolute, and his eyes were sharp.

"The commander has an order. You can only stay here until you receive new orders."


Ji Xinghuo nodded.

"You can rest. If you need anything, tell me at any time." Pei Zonggang looked at Ji Xinghuo curiously, but didn't say much else. After introducing how to use the functions of the secret room, he stood next to the wall without moving.

A control panel was projected in front of Ji Xinghuo. With a few taps, a rest bed slid out of the wall and he lay down on it.

 He closed his eyes, as if he was concentrating.

At this time, the battleship has risen to a low-altitude orbit, following the rotation of the earth. There is artificial gravity on the battleship, and it feels no different than on earth.

 Qinghong is still in the mountainous area west of Chang'an, carrying a super-gravity bomb, and there is nothing unusual about it.

  After a moment.

Ji Xinghuo discovered through electromagnetic induction that Ye Tongjun and Lord Sandstorm were sent into an aerial fighter plane by the Titanium Cobalt Dragons, and they left the battleship and flew towards Chang'an.

 They should have been sent for interrogation.

"If not..." An idea came to Ji Xinghuo's mind, but he immediately rejected it. If the Qianyuan Society's black hands have reached out to the Great Xia Army, then the military and high-level officials of the country are too incompetent to control it themselves.

Just when he was still doubtful, half an hour later, a projection popped up in the secret room.

 Zhou Yi Shang appeared in front of him.

"Zhou Ju." Ji Xinghuo sat up straight and asked, "How is the situation now?" Zhou Yishang called and if he could be contacted, then there would be no problem.

"The head of state has completed the interrogation of Ye Tongjun and the two men." Zhou Yishang looked solemn. "The operation to eliminate the domestic forces of the Qianyuan Society has begun. You can rest assured on the Haidong ship and wait for the news."

Ji Xinghuo nodded: "That's good."

 The Führer is the most powerful mind hacker on the planet, and it is easy for him to interrogate two legendary powerhouses.

Judging from Zhou Yishang's expression, the information coming out of the interrogation was very serious.

 Otherwise, the head of state would not have launched a clearing operation overnight.

“The Sharp Sword Bureau will also conduct self-examination within the Bureau, especially the Tianshui base, as well as the swordsmen related to Ye Tongjun, who must undergo spiritual interrogation.” Zhou Yishang’s face was ugly, and he was angry and annoyed.

 After saying that, he hung up the communication.

Ji Xinghuo had a thoughtful look on his face. The Qianyuan Society's power spread all over the world, and there was also the shadow of Yi Ren behind it.

Even if the head of state gives an order, it can only eliminate the forces within the Asia-Pacific Community, as well as the small countries and regions controlled by the Asia-Pacific Community. The American League, the New Roman Empire and the Western Alliance were the internal enemies of the great powers, and it would be difficult to eliminate them.

Even if you notify these countries, you will be suspected, and it will be too late by the time the governments implement it.

However, Qianyuan will be severely damaged this time and will definitely stay dormant for many years.

 “There’s still a long way to go…”

Ji Xinghuo sighed, the Qianyuan Society was only a superficial problem, the real root cause was Yi Ren.

 It is impossible to eradicate the threat of Yiren without completely solving it.

If the Qianyuan Society is eliminated today, other forces will emerge in the future and infiltrate into the earth to cause trouble.

 “If you are not in your position, you will not be in charge of your affairs. Let the big shots worry about it.”

Ji Xinghuo lay back on the bed and fell asleep peacefully.

 Sleep until dawn.

Ji Xinghuo waited in the secret room of the battleship for several hours after waking up. It was not until noon that anyone contacted him again.

This time it was Li Hui calling.

His eyes were a little tired, but still bright, and he said: "It's over. You hand over the supergravity bomb to the Great Xia Army, and then return to Chang'an."

"So fast?"

Ji Xinghuo was a little surprised. He thought the operation would take two or three days.

"The head of state's actions are always thunderous and clean." Li Hui smiled scornfully, "The country has been at peace for too long, and those little traitors have forgotten our strength and think we are easy to bully."

"No more words. Come back home and get ready. The head of state is going to see you tonight." After he finished speaking, he hung up.

Ji Xinghuo looked at Pei Zonggang and said, "I don't have anything with me. Send someone to come with me."

Pei Zonggang showed surprise on his face.

 He always thought that Ji Xinghuo was carrying a super-gravity bomb, but he didn't know the truth until now. He nodded and said, "I'll go with you."

 An aerial fighter plane flew out from the battleship.

Ji Xinghuo felt his body light up after breaking away from the gravity field of the battleship. Outside the porthole was the boundless dark space on one side, and a blue planet could be seen on the other side, occupying the entire field of view, which was extremely spectacular.

Ji Xinghuo went to space for the first time and watched his mother planet from an extraterrestrial perspective.

 He was a little distracted for a moment.

Soon, the altitude of the aerial fighter dropped rapidly, and Ji Xinghuo felt the gravity again. He turned on his mobile phone and logged on to the Internet, only to find that the Internet was calm. The headline was that he had broken into the Star Gate yesterday, but the popularity had dropped a lot.

"The official notification should not be ready yet." Ji Xinghuo guessed that there will be no conclusion until at least tomorrow.

 Under his guidance, the air and space fighter planes flew into the mountainous area.

Ji Xinghuo flew out and landed on an unremarkable mountain peak. Qinghong jumped out of the grass, opened his mouth and spit out a metal ball.

 “Get it.”

 He handed over the hypergravity bomb.

Pei Zonggang already knew what it was, so he carefully took the super-gravity bomb, boarded the aerial fighter plane and left.

Ji Xinghuo doesn't care how to deal with it in the future, destroy it or study it.

  Anyway, this hot potato is thrown out.

 He ​​took Qinghong and took off, and soon returned to Chang'an. He slowed down and flew to Qindu Tianwu Center at subsonic speed. He landed directly on the balcony on the 137th floor, passed the identity verification, opened the door and walked into the home.

As soon as Ji Xinghuo entered the living room, he saw a tall and graceful figure. His beautiful face was full of joy, and he cast a moving gaze.

 (End of this chapter)