MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 312 Ji Daosheng

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Chapter 312 Ji Daosheng

 “Let’s try it and see if it works.” Ji Xinghuo said.


 Zhao Manying nodded slightly, his eyes focused.

Not all psychic stringers can use the Spirit Sword Bracelet. Ji Xinghuo relies on the ability to manipulate metal.

And Zhao Manying is a kinetic string player, and he is best at controlling objects through the air.

She injected spiritual energy, and the spirit sword bracelet on her wrist immediately turned into four sword lights and flew up, emitting different colors. It shuttled through the living room at high speed, making a sharp whistle without damaging any furniture.

Ji Xinghuo found it pleasing to the eye as he watched the sword lights crisscrossing each other, drawing complicated yet light trajectories.

 In just a few seconds, he could see the difference between himself and Zhao Manying.

She controls the Spirit Sword Bracelet, which is obviously more accurate and faster. Every slash, cut, pierce, and strangle are simple and swift.

 Sometimes he is powerful and heavy, and sometimes he is as light as a feather.

 Sometimes it seems very complicated, sometimes it is extremely simple, straight forward, changing at will between speed and slowness, and it is hard to guard against.

 Zhao Manying's thinking is like a quantum computer. He can control multiple sword lights at the same time effortlessly, and he is truly at ease.

 And this is far from her limit.

The ice sword flashed and condensed eight ice swords, increasing the sword's light to twelve.

At the same time, she pulled out her sword "Jinghong", held it in her hand, and created four more sword shadow clones.

The colorful sword lights shuttled freely in the living room like fishes. With such a large number and such a fast speed, not only did they not collide or make mistakes with each other, but they separated and converged from time to time, as if each sword light was controlled by someone. They all belong to one control system, which is both independent and unified.

Suddenly, all the sword lights in mid-air returned, and sixteen sword lights were suspended around Zhao Manying.

 Her face was beaming with joy.

 “Wonderful! Wonderful!”

Ji Xinghuo clapped his hands and said with a smile: "I knew that the spirit sword bracelet is the best for you. It's like a weapon tailor-made for you."

 The light converged and turned into a spirit sword bracelet again.

Zhao Manying rubbed the four-color bracelet on her wrist and couldn't put it down. She said happily: "I like it very much, thank you!"

 All both all are super three-star weapons, but the Spirit Sword Ring is slightly better than my Jinghong in terms of value and power.

 This is a pure piece of spiritual equipment that suits me perfectly.

Moreover, the two weapons do not conflict. The Jinghong hand is used for close combat, and the Spirit Sword bracelet is used for long-range attacks.

Zhao Manying looked at the several treasures on the table, none of which could be bought with money. When he used all of them to fuse, his strength would increase by more than one level. Even if he is just a super alien, he can easily kill the legendary strongman like Starfire!

She suddenly sighed: "Although I am your girlfriend, I still feel ashamed for accepting so many treasures."

“As long as you like it.” Ji Xinghuo smiled and said, “I won’t pay back the 500 million I owe you.”

 Zhao Manying shook his head helplessly.

The value of these treasures must be tens of billions, especially the Diamond of Heaven and the Eye of Truth, which cannot be bought for any amount of money.

However, Ji Xinghuo's words gave her an idea.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, the phone flew over and started to operate it.

Ji Xinghuo guessed what she was going to do and asked, "You don't want to transfer money to me, do you? I don't want the money, so it's useless to give it to me."

"I know, but this is my opinion." Zhao Manying did not stop and quickly passed the manual identity verification and transfer process.

A ding-dong sound.

Ji Xinghuo received the news and opened it to see that there was an extra 10 billion Asian dollars in his bank account.

"so much!"

"It's only 10 billion, not much." Zhao Manying said with a smile, "A lot of my wealth is placed in funds and investment companies, and part of it is fixed assets. The cash in the account is only over 10 billion, and it can only be transferred You have so much, I will give it to you when I make more money.”

"You must never transfer money again." Ji Xinghuo was a little helpless. He really didn't want Zhao Manying's money.

 Ever since I met Zhao Manying, I have been taking money from her.

This is the house she rents. She pays for most of the dates and meals, and drives her car when going out. Last year, she borrowed 500 million yuan, and now she has directly transferred 10 billion yuan.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh: "If word spreads, others will think that I am eating your soft rice."

 “What’s wrong with eating my soft rice?” Zhao Manying chuckled and said, “Isn’t it delicious?”

"good smell!"

Ji Xinghuo rubbed his hands, "Then I'll try it again."

Zhao Manying's face was slightly red but she still leaned over, letting Ji Xinghuo taste her fragrant lips, and even took the initiative to cater to her.

  The two of them had been making out on the sofa for a long time, and only the last step failed to break through.

 Until evening.

Ji Xinghuo looked up at the time and saw that it was almost six o'clock. Then he remembered that he was going to see the head of state in the evening.

"I'm going to get ready and change my clothes." He reluctantly took out his hand, "The head of state wants to see me tonight."

"go quickly."

Zhao Manying stood up and straightened her messy clothes. Her ears were red with embarrassment and she felt that she needed to wash herself. Then she used the magic expansion item to fuse the alien species.

"Let's go together!" Ji Xinghuo half-pushed her into the bathroom, and played around for another half an hour. It wasn't until Zhou Yishang called to inquire that he dried himself off, put on a set of formal clothes, and went downstairs to drive Zhao Manying. The super maglev car is out.

Ji Xinghuo didn’t want to be too ostentatious because he wanted to meet the head of state, so he didn’t fly by himself.

Soon, the maglev car drove into the administrative area of ​​the capital and arrived at the Head of State. It passed through various checkpoints and stopped under the guidance of guards.

 Zhou Yishang is already waiting.

 “Zhou Bureau.”

When Ji Xinghuo said hello, the electromagnetic induction swept across the entire capital city. The layout and movement within the area came into his mind. He discovered several strangers at the level of kings, and they were not ordinary kings. He suddenly felt awe-inspiring.

 Zhou Yishang looked at Ji Xinghuo for a few times and nodded with satisfaction, "Not bad! Very energetic and a talented person."

Ji Xinghuo usually dresses casually, but today he is a little more formal.

His figure is tall and straight, his handsome face shows determination, and his eyes are somewhat casual, but it makes people feel a kind of obscure and powerful self-confidence. His sharp edge is restrained, like a peerless magic weapon that has not been unsheathed.

 “It’s all about clothes.” Ji Xinghuo smiled, “We’re going to meet the head of state, so we can’t be as casual as usual.”

 Zhou Yishang looked at him deeply, "Aren't you nervous?"

"A little."

 Ji Xinghuo admitted generously.

All humans on earth know the head of state Ji Daosheng. His life is a legend among legends. He was born in 2080, the year when the Third World War broke out.

The childhood and adolescence of the head of state were also the weakest years of the motherland. The country's economy and order collapsed, foreign enemies took the opportunity to invade, the country was destroyed on a large scale, the population dropped sharply, and at the most dangerous time, the country was almost annihilated.

 In that darkest era, the head of state grew up to a young man and began a difficult road to save the nation.

 The head of state was promoted to King of Heaven in 2122. In the same year, he founded the Great Xia Army and became the leader of the country.

In 2135, the head of state commanded the army to defeat the American Federation in the Fourth East Asian War, which was known as the "Reversal War" in history.

 This year was a turning point in the fate of the country.

 In the next ten years, the head of state successively regained territory, liberated Southeast Asia, and drove the invaders out of Asia. And in 2145, the "Asia-Pacific People's United Community" was established to lead the people of the country to the top. In the Fourth World War that broke out in 2161, the Asia-Pacific Community led by the head of state became the biggest winner, with a territory spanning Asia and the equator, covering an area of ​​36.19 million square kilometers.

  If you include affiliated countries and controlled areas, the Asia-Pacific community covers an area of ​​more than 40 million square kilometers. It is not only the most powerful country on earth today, but also the most powerful country in human history.

These are just a few of the many deeds of the head of state Ji Daosheng.

 He has created countless miracles, profoundly influenced human history since the 21st century, and is deeply respected and even worshiped by countless people.

 In selecting the greatest people in human history for many years, the Führer has never fallen out of the top three, and is often ranked first.

 In the minds of APEC citizens, the head of state means too much.

 He is a hero, a leader, and the savior of the country!

Great, needless to say.

 Such a great figure is still leading the country forward and embarking on a more glorious path.

Ji Xinghuo grew up listening to the glorious deeds of the head of state. As a public child, he was able to live a happy life with no worries about food and clothing, and had a harmonious family, all because of the blessings of the head of state.

Even though I have achieved something now, I still feel a little nervous when I want to see the head of state.

 If it were anyone else, he would not have such a mentality even if he wanted to meet the Saint of Shepherd.

 But the head of state is different.

Ji Xinghuo followed Zhou Yishang into the capital. Out of respect, he only restrained the electromagnetic induction after the initial scan.

 There are titanium cobalt dragon guards along the way.

These aliens wearing power armor are elites in the Great Xia army and are responsible for protecting the safety of the head of state.

Although, the Head of State doesn't really need their protection, he is stronger than any Titanium Cobalt Dragon, and is the most powerful alien in the Asia-Pacific Community.

  The Head of State is a "Dominator" who has advanced from a mind hacker and a kinetic stringer. He is always ranked third on the list of kings, second only to the "Sun King" of the American Federation and the "Iron Emperor" of the New Roman Empire.

 The top ten rankings on the Heavenly King List have not changed for many years.

It's not that the strength of the King remains unchanged, but that the Yiren Guild under "ADC" that publishes the list cannot get accurate information about the King.

But there is a recognized fact: the top three in the Heavenly Kings list are of the same strength. The gap between them is very small, and whoever ranks first can do it.

 The first three are the only ones.

 The fourth to twelfth place is the second level; from the thirteenth place onwards, the strength gap between the kings is getting wider and wider.

 The ones at the bottom of the list of kings are no different from legends compared to the top three.

Finally, Ji Xinghuo arrived in front of an administrative building in the Heads of State. This building only had five floors and was inconspicuous among the surrounding buildings. It was very ordinary.

Ji Xinghuo looked up before entering the building.

The few heavenly kings discovered by electromagnetic induction just now are on this building.

Entering it, a legend wearing guard armor came out and examined Ji Xinghuo's appearance and characteristics from top to bottom, and checked his identity again, collecting information such as irises and voice to match citizen information.

 It will not be released until it is confirmed to be correct.

Zhou Yishang explained: "This is your first time to see the head of state, so the security will be very strict."

Ji Xinghuo nodded to express his understanding.

Took the gravity elevator to the fifth floor, but Zhou Xingshang did not follow. Ji Xinghuo walked into a spacious but simple office alone, with several people standing or sitting inside.

 He saw the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa at a glance.

He had seen this face countless times on TV, the Internet, and textbooks. He looked like he was in his forties, with thick black hair, and his facial features could only be described as regular. He was not very handsome, but he felt extremely friendly, just like He is an elder whom I have known for many years.

 “Head of state.”

Ji Xinghuo gave a standard salute.

Ji Daosheng stood up and looked at Ji Xinghuo with a smile on his face.

Seeing this smile, Ji Xinghuo's anxiety and tension melted away, and he felt a kind of kindness. This kind of kindness had no reason, but released a lot of information.

 Such a smile, people may only see it two or three times in their lifetime. The other person’s eyes are focused on you, showing a natural preference for you. He understands you just as well as you would like to be understood, believes in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and lets you know that his impression of you is exactly the impression you most want to give to others.

At this moment, Ji Xinghuo seemed to have experienced it for a long time.

 He stood in front of the head of state very easily. It seemed effortless, but in fact he had experienced many dangers and put in a lot of effort.

 The head of state seemed to agree with this and nodded slightly to Ji Xinghuo.

 He came over and reached out to shake Ji Xinghuo's hand, and said, "Xinghuo is here, please sit down."


Ji Xinghuo went to the sofa opposite and sat down.

 Until then, he had the time to observe the other people in the office and found that most of them were well-known figures in the Asia-Pacific Community and even the world.

The most eye-catching thing is the titanium cobalt dragon standing behind the head of state. He is a little giant over three meters tall. He wears power armor but no helmet. His face is resolute, his eyes are like sharp swords, his short hair stands up like a steel needle, and his back is Holding a huge sword like a door panel.

 He is Luo Baoguo, the commander of the Great Xia Army, known as the "Lord of the Great Xia Army" and ranked 15th on the Heavenly King List.

 Luo Baoguo is the first titanium cobalt dragon on earth.

 Since the 1920s, he has been following the head of state on his expeditions in the north and south. It has been more than a hundred years now and he is one of the most capable assistants of the head of state.

There is a man sitting on the right hand of the head of state. He is extremely handsome, with starry eyebrows and sharp eyes, and his facial features are as perfect as marble sculptures. He looks like a young man of about thirty years old, but his eyes are as deep and wise as an old man.

The straight military uniform set off his handsome appearance. Even though Ji Xinghuo was as thick-skinned as a city wall, he felt ashamed compared to this man.

This super handsome guy is the most trusted comrade-in-arms of the Führer, and his name is Wu Huaian.

  He is the supreme commander of the Asia-Pacific military and the only soldier awarded the rank of marshal.

 Wu Huaian has a nickname called "The Great Wall of Thousand Miles", and he ranks fourth on the list of kings, just after the head of state.

 Compared to the head of state, Wu Huaian is not so dazzling and has been overshadowed by the head of state for many years. However, anyone who knows something about the history of the Asia-Pacific Community knows that Wu Huaian's contribution to the country is no less than that of the head of state.

Wu Huaian noticed that Ji Xinghuo was looking at him and smiled kindly at him, making Ji Xinghuo feel like a spring breeze.

At this time, Ji Daosheng said: "Xinghuo, let me introduce you formally."

“You should know Huai’an, so I won’t say more.” He pointed at Wu Huaian, and then introduced the others.

 Luo Baoguo, commander of the Great Xia Army;

 The owner of the Ji Dao Martial Arts Hall, "Spear Sage" Xing Lie, sixth on the Heavenly King list;

 "Master Chaofeng" Luo Yimeng, the most powerful master on earth, ranked tenth on the list of heavenly kings;

Zhu Xiaorong, president of the Asia-Pacific Community Psychic Association, she is an electric field stringer, ranked 18th on the Heavenly King List, and is known as the "Mother of Electricity";

 "Champion Lord" Huo Keji, ranked 36th on the Heavenly Kings list, is the youngest Heavenly King Yiren present.

 Seven heavenly kings!

 There are a total of 13 kings in the Asia-Pacific Community, and more than half of them were present.

In addition, there are several senior government officials, including Li Hui, Director of the Sharp Sword Bureau, Yan Wenzhu, Minister of the Star Boundary Department, Sima Hanzhang, Minister of the Public Security Department, etc. They are all famous strangers on the legendary list, and they have all voted for Ji Xinghuo. A friendly look.

Ji Xinghuo listened to the introduction of the head of state. These people were either kings or legends. They were the core power circle of the Asia-Pacific Community.

He thought it was just the head of state who wanted to see him, but he didn't expect that the battle was so big, so there should be other arrangements.

 If it were anyone else, I would already be feeling frightened at this moment.

Ji Xinghuo was neither humble nor arrogant, nodding to the big shots one by one.

After sitting down again, Ji Daosheng did not talk about business, but smiled and said: "Xinghuo, your surname is also Ji. It is rare for my family to have an unparalleled genius. Now, regardless of blood relationship, you can be regarded as a descendant of my family."

I wish you all a Happy New Year! In 2024, good health and all your wishes will come true!



 (End of this chapter)

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