MTL - Electromagnetic Tyrant-Chapter 311 Sword for beauty

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Chapter 311 Giving a Sword to a Beauty

Zhao Manying came forward to greet him, his eyes full of joy and smile, and said softly: "Xinghuo, you are back."

Her tone was brisk and there was no fluctuation, as if Ji Xinghuo just went out for a daily trip and came back immediately.

 But Ji Xinghuo felt her deep affection at this moment.

More than a year apart, Zhao Manying's feelings for him have not weakened at all. On the contrary, it is like a jar of clear aging wine, which has become stronger as time goes by, deeper than before, and more fragrant for a long time.

Ji Xinghuo also had a smile on his face. He stepped forward and took Zhao Manying's hand, holding her in his arms.

He smelled the fragrance of Zhao Manying's hair and felt her strong heartbeat, feeling guilty and moved at the same time.

 “I’m worrying you, Manying.” Ji Xinghuo whispered.

"It's okay." Zhao Manying replied, "I believe in your strength and know that you will be fine and will come back sooner or later."

Ji Xinghuo let go of her and said with a proud look on his face: "Hey, of course." He looked Zhao Manying up and down and said with a smile, "We haven't seen each other for more than a year, Manying, you are even more beautiful. When I was in the star world, I was always Miss you…"

 “Then what do you think?” Zhao Manying suddenly asked.

 She was referring to the hundred-day love agreement, which has already expired. Should she continue to confirm the relationship?

Ji Xinghuo could see that Zhao Manying seemed to be asking questions casually, but in fact she was very nervous at the moment.

Without any hesitation, he immediately said loudly: "How could I let go of Manying? I can only have such a good girlfriend like you after saving the galaxy in my previous life. I can never let go in this life!"

Zhao Manying's expression suddenly changed from nervousness to joy, but she still snorted a little arrogantly: "Smooth talk, who cares about you anymore..."

"I miss you!" Ji Xinghuo hugged his girlfriend again.

He felt Zhao Manying's graceful figure and immediately felt the urge. Being with Ren Mian these days, I was in estrus almost all the time, and my body became very sensitive, and would catch fire if I was teased a little bit.

Zhao Manying jumped away like a frightened deer, and said angrily with a reddish face: "You just came back and you wanted to cause trouble."

"I can't help it, you are too tempting." Ji Xinghuo smiled shamelessly.

 “Hum hum…”

 Zhao Manying was frightened, but her heart was filled with sweetness.

But she was obviously not mentally prepared yet. She sat down on the sofa and asked curiously: "What happened yesterday? Why did you forcefully break into the star gate?"

Ji Xinghuo sat down next to her, "Someone ambushed me at the Star Gate."

 “Huh?” Zhao Manying was shocked.

She naturally knows the importance of the Star Gate. The forces that can set up an ambush at the Star Gate, whether they are official or private organizations, must be extremely terrifying.

“Is this related to the two previous attacks on you?” Zhao Manying guessed it immediately.

"Yes." Ji Xinghuo nodded, "This time they wanted to kill me completely. Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough and was strong enough, so I was safe and sound."

He sighed: "You don't know, yesterday I returned to the earth from the star realm. So many things happened in this day and night. There are three legends about me killing prisoners with my own hands. It also alarmed the head of state. I don't know how many people are there today." If you want to win, many people on the Ladder, Legend and King lists will probably disappear."

“Even the capital of the Yuan Dynasty was alarmed! You also killed the legend…” Zhao Manying’s beautiful eyes widened.

 Ji Xinghuo briefly talked about the process.

 Previously, he had revealed some information to Zhao Manying. Although Qianyuan would involve confidentiality, it would soon be no longer the case.

 After listening, Zhao Manying realized how thrilling Ji Xinghuo had been in the past 24 hours.

If Ji Xinghuo's strength hadn't increased significantly, he might have died long ago.

 “Fortunately! You came back safely.”

 She was both worried and frightened, "The swordsmen of the Sword Division are so dangerous. If something happens to you, I don't know how to deal with it..."

"Haha, if I wasn't sure, I wouldn't come back." Ji Xinghuo pretended to be relaxed, not wanting her to worry too much.

Zhao Manying held his hand tightly, "I know you are strong, but sometimes, you can't be overconfident. There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. You still have to hide when you should. Your own life always comes first."

 “Well, I understand.”

Ji Xinghuo said softly, feeling very moved. He looked at Zhao Manying for a few seconds and couldn't help but kiss her.

 It was better to say goodbye than to get married. The two of them clung to each other on the sofa.

Ji Xinghuo was almost about to misfire, but Zhao Manying extinguished the flames with one sentence: "My relatives are here."


 He sat up with an awkward expression, "Hahaha, what a coincidence. Please make sure you get more rest and drink more hot water."

 “What are you talking about?” Zhao Manying was immediately amused, and most of the embarrassment on his face disappeared.

 The alien evolution will strengthen the body, and some inconveniences and shortcomings will gradually disappear. This is especially true for female aliens. With evolution, the interval between their menstrual periods will become longer, and they will only come once a few months or even a year or two, and it will have little impact on the body.

 After the legendary period, the menstrual period disappears completely, but ovulation can be controlled freely.

“Tell me about your experience in the star realm.” Zhao Manying sat over and snuggled into Ji Xinghuo’s arms, “I want to hear it.”


Ji Xinghuo truthfully recounted his experiences on the Bloody Plateau, meeting Xia Qingyu, participating in the war of Red Emperor believers, entering the Diyuan Star, etc.

Of course, Ren Mian’s matter was completely ignored.

"Your strength has improved so fast!" Zhao Manying's eyes lit up after hearing this, "In just over a year, you are already stronger than me by more than one level. The star realm is indeed the place where aliens should go, where dangers and opportunities coexist. I want to go too.”

Ji Xinghuo's heart tightened.

If Manying goes to the star realm with him, he can't go to Sister Ren. If the two meet, the secret will definitely be exposed.

 Damn it!

  Why is the success rate of fusion of cloned twins so low? If there are two of us, all problems will be solved.

His heart was racing, but his face remained as usual, "What have you achieved on Earth this year? How many championships have you won?"

 “All.” Zhao Manying replied calmly.

 “So awesome!”

Ji Xinghuo was a little surprised. He took out his mobile phone to search for information and saw that Emperor Star Club won the Asia-Pacific Super League championship at the end of last year, becoming the third team in history to complete the "three consecutive championships".

 Zhao Manying also won her third personal golden crown.

In addition, she also led the team to win the championship of the Global International Invitational Tournament for two consecutive years in July and December last year.

 In this way, Zhao Manying won five international invitational championships and three league championships, and won them in three consecutive years. During this period, all the heavyweight championships that could be won were taken away.

 Zhao Manying now has a new nickname, called "Eight Crowns King"!

 “Eight-Crown Champion!”

Ji Xinghuo laughed and said, "Even if you retire now, you are still among the top three players in the history of the professional league.

In the history of professional leagues around the world, there are several people who have more championships, but none of them are as good as Zhao Manying at the peak of their career.

Only in the American League Super League, there is a competitive player who can stabilize Zhao Manying in terms of the number of championships and the peak of his career.

“Give me another two years, and I will definitely surpass ‘Freelander’.” Zhao Manying’s face was full of confidence, exuding charming charm.

 Freelander is the most successful competing alien in the history of Earth.

Before Zhao Manying appeared, the status of the number one player in Freelander history was unshakable. He is now the King of Heaven, ranked 13th in the world!

"I am looking forward."

Ji Xinghuo has no doubt whether Zhao Manying can do it.

Even without fighting, he could tell that Zhao Manying's strength had improved a lot this year. Although not as exaggerated as his own, it had also increased a lot. Judging from the fluctuations in ether energy, her star power should be more than 4,500 points.

Zhao Manying has no etheric resonance and relies entirely on his own cultivation. Of course, with the assistance of "quantum mind", his cultivation efficiency is astonishingly high. "Are you about to hit the bottleneck of being a super alien?" Ji Xinghuo asked with concern.

"not yet."

 Zhao Manying shook her head lightly, "I can clearly control my own evolution process. It should take about 15 months before I can reach the legend."

“That’s very fast.” Ji Xinghuo clicked his tongue.

She relied solely on her own training, the club's best team service, and various pharmaceutical resources. From being promoted to a super alien to reaching the bottleneck, it only took more than four years, and she was only 26 years old at that time.

 Without herself, she would be the first genius in human history!

Zhao Manying was not very satisfied. "Compared with you, I am still far behind. If I don't work hard, I will never be able to catch up with you."

 That's because I have a problem.

Ji Xinghuo said silently in his heart. He thought about it and smiled: "I have something good for you."

Before returning to the star realm, he prepared a lot of things for Zhao Manying. Firstly, out of compensation, and secondly, even if there was no need for Sister Ren, he was willing to share good things with her so that she could improve her strength.

This is like giving a sword to a hero. In Ji Xinghuo's eyes, Zhao Manying is a peerless hero who deserves the best resources.

  She is a teammate who can be absolutely trusted.

 In the future, Zhao Manying will be one of his best helpers when traveling to wider and more dangerous areas in the star realm.

Hmm, so does Sister Ren.

 “What?” Zhao Manying was a little curious.

Ji Xinghuo reached into his waist pouch and took out a small bag, only half the size of a palm, light and weightless.

 “Open it and take a look.”

"Okay." Zhao Manying took the bag with anticipation. After opening it, he saw five things inside, not big in size. Two were in the shape of gemstones, one was a bright and transparent diamond emitting white light, and one was blood-colored. crystal.

 The other two are different species at first glance.

 The last thing was a syringe, which contained a faint blue liquid. It was obviously not a mortal thing.

"This is..." Zhao Manying picked up the beautiful diamond and immediately felt its specialness. She said in surprise: "Expansion wonder!"

 But she did not recognize the Diamond in Paradise.

Because the Jingying Clan has left a spiritual mark on the Eternal Day Guards who entered the Abyss Star, they are not allowed to reveal the situation of the Abyss Star, and very few people on earth go to the City of Eternal Day, so there are almost no Diamonds of Paradise on the earth. information.

Most people only know that there is a city of eternal daylight. It is a city of silicon lifeforms and the ether technology is very developed.

Ji Xinghuo introduced: "This is a diamond from heaven. It gives you two opportunities to fuse different species."


 Zhao Manying was suddenly startled.

 She knows very well how rare it is to expand the rare objects. The higher the level of the alien, the higher the value of the expanded rare items.

Furthermore, the Diamond of Paradise is an expansion item that increases the chance of being used twice.

If this thing appeared in an auction house on Earth, it would definitely cause countless people to bid wildly. It would be normal for the transaction price to exceed tens of billions.

 Zhao Manying looked at Ji Xinghuo blankly.

"I've already used it." Ji Xinghuo said, "I got this diamond from others. Don't be polite to me."

 “Okay.” Zhao Manying nodded lightly.

She picked up the Red Emperor Blood Crystal again and looked at it twice, "Is this the Red Emperor Blood Crystal?"

"Yes." Ji Xinghuo admired her knowledge. He didn't know about the Red Emperor Blood Crystal before he went to the Bloody Plateau. Xia Qingyu told him about it.

 “What about this?” Zhao Manying pointed to the syringe again, “Is it also a capacity-expanding wonder?”

"That's right. The marrow injection from the Eternal Empire can increase the chance of fusion, speed up physical recovery, and gain resistance to toxins." Ji Xinghuo introduced the effects of the marrow injection in detail.

"You can use it with confidence. I have used all of these things." He also had the Egg of the Toad Spirit and the Blue Sky Fruit in his hand. These two expansion wonders, Zhao Manying has used the Blue Sky Fruit, so he has to keep the Egg of the Toad Spirit. To the second brother.

Zhao Manying nodded silently.

 She picked up two alien species and only recognized one of them as the "Manifold Barrier". This outstanding alien species is one of the cores of the Psychic Stringers. She has been looking to buy it on the earth for a long time, but there has been no purchasing channel or information.

Another alien species, Zhao Manying didn't recognize it after observing it for a long time.

 Its shape is an eye.

 But unlike the eyeballs of living things, the one on your hand is hard, more than metal, and as black as ink, but has no pupils.

Zhao Manying felt that it contained huge activity inside. Just looking at the alien species, it was like looking at a mysterious creature. All his secrets were seen through, and a huge attraction arose in his heart.

 “Starfall Alien Species!”

There was a huge wave in her heart, and she looked at Ji Xinghuo, with only wordless shock and emotion on her peerless face.

Ji Xinghuo said softly: "This is the Eye of Truth."

"Why don't you fuse it?" Zhao Manying felt incredible. She didn't know where Ji Xinghuo got this meteorite mutant, but there was definitely only one. She didn't believe that even the starfall mutant could get two at once.

"Because you are more suitable for it than me." Ji Xinghuo said very firmly: "The Eye of Reality and Quantum Mind are a perfect match. If you integrate it, the superpower system will undergo a qualitative leap. You should understand."

 “Of course I understand, but...”

Zhao Manying had a complicated look on her face. She had already memorized all the alien databases on the earth in her mind and had done countless matching analyses.

 The optimal result of every conclusion is to integrate the eye of truth.

 She wants the Eye of Reality in her dream!

But she never thought that she would get this alien species in this way. Someone would directly deliver it to her and give it to her, without any effort at all.

Even if this person is his boyfriend, the value of the Xingyun Alien far exceeds everything he has paid in this relationship.

Not to mention, the value of several other treasures is no less than the Eye of Truth.


 Zhao Manying's chest was rising and falling, and he didn't know what to say.

"Haha, don't be too moved. These are external things. Just like it." Ji Xinghuo saw the sparkle in Zhao Manying's eyes and suddenly felt a little guilty. He bought the ether crystal of the Eye of Reality in exchange for Sister Ren's Blue Sky Fruit. .

Although he deserved the thousand Blue Sky Fruits and gave up the deal of being reborn, but if such an operation was found out by Manying in the future, it would be over.

How happy you are now, how miserable you will be in the future.

So he spoke in an understatement.

 But the more Ji Xinghuo seemed not to care, Zhao Manying thought that he was deliberately devaluing the treasures just so that she could accept these gifts. She was even more moved, leaving Ji Xinghuo quite helpless.

"Hurry up and accept it." He pretended to smile casually: "We are a family, so there is no need to say thank you."

 “By the way, I’ll give this to you too.”

The Spirit Sword Bracelet on Ji Xinghuo's wrist came off and he put it on Zhao Manying's hand. He introduced its power and said: "The Spirit Sword Bracelet will be more powerful when paired with you, a swordsman, and I won't do it either." It’s so useful.”

“Yeah.” Zhao Manying nodded solemnly, feeling extremely sweet and happy in her heart.

 (End of this chapter)