MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 11 Hulong Villa

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Yu Huatian, the governor of the West Factory, wanted to take down all these people, but this would cause a chain reaction in the court. Now Zhu Houzhao gave him the Sword of the Son of Heaven to give him the right to kill the court officials first.

The meaning could not be clearer, use imperial power to suppress all resistance!

But what Zhu Houzhao wanted was a quick, accurate and ruthless way, so that some eunuchs could not have a chance to breathe.

Arrested, tried, ransacked the house, all the property was confiscated into the state treasury!

In this regard, Yu Huatian is a very strategic person. He is strong in martial arts and is not afraid of any strong enemy.


At the same time, outside the Forbidden City, inside Hulong Villa.

Zhu ignored and looked at the four subordinates in front of him, with a lot of thought.

Hou Zhu, the **** of iron guts in Hulong Villa, ignored that he had four secret agents of Tian, ​​Di, Xuan and Huang, and each of the four divisions had hundreds of masters, and his leader was called the first.

"Tianzi No. 1" Duan Tianya, calm and composed, martial arts unfathomable. He grew up with the Marquis of the Iron God since he was a child, and after learning the "Iga School" ninjutsu and "Illusionary Swordsmanship!" in Dongying, he joined Hulong Villa and became a good leader.

"No. 1 in the name of the land" Gui Hai Yi Dao, he is arrogant, his brow is always slightly sad, because he had a **** revenge when he was young, he was determined to avenge his father, and he learned the rapid sword method in the world, killing people never need a second sword , is a good leader for the word.

Shangguan Haitang, the "No. 1 Xuanzi", is witty, smart, eloquent, skilled in painting, calligraphy, chess, medicine, and astrology. On weekdays, she always disguises herself as a man and presides over everything in the village.

"Yellow Brand Number One" became right and wrong. Originally, a rogue was born in the market. By fate, he learned the "King Kong Unbreakable Magic" of the undefeated urchin "Ancient Three Links". Using the practice method, he turned into a golden man, with infinite strength, and he was not afraid of cold or heat. , Invulnerable to swords and guns, invulnerable to a hundred poisons!

Zhu ignored the four of his subordinates and said, "The news from the court that Liu Jin, the head of eunuchs in the big inner circle, has been beheaded. Have you heard about this?"

Duan Tianya sighed: "I didn't expect that the chief executive of the seal, who had the power to dominate the government and the opposition, could not escape the fate of being beheaded. The chief Liu, who was not brought down in the court, ended up being the organ to count, because one sentence was beheaded, it was really self-inflicted. what!"

Shangguan Haitang and several others also sighed.

The Iron God Hou Zhu ignored the four disciples and sighed, explaining, "Actually, Liu Jin died because he touched the emperor's bottom line..."

"Bottom line?"

"Yes, Liu Jin has touched the bottom line that every emperor cares about most. In the eyes of the emperor, it doesn't matter if any of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty dies, including the death of the cabinet's chief assistant, someone will soon make up for it and kill a few. A minister is also reasonable, no matter whether he is a loyal minister or a traitor, but once he touches the bottom line of the emperor, that is, shakes the country and the world, he will definitely have to move his head."

Several people suddenly realized that Liu Jin's death was the result of his own fault.

"My lord, there is something I don't know, please ask for instructions?" Gui Hai asked with a knife.

"But it doesn't matter."

"Today, I'm just a boy over fifteen years old. He has neither the outstanding martial arts of a god, nor has he cultivated trustworthy officials in the imperial court, nor has any superior political achievements. , to kill Liu Jin so easily?"

Zhu ignored hearing Gui Hai Yidao's words, and couldn't help frowning, "Yidao, you are wrong, what is a little Liu Jin? It's just a chess piece in the emperor's hand. Once the emperor ascends the throne, his In his hands, he holds the greatest power between heaven and earth. In the eyes of ordinary people, the emperor is just a little boy, but behind him is the entire Ming Dynasty."

"Not to mention Liu Jin, even my life and death are in His Majesty's hands. This is called imperial power!"

"Under the whole world, only short-sighted people can regard the emperor as a child, but in fact, as long as the emperor ascends the throne, he holds the power of life and death in the whole world. No one can compete with this power. , or any other official, can't shake it!"

"The emperor himself is the biggest force in the world, and no one can control it. If all the forces form a party for selfishness, it will be the time when my Ming Dynasty will perish."

"Now look, why the cabinet, civil and military officials can't bring down Liu Jin, and the new emperor can easily kill him once he ascends the throne?"

Several people listened to the Daigo empowerment, and suddenly realized.

"You must always remember that no matter how young others are, they are still the emperors today, and they will always be emperors. You are below, the emperor is above, and your life and death are tightly held by others."

"Also, today's words, you just have to memorize them by heart. When you go out, don't say anything, let alone reproach Your Majesty. Say what you should say, what you shouldn't say, don't say a word, and those who are responsible for the loss It will always be yourselves."

"Also, since ancient times, there has always been only one emperor. He is the greatest power in the world. No matter how old or young, he is the emperor. He does not need any other forces to support himself, and he can have anyone. Therefore, the emperor Always alone!"

"When the emperor was angry, he immediately threw millions of corpses into a river of blood."

Just now, Zhu ignored and heard the four apprentices arguing that the emperor was young, so he called the four in front of him and gave a warning. This figure of Jin Yiwei, UU reading www.uukanshu. com will appear at any time.

Only by explaining it clearly to them and solving the doubts in their hearts can they be judged against the emperor in the future.

Just as Zhu ignored the words, there was the sound of horses outside the door.

"Yu Huatian, the governor of the West Factory, is under His Majesty's order to protect Zhu, the owner of Longshan Villa, ignoring the order!"

Yu Huatian led Jinyiwei into Hulong Villa, walked to the Marquis of Tiedan, and raised the token in his hand.


His Majesty issued a secret order: "The northwestern border is urgent, the Tartars occupy Liangzhou, and the northern border is empty. Immediately dispatch the Dragon Villa to the northwest, and kill the royal tribe of Genghis Khan and the heads of the Mongolian princes. There must be no mistake!"

The Marquis of Iron Courage knelt down on one knee and accepted the order, "Chen Zhu ignores it, accept the order!"

After Yu Huatian handed the secret order to Zhu Ignore, he continued: "Your Majesty is very determined to destroy the Tartars. You must know how to do it, right? You can't live up to your Majesty's wishes."

After listening to Yu Huatian's words, the Marquis of Iron Courage had something in it. It was a warning to put it bluntly. Could he not understand what Yu Huatian meant?

If Hulong Villa fails to fulfill the will of His Majesty, then there is no need for it to exist. This piece can be given up at any time.

The emperor's sword is on the top, who dares not to obey?

Maybe Emperor Zhengde wouldn't say that, but if Hulong Villa did not do things well, the consequences would definitely be unimaginable.

Liu Jin's lessons are right in front of him. Could he be more skilled than Liu Jin?

The four masters of Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang and Huang around the Marquis of Tiedan heard Yu Huatian's words clearly, the meaning of the imperial decree, with the might of an overlord, and murderous aura rushed toward him.

"I will swear to repay your majesty, long live my emperor, long live!"

Zhu ignored the decree, his face dignified.