MTL - Emperor Zhengde of Ming Dynasty-Chapter 181 count up

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The construction of the Zheng He Bao is the meaning of today's son. He seems to have thought of the accident that the bottom of the ship was gouged out. Therefore, when building this warship, the craftsmen listened to the emperor's advice and sandwiched a layer of steel plate at the bottom of the ship. .

However, this is a secret of the Ministry of Industry and is generally not shared.

Several pirate chiefs who were imprisoned in the cabin rooms thought of a way to burn all jade and stone, and this was the only way they could think of to escape.

Just as they were about to set fire to the boat and escape in the chaos, a timid thief peeed his pants.

Although he has also done the act of killing people and stealing goods before, but now they are facing the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. If this thing is not successful, the consequences he can think of is that the survival of several generations of each of their families will be implicated. Problem, this is a big problem.

Even if your second-in-command is arrogant and wants to die, you can't take me to die in vain. Our rebellion is forced by the court, not voluntary, and we will die without implicated innocent people. If it burns the official ship, I'm afraid...

"Second master, wait a moment and see if there is any other way. I don't think that the old official has any intention of embarrassing us. We can't do things too seriously. If we really set this ship on fire, I'm afraid None of us can escape, and we will be killed by the three bead chains."

The thief who was scared to pee just now stopped the second-in-command.

When the second master heard it, his heart was also filled.

What he said makes sense!

So, he first blew out the fire book, put it in his arms, and then waved his hand to signal everyone else to put out the fire book.

As for the consequences, he hadn't seriously considered it before. He only thought of such a last resort when he heard the tragic screams outside. If the ship was really set on fire, where could he escape?

Even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he would be chased back.

He had repeatedly failed in the imperial examinations before, and he had long hated the Ming system, but he still did not have the courage to fight against the imperial court.

"What do you propose?"

"We have won their full set. I have a brother in the army here. I can find a way to let him clear the relationship. Even if we are all caught, we will not be decapitated. We will think about it later. The way is the best policy!"

When the second-in-command heard that, this kid made a lot of sense, and nodded immediately.

"I heard before that your brother worked under Master Qi. Although he didn't get a half-official position, his name was more than enough to rescue me. I never imagined that there would be steel plates on the bottom of the boat, otherwise I have already succeeded!"

"Even if you go and tell the people outside, just say we want to see their adults, and see what he says at that time, so we can adapt accordingly."

Fortunately, they didn't set the boat on fire. If it were to be ignited, the boat would be entirely made of pine wood, and there was also a layer of paint. Once it encountered an open fire, it would definitely be wiped out in an instant...

If this is the case, Qi Jingtong may not be able to pay for his eight lifetime savings.

When he learned that this group of pirates used a combination of inside and outside to steal the food on the ship, he couldn't help but burst into anger and said, "There must be an insider. If we don't have an insider, who can leak this out?"

"Come here! Give the Governor a careful review and find out who leaked our army's information!"

Immediately, a staff member walked out.

"Leave this person under custody, and **** them. By the way, I will bring the few people who were previously locked in the guest room. If the ghost can be found, the Governor will not forgive him lightly!"


Soon, a few officers took the dying soldier down, came to the guest room, and reached out to unlock the lock outside.

But he soon found that there was a pile of sawdust on the ground, and there were several places, and he immediately understood the intentions of these people.

"Capture them all, remove their weapons, and take them all to the adults!"

Several navy officers quickly ran in and tied the pirates with ropes.

At first, they pretended to resist one by one, but when someone found hidden weapons such as knives from them, they all became silent one by one.

"Bold! This is how you treat guests?" Qi Jingtong angrily scolded his subordinates with a gloomy face.

"Sir, we are all fishermen here, we are really wronged!"

The man who scared his pants just now came in and explained to Qi Jingtong.

"Well, I believe you are local fishermen, and there is no other malicious intent. All this is just a misunderstanding!"

"Come on, untie them!"

Qi Jingtong gave an order, and several people standing around looked at each other in dismay, and did not do anything for a long time.

"Did you hear it? You adults have all let loose, this is really a misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!"

The man nodded and bowed to the officer standing beside them just now.

"Sir, this..."

Qi Jingtong waved his hand, motioning them to release these pirates quickly and not speak.

"Several fellows, haven't you eaten yet? All of this is a misunderstanding. I think you are hungry too, so just eat here first, and then go to sleep!"

Those pirates were also proud, only the second master began to pay attention to everything around this place. He felt that this was a feast of Hongmen!

"My lord, don't bother my lord. Let's go back. Even though we haven't eaten all day, the peasants are still willing to go home. After all, we still have wives and children at home."

The second master responded quickly, and immediately proposed to Qi Jingtong the idea of ​​going home.

"It's okay, our officers and soldiers in Daming are doing things for the common people, fellow, you don't even eat a bowl of rice, are our officers and soldiers so unkind?"

"Oh, no no no!"

The second-in-command waved his hand immediately, and several other people also hated him. It seemed that he was about to eat a full meal, but you refused.

"I heard that some of your relatives are also serving in our army, why don't you call over and sit together?" Qi Jingtong said facing the sailors.

"Yeah, you called your brother too. Do you see how polite they are? Huh?"

A sailor who had been silent all the time suddenly spoke to the man who was scared to pee his pants just now, and satirized the man with words.

The pirates who are scared to pee their pants are not easy to refuse at this even nodded: "Sir, my brother is called Mao Liu, and he is on your ship as a patrol. Some time ago... "

Having said this, he immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately shut his mouth!

Qi Jingtong: "This fellow, but it doesn't matter, we are all our own people here, and nothing will happen. I will treat you as relatives. What else can you hide?"

The man saw that the second master's face was not good-looking, so he did not answer Qi Jingtong's words.

Soon, the hot food was served, and the cruise officer named Mao Liu was also invited in.

Qi Jingtong greeted Mao Liu very politely to sit down, and then stroked the beard on his chin proudly. Now that he was about to catch turtles in the urn, the matter suddenly became easier.

"Mao Liu! Have you found any news recently?" Qi Jingtong pretended to chat with them while eating.

He still has a lot of things to figure out. This time, he will use this small fish to catch the big fish behind the pirates.

Even, taking advantage of the strength of Daming's navy now, to take out all the thieves in the Daming sea area, this is his goal.