MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 21v4 Sacrifice (important)

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On the grass, Gong Yin was lying quietly, it was rare for Jing Hengbo to see him so cooperative, he couldn't help staring at him for a while, and then sighed softly.

It would be great if he could continue to cooperate like this.

She stretched out her hand and slowly unbuttoned his clothes, put her hand into his arms, and slowly touched his whole body.

It's not for taking advantage, this wet and cold place is really not interesting, she focused on his joints with her fingers, wanting to know why his body is so stiff.

The blocked meridian can't be felt through the skin, but the skin under her fingers seems to be getting warmer and warmer. Her fingertips trembled, circling around his abdomen, and then returned to the position of his heart, her palm gently pressed against his. heart.

I felt the throbbing there, a little slower than ordinary people, but the original bone-chilling chill was gone.

She groped around his heart carefully to make sure that the chill was indeed gone.

She was a little dazed. The cold air has always been a shadow in her mind, she thought that Gong Yin's problem was caused by this, but now that the cold air is gone, Gong Yin's condition seems to be getting worse, what's going on?

The palm was pressed on his chest for a little longer, and the heart under the palm was hot, or it was the heat of her own palm. She took out her hand and covered her cheeks with both hands, trying to cool down, but found that her cheeks were also hot.

His breath lingered in the palm of her hand, the faint and fresh fragrance like moss on the snowstone among the pine trees, a hot current surged in her body, she lowered her eyes, only to find that he seemed to have some reaction.

Jing Hengbo looked up to the sky in embarrassment and sighed—youth is just right, but the timing is wrong!

He is about to wake up.

Jing Hengbo lowered his head, with a thoughtful expression, and sighed softly after a while.

There was a faint determination in her eyes.

Sitting cross-legged beside Gong Yin, with hands clasped together, mobilizes Mingyue's mentality, rotates for 12 weeks, and exits the dantian.

Her Mingyue Heart Technique has already been considered a small success, when the true qi is circulating in her body, she can feel a white light that seems to rise in a line, it is calm and continuous, and her body is like a bath of clear light. It's really like a first quarter moon, shining in my heart from afar.

If the practice is great, the moon will be full, and the brilliance will be far and wide. It's just that she asked Yi Qi, and Yi Qi said that she practiced martial arts too late and not diligently, she had too many mundane tasks, and the most important thing was that her mind was in turmoil and it was difficult to settle down. one time.

Yi Qi was still giggling and said at the time that she used the Mingyue Heart Technique by herself, that's all. If she took it out to treat other people's wounds and diseases, it would have a miraculous effect that is incomparable to all the precious medicines in the world. It's just that the exercises are not easy, and if you take them, you will hurt your body. It's a pity to let go of things you have practiced so hard.

She also laughed like a fool for a while, and then asked him to extract the method of Mingyue Kung Fu, but of course Yi Qi refused, so she said that she was planning to extract Ziwei's immortal Mingyue Kungfu for her to use for great success. Qisha always expressed his approval with both hands and feet to any measures to kill the old, and immediately Yi Qi wrote to her excitedly.

When she came out of Dige, she always carried the method with her.

Now, it will be used.

According to the method of running the true energy, the palms gradually turn white, solid as jade, and you can feel the light and energy in your body, passing through the Ming Tower, crossing the Jade Mansion, and rushing straight out of the body.

But the bad thing is that the rising zhenqi is not as easy to control as imagined, the body is overwhelmed, like a raging dragon that is unleashed, it is rushing straight, and it seems to be sprayed out immediately.

Her face became paler, and she cursed Yi Qi in her heart for being unreliable, explaining the uncontrollability of being unable to condense her mind.

And she didn't expect that it would be so painful to remove her true qi.

Or think, do not want to think deeply. True qi is stored inwards and pulled out abruptly and retrogradely, which naturally causes restlessness in the internal organs and blood qi in the body.

There seemed to be a mass of cold feeling rushing to the throat.

She lowered her head abruptly, covering his lips.

With a tap of the teeth, and the tip of the tongue, she has broken into his world, smooth, cool, fresh, and soft.

He also seemed to respond in the coma, and subconsciously responded slightly. When the tip of his tongue was lightly picked, she was startled, thinking that he had woken up, but he still remained motionless, with his eyes slightly closed.

She suddenly wet her eyes slightly.

Is falling in love the most unbreakable tacit understanding in the world, life or death, knowing or not knowing, can't hinder that silent echo.

The face was leaning against his cheeks, the wet eye sockets were raining, and the overflowing liquid finally increased, slipped from the tightly fitting cheeks, fell into his collarbone, and wet her jaw, skin and The skin was wet and pressed tightly, and then dried by each other's body temperature.

She moved her teeth slightly.

A mass of bright light descends the building.

He seemed to sense it again, and the tip of his tongue moved slightly, as if he wanted to refuse, how could she agree? In the heart-piercing pain, her tongue pressed against his tongue hard, and pressed into the depths of his throat, she could feel the jade-like light ball slipping into his body silently.

The mouth was slightly fishy and sweet, as if a field of Manshu flowers had bloomed. She knew that it was her own blood, and the result of forcibly pulling out the true power was that her internal organs had been injured.

But at this time, he can't withdraw. According to Yi Qi's teaching, his body may also have a reaction at this time. In order to avoid damage, it is best to condense the Mingyue Xinfa into a ball and hide it deep in his dantian. Slowly in the future Digest.

It's best for him to do this by himself, but she doesn't want him to know about it. If he knows about it, she might have to desperately return her strength to her. When something goes wrong, she won't have time to regret it.

She hugged him even tighter, pressed the sea of ​​Qi on his lower abdomen with one hand, and the center of his vest with the other, slowly guiding the true energy back to flow according to the method taught by Yi Qi.

She could feel the mixed and surging air in his body. The breath in his body has always been weird, so it takes more time to adjust the true energy, so the body enters the state of automatic breath adjustment, and she doesn't have to worry about him waking up.

Just pressing and rubbing, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

She was stunned, and pressed the hand on his lower abdomen, slowly and furtively, poked down a little, and then a little.

Then, as if being burned by fire, he shrank back.

She looked up and saw that the forest was empty and there was no one in the wilderness. Fortunately, her hooliganism would not be discovered.

Blushing for a while, and her heart beating for a while, she continued her work and couldn't give up halfway.

His arm trembled suddenly.

Jing Hengbo looked over in surprise, and felt that his body suddenly softened a lot. This was the reaction after the real qi entered the body. The real qi would instantly flow from the meridians and return to the dantian. It is unblocked due to the entry of a large amount of external qi, but such unblocking may not last for a long time.

At this time, leaning on his body that had almost returned to normal, and smelling his familiar and light fragrance, a bold idea suddenly flashed through her mind like lightning.

This is a great time to hit triple base!

With this guy's awkward temper, if he wants to take the initiative, he may not be able to wait for a lifetime, and if he is raped, he may not be able to get it in his lifetime, so when he doesn't sleep at this time, when will he wait?

She doesn't want to have **** with others, so is it necessary for her to be pure-hearted and ascetic for the rest of her life? That's too embarrassing, men and women will laugh at her to death.

The more Jing Hengbo thought about it, the more he felt depressed. It has been more than three years since he passed through. If he guessed correctly, in this ancient society, the three of them might already have companions, and they might all have children. For example, the most honest and most Jun Xiaoke who was easily abducted by men.

If she is the only one who is still a virgin at the gang of four gatherings in the future, where should she put her face?

Also, she wanted to have a child, and if she had a child, she might not be able to get rid of him.

Jing Hengbo raised his head and looked around again, his eyes were furtive like a thief.

It was early morning, but the woods were covered by hillsides and densely covered with needles, so it was very dark and secretive. Moreover, they are all coniferous trees, and they are not too big. There are no wild fruits and no prey, so it is a good place for prostitution in the daytime.

After confirming that no one was there, and it was unlikely that anyone would pass by, she hugged Gong Yin and rolled behind the tree. There was a pile of thick pine needles and fallen leaves, which should be more comfortable.

I don't know if it's because she's in poor health or because she's too nervous, but after just rolling around like this, she's out of breath and weak all over, so much so that when she unbuttoned Gong Yin's clothes, her fingers trembled, and she couldn't undo it several times.

In the end, he used his teeth and solved all the fetters on his body. Jing Hengbo was also embarrassed to look at it, and turned around to undress.

When the sunlight reaches this dark pine forest, it seems to be washed into moonlight, clear, clean, pure white and gentle. The sky and the darkness each occupy the sky and the earth, and the outline of the female body is dyed bright and dark, ups and downs.

Clothes, trousers, belts, boots... hanging silently on a low tree branch, blocking the scenery under the tree, a strange and exquisite thing hangs down slowly, a dark red peony on a black background, the peony blooms on two protruding leaves On the circle, the center of the two discs is also decorated with beaded silk tassels, which flicker under the flickering light.

Thin slices of black thrown out at last, thin ribbons, hazy gauze...

Her long black hair fell down, covering her face. When a gust of wind passed by, Jing Hengbo moaned and cried.

"Nimma, this is called Yehe, this is called Yehe! My sister doesn't want this at all..."

"Shouldn't my sister be in the resplendent palace, hook her fingers, and lift the green head card of a handsome man?"

"Isn't there supposed to be a **** delivering the decree, and the beautiful boy would sit in the grace chariot to thank the emperor, or the **** would roll up a blanket, and the beautiful boy would be wrapped in the blanket and carried into my bedroom, and crawl in from the foot of my blanket to give me a blessing Woolen cloth…"

"Shouldn't it be a fragrant couch with soft mattresses, brocade quilts and jade pillows, mandarin ducks on the headrests, and be turned into red waves..."

"Why do you want my sister to come to the door by herself in this wilderness, and the overlord will forcefully attack her?"

"This **** life is too bleak, too bleak..."

"Gong Yin, you naughty bastard, I have to sleep until you die in order to get rid of the hatred in my heart..."

While whimpering and crying unwillingly, she climbed up without hesitation.

On the pine needles, the body of the one on the pine needles, who was forced to bow by the overlord, is soft, and it should be hard at all.

Jing Hengbo covered his face with his hands and cried while secretly looking at his body, interspersed with a few satisfied sobs - the body is still very good, so that's also suitable...

Clinging to his body, hugging his shoulders, and resting her face on his shoulder socket, she let out a long breath, knowing that from the beginning to now, he is the most suitable, and only he is suitable.

The black hair flooded his body like flowing water, black and white, a thrilling interweaving and contrast.

His skin was still cool and moist. His body, which was tending towards normal at the moment, was soft and flexible, but it was not too thin. There seemed to be hidden strength in his skin texture, waiting to erupt in the next moment.

When his coolness touched her fiery light touch, she seemed to tremble all over, like yin electricity meeting yang electricity, breaking and trembling.

Or the sky meets clouds, the earth embraces rain and dew, the impact of clouds and electricity overturns the tranquility of the day, and it rains all over the ground.

She suddenly hissed in a low voice, gritted her teeth and endured the pain, but at this moment, everything inside and outside her body was in pain, and it seemed that there was no more pain in the extreme. She smiled with tears in her eyes, bent down, and wrapped a strand of his black hair around him. on the fingers.

In the next moment, there was a lingering roll. A man's instinct is to take the initiative. She thought he was awake, but he didn't seem to wake up. During the overturn, her softness caught his breath, and a few strands of hair between her fingers broke. She has black hair and white hair, but she doesn't care about it. The scorching waves seem to overwhelm her, and she is drifting with the waves.

The world was ups and downs, rippling, colliding, shattered in the entanglement, no matter how complete she was, she clung to his arm, preferring to be broken like this.

The black gauze inner garment was seen through the hazy sunlight, round and white and plump, and there was a faint fragrance in the air, mixed with some slightly strange aura.

The fallen leaves of the pine needles have been messed up by the tumbling of the human body, and the brittle fallen leaves continue to make subtle cracks, and those cracks occur in the interval of breathing, making the spiritual secrets deep in the forest even more mysterious.

The world gradually became quiet.

She finally pulled her hand out from under him reluctantly, took his pulse, and was pleasantly surprised to find that at some point, her Mingyue mentality had been lurking deep in his dantian, it was difficult to find, but it would slowly take effect.

But to her disappointment, his body slowly returned to its previous stiffness, and the real energy rushing into his body flowed through his meridians, only brought a short period of freedom of movement, which made her triple hit.

She was stunned for a while, thinking that this was fine.

Like the wind passing by, like the rain falling, there are no traces, no falling flowers.

The extradition of Zhen Qi has been completed, and he will wake up soon, so she hastened to clean him up, since there will be no traces left, she must clean it up.

Everything was tidy, even the fallen leaves and pine needles were swept away, and there was another spotless palace under the tree.

The expressions and gestures are very holy. If he said that he just took advantage of someone, no ghost would believe it.

After finishing everything, Jing Hengbo felt his whole body sore and limp, and there was pain in every part of his inner organs and outer skin. Just when he was about to sit down, his feet softened, and he fell into a grass nest along a small **** under the tree.

There was a sharp pain in her body, she propped her elbows on the ground, and vomited a mouthful of blood with a "poof".

Just as she was about to cover up the bloodstains with soil, she suddenly heard a burst of chaotic footsteps.