MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1398

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Chapter 138

The magic of horror spewed out of Lin Yun's body like a fountain, constantly enhancing and maintaining the power consumed by Elemental Storm.

In this confrontation, the Skeleton Mount of the Skeleton King was also torn into pieces. Unfortunately, for the Skeleton King, this degree of elemental storm cannot completely tear him apart. His bones are no longer like white bones. , But a skeleton that looks like a combination of opaque crystal and metal. By virtue of the body alone, this skeleton king can resist all the spells below level 9, even if it is a level 9 spell, unless it is specially used for combat. Yes, or don't try to destroy his bones.

After more than ten minutes of stalemate, more and more undead creatures were torn into pieces, and the Skeleton King was a little impatient. He held the scepter in his hand, and the beating decaying heart was beating with a trace. A dark green glow like grease erupted from the rotting heart.

These brilliance fell into the elemental storm and turned into a dark green smoke. Even if it was torn by the elemental storm, the smoke slowly merged into the elemental storm. As the elemental storm spread toward the interior, the power of the plague spread wildly. .

Lin Yun took a bottle of medicine, and the book of death held by his left hand was opened automatically. The true chapter that had not appeared for a long time suddenly burst into a bright light. A crystal phoenix was like just waking up. Penetrating his head out of the glory, the eyes of Crystal Phoenix penetrated the cover of the elemental storm, penetrated the countless undead creatures, stared directly at the scepter in the hand of the skull king, exactly, the star at the top of the scepter. Rotten heart.

The phoenix originally held an eye of the undead in the claws of the crystal phoenix, but now it has disappeared and disappeared. It has been completely swallowed and digested by the crystal phoenix. From then on, any power related to the eye of the undead will be killed by the crystal phoenix. Dead, and this restraint is far more thorough than the power of the Holy Light to restrain the undead.

That is the most essential restraint!

After the crystal phoenix appeared, a phoenix blew. For a while, the plague power spreading in the elemental storm seemed to be attracted by a certain kind of force. It spread wildly towards the crystal phoenix. The crystal phoenix opened its mouth and opened its mouth. Suddenly, those spreading plague forces were reduced to a dark green mist, and then restored to the dark green light, and finally turned into a drop of dark green blood, which was devoured by the crystal phoenix.

After the swallow swallowed this drop of blood, the colorful flames burned on the surface of the crystal phoenix. Within three seconds, the crystal opened his mouth frantically, and a spit of dark green smoke was spit out by him.

The crystal phoenix floated on the top of Lin Yun's head, continually hovering, trying to attack the Skull King and stealing the plague heart in the hand of Skull King.

This evil thing is the favorite of Crystal Phoenix. As long as it swallows this thing, it will raise the level of suppression of evil once again. As long as it devours the heart of the plague, from then on, any power related to the plague, Crystal Phoenix can be easily resolved.

That is the most fundamental solution. Through the eyes of true truth, to dig out the most fundamental place of evil, and to break away evil from the most original place, this is the most unsolvable method.

Zhe Linyun suppressed the impulse of Crystal Phoenix, let him hover above his head, resist the possible plague force, and then quietly use the elemental storm to clean up these undead creatures.

The crystal phoenix fluttered its wings a little, and the wings fluttered at will, a colorful light sprinkled, a kilometer wide, and undead creatures within a range of seven or eight kilometers all died instantly. Their soul's fire was like a gust of wind Like the blown candle, the flames suddenly extinguished.

Their bodies also turned into decaying white bones and fell towards the ground. During the process of falling, these white bones were rapidly decaying, and then turned into countless fragments. There was no death force at all ...

Lin Yun shook his head. He didn't care about the crystal Phoenix's anger, so many undead, plus a plague heart, this is just a group of evil mixed with one of the most evil things. For Crystal Phoenix, It's completely intolerable, but it's also a temptation that can't be resisted.

Being able to keep guarding here is even the most restrained ...

However, Lin Yun knew that if Crystal Phoenix was allowed to rush out, the only possibility was to be killed by a stick of the Skull King's scepter, and then return to the book of death, Nirvana, with the power of Crystal Phoenix, but now there is no way to deal with one. Forty-seventh-level skeleton king, not to mention this skeleton king still holds Pegg's scepter.

The cleanup went smoothly. Although the skeleton king was not harmed, he could only watch a large number of undead being cleaned up little by little. His attack also could not hurt Lin Yun. The heart of the plague spewed out. The blood of the plague is the most terrible source of the plague, but the result is devoured by the Crystal Phoenix as a dessert.

The stalemate continued, and one hour later, the last undead was torn to pieces, the essence of the undead was devoured by the chapter of the wise, and Lin Yun finally dispersed this terrible storm of elements.

After the elemental storm dissipated, a large amount of dust in the sky fell towards the ground. The ground in this cage was deeper than the ground outside the cage by 300 to 400 meters. All the soil on the ground was affected by the power of the elemental storm. Get involved in the sky, and now all fall to the ground.

In this rain of dirt, the skeleton king's body turned into a residual image, rushing to Lin Yun, a dark green light, like an arrow rain rushing towards Lin Yun.

The crystal phoenix above Lin Yun's head sprinkled a colorful light to cover Lin Yun. After these dark green arrows hit the colorful light, the color began to fade rapidly, and the plague power contained in it was quickly resolved. Stripped of the power of the plague, the purest power of death is left in these arrows.

A series of dense noises rang out, and the arrows hit the Fusion Shield of Lin Yun. There were a few dense ripples where the surface of the fused shield and the arrows collided, and a few dense space cracks appeared. come out.

The impact continued for a few seconds, and the Skeleton King suddenly disappeared. Only the bone spurs like the rain mixed with the plague force hit the surface of Lin Yun's fusion shield.

Lin Yun's expression was dignified, and he spit out a regular rune. In the next second, the skull king wearing a broken cloak suddenly appeared behind Lin Yun. The skull king's left hand held Pegg's scepter and his right hand held a handle. With a giant scythe with a large bone of more than five meters in length, the skeleton king's mouth trembled up and down, and the fire of the soul swayed to convey a series of messages.

"Stupid humans, no one can stop the footsteps of the great Lord Peg, all living beings must embrace death under the power of the plague.

Do you think we are afraid of the power of flying monkeys? Wrong, only death is eternity, and the power of the plague is the shortcut to the gate of death. Embracing death, all the stupid life with the power of flying monkeys cannot stop us.

Not to mention you guy who hates more than flying monkeys, you must die, die, die, die ... "

The distorted voice of the Skeleton King yelled madly, the message from the soul fire turned into a shock wave of the soul, and continued to impact Lin Yun. Then, on the giant scythe in his hand, the power of the terrible death rule suddenly appeared. With the skull king waving his right arm, the sickle turned into an afterimage, which cut across Lin Yun's body instantly.

Zhe Linyun's body turned into two halves, a strong breath of death broke out, all the breath of life was cut off, and the skeleton king laughed and waved the sickle in his hand.

Suddenly, Lin Yun, who was broken into two halves, slowly turned into a phantom, and then shattered like a broken glass. The broken pieces turned into a smoke phantom and dissipated again.

Skull King ’s weird laughter came to an abrupt end, and Lin Yun ’s body appeared in mid-air, a spell hundreds of meters long in front of him, an electromagnetic orbit, a cannonball rushed out of the electromagnetic orbit of the spell, and instantly hit the right of the skull. Shoulder joint.

The horrible explosive force exploded together with the impact force, and one of them was the colorful brilliance belonging to the crystal phoenix.

Suddenly, a tiny crack appeared on the right arm joint of the Skeleton King. The appearance of this fine crack gave the crystal phoenix the opportunity to penetrate, and the colorful light penetrated the skull king's Right arm joint.

Drive away the evil forces entangled in Skeleton King's right arm joint, causing injuries to his joints to be completely irrecoverable, his movements are greatly affected, at least he can no longer wave his sickle of death as before.

Skeleton King flies in the air, the fire of the soul sways violently, and the malicious soul is constantly spreading. Lin Yun sneers, a purple dragon incarnation flying from the dragon's staff, the wheel of the law and the spell of the mantra The book revolved around him.

The Skeleton King is not simply a skeleton king, but a special kind of skeleton dead soul. They are born to lead the skeleton army. Every skeleton king will have a large number of skeleton dead souls from the beginning to be loyal. Skeleton instincts, Skeleton King doesn't need to gather the undead at all.

But one of the most undead types of skeletons, Skeleton King is just like a skeleton warrior, born with his own weapons, Skeleton Warrior's sword and bone shield, Skeleton Archer's bone bone bow, Skeleton Mage's bone bone staff, Skeleton King's Death sickle ...

The number of Skull Kings is very scarce. The main thing is that it is too difficult for the Skull King to bring up the weapons. The death sickle has the power of the purest death rules, not the power of death. It is pure death. You can The death sickle that cuts off any biological life, even the undead, will die instantly after being cut off, and the fire of the soul will go out.

For the rule of death, even if it is an undead, it is also a living creature, and all conscious existence is considered a living creature.

Knowing this for a long time, how could Lin Yun not be guarded against the death sickle of the Skeleton King, a skull king holding a scepter, and never seeing his death sickle does not mean that he does not have it, the Skeleton King without the death sickle is not a skeleton king……

The solemn confrontation continued. The Skeleton King held the death sickle in his right hand and Pegg's scepter in his left hand, floating in the air, but his momentum continued to increase.

At the top of Peg's scepter, the plague heart beating wildly, a drop of dark green blood sprayed out of the rotten heart and sprayed on the skull king's body, and for a while, the dark green breath took the skull king Shrouded, the surface of the bones, which is like a mixture of metal and crystal, has also started to produce horrible pieces of dark green flesh.

In just three seconds, the Skeleton King became a zombie covered in dark green mist, but only the right arm still kept the original appearance of the skull. The rigid face of the Skeleton King was slightly deflected, and he still looked at himself. It is still the bright light of the skull's right arm, especially the joints at the joints, which is even more obvious at this moment.

As the Skeleton King turned into a zombie, his breath climbed to the forty-seventh peak madly, and even with this climb, the surrounding space was vaguely oppressed, it seemed to collapse at any time, and his power became stronger. But the level has been stuck at forty-seven.

Lin Yun's face changed slightly, looking at the Skeleton King who became a zombie, and his face became dignified instantly. At this moment, he finally understood why a Skeleton King could get a scepter from the Plague Knight. This **** guy could still Become a zombie.

A zombie with the ability of the skeleton king? And after becoming a zombie, the power that Pegg's scepter can play will rise again. After all, Pegg's scepter itself is a weapon of the Plague Knight. As a zombie, the race that can best exert its weapon capabilities is naturally a zombie. .

A stupid and twisted smile appeared on the stiff face of the Skeleton King. Looking at Lin Yun was like a steak waiting to be served on the dining table. No, it was already on the dining table, waiting for the knife to eat.

"Stupid human, you have succeeded Lord Lord Pegg's most loyal subordinates. Now I change my mind. I want to eat you. I have n’t eaten humans for a long time. The human we eat last time is very delicious. , I will slowly eat your ... "

The left hand of the zombie skull king is holding a scepter. The dark green mist seems to come alive, lingering around his body, and some mist is slowly spreading. At this moment, the power of the plague seems to become even space. It can be infected, and where the dark green mist flows through, only a large piece of dark green light is left. For a moment, half of the sky seems to become dark green.

The zombie skull king monster turned into a ghost and disappeared with a smile. It appeared almost instantly within a thousand meters of Lin Yun's body. The space there was rapidly infected into a dark green space, and he died heavily. Lin Yun was enveloped in an instant of crisis, and the soul's warning response was like the sudden screaming of a screaming banshee in her head.

Lin Yun's body instantly disappeared in place. In the next second, a gray half-moon chopped from the place where Lin Yun was just now. A thin space crack appeared in the place where the half-moon chopped, and it looked a bit transparent. Cut through the space and hit the light curtain transformed by the cage of holy light, and suddenly there were dense ripples.

That one was intact in the face of the impact of tens of millions of undead. It seemed that it was just a light curtain into which a small stone fell. At the moment, it was like a golden silk shaken wantonly, with a large wave of waves and Ripples seem to need only a little bit of strength to tear this light curtain apart.

Promi in midair was also surprised, summoning the Holy Light icon to form the Holy Light Cage. The suppression of the undead creatures has definitely reached a level that crosses the level. This cage can be trapped even if it is a 48-level undead. Live, but now almost torn up by a forty-seventh-level undead ...

Promi again increased the intensity of the Holy Light, and the chants of the aria also seemed to become high. The four giant icons began to sing the chants along with Promi's chant, strengthening the strength of the cage.

Inside the cage, the Zombie Skull King seemed to be mad, and became fierce and crazy. He held a Death Sickle in his right hand, and Pegg's scepter in his left hand, and the death chop continued to wave, and Pei At the top of the grid's scepter, the beating heart became faster and faster. From time to time, a drop of dark green blood spilled out, turning into a large plague of plague light.

If it wasn't for Lin Yun's guardianship of the crystal phoenix, and if he had taken the medicine in advance to prevent it, now he would not be able to resist the plague ...

The horrible attack forced Lin Yun to dodge continuously. There was no chance at all. The wheel of law floated beside Lin Yun, calculating everything in the entire battlefield. The magic energy array also moved to the extreme, capturing all the information around him.

However, even if it is captured, it will not help. The strength of Skeleton King's body is already incredible ~ ~ Now it has become a zombie, and has another layer of protection. Normal spell attacks, even if they can hit, It has no effect, maybe this guy simply ignored it, and he wouldn't do any evasion and protection.

The speed is too fast, the protection is too strong, the offense is too fierce, and none of the opportunities calculated by the Wheel of Thousands can be grasped. The fleeting opportunities are not opportunities at all.

At least for this Skeleton King, those little flaws can be ignored.

After the battle lasted for more than ten minutes, Lin Yun's face became more and more dignified, and the speed of Skeleton King became faster and faster, and as time passed, the power of the plague spread in this cage, and soon spread to nearly half of the range. These places affected by the plague cannot be purified even by the power of the Holy Light. Only the power of the Crystal Phoenix can purify these plague forces.

This is because the crystal phoenix has swallowed the blood of the plague before, if there is no blood of the plague that was first swallowed, now there is no way to easily resolve these plagues.

It is a pity that the scope of the plague erosion range is growing faster than the purification speed of the crystal phoenix. In this case, for a maximum of fifteen minutes, the space in this cage will be completely eroded by the plague, completely turning into the most severe Perfect battle environment.

Uh ...

Lin Yun's Fusion Shield was ripped apart again by the death sickle, and the power of the plague rushed in along this rip, which instantly eroded to Lin Yun's right arm. Lin Yun dropped three mirrors in succession, and his body followed The fluctuations in space receded seven or eight kilometers backwards.