MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1397

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The holy light that suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​undead quickly attracted a lot of powerful undead creatures. One-level undead creatures led the undead army into the area covered by the holy light. These undead did not care about wear and tear, almost every minute. Millions of undead creatures have been purified, but for the undead sea that covers the entire land like the sea, it does not care about this consumption.

As long as these undead can consume a little bit of the opponent's magic power, this is the Undead Sea tactics, relying on a huge amount to consume the opponent alive, even if the sky-level mage, in this consumption, it is destined to be consumed alive .

No one can support the constant casting, even Lin Yun, who has a natural half-plane, cannot do it. The consumption of magic power can be ignored, but the consumption of soul power cannot be ignored.

Lin Yun hid in the light of the Holy Light, waiting quietly, the skull king holding the plague heart did not appear, Lin Yun would not go out easily.

Soon, undead spirits above level 40 appeared, and the first one was a forty-two bone dragon. When this bone dragon flew 50 kilometers away from Promi, the glory of the holy light surrounding it suddenly condensed. It turned into a huge sword with a height of 100 meters, pierced the bone dragon's head, and penetrated the bone dragon's white bone body. The dazzling white light exploded from the inside of the bone dragon's body. The condensed white bone body was like a metal. Purified into ashes spilled from the sky.

Undead level 40 or above, as long as they are within 50 kilometers of Promi, they will be directly purified by Promi, and they cannot do so, let alone interrupt Promi's casting.

As the undead creatures below were slowly purified, a thick layer of dark gray ash was left on the ground. Fragments of broken bones could be seen faintly in the ashes. The range of hundreds of kilometers was completely changed. A dead zone.

Outside of the area covered by the Holy Light, more undead creatures rushed into the area covered by the Holy Light to die, and Promy's body turned into a small sun, marching deeper into the plain of Mesopotamia. Constantly use the light of the Holy Light to purify the undead.

In more than ten minutes, the 300-kilometer undead were all purified, and the number of undead purified was so huge that no one knew the time. How many dead souls have been purified, even Lin Yun who has been following Promi, cannot be calculated.

As Promi continued to advance, flying undead creatures began to appear in the air, which were overwhelming. Flying undead rushing like a black cloud, one after another, each flying undead treats the same kind in front of it as a shield to resist the glorious shield.

In addition, the speed of flight is much faster than the undead on the ground who launched on the ground with their simple legs and feet. These flying undead are like a dark cloud. The outer layer is continuously purified, but the inner layer is not at all. The light of the holy light, a dark cloud with a range of more than ten kilometers, rushed to the time when Promi was still fifty kilometers away. Only a third smaller, more undead relying on a huge number, quickly approaching Promi.

Promi's face was sacred, but only so peacefully bloomed. When that cloud of clouds flew 30 kilometers away from Promi, the speed of purification was suddenly accelerated, and the layers seemed to be burning. The ashes of all the bones were sprinkled from the air and turned into a black gray rain of ashes.

As we approached twenty kilometers, the speed of purification was increasing again. Those who are like a group of two-footed flying dragons with only skeletons will be dissipated as soon as they are illuminated by the light of the holy light. The previous strategy is completely useless here.

Massive rain of ashes fell. It is like a layer of sky covering the sky. Only the light of the Holy Light can penetrate this layer of rain of ashes and continue purifying more undead.

Lin Yun's face carried a hint of wonder, there was no way to not be surprised, there were many masters who understood the laws of light. But only the light mage, who had almost no combat power before the Heavenly Order, was totally unreasonable for the restraint of the undead.

The light mage can only purify the undead by blooming the light of the light. A healing light hand can also kill the undead. As long as the light mage does not have any harm to the undead, this is what these guys do n’t The way to make sense.

If there are defects, there are advantages. When fighting against the mage, the mage of light is relatively disadvantaged, then use treatment to resist, as long as it is not killed by a blow, it is basically impossible to die.

The closer the Promy blooms to the Holy Light, the stronger the Holy Light ’s power will be, and the higher the level of undead creatures that can be instantaneously purified. According to the current power, the undead below level 40, None of them could reach ten kilometers from Promi and die.

And if the undead creatures above level 40 really appear, it will also be purged by Promi with a spell. Unless the Skeleton King holding the plague heart appears, otherwise no undead can stop Promi.

Promi advancing little by little, looking out of the sky, a small sun was advancing rapidly, and all the undead creatures illuminated along the way were purified.

Half an hour later, a blank area hundreds of kilometers wide and more than five hundred kilometers long appeared on the plain of Mesopotamia. All undead creatures in this area were purified into ashes.

At this time, a large cloud of black clouds pervading more than 30 kilometers appeared again in the sky. In the center of the black cloud, the skeleton king holding the heart of the plague was flying slowly on an undead bone dragon. Countless Undead Bone Dragons, Skeletal Dragons, Skeletal Bipedal Dragons, and large grotesque shapes. I did n’t know what the flying undead of Warcraft was chasing.

A large swarm of flying undead surrounds the Skeleton King in the center, looking far away, as if a huge black cobra is raising its head and approaching it quickly.

Promi held his staff with a somber look. The proverbs were chanted by Promi with an aria. The holy light became even more dazzling at a moment, and it seemed that the sky was torn by a crack, which made it impossible for people to look directly into it. The beam of light fell from the sky into this cobra-like undead army.

In a hurry, the cobra's head was purified into a huge gap, the beam of light continued to shine deep into the cobra, and the undefined number of undead was purified into ashes.

When this beam of light shone to the area where the Skeleton King was sitting, the Skeleton King raised his scepter, the top of the scepter, the rotten heart glowing with dark green light, and the speed of beating suddenly accelerated, like a thick venom Radiance erupted from the heart. These radiances spread out and turned into a dark green mist enveloped the area, which blocked the light punishment released by Promi, and it was very easy to resist it.

The light and the power of the plague constantly collide. But no one can help but, suddenly, in the four directions of this beam of holy light, the sky seems to be pierced by a pair of big hands again, and the four beams of light fall to the ground from four directions.

The beam of light slowly became dim. Finally, inside the beam of light, four huge humanoid phantoms with no visible faces emerged.

A man wearing heavy armor, holding a giant sword in both hands, the giant sword was inserted downwards on the ground. The terrible breath spread from the giant, and countless undead creatures were turned to ashes in an instant.

A white robe with a crown of thorns on his head and a staff in his hand.

A man in a robe full of runes, holding a huge book in his hand.

The last one, his hands crossed to his chest and bowed his head in prayer.

After the appearance of four huge light phantoms hundreds of meters high. Began to devour all the holy light around, and finally turned into four giant statues emitting the light of the holy light.

Lin Yun's eyes were amazed, but she also knew what to do. The moment the four statues emerged, Lin Yun flew from the glory of Promi's holy light, and appeared opposite the skull king.

The Skeleton King also seems to notice that the four giant statues are not particularly pleasant. When he waved the scepter in his hand, the heartbeat of the plague heart accelerated again. Blood sprayed from the plague heart. This drop of dark green blood stained the light, turned into a huge skull phantom, and rushed forward with the beam of light falling from above.

The skull became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a thousands of meters of skull phantom. The dark green glow, even inside this skeleton phantom, there seems to be a dark green soul fire burning.

The phantom had a mouth, and swallowed down that thick pillar of light of holy light. The power of the holy light seemed to be completely useless, just swallowed up by a phantom.

The beam of light suppressed by the divine punishment was lost. Skeleton King was about to escape the area that made him feel very bad.

But at this moment, the four series of explosive bombs dragged the arc tail and appeared around his body from all directions. The fierce explosion turned the skeleton king's body within ten kilometers into a space full of destruction.

Lin Yun held the book of death in his left hand, holding the dragon's staff in his right hand, and floated in the air, watching the space devastated by the force of destruction quietly.

It is impossible to kill Skeleton King at this point of attack, but there are hundreds of eighth-level spells in a moment, but it is definitely enough to delay that little bit of time, enough to hold Skeleton King away from him.

Three seconds later, the vast hymn resounded. It seemed that countless people were singing, singing the most sacred hymn in aria, and the four shining giant sculptures turned at the same time, facing their center.

Promi floated in the air and cut through his wrists. Pale golden blood spilled from the air. With each drop of blood, Promi's face became pale. In just three seconds, Promi It's like being seriously injured.

But these pale golden blood bloomed the most terrifying light power. The four giant statues of light bloomed at the same time, and a pure light curtain emerged between the four statues. With the four giant statues of light as the four corners, the light curtain Form a huge cage with a range of 30 kilometers.

The huge cage, three kilometers high and thirty kilometers long and wide, is completely blocked by the power of the Holy Light, and inside the cage, the power of the Holy Light also begins to continually gather, and the space inside seems to glow.

Inside the cage, in the destruction space composed of a torrent of four series of explosive bombs, the Skeleton King flew out from the inside, and it did not appear to be damaged at all, even the broken cloak behind him remained the same.

It seemed very uncomfortable to be treated in this cage full of divine light power. The skeleton king led the remaining undead and rushed to one of the light curtains of light.

The flying undead army turned into a dark cloud, and when it rushed to the seemingly thin light curtain of light, it instantly turned into an ashes and fell, no matter how much, it could not change this ending, even facing so many The impact of flying undead, the light curtain did not make a little wave.

It wasn't until the Skull King wielding Pegg's scepter that a dark green glow came out before the curtain of light began to wave. But this wave is like a small pebble dropped randomly in the calm lake surface. Don't even think about setting up too big waves.

After countless undead creatures hit the light curtain, they were purified to ashes.

The Skull King waved his scepter for three consecutive waves, but still could not break the light curtain. Coupled with a regular four series of explosive bombs exploded behind him, the horrible destruction of destruction power spread, instantly covering all undead within a range of three kilometers, full of strangulation of pure destruction power, just once Shock. The three-kilometer range was leveled, and the shock wave even tore undead creatures in the seven-eight-kilometer range to pieces.

The Skeleton King turned around and completely gave up the plan to tear the Light Curtain of Light. Promi floated outside the Light Curtain of Light and kept chanting spells to maintain this cage. In addition, the power of the Light can be eliminated. Obstructedly penetrates the cage and shines inside the cage.

The death force inside is constantly dissipating, a large number of undead are continuously purified, and the number of undead is getting smaller and smaller. Without these undead, the speed of death forces plummeted even faster.

With this large-scale weakening, Lin Yun can clean up faster. The Book of Mantras and the Wheel of Manners appear at the same time. The Book of Mantras turns into a huge portal that is tens of meters high. For a huge gorgeous roulette with a diameter of tens of meters, countless regular runes float in the roulette.

The Book of Mantras and the Wheel of Mantra are combined, and in a hurry, the four elements of earth fire, water wind, and the most basic element storm emerged ...

Just three seconds. No more traces of the Wheel of Thousands of Laws and the Book of Thousands of Mantras can be seen, they have been shrouded in a terrible storm of elements, a range of seven or eight kilometers, and completely turned into an elemental riot zone. The element here has only the purest force of destruction. Over time, the scope of this element's storm continues to expand.

Except for the Skeleton King, any undead creature that is involved in this elemental storm vortex will be dismembered in an instant, and then the fragments of the body will be torn into countless fragments. These fragments will also be ground into the finest ashes as if they fell into a huge grinding disc until they are completely invisible.

A colored rune emerged from Lin Yun's forehead, and the limbs were shrouded in the brilliance of the earth, fire, and wind. Standing in elemental storms, those elemental storms seemed to have no effect on him at all, but these were only purely destructive. The four major elements, like their own kings, flock to Lin Yun, forming a natural defense.

As long as an undead creature approaches, these elemental storms will go up and tear them to pieces, and even the attack of the skeleton king will be offset by the constant tearing of elemental storms.

Lin Yun was standing in the center of the Elemental Storm. The book of death held by his left hand was faintly shining. The power of the Sage's Chapter emerged at this time. Those undead creatures shattered by the Elemental Storm, the essence of the undead that fell on them. , Is also torn, but these torn essence of the undead, but with this huge vortex, into the chapter of the wise.

These are the undead essences that have not been purified. Those undead that have been purified by the power of the Holy Light are just the most common bones. There will not be any essence of the undead left. Only these undead shattered by the elemental storm will These things remain.

The huge essence of the undead was swallowed up by the Sage's Chapter. Slowly, the spells that can be printed on the Sage's Chapter appeared a third slot, a seventh-level spell slot.

Lin Yun was not in a hurry to fight the Skeleton King, but to clean up the remaining undead creatures. In this 30-kilometer cage, there are tens of millions of undead creatures left. This is still dead. Most of the remnants.

These are the purest undead creatures on the undead plane. The probability of residual undead essence is very high. In fact, the higher the level of undead, the higher the probability of leaving the undead essence after being killed. Leave the essence of the undead.

But the essence of the undead is not very useful to the undead. At least in the place where the power of death pervades the plane of the undead. Even if there is war, the only thing they care about is the fire of the soul. Death of the undead, if the essence of the undead remains, it will only stay there, let these undead essence to nourish the bones, and then create new undead creatures.

These large swarms of undead are here ~ ~ If it is not cleaned first, it will be equivalent to giving the Skeleton King countless supplies. As long as the power of death is consumed too much, kill a group of dead creatures, and here is left Ten million, kill a hundred thousand, and devour the soul fire of these dead creatures, and the consumed power can be quickly replenished.

Coupled with these dead creatures at the critical moment, they are still perfect shields and perfect interference methods. Without cleaning up these dead creatures first, they cannot fight against the Skeleton King holding Peg's scepter at all.

The Holy Light power is getting stronger and stronger in the cage, and after a certain degree, it stops. These Holy Light powers can only easily purify undead creatures below level 30. For undead creatures below level 40, It can only take a long time to purify, and for the undead above the forty, there is only the ability to weaken.

But these are enough. It is possible for Lin Yun to cooperate with the Book of Mantra and the Wheel of Mana to stir up the elemental storms in the case of the incarnation of the Elemental Elven King. These elemental storms pervade a range of more than ten kilometers. Can fight against the undead wave, even tore the undead wave to pieces. (To be continued.)


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