MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 1457

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It seems that the same battle has begun again. Lin Yun's expression is solemn, and the magical incarnation of the Book of Death is also solemn.

完美 A perfect rune of rules appeared, and the void was suddenly illuminated by light, and the battle began.

Lin Yun's body surface was permeated with brilliance, arms, shoulders, chest, back, thighs, forehead, and every important place on the body, a rune appeared, especially the colored rune on the forehead. Wen, this is the symbol of the incarnation of the elemental elven king.

Xie Shi exhibited the incarnation of the elemental elven king. Around Lin Yun's body, the four major elements of earth fire, water and wind actively came around. The four rules of perfection constituted a regular halo constantly emitting outward ripples.

The dense element elf emerged around Lin Yun's body, singing the element's hymn, making the four rules here more active.

A regular series of four series of explosive bombs appeared in front of the incarnation of the Book of Death magic weapon, and a ball of destruction energy ball exploded in the void, which was included in the destruction within a few kilometers.

Then this is just the beginning. The regular series of four series bombs that are as dense as rain are emerging in the void, endless nothingness, and the unclear number of regular series four bombs explode, like watching a firework explosion up close. On, the entire void, thousands of kilometers away, was shrouded by the forces of destruction, and the violent forces set off a storm of elemental destruction.

风暴 The Elemental Destruction Storm completely covers thousands of kilometers without any dead ends, and everything inside will be destroyed by the violent elements.

After the explosion stretched for more than ten seconds, a group of colored light **** rushed out from the wave of destruction, and a light band extended from the light ball, as if ignoring the distance of the space, and immediately arrived in front of Lin Yun, fiercely Impact on Lin Yun's shield.

Lin Yun was shocked and flew out for hundreds of kilometers. After stabilizing his body, he sang three syllables quickly. The rainbow in front of him seemed to have received the order, scattered into countless copies, and bypassed. Lin Yun rushed away behind him.

This is the purest elemental strangulation. The rainbow bridge linking the element to the high plane is a unique way for the elemental spirit king to shuttle the element plane. It has the terrible ability to penetrate the element to the high plane.

The puppet was hit by the front, even the purest elemental elves, will inevitably be strangled and killed by the power of the four rules.

And in the middle, not only the rules of the four elements of ground fire, water and wind are used, but also the application of spatial rules to allow the space to be folded. The Rainbow Bridge spans hundreds of kilometers and it seems that it does not need time at all.

The power of destruction is dissipated, the Rainbow Bridge is dissipated, and the magical incarnation of the Book of Death is in the void, facing Lin Yun away.

"Merlin, the elemental elven avatar you created is indeed very strong. It can be said to be the strongest incarnation spell, but this spell is still within the predetermined range of the rule. The four-element shield is the simplest. Elemental shields can resist the erosion of the four major elements.

的 An elemental storm full of destruction power can't destroy the element itself. Just integrate yourself into this element, and the stronger elemental storm can't break my shield. "

Lin Yun's face remained the same, knowing that the other party was telling the truth, it is true in theory, but if you want to do it, the ability to manipulate the elements will reach an incredible level, and it must be perfect to impossible. To the point.

A four-line element shield is at most an eighth-level spell. It is indeed the case according to ordinary spells, because after normal casting, after casting successfully, it is impossible to control each element of the spell. It is the manipulation of subtle changes and directions.

If you want to do this, you must use the four-element shield to resist the destruction of the elemental storm. You must control all the elements in the four-element shield, control each element separately, and maintain the four-element shield. At the same time, these elements must be integrated into the storm of elements of external destruction.

This is something Lin Yun can't do, even if the incarnation of the elemental elven king is cast, it is impossible to do it.

If you want to do this, you must distract hundreds of millions to control all the elements of a shield spell. If there is an error, it will be destroyed by the storm of elemental destruction.

Lin Yun ’s pressure suddenly increased a lot, and I almost understood why the book of death never surrendered anyone. At the same level, no one can be his opponent. Even Bain ’s terrible strength is almost godlike. At the same level, he is definitely not the opponent of this magic weapon incarnation.

He seems to be the rule itself, he is the element itself, and all the power of the world itself.

It is completely impossible to defeat the opponent by using the rules and elements themselves.

He cannot use one rule to destroy the rule itself. He can use the flame itself to destroy the flame, but he cannot use the flame rule to destroy the flame rule. This is the truth of the world itself.

The battle continued, the spells became more and more powerful, the battle became more and more fierce, and the entire void was filled with various violent spells.

Lin Yun's half-plane projection also appeared. This is also Lin Yun's own power. The spells' resistance slowly joined the rules. The entire void is filled with bright light bands and the void is distorted. These The light bands turn into swirls and appear here.

By this time, Lin Yun and the incarnation of the Book of Death magic incarnation could not be seen at all. Everything here became chaotic and everything was colliding with each other.

Slowly, chaos and collision seemed to pervade the whole void, but still no one could do anything about it. When the power broke out to the strongest, when the ruled pair met the strongest, it began to gradually narrow the scope.

的 The Book of Death's magic avatar and Lin Yun possess exactly the same power, possess the same quality and the same amount of magic power, and the same soul power, and the consumption of the two people is exactly the same.

Slowly, he returned to the scene of the original battle. Lin Yun's face was pale, his magic power was almost completely exhausted, his soul fell into weakness, his soul power was consumed too much, and he could almost no longer release the spell.

The magical incarnation of the Book of Death is exactly the same, and it is almost reaching the point where the spell can no longer be released.

释放 The spells released by two people began to fall from tenth-level spells to eighth-level spells, and then continued to fall to fifth-level, third-level, second-level, first-level ...

In the end, it became a first-level spell confrontation. The two became weaker and weaker, to the point where a first-level spell might be able to kill each other.

But this time, Lin Yun and the Book of Death battle, both sides have achieved the ultimate control of magic power and soul power, no one has wasted so much magic power and soul power.

Last time, the magic incarnation of the book of death died under a wind blade of Lin Yun, and he lost one time. Lin Yun took control of the book of death. If he loses again this time, he will be defeated by Lin. Yun completely took control of the magic incarnation.

"Merlin, I have to admit that you are really strong, and I can give you a chance, just because your magic road is perfect, even if I can't find a more perfect existence.

But this time, I ca n’t win, you ca n’t win me, your magic can only release a wind blade, and my magic is still enough to release a wind blade, can not defeat me, even if you lose. "

Lin Yun floated in the void, his eye sockets were deep, like a serious illness, the breath of life on his body has become weak, the shield has completely disappeared, and the remaining magic can only release a basic The magic shield is at most similar to the magic shield released by a mage apprentice ...

威 The power of this shield is at best able to withstand a wind blade and will dissipate.

The magical incarnation of the Book of Death is a good one. With such a little magic, it is impossible to defeat the opponent.

However, Lin Yun's eyes were not depressed at all, just staring at each other quietly, and slowly raising his hand.

At this moment, Lin Yun's face changed slightly, and the face of the magical incarnation of the Book of Death also changed, and both looked up at the same time.

The void is like a huge crack that was ripped open by a man. A huge head was drilled out of the crack. The giant monster looked like a ghost. The crack that obviously could not squeeze his head in. , But let him squeeze in through the crack easily.

He appeared in the void, and Lin Yun could see clearly that this guy's body was translucent, but it was tens of thousands of meters high. Just the spreading soul fluctuations made Lin Yun feel torn.

The magic weapon incarnation was finally a bit shocked, and looked at this sudden giant giant with a look of horror ~ ~ Damn guy, do you think a magic weapon can trap me, is it too great? Naive, I ca n’t break the blockade of this extraordinary magic weapon, but I can walk inside the magic weapon when you and the magic weapon avatar's control power is reduced to the limit.

As long as I have devoured both of you, I can have a perfect body, a body that is born with extraordinary life, and has a perfect foundation, and then I can have an extraordinary magic weapon born from the highest plane.

It is not impossible to reproduce the glory of the past. No one can stop me. No, it is not just the glory of the past, but the transcendence of me. The glory of God is only the glory of the past. I will start a new era and become a new god, the king of god! "

云 This weird soul shuttles to the space inside the Book of Death. Lin Yun is really quite surprised, but now he is not very afraid.

Ignoring the huge body of the Nightmare Lord, Lin Yun turned to look at the magical incarnation of the Book of Death.

"Let's start our final duel, as long as you can withstand the last spell, our battle will end."

As long as the battle here ends, everything here will disappear, and Lin Yun will leave here, out of the current almost dead state.

The magic weapon incarnation will also be out of the current state with only one breath.

"Merlin, you can't win me, nor can I surrender to you because of these ..."

(To be continued)