MTL - End of the Magic Era-Chapter 7 Dead

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If you think of it, you will definitely not use frost. If you think of it earlier, you will definitely not use frost. After all, this is only a control spell with limited power. It is good to use an explosive spell such as Pyroblast directly. Even if he has one, he can resist it. The magic damage magic weapon is in his body, and it will never be as good as it is now. Besides, the shock wave generated by Pyroblast is enough to make him fall on his feet and scream at Sirius.

Well, this is just a small accident. Pyroblast replacement is good!

After Raymond comforted himself for two sentences, he began to sing the Pyromonic spell with confidence. This time, Raymond seemed very calm. He did not perform spell abbreviation or move cast, just stood there with a glance. Yin ’s chanting spells, from the arrangement of elements to the rotation of magic, are standard as if written on a textbook. Even a strict teacher can't pick up any problems.

There will never be an accident again, Raymond said proudly in his heart.

The result ...

I didn't wait for Raymond to be satisfied, and there was a sudden howling in my ear.

I only heard the sound of "唰", as if something was tearing the air, and Raymond suddenly felt a numbness in her shoulders, and the whole person flew like a kite with a broken line ...

After flying a few meters away, Raymond landed heavily on the ground.

Until this time, Raymond felt the hotness on his shoulders, and then linked to the sharp sound of the empty air just now, Raymond responded. This is a hurricane whipping, a secondary spell hurricane whipping!

But the reaction is not the same as understanding. In fact, after realizing that this was a hurricane whipping, Raymond was even more confused, this, this ... What is this? How could there be a hurricane whipping here? Raymond even thought that he might have sang the wrong spell just now, using the hurricane whipping spell as a Pyroblast and then being attacked by the spell.

怎么 Otherwise, how to explain it, do you want to convince yourself that this hurricane whip was actually a magic apprentice?

The explanation came soon ...

Before Raymond was struggling to stand up, a sharp breaking sound sounded in his ear again, followed, and there was a numbness on the other side of the shoulder, and the whole person flew up again like a disconnected kite. .

Isn't it ...

Raymond was lying on the ground again, and there was a little reaction in his mind. What is the situation? I didn't sing the wrong spell, why is there a hurricane whipping?

Is it really not ...

Thinking of this, Raymond's face was gradually getting pale, and the mage who was stomping again could not use the wrong spell twice, and it was impossible to encounter the same spell backwash twice. The only reasonable explanation was that the two hurricanes were whipped. It really came from the hands of a nine-level magic apprentice.

No, no, no, not a level nine magic apprentice ...

The nagging **** raised two hands with two hurricane whips, clearly two types of magical abilities, spell abbreviation and silent spells. Damn, this **** is a mage and a mage who has at least two magical abilities!

For a moment, Raymond really wanted to die. You said that you are a good master, what is it like to be an apprentice in magic, just to pump Laozi twice with a hurricane? Are you a bit psychopath ...

Raymond really couldn't figure out 100. When did this **** advance to the mage? Obviously a month ago, he was a ninth-level magic apprentice. Why did he suddenly become a mage, ah, by the way, he still mastered at least two A magical ability, is there any truth?

"How could you be an advanced mage!"

"Why isn't it possible?" Lin Yun glanced at Raymond strangely without explaining, but just said casually: "Yes, don't forget to say thank you to your father when you go back."

"What do you mean?" Raymond heard a moment of murmur.

But Lin Yun had no plans to answer.

In fact, if it wasn't for Lin Yun suddenly remembering the respectable old man, Raymond had already been a corpse when Frost was shot, and the vigilance that had been developed for more than 20 years in the last days was Lei. A spell abbreviated and a mobile cast can be concealed.

Almost at the moment when the magic wave changed, Lin Yun's ice cone operation was already in his hands. If nothing unexpected happened, the frost operation was released. When the magic spiral contracted, the ice cone would pierce Raymond's brain.

As Lin Yun said, Raymond really should thank the old Pavi. It was almost at the same time that Ice Cone was about to let go, and Lin Yun suddenly realized that this is not the end of your life. The attack on the other person is not For the purpose of killing himself, not to mention, the father of this young mage is also an old man worthy of respect.

So, Lin Yuncai clasped the ice cone again, blocking the frost with a rough magic shield.

"Yes, come and do me a favor."

It was still that nasty commanding tone, but at this time, Raymond was afraid to say anything. One can casually use two hurricanes to whip his mage, but it is not so good to refuse, if it happens Any dispute that suffers must be your own.

Alas, Raymond had to swallow, "What do you want me to do?"

"Demonize them." Lin Yun, while busy in front of the alchemy, pointed to the glass bottles next to him.


Demonization is only the simplest alchemy operation. It is not complicated for Raymond who is already a mage. In fact, every mage will be involved in some or more alchemy knowledge. There are many high-level mage themselves. Top alchemist.

Since the birth of alchemy, they have been inextricably linked to magic. They are mutually complementary. If you want to go far enough in the world of magic, it is impossible to leave the support of alchemy. Alchemy equipment can bring the most The direct combat effectiveness is improved. Alchemy potions can be replenished when they are most needed. Alchemy urns are known as strategic forces. If a mage does not have the support of alchemy, no matter how natural the talent is, the final achievements are bound to be limited.

The same alchemy is also inseparable from magic. A good mage is not necessarily a good alchemist, but a good alchemist must be a good mage. This may sound a little mouthful, but the truth is true That ’s it. A slightly more complicated alchemy formula requires a lot of magic knowledge support. Most people may rely on talents and hard work to achieve certain achievements in alchemy, but if they want to conduct more in-depth research, they must not be masters. .

Without sufficient knowledge of magic, UU reading books cannot understand those complicated alchemy formulas, lack sufficient casting power, and never even want to make magic weapons in your life.

Raymond's achievements in alchemy are not very high. It is still as far as 10,000 miles away from making magic tools by yourself, but there is no problem in demonizing several glass bottles. Raymond one by one Demonize glass bottles with skill and ease. Even when doing these things, Raymond still has time to continue to wonder, when did the **** become a mage ...

Hey, what smell?

雷 When Raymond wanted to get into God, a strong irritating taste came, but suddenly came, Raymond first frowned a bit disgustingly, followed by the look on his face suddenly changed.

Because Raymond clearly saw that the one next to the alchemy table had just thrown a flame stone into the test tube ...

"I rely on ..." Raymond suddenly took a breath of cold air. Once the flame stone was stimulated by magic, it would instantly generate hundreds of degrees of high temperature. This thing fell into the red coral solution and it was a dry fire.

I was finished, I was really killed by this **** this time, watching the flame stone fall into the test tube, a red light bloomed, Raymond even felt that the high temperature of hundreds of degrees came far away.

Raymond wanted to curse, but it was too late. Under the high temperature of hundreds of degrees, the red coral solution was completely out of control, the violent magic was raging, the red light was rising into the sky, and the entire alchemy laboratory was illuminated as if it was blood-stained. A large number of red bubbles were rushing out of the test tube, feeling the horrible magic wave, and Raymond closed his eyes frankly.

"It's dead this time ..."

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