MTL - End of World’s Businessman-Chapter 157 Southern crisis (on)

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The insect tide and the corpse tide came to the fore. The high-ranking people in the Jiangnan settlements saw the situation, and immediately launched a rescue request to the capital city and Xiangcheng.

At least 60% of the more than one million survivors in the city have contributed to the settlements in the south of the Yangtze River. These people have seen the city through the protection of the energy hood and easily passed the clandestine crisis. Surrounded by danger, my heart is full of luck. If they did not take the initiative to leave, the people trapped today are them.

In total, more than 10 million levels of insects and corpses, the Jiangnan settlement is afraid of danger this time.

At the same time that Wu Ye received a letter of help from the people in the Jiangnan settlement, he also received a mandatory task issued by the system--[Successful survivors of the Jiangnan settlements, the number of rescuers is not less than 5; I started to marry her, 5:5 next door to Mary; hard?

Tens of thousands of insects, corpses, even if he is a superman, can also be stripped by the zombies, how to marry? Not to mention that they can't get in, the tens of thousands of levels of worms are surrounded by tides, and it is not easy for people inside to escape.

Air rescue?

Professor Li did some safety planes out, but they were all small helicopters or fighters. They couldn’t sit a few people. Not to mention that the plane is small, that is, the a380 is coming, and at most one more than one thousand people. 500,000 people, that is estimated to come to Noah's Ark. Where can he go to find the Noah's Ark that can fly?

In the air and on the land, only the tunnel can go.

However, when the rescued drowning water was used, there was no worm, but now some of the mutant worms that live underground are not much slower than the soil abilities. What should I do? When I was bored in the tunnel, I was not allowed to kill the worm.

There are no reliable rescue plans for the second thoughts, but the mandatory tasks must be completed. Otherwise, there will be painful punishments, and his hard-earned points will be cleared. Of course, if you can finish it, the reward is still very attractive.

Two less now is like a big scorpion hanging in front of the radish, with a whip waving behind him. If you can't eat the radish, you have to lick the whip. A careful liver sputum can't be more tangled.

Daqin is also actively helping him to think about countermeasures. He listed a series of countermeasures, and one after another, overthrowing, thinking about it, and trying to save so many people, the best way is to go underground. Even if the worms dig a lot, they just dig deep into the tunnel, and the worms can't help them for a while. After all, not all the worms will dig, so that they are under much less pressure than the land. If you can, get another energy cover that can cover the tunnel. The hope of successfully saving those people is great.

Time is urgent, Wu Ye and Da Qin finalized this method, immediately asked if Professor Li could make such an energy cover.

Professor Li and Ji Yun used the brain to build the model for the first time. It took them three hours and they finally built it. According to their theoretical model, the energy hood is cylindrical, with a height of 3 meters and a diameter of 3 meters and a length of 50 kilometers. It is enough to withstand a distance of 50 kilometers. It is basically enough for people in the Jiangnan settlement to escape from the city. The corpse is surrounded by the corpse, and the size of the passage can accommodate ordinary size pickup trucks and trucks. This way, not only can the soil in the passage be quickly transported away, but the passage can be opened. The Jiangnan settlement can also drive to escape, which can save more. Many people's lives.

The Jiangnan settlement is the third largest settlement in China. When the population is the most, there are more than 9 million survivors. Even today, many people flee and die, and the total population is no less than 50. Nowadays, the Jiangnan settlement is just around the corner. I really want to save the survivors of the Jiangnan settlements at the expense of Wu Ye, who is forced by the mission. There are really no two people, but there are definitely more than one person who fights the wealth of the Jiangnan settlement.

The Jiangnan settlement produces grain and ore. These two things are heavy and difficult to handle, but the small size of the crystal nucleus is extremely precious. It has been more than three years since the end of the world. The crystal nucleus in the reservoir in the south of the Yangtze River is transformed into a transparent crystal. It is conservatively estimated. One or two hundred million is absolutely there, and many people are very hot. Most of the people in the Jiangnan settlements can't escape this time, and they promised to pay for the 'crystal' request for rescue. No matter who they are, as long as they can rescue these high-level executives, the power of a person's life in the Jiangnan settlement is intricate. There are hundreds of people on the upper level, and if they add their loved ones and confidants, they will stop thousands.

In other words, whoever can save them, they are willing to dedicate their wealth to all the nucleus in the Jiangnan settlement.

However, just like there are planes in the south of the Yangtze River, there are so many zombies and mutant flying insects in the sky. Where are the planes flying in? Even Wu Ye’s safety planes dare not be tough, and ordinary airplanes fly more than one dead road in the past. Besides, the crystal nucleus worth one or two hundred million crystals, who dares to run in the wild? The Zombie Legion does not blame it for catching it!

Therefore, the eye is hot, everyone knows that this batch of crystal nucleus is not so swallowed, and even knowing how to die. After receiving the rescue letter from the settlements in Beijing, the top ten warlords scraped together 100,000 soldiers to let them support south, and at the same time released a mission at the hunter’s union to mobilize the corpses of the capital. They are involved in the rescue.

The hunters are not fools, obviously impossible to complete the task, who will rush to die? Of course, there are also hunters with eye-catching rewards, accepting tasks and going south with soldiers. After receiving the rescue letter, the Beijing settlements dragged on and pulled for three days. Before and after the two sides of the city, Wu Ye received the mandatory task. After Wu Yang received the mandatory task, he did not even think of the countermeasures. He began to mobilize the corps in the city. Participated in this rescue operation.

Professor Li and Ji Yun did not sleep for two days. With his fellow researchers and gold abilities, he finally used the 100 kilograms of green dragonfly provided by Wu Ye to make a new energy cover.

After Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua finalized the rescue plan, Wu Ye used the system to transfer the door and put on the low-level easy-to-capacity mask exchanged from the system. He quietly went to the Jiangnan settlement, and passed the network system of the Jiangnan settlement. Yucheng’s rescue plan was posted on all the websites he was able to log in to. At the same time, he secretly contacted the spies who were placed in the Jiangnan settlement and told them that the rescue plan was indeed true and reliable.

At this time, the Jiangnan settlement has been completely surrounded by panic, and the zombies and mutant worms have not yet launched a general attack, but the various zombies and mutant flying insects that have taken the lead have been entrenched over the colony of the south of the Yangtze River, attacking the survivors from time to time, every minute. Every second, people are injured and die. Many people choose to hide at home and wait for help in despair.

At this time, the rescue plan of Yucheng almost appeared in the eyes of all survivors.

The survivors regarded this rescue plan as the last straw, and almost no one doubted the authenticity. Even without the high-level orders issued by the Jiangnan settlements, these people rushed out of their homes and brought everything they thought was useful. Start a crazy excavation at the designated location.

The top officials of the Jiangnan settlement do not know whether the news is true or not. The spies who are close to the relationship with Yucheng on the Ming Dynasty patted their chests and told them that after the news was absolutely accurate, they first ecstasy and then the city at the fastest speed. The soil system, the fire system, the water system, etc., all the abilities who can participate in the excavation of the tunnel all gathered together and began a crazy excavation.

In the news released by Wu Ye, the direction of the tunnel, the size of the tunnel, and the depth of the excavation were clearly specified. The survivors of the Jiangnan settlement seized the vitality and acted madly.

At the same time, the excavation operation also began on the other side of the city. Wu Ye directly issued the city's main decree, forcing the relevant abilities in the city to participate in the rescue work, depending on the ability level, ability level, 80 to 400 crystals every day, the rich rewards, so that the abilities have no complaints. At the same time, a large number of pickup trucks and small trucks are dispatched to transport the excavated mud.

The underground passage selected by Wu Ye was costly for the system to use the monitoring function to help him survey. The tunnel was dug deep, but there were few hard rock layers, and it was easier to dig. The only bad thing is the distance 岚The city is a little farther away. After the survivors have escaped, they need to travel a little longer to reach Yucheng. However, in any case, the ground running is always faster than the underground digging, how to save time.

The abilities were dug in the ground. Wu Ye and Da Qin took the guards and the city guards, and other hunters were guarding the tunnel. They cleaned up and gathered the zombies and mutant corps.

After a day and a half of excavation work, Qian Xin and Zhao Qianyu sent freshly out the energy cover that had not been dissipated by the heat. After the crystal nucleus was put into place, a layer of translucent energy cover was slowly supported in the tunnel. stand up. Ji Yunshou is next to the energy hood and constantly adjusts the energy cover to the appropriate length with the brain. After nearly an hour of debugging, a 50-kilometer energy hood is directly connected to the Jiangnan settlement.

The abilities of the savage tunnels at the end of the Jiangnan settlement suddenly saw a circle of translucent 'covers' around the tunnel. After a while, they found that the mutant worms were kept out of the hood and suddenly understood - this is The legendary energy hood!

The appearance of the energy hood is like a strong heart, everyone has the strongest survival, and excavate, excavate and excavate at all costs! Be sure to dig a way out!

During these two days, the abilities of the Jiangnan settlements were dug up by the power for nearly 20 kilometers. Now that they see the energy cover, everyone is like a drowning drowning person. Wood, the spirit of great vibration, the speed is actually a lot faster.

The population base of Yucheng is smaller than that of Jiangnan. There are fewer survivors who can be dispatched. The speed of excavation is naturally not as fast as the hunters who are desperate to survive. In the same two days, they dig less than ten kilometers.

However, the two add up, there are nearly 30 kilometers, and at most more than a day, the tunnel can be completely opened.

At this time, the zombie army has been assembled and gathered to a place less than ten kilometers away from the Jiangnan settlement.

At the same time, Wu Ye left the rabbit boss and Da Qin together against the enemy. He used the portal to quietly touch the Jiangnan settlement again...