MTL - End of World’s Businessman-Chapter 158 Southern crisis (below)

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After another day, millions of zombies gathered under the city of Jiangnan. The number of five-level zombies that were late was 10, and the number of giant zombies brought by them was more than 500. The giant giant zombies gathered together, like a living mountain. Just listening to the five-level fusion of the zombies, the huge ‘meat mountain’ ran up, and the surface made a dull tremor.

The guards on the wall aimed the fort at the huge 'Meat Mountain', and the sound of the explosion was heard. The final battle of the siege finally broke out.

At this time, the passage outside the escaped city is about to open, and countless people are rushing to the passage of the passage, blocking the outside of the passage. Everyone knows that this time, the zombie tide has been unable to hold the city. The passage to the outside of the city is their only chance to survive, they must seize this opportunity!

Some of the high-rises took the family into the tunnel early and waited for the first to escape. The soldiers on the wall were unwilling to fight. The survivors in the city were mad and wanted to escape. There were also a lot of zombies and mutant flying insects in the city to attack... ...

The Jiangnan settlement is almost completely out of control.

At this moment, I don’t know who screamed in the tunnel: "The tunnel is open!"

The colony of the south of the Yangtze River was completely plunged into chaos. Early in the tunnel, a vehicle full of people rushed into the tunnel. The first to leave is the relatives who participated in the excavation of the tunnel and their family relatives, followed by some powerful hunters and the 'rich' and 'high-level' who hired these hunters as bodyguards, and then Some ordinary hunters, and finally the ordinary workers and soldiers in the settlement.

However, the continuous zombies and mutant flying insects descended from the sky; the zombie fish squirmed with tiny feet and climbed the wall smoothly; some of the non-flying mutants began to climb the wall, while others quickly dig the wall; The five-level fusion zombies commanded their zombie brothers, perseveringly hit the city wall, and gradually began to appear a small crack on the wall...

The soldiers on the wall are also human. When they look at the corpses and insects that are constantly coming from outside the wall, the companions of their comrades are constantly screaming and falling down. They are instantly eaten into white bones. The panic in their hearts is Constantly spreading, seeing the people in the city are desperately fleeing, they also have a strong retreat in their hearts.

As the zombie fish successfully landed in the city, the survivors of the Jiangnan settlements were almost insane, and everyone was rushing to seize the opportunity to get out of the city. However, millions of people, as long as a 3 meter wide passage, even every A truck that entered the passage was covered with dense survivors and could not carry too many people at a time.

The bloodshed and conflict escalated, and the only exit to the road of life has now become the entrance to hell.

The densely populated crowd is surrounded by zombies and mutant insects. The internal survivors rushed to kill each other in order to get out of the city. The numerous red blood fusions condensed together and eventually became hellish black.

Survivors desperately trying to escape the city will not notice that someone is heading in the opposite direction.

Wu Ye drove a modified car that was exchanged for a high price system. He entered the inner city with almost no obstruction. The inner city of the bustling and peaceful city was already in a mess. The road was full of dead bodies, zombies and bugs were happy. Divided by their food, almost all the shops on both sides of the street were beaten and burned, and many shops still smoked.

The taste of the six-level abilities is very attractive to zombies and mutant worms. Wu Ye’s system card circulates with numerous zombies and mutant worms. He drives to the system prompts at the fastest speed and opens directly. The full throttle slammed into the bank gate of the Jiangnan settlement.

The bank was already empty. Wu Ye jumped off the car at the fastest speed. In accordance with the instructions of the system monitoring, he rushed into the office behind the hall and slammed the door shut, blocking the various monsters swarming outside. .

There is a tunnel hidden in this seemingly ordinary office. Wu Ye uses the ice abilities to condense the key to open the tunnel door, quickly dig into the tunnel, and close the heavy steel door with the backhand. He turned on the system monitoring all the time, and the way he could not reach the five fingers was as white as he was.

This tunnel was dug very deep. The surrounding walls and stairs were all made of pure steel. Wu Ye walked on it and the sound was very far.

At the end of the tunnel, there are two huge vaults at the end of the tunnel. Wu Ye sees the situation of the two vaults through the system monitoring. She can’t help but take a sip of the scorpion. I saw the insurance on the right hand side. Curry is filled with gold and silver jewellery and antique jade. The number of gold in it is not less than 100 tons. On the left is a metal box made of alloys with neat boxes. The boxes are all crystal clear. The transparent crystal nucleus of each color, each box is fixed to 1 other nucleus of various grades and there are hundreds of boxes, and the total value of the cumulative equivalent is not less than 200 million crystals.

The high-rises of the Jiangnan settlements were reluctant to escape without a penny. They had already divided the crystal nucleus above the orange crystals in stock before they were ready to leave the settlement. For these crystal nuclei in the depths of the earth, they still have a glimpse of fantasy, and the zombies and mutant bugs can't find this place. Then, after they settle down, with their passwords and keys, no matter which forces want to get this wealth, they will definitely be regarded as a guest, and power will eventually return to them!

However, in fact, Wu Ye, through system monitoring, can clearly see that the steel vault has gathered a large number of mutant bugs, and they are trying every means to destroy the outer casing of the vault. The high-rises in the Jiangnan settlements have already had a lot of holes and holes in the pure steel vault. It is only a matter of time before the insects break through.

Once this nucleus is occupied by a mutant worm or a zombie army, the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

"Mom, I don't want Laozi to take such a big risk and sneak in!" Two less wiped the sweat on his face, and posted a super-bomb with a big palm-shaped spider on the thick password door. He ran back quickly. On the stairs, a tens of meters thick ice wall was built by quick abilities, and then he pressed the bomb's detonator. A loud bang, the password door crashed into the ground in the explosion, and the splashing steel piece hit a terrible crack on the ice wall, and it was all over the place where Wu Ye was ten meters away.

Wu Ye, through system monitoring, determined that it was safe, quickly turned ice into water, and rushed into the vault at the fastest speed. Both eyes braved the 'crystal' light, and directly connected the box to the crystal nucleus to collect space. In the ring, these boxes are extremely thick and very space-consuming. More than a hundred boxes are stacked in two space rings, almost filling his space ring, and his mental strength is almost drained. He licked his sore head and pressed the portal button to return to another world room before the zombies broke through the tunnel entrance.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, took out the crystal nucleus and quickly recovered some mental power. The cooling time of the portal was passed back to the inside of the car with Daqin's modified pickup. The pickup truck stopped behind the battle. When the other vehicles were stopped, no one noticed that there was suddenly more than one person in the closed car. Two less picking up the weapons from the car, quickly converge with Daqin.

Daqin has always avoided the release of money, and has killed a large number of attacks from the air. As the corpse tides and insect tides gathered more and more, there have been small-scale casualties on the side of the city. The survivors who escaped from the colony of the south of the Yangtze River have already been scared. When they step out of the channel, they are rushing toward the direction of the city, and they are not expected to help them keep their exports.

Daqin saw Wu Ye appear, and the two quickly exchanged a look, he knew that Wu Ye had succeeded.

"You and the big gray go to rest, here I am coming." Wu Ye did not see the pitiful little eyes of the rabbit boss, the rabbit boss had to accept the vomiting of the ice. The rabbit boss is very good. When Wu Ye is not there, it will definitely not give full strength. Compared with the fatigue of the big gray, its spirit is still very good.

Daqin had already been in the overdraft ability, and the fascination of the whole body was faint. He nodded and said, "Okay, you should be careful." After he finished, he retired to the rest area and resumed his abilities with other abilities.

The ice attack has always been known for its power. Wu Ye is fully capable of driving abilities and mental power. There are numerous ice thorns in the air, the ice thorns accurately stab the zombies and the heads of the mutant worms, and countless zombies and mutant worms descend from the sky. In the hundreds of square meters of the sky in front of Wu Ye, there are countless bodies falling, and the sky is empty.

Four six-level, two-five-level, a large number of four-level abilities, and the taste of the contracted beasts are very attractive to the corpse tides and insect tides. Some of the higher-ranking four- and five-level zombies find it very attractive in the city of Jiangnan. After the nucleation energy disappeared, they turned their attention to the high-level abilities. Wu Ye and others undoubtedly became their first choice.

However, these high-level zombies have already penetrated into the colony of the south of the Yangtze River. For a while, they want to turn around and kill Wu Ye and his party. It will take a lot of time.

Five hours after the fierce battle, Wu Ye's exhausted system task panel looked at the completion of the mission. The system showed that more than one million survivors had successfully rescued, which is the limit they can persist.

"All the people in Yucheng noticed that all the personnel noticed that they immediately withdrew from Yucheng and immediately withdrew from Yucheng!" Wu Ye used the walkie-talkie to repeat the order twice, and the hunters in the battle were relieved. The ammunition they brought was almost exhausted, and the ability had already bottomed out. I am afraid I will not be able to stop.

The people sent by Yucheng were more orderly. They were not too excited after receiving Wu’s evacuation order. Everyone fought back and finally safely withdrew from the battle zone.

As soon as the people of Yucheng were withdrawn, the authentic exits quickly fell, and a large number of zombies and mutant worms poured into the tunnels. It was not long before the tunnels were completely blocked. The survivors who had no time to escape eventually became their food...

No one added a crystal nucleus to the energy hood. The energy hood stopped the work after consuming the last energy. It was already dug by the mutant worms and collapsed into a soft mud layer. Many people and zombies and worms were buried in the tunnel. .

When the rescuers in the settlements of the city arrived in Jiangnan late, the Jiangnan settlement had already broken the city and became a **** on earth.