MTL - End of World’s Businessman-Chapter 19 Home defeat

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Wu Ye disappeared for a whole month.

During this month, the Wu family has undergone earth-shaking changes. An enviable wealthy person, the defeat is unexpectedly fast.

The starting point of the Wu Group was that Wu Yong quit his enviable workshop director. In the eyes that people did not agree with at the time, he lost the iron rice bowl and went to the sea to do business. From the very beginning, he bought and sold electronic products, and set up an electronic component factory to do it from the electronic component factory. After accumulating ample initial funds, Wu’s father entered the real estate market with a unique eye. In just two or three decades, he accumulated billions of net worth from scratch and became the number one rich in China.

Wu Yong is undoubtedly proud. Compared with those who have big backers, everything he does is earned by his own savvy and unique eyes. However, the same, because there is no hard background, Wu Yong did not dare to sway, few people outside know his worth, and after the eldest son took over the company, the rapid retreat, has been semi-retired in the state to accompany his son and wife in the home, from Not appearing in the financial magazine, it is the invisible rich man who is envied by everyone in the circle.

Although the second son did not have any enthusiasm, the younger son was suffering from congenital ills, but he was glad that there was another eldest son who completely inherited his savvy and capable. When the outsider envied him with a sour tone, he had a kind of saying. I can’t express my pride in my family business.

However, Wu Yong never dreamed of it. The eldest son he has always been proud of has not only inherited his savvy and savvy, but also learned the haze calculation when he did not know; his seemingly perfect family and The cause turned into a mirror in the water in just one month. At the moment Wu leaves disappeared, it was fragmented.

The second son was bizarrely missing; the eldest son resigned on the grounds of mismanagement, shorting the company’s funds in front and marrying the enemy group; Wu Yong’s unconditional seal of the seal to the eldest son became the ironclad proof of illegally taking the group’s funds. He had to hand over all the equity and huge compensation in his hands to quell the public anger. The hard-working group company was in the blink of an eye, and he could face jail time at any time; the younger son had a heart attack and lived after learning the truth. Into the hospital, the doctor asserted that if he could not find a suitable heart, he would probably not live this winter; his wife could not stand the blows that followed, and fell down...

For the first time in Wu Yong’s life, I really realized four words: I couldn’t go back to heaven.

If these things can happen ten years earlier, Wu Yong probably still has the confidence to do something to turn the tide, but he is now 55 years old. In recent years, his discomfort and leisurely life have smoothed his edges and ambitions. I thought that when I could enjoy my old age, I had nothing at all, and I was in a huge debt.

What killed him was the ‘good son’ that he taught and proud of.

Seeing Wu Sen's hot, Wu Yong can't deceive himself any more - A Ye disappeared for so long without any news, it is likely to have been fierce and sorrowful; A young and weak, can not live this year is another matter; From the renewed incident, Wu Sen is his only son, the last blood, and does not say that he is half-buried in the coffin, the late old man is not willing to send him to prison, Wu Sen has long been colluding with the company's high-level, with His people should be external, things are done seamlessly, even if there are loopholes, they are deliberately left to contain him. Once someone is involved in the investigation, the first one is trapped.

To tell the truth, Wu Yong must be screaming for Wu Sen’s step-by-step plan for the unfinished business. It’s just that these intrigues are used by his father’s brother. Wu Yongguang thinks that he feels disheartened.

"Wu Yong, you said what I did to Wu Sen, so that he hates me so much, so hate Aye and Ayi?" He Yushu said tears and flowed out, his eyes hollowed into the white ceiling.

It is said that Hou Niang is difficult to do. When He Yushu married Wu Yong, Wu Sen was six years old. She was reluctant to say a word to her, and later she politely called her mother. He Yushu spent more time on Wu Sen than on his son Wu Ye. I don’t know how to change it. Now, she can't help but think, if she directly rehabilitated Wu Sen like other maidens, or how good it is for Wu Ye to let him ‘missing’ like Aye, where is there so much today?

Wu Yong lived with He Yushu for more than 20 years. How could she not think of what she thought at the moment? He took his wife’s cold hand and said, "Yu Shu, you are not the kind of heart-wrenching person, you are doing for Wu Sen. I know that he is sorry for you, blame me for not teaching my son, blaming me for knowing his arrogant ambitions and letting them associate with them. It’s my fault. Didn’t my mother ask the Supreme to give Aye a life? It’s a big blessing. Now, no news is the best news. He will definitely come back safely.”

"You don't want to widen my heart, Aye can't come back, he can't come back." He Yushu's name is generally gentle and sorrowful for most of her life, but this moment she is crying like a lost female wolf. "Why is he so embarrassed? That is his younger brother, brother, why didn't he let him go? Ay'a child didn't even mean to fight him. Why can't he not let him? He put If the company is short-selling, can't you give Aye a life? Hey... I blame you, I blame you, why must I go to the company... 呜呜..."

He Yushu said that she couldn't stop crying. The well-maintained face became old and the tears washed the lines of her eyes over and over again. In just one month, she looked like she was over ten years old.

Wu Yong looked at his wife's grief-like appearance, and could not help but mourn from the middle, tears and tears. In the small master bedroom, there are only two old people crying with sorrow and despair.

"Mom, Dad, what are you crying? What happened to you? How are you here?" Wu Ye appeared in the room out of thin air, and saw that her parents were crying and tears, and the whole person was paralyzed. He Yushu and Wu Yong heard the voice of their son at the same time, thinking that they had an auditory hallucination and looked back at him. The couple suddenly saw the son who had disappeared for a whole month, and his head appeared in front of his face. The head was blank for a few seconds. Immediately, Wu Yong rushed to Wu Ye, thinking that he did not want a slap in the head of Wu Ye, and his voice was hoarse. Such as crying: "Mixed kid, where did you go? You know that we are looking for you to find crazy!"

"Wu Yong, how do you beat the children well? What can't you say?" He Yushu almost went straight from chuang to Wu Ye with an unusual agility, and took Wu Ye in his arms. "Aye, you Does it hurt?"

Wu Ye is a little bit blushing. The treatment of her mother has not been enjoyed for many years. After 8 years old, as long as he does not obey the end, he is often a mixed doubles. Of course, the mother of Gaozhi’s origin is generally not very good. However, her mental assault is generally unacceptable.

"It's okay." Wu Ye saw her parents suddenly grow a lot, and her heart was uncomfortable. She asked: "Is there anything wrong at home?"

Wu Ye stayed in the zombie plane for a month, especially in the most recent week, and he kept killing every day. He himself may not realize that Wu’s mother Wu saw the change of his son at a glance.

When Wu's father was young, he went to the south and north. Whether it was good or bad, he had seen many things. He keenly discovered the murderousness of his son.

"Don't talk about things at home, where have you been this month?" Immediately, Wu’s father thought of something, and stared at his son in amazement. "How did you appear in the room?" The security door outside was clearly closed. The door of the room was closed, and the son who had disappeared for a long time appeared in the room out of thin air.

Wu Mu quickly reacted, and she also looked at Wu Ye closely, as if she was afraid that her son would disappear from the air, holding his son's arm.

Wu Ye originally wanted to take care of the family about the system and another world. Before returning through the portal, he also specifically told the system that he would send him to the school district where he was studying at the university. This is an old house, a three-bedroom apartment. When I first bought it, I just went to school to stay close to school. Usually, except that he occasionally brought friends back, and the hourly workers cleaned the toilet on time every week, there would be no other people coming. Will not be seen by others, knowing that he is actually hitting his parents.

Wu Ye knows that his father and mother are not easy to lie, simply take the two to the side of the bed and simply mention the system and the parallel world. Wu Ye rarely left a heart, afraid that the two old mouths worried, only said that the other world is more developed than the technology here, did not mention the virus and zombies.

Regardless of his parents' surprise, Wu Ye was busy asking what was going on at home.

Wu’s father sighed and brought him together.

After Wu Ye recalled the lost memory, he guessed that the night was probably done by Big Brother. However, in fact, Wu Sen was even more embarrassed than he thought.

It is no longer meaningful to ask ‘why is he doing this’.

Wu Ye pours the gold in the mountaineering bag on the bed: "Dad, you can't get rid of these golds anyway, no matter how the treatment can't be broken."

The gold that Ji Yun exchanged for him, in addition to five pounds of gold bars, the rest are some accessories, a small pile of twenty kilograms of gold piled on the bed, especially dazzling.

Wu’s father grabbed it with a hand, and his son, who was not sensible, finally grew up. “How come you got so much gold?” Reminiscent of the murderousness of Wu Ye’s body, Wu’s face was a bit harsh. A son has already embarked on the evil path, and he does not want another son to follow his footsteps.

"Can the system not be exchanged for things? There is a fight in the area, the supplies are scarce, I used the system to change some salt, and I bought it and sold it many times. I have these things." Wu Ye did not want to entangle on this topic, he said: "I I want to go to the hospital to see Aya. The system is superb, and maybe I can redeem it to save the A."

I used to think that I could always find a heart that matched my brother. It seems that it is no longer a play. In any case, he could not sit and watch the family and sit down and watch his parents and brothers be destroyed by him. Big deal, he will return to the zombie world, he must not watch as he died at a young age!

One day, he will let him regret it! Let him pay for what he did!