MTL - Endless Fall-Chapter 11 Ban office romances

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   Chapter 11 Forbidden Office Romance

   On Monday, the employees of Shengheng Group lined up in an orderly line in front of the credit card machine in the lobby.

  They are biting bread, drinking soy milk, opening documents, swiping iPads, doing their own thing without disturbing each other.

   Lin Jiao, who was at the end of the line, became tense due to this urgent atmosphere, and her back straightened.

   Today is her first day of reporting. In order to leave a good impression on her new colleagues, she wakes up two hours early to put on makeup, take care of her hair, and practice her smile several times in front of the mirror.

   Taking advantage of no one's attention, she took out the air cushion and took a look around. After confirming that there was no problem, she took the elevator to the second floor with light steps and went to the personnel department to complete the formalities.

   "Lin Jiao, right?" HR in her early thirties just glanced at her and called out her name.

  She stretched out her hand: "My name is Zhao Lan, the head of the personnel department, you can call me Sister Lan."

   "Sister Lan." Lin Jiao held her hand, and the corner of her mouth evoked a proper smile.

   Zhao Lan responded lightly: "Follow me."

   She pushed open the door of the rest area, and took out the two contracts she had prepared: "Everywhere you write your name, you must press your handprint."

   "Okay." Lin Jiao opened her wallet, handed her the ID card, and looked at the contract at a glance.

   She carefully pressed her fingerprints according to the rules, and almost the next moment, a tissue was handed over.

   Zhao Lan checked the contract: "The planning department is on the eighth floor. You go up to Manager Wu and he will arrange work for you."

  Lin Jiao nodded: "Thank you." She put on the badge given by Zhao Lan, and walked into Manager Wu's office five minutes later.

   Manager Wu's name is Wu Xiuwen. He is the deputy manager of the planning department. He looks like a man of science and engineering. He is obviously young, but his plaid shirt looks old-fashioned and dull.

   He took out the resume sent by the personnel department, read it again, and said softly, "What a coincidence, I also graduated from Linda University."

   "Are you a major with me?"

   "No, I majored in mathematics."

   "I see." Perhaps there is a layer of 'alumni' relationship, and Lin Jiao is not as nervous as before.

   She sat upright on the chair and answered all the questions he asked patiently, but she didn't want his thinking to jump too fast.

   "Xiao Lin, are you in love?"


   "That's right, there are a lot of single young people in our company, but it is strictly forbidden to have office romances, so I want to remind you that it is best not to have too much contact with them other than work, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

   "Understood." Lin Jiao looked serious: "Manager, don't worry, I have no idea of ​​falling in love at the moment, and I will focus on my work."

   Wu Xiuwen nodded with satisfaction.

   He put away her resume and took her to the office area to introduce to other employees: "Let's put the work at hand first."

The sound of    typing on the keyboard suddenly stopped.

   When several lines of sight came together, Wu Xiuwen cleared his throat: "This is a new colleague from our department, Lin Jiao."

  Lin Jiao was taken aback by them. Even if he was not used to this feeling, he still smiled and said hello.

  The air was quiet, and just when she began to wonder if it was disturbing their work, she heard the sound of gasping for air.

   "Wow!" The man sitting at the first station on the right quickly returned to his senses: "We finally have beautiful women in our department!"

   As soon as he opened his mouth, the others followed suit, and those compliments didn't jump out in the same way.

   (end of this chapter)