MTL - Entertainment Industry’s Gourmet Food Service-Chapter 132

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Chen Huixin smiled insanely: "Everything is gone, it's over."

Close your eyes and leave a tear in your eyes.

Yin Yiyi stood by and wondered why she would become an illegitimate child from the high-ranking Yin Jia Er, so her father was not her father. She had no chance to choose. She just wanted to go with her mother.

But she didn't dare to resist, because she knew that this man really didn't care that she would never care about her, and there was no father-daughter between them...

The butler at the side handed in the luggage at the right time, "Miss Chen, please!"

Chen Huixin glanced at the man she loved and hated, and then picked up the check on the table.

Now she has no choice, she is already Chen’s abandoned son, and she still has a child. Chen’s family will not let her enter the door... Even if she has only 100,000 couples for so many years, she can only hold it.

She did not know that Yin Wanzhen was actually familiar with the things of the year, otherwise it would not be so unremarkable.

In Yin Wanzhao’s opinion, it’s already tolerant to let her go. He knows that Chen Huixin's life in the first half of his life is a arrogant woman's life. He is arbitrarily profligate and arbitrarily profligate, so he has never been detained for her expenses in the past few years, but instead gave Chen Huixin an illusion that the other party has accepted her.

Now, without family support, Chen Huixin is not a skillful person who is a big man who spends a lot of money. Now he has to take the daughter of a noble school. It is estimated that there will be no good days. It is also a punishment for her. Let her appreciate the time. Qing has no way to go, but this time limit is a lifetime...

And then... that is the couple who are self-righteous, and Yin Wanzhen has a hint of coldness in his eyes.


Mo Shaoqing is still in intense shooting here. In the next story, Tang’s wife was also infected because of his carelessness. In order to not send the wife to the quarantine area, Tang concealed his wife’s illness and could only secretly take his own blood to his wife. But gradually, Lilith was not satisfied, and again and again, tang could only helplessly. Go to the hospital or research institute to steal fresh blood for her to smoke...

Mo Shaoqing held Fan Lun from behind, watching her mad, watching her self-mutilation, while she was blocking, she was also crying silently.

In fact, he was originally not in the show, because his interpretation experience is still relatively small, really did not encounter such a situation.

However, when he regarded Fan Lun as Lingsen, imagine that if he was infected with a virus, he must be sad and remorseful, but he would never give up.

In this way, Mo Shaoqing actually grasped the essence of the play. In a short scene, Tang’s heartache, remorse, despair, and love for his wife were performed, but there was no fear of it, because he still wanted to protect his wife...


Mo Shaoqing came off the court and quickly took off the cotton jacket wrapped in winter. An assistant came forward to blow him a fan and then gave him water.

"Moco has your call!" Another assistant handed the phone to him.

Mo Shaoqing originally thought that it was Lingsen, and once again, it was found to be a domestic strange number, but it was recognized that 80% of it was hit here.

"Hey? Here is Mo Shaoqing."

The phone was quiet.

"Hey?" He doesn't think international calls are just a prank.

"It's me!" Yin Wanxi responded.

"Yin... Mr. Yin?"

"You went abroad to film?"

"Yes." Mo Shaoqing was a little uneasy. It is said that those giants are the most invisible to them.

"Oh, it seems that your career has gone further." Unexpectedly, there was a pleasant laugh on the phone. "Can I see you? Can you go back to China?"

"see me?"


Mo Shaoqing did not ask why, he has been making movies for almost a month, and although he has passed many telephone calls at home, he has never seen a real person.

Just by this opportunity to go back?

Think of Rui Rui's soft little paws, and the soft pace... Mo Shaoqing can't wait to fly back immediately.

After thinking about it, he made a draft and prepared to take time off with Li Su.

Unexpectedly, Li Su actually agreed.

"Haha, don't look at me like this, I will give you a holiday because your family is too far away."

Li Su patted his shoulder: "But it can't be too long. I know that you can go back and forth for a day, but you can only give you a three-day holiday."

"Well, thank you Li." Mo Shaoqing knows that Li Guide is 80% of the person who is a Chinese person. He is the leading actor. The three-day holiday has already taken the other people's drama forward.

Mo Shaoqing is preparing to return to China at the latest plane today.


Yin Wanyi hangs up the phone with pleasure and looks at a stunned family.

"Just that is my son!"

"Where are you from?" Yin Zhen only recently realized that his little granddaughter was not his own granddaughter. Yin’s family had raised other people’s wild children for 16 years. He was irritated by the stains.

How did you suddenly emerge a grandson? Although it was not shocked, it was followed by a touch of joy.

Chen Qian has been married to him for many years, but how can he not see it, just a sneer in her heart, she would like to see how long this "surprise" can last.

Yin Wanzhen kept a faint smile and said carelessly: "Oh, it is the son of Aqing, I found him!"

"Yun Qing's son? The child who lost that year? What is his name now? Have you ever studied at university? What does the family do?" Yin Zhen has a series of questions.

Yin Wanxi knows this so-called father too much. He cares too much about his face. The granddaughter who has been raised for more than ten years also said that he should not... but he just asked so many questions, but he did not ask his grandson who was living outside. It’s good to get the bottom!

"His name is Mo Shaoqing! The family... is doing catering..." Yin Wanzhen deliberately vague.

"Mo Shaoqing!" Yin Yixue on the side exclaimed, then realized that this was a family dinner, and immediately stopped his mouth!

"Who is that? Yi Xue, do you know?" Yin Zhen asked.

"Yes!" How could Yin Yixue not know? When the red fried chicken, the domestic first-line niche - Mo Shaoqing, most of the girls of this age know it!

Yin Zhenyi listened to the other party as a star, and his heart was vaguely dissatisfied, and he did not find the joy of his grandson.

In his view, this is a career that is not influential. People who have no education have done it, dining? It won't be a snack bar! Once such a family has let them get wrapped up in Yin, they are not dead. And what kind of talent can a play, it is estimated that it is impossible to keep the property, take some money to send it!

"I want to recognize him, even if he does not want to surname Yin, I have to recognize him!"

"No!" Yin Zhen immediately objected. He would not have seen this grandson, but he did not surname Yin. Is this going to be an ancestor?

"I want to recognize him!" Yin Wanyi just repeated.

"You are the opposite!" See Yin Wanzhen against himself, Yin Zhen is angry.

Chen Qian immediately went up to appease, she hated Yin Wanzhen, Yin Zhen is doing too much, she does not mind, it is best to deprive him of his inheritance rights.

Yin Wanzhen did not speak, just looked at this family coldly.

"Shao Qing is like this now, isn't it because of you?"

Yin Zhen thought that the things of the year were a bit guilty, but then he thought that he was doing this for the reputation of this family. He had the temperament to refute, but he was on the eyes of Yin Wanqi’s smile and laughed. The eyes of the blind.

"And he is very good... I want to recognize him, it has nothing to do with you."

Yin Zhen sighed a little. He knew that the younger son’s wings were now hard, and the company couldn’t do it without him.

"You have to admit that he doesn't matter, but he has to rush to resign. The Yin family's children are not too shameful. And the surname has to be changed quickly, and his parents have quickly broken the relationship and sent some money." Don't feel that you can be rich and wealthy when you are on the house... and that... I don't agree with Yunqing to enter the door!"

Yin Wanyan looked at each other with cold eyes. "Oh, you may not know. Shaoqing actually inherited A Qing's physique. In the past few days, he added a son to Lawrence's family. Now it is nine months old. This is estimated to be Claire Group in the future. Heir..."

"You, what are you talking about?" The amount of information is a bit large, and Yin Zhen can't accept it.

But he still caught the keyword, and his grandson went with the man again?

Still have a son?

But the man... If you didn’t get it wrong, you should say that...

If this is the case, Yin Jia and Lawrence’s family are in-laws, isn’t it?

In the case of Yin’s family, if there is a capital injection from the Claire Group...

"But he doesn't want to recognize me?" Yin Wanxi added a faint sentence.

At this time, I can't see that I was being played by the son in front of everyone. Yin Zhen can be said to be alive in these years.

"You are this..." Yin Zhen didn't come up in a breath, pointing to Yin Wanzhen but couldn't get up.

Yin Wanzhen was very anxious. He looked at his father's face from joy to anger to joy and finally anger, just as ridiculous as a clown.

"I am full and go first!" Yin Wanqi wiped his mouth slowly, and looked at the treacherous people, laughing and leaving.

"It's all you--" and others went away. Yin Zhencai reacted and fanned his old wife. "What wife did you find for Wanhao? Why did you send the kid that year, knowing him..."

But you agree, isn't it?

Chen Qian sneered, she knows the roots of this man best. If Chen is not now declining, how dare he be so against himself, it seems that the good days of these years have passed out.

After all, don’t you just watch your eldest son without a son!

"Dad, why are you doing? Why are you fighting mom!" Yin Wanming quickly stepped forward to help Chen Qian.

Although he is weak and incompetent, he still knows his status in the company now, relying on his mother to maintain the status quo, otherwise...

Chen Qian squinted at her face, but her eyes flashed a little cold.

It seems that the process has been accelerated. There are sons who can not only Yin Wanyi!