MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 108 Escape the Secret Train (1)

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Passing distantly from a long distance, with a low dull thunder, it kept rolling in his ears.

He felt for a while that he was lying, lying on a small, narrow sofa, because his hands touched the soft cloth under the body, and the cloth was filled with a moist smell.

Not only that, he also felt that the ground was shaking, accompanied by the sound of wheels rolling and the roar of the train.

Where am I?

He asked himself this way, and then felt that he should open his eyes to look at the environment he was in, but his body was so heavy that even opening his eyelids was such a difficult task, breathing became difficult, like being in the deep ocean.

His mind was blank, he didn't know what to do, but he was confused but confused, and at this time he heard footsteps.

Clicking footsteps ...

But the sound was very slow, as if walking very slowly, and it was no exaggeration to describe it at the speed of a turtle. He listened to the sound of the footsteps from far to near, and seemed to slowly walk to his side. In a panic, the owner of the footsteps gave him an inexplicable sense of fear. He wanted to open his eyes to see who it was, but he had no energy.

Footsteps stopped beside him.

Then he heard breathing again, it was a stranger's breathing sound, very close to him, he felt that the breathing sound was almost above his head, he soon realized that the stranger was bending Looking down at him, he could even feel the heat of the other person's breathing.

The fear deepened unconsciously. He tried to mobilize his body. He hoped to move, open his eyes and act!

Because he felt danger!

Sure enough, in the next second, the terrible stranger reached out and squeezed his neck!

He clearly felt the power of these hands, it was a pair of very rough hands, the nails were very long and almost got into his flesh! Pain and suffocation began to attack his body together. He wanted to struggle, struggling violently, but his hands and feet were still unable to move, and the pain was intensifying unilaterally!

Will die, I will die!

Fear almost pervaded the entire brain.

At this moment, he seemed to hear a voice. This terrible murderer who was holding his neck was lowering his head, squatting in his ear, and spoke to him with a low voice and a sneer tone:

"Will you do whatever it takes to survive?"

Then he was frightened and opened his eyes suddenly, his body jumping up like a spring and sitting on the sofa sweating.

It turned out to be a nightmare.

"It turned out to be a nightmare ..." He mumbled to himself, stupid for a long time, and then began to observe the environment around him, he found that he seemed to be on a train, an empty train, And he was in one of the carriages on the train, sitting on a very old-looking sofa seat.

The sofa seat is the old-fashioned black leather sofa seat, but it is covered with a white sofa cover. The white sofa cover looks like it has not been washed for a long time. There are some dark brown marks on it. It is large and large, reminiscent of Dry blood.

The carriages were crowded, and the left and right sides were densely packed with seats, and the aisle in the middle was narrow enough to allow only one person to pass. This dense arrangement always felt suffocating.

Moreover, the inside of this compartment looks strange.

There are a lot of melon seeds shells, chewed betel nuts, smoked cigarette butts, and various kinds of littered melon peels on the ground. There will be a small table fixed to the wall between every two sofa seats, and there are also various water bottles, things you have eaten, scattered playing cards, and even some hot buckets Install instant noodles.

There were some leather bags and backpacks on the sofa seat, and the luggage racks overhead were stuffed with various suitcases.

Is it strange in the whole compartment?

Yes, it's weird! It's like the car was still full of people in the last second. People crowded into the narrow seats to eat, play cards, or shuffle into a group of sleep and have fun during the journey. Then in the next second, everyone here disappeared, and what they had eaten, used signage, and luggage remained in the compartment.

This weird feeling can't help shaking.

He shook his head and got up from the sofa seat. He felt himself aware of it, and forgot many things.

By the way, what have I forgotten?

He couldn't help thinking, when is it now? How many years and months? What time is it? And why did he appear on this train and even sleep in this weird carriage? He did not consciously look down at his body, and found that he was wearing a suit ... well, similar to a sick suit, but the clothes were gray-blue and felt more like prison uniforms.

There are many pockets on the dress, and a nameplate embroidered on the chest. There is a string of English words engraved on the nameplate, and he can barely understand the meaning of —crow—crow.


Can't figure it out, he just reached out and touched his pocket all over again, only a piece of paper came out for a long time.

A small piece of paper with a purple pattern printed on it, densely lined with words, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the note, only to see the beginning of the above:

[Brave adventurer:]

[You are on a train now, you have lost memory, lost strength and skills, and are in danger of life. 】

[This train travels non-stop for six hours and crashes into the cliffs of the terminal after six hours. If you cannot successfully escape the two trains within six hours, you will go to **** with the train. 】

[The train has thirteen carriages. You are now in the last carriage, which is the carriage at the rear of the train. 】

[Each train in the train is closed, and the doors and windows cannot be destroyed. The door can only be opened if a key is found. By the way, the train can only be stopped by going to the operating room of the locomotive. 】

[Each car is a separate secret room with a unique key. The door connecting the car with the car has information about the location of the key. 】

[You have four companions in the same situation as you, deprived of memory and strength. But three of them are your true accomplices. Before the memory loss, you are close friends who have met each other in life and death, and the remaining one is an extremely murderous murderer. 】

[You may restore memory, but most of them can be recalled before dying. By the way, only the murderer is special, and he may restore memory at any time. 】

[Don't believe anyone, including yourself. 】

I turned the note over, but only one sentence was written on the back. This sentence is inexplicably familiar:

"Will you do whatever it takes to survive?"

This sentence made him shiver again, with some inexplicable astonishment in his heart. Is the thing written on the note true? He is now locked in a train, has lost his memory, and will step into death after six hours? And there are four other people in this car in the same situation as him, one of them is a murderer?

These cognitions led him to think of that dream, the terrible dream. In the dream, he still seemed to be the poor man who couldn't move. He was severely choked on his throat and watched death approaching himself, without any resistance.

"It looks like you are the same as me." Just as he was confused and the six gods had no one, a voice suddenly sounded next to him. He immediately looked back and was shocked to find a man sitting on the sofa next to him!

"Who are you ?!" He was frightened, because until the man spoke just now, he hadn't found a second person in the compartment except himself! This man is almost as if he appeared here out of thin air!

"You don't have to worry. In fact, I have been lying on the sofa in the seat behind you. When you woke up, I almost woke up. You were too focused on the note and you didn't find me."

The man saw his mind at a glance, smiled and explained.

He noticed that the man would have dimples on his face when he smiled ... it looked a little cute, and his face was very small. At first glance, he looked like a teenager, and his temperament was very gentle, but ... what was on him? The place revealed a strangeness.

"My name is 'Owl.'" The man said in this way, and pointed to the nameplate on his clothes chest. His nameplate was engraved with a string of English-owl-which means owl.

"We all have amnesia. This kind of amnesia is artificial, so in order to keep us from being confused and difficult to call each other, we temporarily gave us a name."

first name? He couldn't help looking down at the nameplate engraved with the English word of Raven on his chest, and then asked with some vigilance: "How do you know what this English means? I mean, used to call each other?"

"Because I'm smarter than you." The owl waved his hand, and he had a piece of paper with the same purple pattern on his hand: "We are wearing the same clothes, we have the same note on our body, and it says something similar, six Without escaping the train within hours, we will die. "

"But this note also says that one of us has a killer, maybe we have been killed in less than six hours." The crow said like this-it should be called a crow now, without thinking of it Before his real name, he could only use such a ridiculous name.

"But how do you know that the so-called murderer will surely open the killing ring?" Owl responded with a chuckle, his eyes were very deep, and the crow's eyes showed a weird look. The crow found that the man actually wore it on his ear With a black stud.

"You see, I can't remember anything now. I can't remember what time it is. What day is it today? What did I do yesterday and what will I do next? I can't remember my name. I Relatives and friends, I have said that since childhood, I can't remember anything. "

The owl recounted in a deep voice, but strangely, the crow couldn't hear panic from the tone of this man. Generally speaking, wouldn't it be scared or tense after amnesia? Just like the crow himself, from the moment he woke up, he felt only blankness and fear.

"Why aren't you afraid?" Because of suspicion, the crow had to test the owl again, and he couldn't believe a stranger! Although it is quite possible, they will indeed be close friends of life and death before amnesia.

But in the absence of memory and emotional support, the man now was just a strange stranger to the crow.

"Frightened?" Owl crooked his head, and he smiled again. He smiled very cutely. His face added points to him, but the crow felt the strangeness of the man became stronger.

"We don't need to be afraid. This is just a game, even if it is a game of betting with life." Owl said, "Do you know? The most real thing that people expose when they have lost all their memories is nature."

"The reason why humans can form consciousness is because of the accumulation of memories, memories, and wisdom that allow us to have consciousness. The formation of human character is based on the influence of the environment, the influence of people around it, and the impact of everything we encounter. This influence forms memories in our minds, and therefore shapes and changes our personality. "

The owl suddenly got up from the sofa seat, which made the crow look up to him. The dim light in the carriage reflected on the man, making his smiling face a little gloomy.

"And when humans lose these memories, we will become pityless, just like the beasts in the cruel nature, just to survive, without resorting to means."

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