MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 157 Time Corridor (16)

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Duan Li believes that those people are sending a message to him. What they mean is to tell Duan Li: You cannot stay in the real world, that is, you cannot be here.

Duan Li thinks those people just want to bring him back to Wuluo City, because Wuluo City is a city that can't go in. Since Duan Li once went in, then he can't come out, he must continue to stay in Wuluo. In the city of law, and become one of the walking dead in the city.

Luo Jian has a new perspective.

He felt that since the Chamber of Secrets wanted to build a fortress from the unruly city and protect its own fortress, then there must be some armed forces inside the fortress, and these powerful forces would become a weapon to protect the heart. However, it is obviously impossible for ordinary people to become a good weapon, then the secret room will look for or attack the player.

And now the segment is the player who has been "started".

Although Duan Li is completely different from the adult adult Duan Li that Luo Jian knew afterwards, the current Duan Li is not strong enough or mature enough. However, Duan Li still has good qualifications. After training and training, the secret room can certainly transform Duan Li into a powerful watchdog.

After all, the Chamber of Secrets has turned countless players into all kinds of weird things, such as monsters, hunters, or even plotters, or some other more weird things.

The Chamber of Secrets clearly possessed such power.

But now Luo Jian is worried that this will be a trap specially set for Luo Jian by the back room?

But after careful consideration, Luo Jian knew that this was impossible.

First of all, the Chamber of Secrets did not know that Luo Jian was now Luo Jian, because Luo Jian had changed his shell, even the weapons had changed, and some special treatments that Eagle had done to Luo Jian, so the current Luo Jian can't see the image of Luo Jian before. The secret room now only thinks that Luo Jian is now a special gm.

When designing the game, Eagle did not design too much gm for the back room, only 'Yuan', and the body of gm 'Yuan' has been sleeping. Now this body suddenly wakes up, which will naturally cause the back room. attention.

Although GM has the highest authority, the Chamber of Secrets cannot do anything excessive to Luo Jian, but the surveillance and tracking also record the actions of GM. The Chamber of Secrets can be completely done.

If Luo Jian keeps hiding like this, avoiding the tracking of the Chamber of Secrets, and trying to reduce his sense of existence, the Chamber of Secrets will pay more and more attention to him. Because sneaky guys will attract more attention from others.

But as long as Luo Jian went out and had a positive conversation with the Chamber of Secrets, he could be exposed to the eyes of the Chamber of Secrets. On the contrary, he could do more. Ignore him and despise him.

In this way, Luo Jian's actions have more possibilities.

So how does this plan work?

Luo Jian thought, his eyes were on Duan Li in front of his eyes, Duan Li instinctively stared at the little boy in front of him. The boy's expression really did not look like a child, too gloomy or even with The sense of vicissitudes, all over him seemed to have the smell of blood, and when he was silent, the terrifying and creepy breath emanating from the boy was even more intense.

Except for the child in front of him, Duan Li only felt the same breath in one person, that kind of strong and terrible. He stood in front of you as if he was standing in front of you with hundreds of thousands of fully equipped soldiers ready to charge. ... the same feeling.

It's a pity that man is dead.

"Can you do me a favor?" At this moment, the contemplative Luo Jian looked up at Duan Li, smiled, and smile dispelled his eerie atmosphere. He said, "I really want to look inside the Lawless City. Can you take me there? "

Duan Li reluctantly shook his head: "I can't do that. I don't know where the entrance to that city is. It was completely erased from the map. I know nothing about the entrances and exits. We ca n’t just scurry around like headless flies. ? "

"Of course not, we can let others take us." Luo Jian said.

"Since those people want to take you back to that city so strongly, you might as well be taken away by them."

Duan Li was reluctant. In his impression, every corner of Wulucheng seemed to be performing a puppet show in black and white film. Duan Li didn't want to live in that kind of place forever, so he said: "This is really not a Good idea, do you think I can come back? "

Luo Jian said to reassure him, "You can rest assured that I will be with you. Even if we can't come back, neither of us can come back."

"If I don't agree, will you still threaten me?" Duan Li said.

"Don't let me do that, leave." Luo Jian said more gently. "You have to learn to make the right choice."

"Oh, I understand, that's just the right choice for you."

Although Duan Li was not very willing, he was obediently subdued under the intimidation of Luo Jian. However, before carrying out the action, Duan Li proposed that he must go to see Xiao Alan first.

"Do you like that child very much?" Luo Jian thought of their strange relationship in the future, seemingly entangled, but their feelings seemed ruthless and ruthless again. Especially the preconceived Luo Jian always felt that Duan Li was bullying Feng Yulan.

Duan Li also hesitated for a moment. He looked at Luo Jian vigilantly and replied, "I don't like him, but because he helped me, I must repay him."

"But you were very nervous just now, when I offered to threaten the child." Luo Jian smiled strangely.

Duan Li could not speak, nor looked at Luo Jian, but turned his head silently.

He then treated his wound a bit. He started to change the gauze to his abdominal wound because he was awkward. Maybe he was often injured, so he still tied it, but the gauze was messed up, and it seemed like he was not afraid of pain. It was so big that his wounds began to seep quickly again.

"It's a miracle you can live to this day."

Luo Jian's medical skills are experienced and learned from his mother. So he took the initiative and pulled the gauze and said to Duan Li, "Don't move."

Duan Li couldn't stand still, let Luo Jian entangle him around.

Change the gauze, Luo Jian said, "When are we going?"

Duan Li thought for a while: "It's too late now, if you are not in a hurry, we can continue tomorrow."

After discussing the plan, Duan Li continued to climb back to the simple bed made of cotton wool sheets in the utility room to repair his injuries. Luo Jian naturally would not sleep with him. Because Duan Li made a mark on Duan Li by the way when he changed gauze, Luo Jian was not afraid to lose him, so he decided to go out while it was still early.

Luo Jian felt that he had not been leisurely shopping in the modern city at night for a long time.

He experienced many battles. His body, soul, and even the depths of his consciousness seemed to be filled with countless battles. For Luo Jian, the most impressive thing is the days in Scarlet Shura. He stayed there for a long time and slashed many enemies with his sword. Until now, Luo Jian's fingers can still remember the feel of the blade when it cut into the delicate skin.

Luo Jian stood a little hesitant on the street. He opened his own red umbrella and let his sense of existence disappear from the world. He tried to make himself think about some beautiful things. His past memories and his companions were what he did. The goal of hard work, he must not forget these goals, and can not forget his original purpose because of craving for killing and blood.

"Damn, that's bad."

Luo Jian stopped, he frowned, feeling the strange agitation in his body, the blood seemed to be boiling, he said to himself, "Is it because of leaving the battlefield? I urgently need to fight now, **** it, I want to find someone to fight. "

It feels like a drug.

Luo Jian walked fiercely. He shuttled among countless ordinary people. The streets were grotesque with street lights and vehicles driving to and from the whistle. He found a public bench on the side of the road and sat down, watching people anxiously Or hurry, joy or sad expressions come and go, this ordinary day makes Luo Jian dare not imagine.

Luo Jian suddenly realized that he was no longer the original one.

He longed for battle and blood, he began to indulge in the ups and downs of the back room, no matter how desperate or life-threatening, no matter how powerful the enemy was, he became no longer afraid, but ... he was excited.

Such a lot of emotions occasionally makes Luo Jian have a question. If one day he really destroys the secret room, can he still be his original self?

Fortunately, Luo Jian, who is so powerful now, has become even tougher. He is no longer stubbornly entangled with this issue. For him, it is better to focus on the goal in front of him. What will happen after the secret room is destroyed? Luo Jian was too lazy to think about it.

He felt that now he had to find a place to fight with others.

But there must be nowhere in the real world where you can fight well.

So just ‘cross’ to go somewhere else? For example, in the back room, cut into a teamfight and give yourself the identity of a hunter? Anyway, Luo Jian now has a lot of authority. As long as he does not directly interfere and control the victory and defeat of the two sides in the closet of the regiment, the will of the closet cannot control Luo Jian.

Luo Jian licked his lips, which was a very tempting idea. Moreover, he had already marked Duan Li before, just like he used to mark the clown. Luo Jian could remember his physical signal and time and space coordinates, and he would return to this world line after fighting. .

As soon as he thought about it, Luo Jian shook the umbrella in his hand, and the whole person disappeared into the crowded street.

Although Luo Jian ’s crossing is said to be random, in fact, there are certain rules to follow. Usually, he will appear around places that he cares about or familiar places, but because of randomness, there may be differences in time or space. Also, if Luo Jian does not memorize the space-time coordinates, the time point he will appear is random. He may go to the past, and he may go to the future, but because of the instability in the future, he will return most of the time. The past.

Similarly, if Luo Jian did not deliberately remember or remember the place he was going to go through, he would appear in a random place, it might be in a closet, maybe half of North America outside the earth, or even a thousand In a galaxy beyond billion light years away.

However, it is interesting that when Luo Jian travels with his gm permissions, he will get various privileges like a hunter, such as wantonly shuttle in any secret room, replacing the identity of the plot lover in the secret room, he can arbitrarily change his identity, Depending on your identity, you will be surrounded by a halo that cannot be destroyed in any way.

Of course, he also has some special rights, such as querying the details of a player, such as the player's weapons and equipment and props.

Give some players special props-any props that Luo Jian knows can be easily given to anyone in the back room.

Forcing a player to be isolated-throwing the player into a single copy.

And forbidding certain players from entering certain special copies-such as the lonely boat trading market that forbids players from entering the back room.

Most importantly, he can also force a player to leave the secret copy of the room, which means that the player is forced to go offline, and the player cannot enter the secret room again within a certain period of time.

Although these so-called special rights do sound very interesting, Luo Jian cannot be used easily in general, because it is easy to break the balance of the player's game in the back room, which will cause the back room to take some actions against Luo Jian. Although it won't kill Luo Jian directly, it's better not to risk it if you want to come.

Although privileged or whatever, it makes people feel itchy.

Luo Jian remembered the rankings he had seen in the Yeguzhou trading market. He recalled the names of several teams. Although he wanted to get in touch with the ghost team, he finally gave up, so his next crossing was as expected. Appears in the team battle room and joins the battlefield as a hunter. 2k novel reading network