MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 16 Escape from the Ghost Ship (3)

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"What about the key?" After scratching it, Luo Jian began to search Feng Yulan's whole body for granted, and found out an old key from his pocket. It was the very old big head key. He had fought too hard with the dead body before. Luo Jian did not carefully observe the appearance of the key.

"Which door does this key match with?" Feng Yulan also came to observe the key. The surface of the key seemed to be plated with gold. Although it is old and ancient, it looks very valuable. If you look closely, you will find that Carved with dense lines, it seems that the characters are engraved, but the characters are too small. Luo Jian and Feng Yulan squinted their eyes for a long time and could not see what was written on them.

"I don't know if there is a magnifying glass on this ship, so we can see what is written on it." Feng Yulan said.

"But where is there a magnifying glass?" Luo Jian began to think with his chin.

"Actually, there is no need to find a telescope." Feng Yulan seemed to have a good idea, and smiled excitedly: "There are usually telescopes on the boat, and it can also be used as a magnifying glass."

"I remember the telescope in the captain's room, which was hung next to the mural. It looked like it hadn't been moved for a long time so it fell to a layer of ash." Luo Jian recalled the situation when he searched the captain's room, and he was surprised that he was These details are so clear to recall. Everything he has done, where he has been, the items he has turned around, is like a movie playback, everything is clear.

"It's the captain's room again ..." Feng Yulan was embarrassed. He remembered the stranger who might still be on the deck, and the monster that had been killed in the corridor near the captain's room, both of which were out of the captain's room. Very close. So no matter what, going back now is undoubtedly perilous, timid Feng Yulan had to look at Luo Jian with anticipation.

However, this time Luo Jian did not pay attention to Feng Yulan's movements, and frowned and touched his arm, feeling the sharp pain in the wound on his arm. In fact, the wound has been hurting, but now it suddenly became particularly noticeable. It was as if the pain was suddenly amplified.

"What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?" Feng Yulan couldn't help worrying.

"Ah ..." Luo Jian groaned for a moment and said, "It's okay, but the wound on my arm is a little painful."

"Let me see." Feng Yulan wanted to go to Luo Jian's sleeves, but he stopped him. Luo Jian shook his head and said, "There is no big problem, but I have to tell you something. Alan, you remember, All injuries suffered in the back room will be fully healed when returning to the real world, no wounds will be left, so no matter how we toss our body at this time, as long as we leave the back room within the specified time, even dying Survive. "

"Conversely, if there is any pain in the real world, it will heal when entering the back room, and always keep us in the best state, right?" Feng Yulan subconsciously touched his waist, where there was originally The knife wound disappeared at this moment.

"Yes, the secret room is very magical, and some settings are ... humane?"

"But what is the significance of the existence of the secret room? I mean ... why did it let us in, and why did they arrange these trials to test us?" Feng Yulan asked the question he wanted to know most. Jane learned a lot about the secret room, but most of them were incomplete, which made him only have a vague concept of this magical space.

"Who knows? I don't understand these principles." Luo Jian stood up, put the key in his pocket, and patted his hands, "We just need to live."

In order to get the telescope, Luo Jian had to drag Feng Yulan back to the captain's room. As he approached a corridor, Luo Jian suddenly stopped, standing in front of a pool of blood, thoughtfully, frowned tightly, Feng Yu Lan had not responded for a while, wondering, "What's wrong?"

"The monster is alive again." Luo Jian's weird smile appeared on his face.

Feng Yulan remembered the giant monster who looked like a cat, and was taken aback immediately, surprised, "No, you almost divided it into a corpse, so you can be resurrected?"

"I don't know how it did it, but the corpse is gone." Luo Jian said, "The rules in the secret room are very strange. What is absolutely impossible in the real world, here ... everything is possible. "

When Luo Jian said this, he kept a strange smile on his face, which made Feng Yulan on the side feel creepy.

"The monster seems to be stronger and stronger as it resurrects. When I first encountered it, although I suffered a little injury and suffered some injuries, I could still easily kill it. The second time, I felt that the speed of its power increased significantly. Knowing what this resurrection will look like? We better find an exit sooner, otherwise it will be endless. "

The only clue at this stage was the key in his hand. The key was engraved with dense small letters. Only by reading these words could there be a way to live, so Luo Jian took Feng Yulan back to the captain's room. The captain's room seemed no different, as if no one other than Luo Jian had come in.

After Luo Jian came in, he ran directly to the telescope hanging on the wall, took it down and checked to make sure there was no trouble. Feng Yulan followed behind and closed the door tightly. Two people held the oil lamp together and started using the telescope awkwardly. When the magnifying glass is used, the engraved text on the key comes into view one by one.

[The murderer buried the only exit. If he wants to live, kill him. 】

Feng Yulan frowned, and said helplessly: "Our question is back to the original point. Who is the murderer? Is it the captain, the sailor, or the two surviving crew members?"

"Maybe everyone is a murderer?"

"how do I say this?"

"The pirate ship couldn't find its way in the fog, and all the members of the ship were in a state of chaos, and according to the description in the logbook, something happened on August 9th. We don't know what it is, but we can understand that it is It ’s a very taboo thing for everyone. This may even worsen the crew ’s negative mentality. In this case, no one can keep reason, and there may be other reasons, such as the consumption of water and food. Continue to provide the survival of such people.

The captain may indeed have directed others to attack others, but his actions may have been just a fuse, and this fuse index sent out a fire that filled the hearts of everyone with destruction. "

"So one after the other, people started killing each other, and tacitly stuffed the dead into the boxes and piled them up. The rest were like lunatics, and the people who finally survived started the battle. In the end, the captain was killed when he wanted to record everything, and one of the other two crew members was killed by the other. The one who survived was the ultimate winner. He killed his sailor when he killed the navigator. The body was hung on a high lookout. "

Luo Jian slowly talked about the truth of each piece of reasoning. He paused at the end and said, "Now we can imagine that the only survivor left, his ending will be How is it? "

"Suicide?" Feng Yulan first thought of this: "This ship obviously did not escape the mist, and everyone died, the day when water and food were consumed, except for suicide in loneliness and despair. Death, I can't think of any other endings for him. "

"So where might he commit suicide?" Luo Jian asked.

"I don't know." Feng Yulan shook his head: "It depends on my own psychology. If it were me, I would choose to be on the deck. Even if I don't see the light in the mist, I don't want to die alone in a dark place. "

"What if it's a woman?" Luo Jian burst out and smiled.

"Women?" Feng Yulan admitted that she hadn't paid attention to the gender issue of the only survivor. In his knowledge, few women can be pirates.

"If it is a very beautiful woman, she has a strong sense of revenge, hates everything, and has two contradictory psychology: self-confidence and inferiority. Perhaps she may also believe in religion, twist her character in the mist, and kill many people without saying a word ... … Where do you choose to die? "

Feng Yulan frowned frantically for a long time, and tentatively said, "Perhaps, you will find a place that cannot be seen by others, or in other words, no one can find it? But ... Luo Jian, why do you think Will the last survivor be a woman? "

"Because of the first victim in the deck box, he has a picture of him and his wife."

Feng Yulan suddenly thought of the old photo in the notebook.

"Do you think his wife will also be on board?"

"Perhaps, I just guessed that the page of the logbook on August 9 was torn off, and what was recorded above may be related to his wife, or may have been oppressed, or even ..." Luo Jian noticed his own Wording, whispered: "It was given by someone and found out, it was so well-known or something else. The poor woman's husband didn't know how to avenge his own woman, sneer at the captain, of course. He might have done something else, and in the end he became the first victim ... "

"Then this woman wisely kept calm and worked hard to survive among a bunch of wolves. Maybe she also paid something, such as ... the body? She instructed various men to cause disputes for her, and swore everyone?" Lan interfaced with Luo Jian's conjecture and made the next conjecture on the whole fact.

Luo Jian nodded: "Everyone died as she wished. She may be at a loss. Her husband is a believer. She also estimates that after so many people have been killed by design, this woman may consider herself Betrayed the Lord, so he wanted to hide in a place where he couldn't see any light, and let his traces disappear completely from the world. "

"But will she commit suicide by jumping into the sea?"

Luo Jian glanced at Feng Yulan and said: "The first tip to me is not to jump into the sea, and you can see a lot from it. For example, the woman definitely did not jump into the sea."

"Well, what do I have to call you? Whimsical analysis emperor?" 2k novel reading network

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