MTL - Escape the Infinite Chamber-Chapter 57 Buried Land (2)

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The aisle is particularly long, which makes Luo Jian a bit desperate. No matter how he goes, this aisle extends all the way down, and it is bottomless.

But the footsteps behind him were getting closer. Luo Jian couldn't understand why the other side seemed to be holding one leg and walked faster than him. The footsteps sounded closer than they sounded. It's up! Luo Jian was so scared that he couldn't take care of it so much. He spread his feet and hurriedly ran, but after less than two minutes of running, he suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed Luo Jian's shoulder!

Luo Jian was so scared that he didn't even make a sound, so he covered his mouth and nose, and was dragged into a dark hole! The frightened Luo Jian opened his eyes wide and heard a voice in his ear: "Don't make a noise!"

The sound was very familiar, and it was so familiar that Luo Jian was almost in tears, Feng Yulan!

"Alan, why are you here?"

"No time to explain." Feng Yulan suddenly snatched the light-emitting stone in Luo Jian's hand, half-lengthed out a small hole, and just how far the stone was thrown. At this time, Luo Jian noticed that in the long aisle that did not reach the end, there would be some small holes in the corner of the wall that could accommodate one or two people. The entrance of the small cave was relatively low, especially in the dark environment. It is easy to be ignored, and Luo Jian did not find it all the way.

After Feng Yulan threw away the stone, he read a few obscure mantras in his mouth, and then a faint light appeared on his left hand. With this left hand, Feng Yulan waved at the entrance of the small cave with one hand After a moment, Luo Jian clearly saw that at the entrance of their small cave, there was a layer of transparent film-like things, like a protective cover.

Just after Feng Yulan had cast his spell, the footsteps that had been following Luo Jian just now were close at hand. Feng Yulan's shimmering light disappeared, and the entire cave was completely dark. Both people held their breaths by accident, listening to the sound of footsteps that rang in the ear and limped forward. Walked, walked through the small cave where the two of them were hiding, paused, but didn't seem to find anything, and continued to move forward.

After a while, until I could no longer hear the footsteps, Luo Jian heard Feng Yulan sigh, and then there was a mantra, and soon a small light group appeared in Feng Yulan's palm, illuminating Up the entire small space.

"Magic is really convenient." Luo Jian stared at the small light group in Feng Yulan's hand with envy and hate.

"Don't envy me, God is fair." Alan shrugged, and handed Luo Jian a small note, Luo Jian looked down, it was A Lan's secret room note, the content above and Luo Jian himself The one is almost the same, but the content on the back of the note is completely different. I saw that it wrote:

[The last person to be sent to the tomb was a foreigner who was forcibly buried by this race. He was a deserter on the battlefield and fell to the gathering place of this nation. He was isolated and deserted by the people of the entire nation. They rejected the outsiders. Thinking that this would bring an ominous omen to them, he drove the deserter into the tomb and asked him to be the burial product of the patriarch. 】

[The dead soul of the funeral cannot rest, wandering in the grave day and night. 】

After reading the note, Luo Jian held the good habit of exchanging information and showed Feng Yulan his own note. After that, the two cooperated with each other and started to discuss countermeasures. Luo Jian took the lead in asking: "You know that ... Is it something? "

Luo Jian was referring to the weird footsteps, and Feng Yulan understood Luo Jian's meaning and replied, "Not human."

"How do you know that you've met the stuff?"

Alan nodded: "When I woke up beside a pond, I do n’t know if it was a funeral or something. There are several pots that are half a person tall and sealed by lids. There is a long light on the lid, and one of the five lights is lit. "

"and then?"

"Then? Of course I was curious. I naturally wanted to see what was in the jar, so I opened them one by one from left to right." Feng Yulan said with a regret and shook her head: "I knew I would not opened."

"What's in it? Is it a corpse?" The corpses that Luo Jian had encountered were already countless, and according to the general development, the contents of such a tomb could not be considered good.

"That's right, it's a corpse, or a kind of child's corpse, a very small one curled up inside, still soaked with some strange liquid, and sickened. It's this kind of corpse in every jar I opened, Until the last clay pot, the lid of the jar was covered by the bright beacon. After I took off the beacon, I did not wait for my hand to lift the lid, and the lid opened by itself, with a hand reaching out I was so frightened that I just flipped the pot with my feet, but the pot broke, and one inside ... "

Feng Yulan said that after a pause here, it seemed indescribable. He organized the language and continued: "In short, it is a monster who does not know how to describe it. It seems to be a patchwork of the limbs of various people, hands and feet. The length varies, and they limped along the road, but the speed of the accident was very fast. The guy couldn't see anything, but was very sensitive to light and sound. "

"Is the light and sound?" Luo Jian thought while touching his chin, and suddenly said, "Will we hear it like this now?"

"No." Feng Yulan pointed to the entrance of the small cave: "I cast the spell of neglect and silence."

Roger suddenly became more jealous and envious: "That's why I say magic is so convenient."

"Don't be envious. I have almost no spells for attack." Feng Yulan shook her head with regret. "And I am very weak and cannot be a combat force."

Luo Jian smiled with relief: "I feel that in this kind of escape from the room, the most needed thing is not combat effectiveness."

"Well, what you say makes sense, so what do we do next?"

"Looking for someone, I have to find the remaining companions, although I'm quite reluctant." Luo Jian hated his teeth itchingly when he thought of Duan Li, but he didn't have enough molars, and suddenly he heard Feng Yulan burst out with an astonishing word.

"If you leave, I know where he is."

Luo Jian raised his head somehow: "Did you meet him before you met me?"


"Then how do you know where he is?"

Feng Yulan seemed to be thinking of something, and she also hated itchingly, and said with a grin. "What kind of **** symbiotic contract induction, although I don't know the principle of God horse, but I just know where he is."

"Oh, aren't you like me like this ..." Luo Jian suddenly couldn't help but touch the snake bite mark on his neck. Through this imprint, he can also feel the existence of Xun Yan from time to time. Although he doesn't know how to use words to describe it, it is very magical, as if he can experience the temperature of another person.

"What's the same?" Feng Yulan didn't know, so listening to Luo Jian's sentence was unknown.

"No, nothing." Luo Jian shook his head, subconsciously concealing the facts.

The two then walked out of the small cave. Luo Jian also picked up the glowing small stone, and then they walked back in a direction completely opposite to the place where the monster passed. Feng Yulan took the lead to lead the way. He didn't use magic to illuminate, because it was very exhausting, so he took Luo Jian's flashlight, and the two walked away for a long time, then returned to where Luo Jian started to wake up.

"I got this glowing stone here." Luo Jian touched a depression in the rock wall.

"It should be phosphorite. Do you think this thing is a useful prop?"

"Details determine success or failure, and the more inconspicuous things may be more useful." Luo Jian shoved the stones into his pockets, and his pockets were illuminated brightly in the dark.

"You are right in saying this, so I have brought you something interesting just like you." Feng Yulan seemed very happy, took out a little thing from his pocket, and Luo Jian lowered his head. If you look closely, it is actually a beacon! And it was reduced to a thumb-sized gadget.

"This is the long light on the clay pot that the monster drilled out. I turned it out and shrunk again." Feng Yu was proud of himself, and Luo Jian followed him with a surprised look, guessing: "Shrink the curse, right?"

Feng Yulan nodded: "There are a lot of mantras on the magic instrument. I picked some good and practical ones, such as floating spells, minification spells, luminous spells, silencing spells, deformation spells ... but, like minification spells. If the size of the item is too large, I ca n’t make it smaller, so is the floating spell. I ca n’t make it float if it ’s too heavy, but the magic thing is that I can make my body float. ”

"Can you float me?" Luo Jian suddenly said.

Alan shook her head with regret: "I'm afraid not now, but I will do it later."

"Okay." Luo Jian laughed and pointed at the lamp in Arlan's hand. "After you take this lamp off, the monster ran out, right?"


Luo Jian thoughtfully, and suddenly smiled at his chin: "Then we light it up and hold this lamp and go."

"Looks like a good idea." Alan seemed to agree too, and then he waved his hand to restore the beacon to its original state, but after a while, he said to Luo Jian, "Can you light it?"

Luo Jian looked up in surprise: "You didn't learn the ignition spell?"

Feng Yulan's black line filled his head: "Ignition spell is a **** horse ?! Don't make up some inexplicable spells in your brain, and don't force these inexplicable spells on me! The spells are not almighty!"

Under Feng Yulan's spit, Luo Jian immediately turned his head and murmured with an unpredictable face: "I've miscalculated!"

Of course, I didn't say much about committing the second crime. Luo Jian still obediently went to his 'secret room', turned out the two lighters, and lit the lights.

The eternal light was an allusion in ancient times. An unlit lamp was placed in the tomb to illuminate the dead forever. But if it is extinguished, the world will be dark, and there will be ghosts and other ghosts, attacking creatures while the darkness. Changming lamps generally cannot be extinguished. If they are lit, they must be burned until the lamps are exhausted. 2k novel reading network