MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 45 Making greengage around the bed 6

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The blush pouring out of the lantern made her snow-white complexion a bit bloody, but it was still amazingly beautiful.

Jiang Yi never denied her beauty.

He has seen very few women in his life, and almost no one else who was born with his mother. If he must add one, it may be that he was accidentally lost in the capital with Jiang Wuye two years ago. The one who helped him find her The almond-eyed little girl.

Smaller than him, with a chubby face, it doesn't look beautiful or ugly, it just looks cute.

But Yan Yiming is different, she is already such a beautiful woman of the right age to marry, she is a few years older than him, and even taller than him. Jiang Yi can't regard her as a mature woman of his mother's age, nor can he regard her as a little girl who doesn't understand anything. In his heart, Yan Yiming stops at a position that even he can't explain clearly.

Now she looked at him with a smile on her face and said, let's watch the New Year together, Jiang Yi's heart that had been cold for the middle of the night seemed to burst into a spark, and he asked her incredulously, why are you here.

"Grandmother doesn't like you or me. We have fallen into poverty, so of course we have to celebrate the New Year together." Yan Yiming smiled and blinked his eyes, "What's the point of being with them? Have you eaten?"

Jiang Yi shook his head, his heart was still in a mess.

No matter how old Mrs. Jiang disliked him, he still knew that it hurts when Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang held her in their hands. He was an outsider under the fence, but she was not.

"How can you be hungry during Chinese New Year?" Yan Yiming stood up and pulled him out the door and back to her yard.

Because Yan Yiming's place is a little far away, Mrs. Jiang specially allowed her to add a small kitchen here. Lan Xiu brought cooked dumplings, and Jiang Yi bit one open, grinding his teeth hard.

There is a copper coin in the dumpling.

Lan Xiu explained with a smile, "Miss said that if you put copper coins in the dumplings, whoever can eat them will be the first-class good luck."

Yan Yiming propped his chin with one hand and nodded and repeated, "Yes, good luck."

For a moment, Jiang Yi thought, meeting her is already the greatest blessing.

The dumplings made by Lan Xiu were delicious, but Yan Yiming didn't eat a single bite. She took the medicine bowl handed over by Lan Xiu, frowning and drank it down in one gulp.

Jiang Yi immediately wanted to ask why he took the medicine, but suddenly remembered that Yan Yiming was born with insufficiency. He remembered that when he first came to Jiangfu, the second wife of Jiang said sharply that she would not live for a few years.

My heart ached in an instant.

Seeing his sudden change of expression, Yan Yiming was still comforting him in a warm voice, "If you get used to it, it won't be bitter any longer."

Perhaps she acted like an adult when she saw him, teasing him but taking care of him, making him always ignore her slender body and excessively white complexion.

She said she was used to it, and she had been drinking it for so many years, but for so many years, the medicine never stopped.

She can't live for too long, Jiang Wuye said, Jiang's second wife said, and a girl also said when she entered the mansion on the first day, what she never cared about at the beginning is now lingering in her ears and engraved in her heart.

It can no longer be erased.

Yan Yiming left Jiang Yi to spend the New Year with him, others would not know about it, but they couldn't hide it from Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang.

Mrs. Jiang carefully glanced outside, but she didn't see Mr. Jiang's figure, so she pulled her daughter and asked her, "How can you take him to your residence as a woman who has not left the court?"

It seems that Mrs. Jiang doesn't know yet. In fact, this is not the first time.

Yan Yiming smiled and said, "Jiang Yi is a child of the same family and my younger brother. What taboos do brothers and sisters of the same clan have? Besides, he is only that old."

Mrs. Jiang was also eloquent, and she thought it was funny after she finished speaking. Although Jiang Yi was not related by blood, he was the son of Lord Jiang Wu after all, and he was indeed still young.

"But your father doesn't like this child," Mrs. Jiang sighed.

She probably understands why her daughter takes extra care of Jiang Yi. In this house, Yan Yiming only has two elder brothers who are direct relatives, but they are much older than her, while the fourth eldest who is similar to her age is a concubine. The fourth girl is very detached, and the two of them are not close.

Jiang Yi is a few years younger than Ah Ming, and like Ah Ming, he is quiet and cold-tempered. At the beginning, Ah Ming happened to see him standing pitifully in the snow and felt pity for him, and he has been taking care of him ever since.

Mrs. Jiang doesn't hate Jiang Yi's mother like Old Mrs. Jiang, and she doesn't hate Jiang Yi for no reason, so she doesn't think there is anything wrong with Ah Ming getting close to Jiang Yi.

But Master Jiang didn't like it.

Mrs. Jiang held her daughter's hand, and her heart ached when she saw that the blue blood vessels, which were so obvious because of her pale complexion, couldn't stop.

She didn't know how long her daughter would live. She had never taken the initiative to care about anyone when she grew up, and Jiang Yi was the first one.

As long as her daughter is happy, why should she persuade her.

Where is the master, she will find a way to talk about it later.

But he didn't want Yan Yiming to hold Madam Jiang's hand and said, "I told my father, if you can't persuade me, mother, you can help me."

Mrs. Jiang hesitated for a moment, and asked her to go to the study to find Mr. Jiang.

Mr. Jiang was sitting at the desk, his already serious face became even more frightening now. When he saw his daughter coming in, his tense expression involuntarily relaxed, but when he thought of educating his daughter today, he suddenly became serious again.

Little Pingguo hid aside and watched the smile suddenly retracted from Master Jiang's mouth, and couldn't hold back his wild laughter. Yan Yiming endured Little Apple's madness when he suddenly touched the point of laughter, and sat on the chair opposite Master Jiang.

As soon as Master Jiang looked up, he saw his daughter's well-behaved appearance, and suddenly became a little serious. After going back and forth a few times, he finally sighed helplessly, "My brothers and sisters didn't see you and said a few soft words to me, why are you so so? Take care of that kid?"

"Maybe there is fate." Yan Yiming smiled, "Father, even if Uncle Wu did something wrong back then, but Shaojun was only a three-year-old child at that time, so what does it have to do with him? Shaojun is talented and intelligent. At a young age, I have already passed the child's test and passed the talent test..."

Master Jiang was ready to refute his daughter's remarks, but Yan Yiming's last sentence successfully diverted Master Jiang's attention, "Passed the children's test? Isn't he only thirteen years old?"

Yan Yiming smiled and said, "There is never a shortage of geniuses in the world. In ancient times, Zhang Juzheng passed the children's examination at the age of twelve, Yang Tinghe passed the juren at the age of twelve, and Shaojun became a scholar at the age of thirteen. It's not a big deal."

Master Jiang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

I think back then his eldest son was already five years old, and he just passed the child's examination, and after more than ten years, he finally became a tribute and had an official position; Can't pass the college exam. Immediately, the children's examination starts again in February, everyone in Jiang's family who can go is studying, but the daughter says that Jiang Yi has already passed the children's examination.

Even Mr. Jiang, who is now in charge of the family, couldn't hide his surprise. He asked his daughter again uncertainly. Yan Yiming said helplessly, "If Daddy doesn't believe it, you can go to the government office to investigate it yourself. Who would dare to falsify such a thing."

Master Jiang nodded, and immediately he didn't bring up the matter of not allowing Yan Yiming and Jiang Yi to get close, and hurried to the government office.

After returning that night, Mr. Jiang was full of joy and ordered Mrs. Jiang to transfer another girl to Jiang Yi, and sent many things, especially pens, ink, paper and inkstones and books.

Looking at the suddenly no longer shabby residence, Jiang Yi recalled that Yan Yiming had told him yesterday that he had given him a surprise today, with a smile on his face, he went straight to Yan Yiming's place.

Finally, I can see her in a fair and honest manner.