MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 94

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Jiang Yi knew more things than Yan Yiming imagined, which surprised Yan Yiming, but it was not too unexpected. After all, even Little Apple said that Jiang Yi's IQ was BUG level The presence.

Before going out, he accidentally slipped his mouth, and Yan Yiming was extra cautious in every sentence after that, even Jiang Yi didn't hear any flaws.

It's just that Jiang Yi was not aggressive, and he didn't ask Yan Yiming what he didn't want to say. After hearing Yan Yiming's words, he said, "So King Jiangxia ordered Lin'an County Lord to enter the capital, and he set his sights on Jian Yuyan from the very beginning. , the crown prince and several princes are actually illusions that confuse everyone."

"Yeah," Yan Yiming nodded, "That's why I deliberately made the prince alienate me at the beginning, so as to take the opportunity to stay in the capital."

Hearing this, Jiang Yi suddenly laughed, remembering that the Crown Prince angrily scolded the Princess Lin'an for his audacity, and dared to be compared with the Crown Princess, but how could he imagine that the Princess Lin'an and the Crown Princess are actually the same person at all.

Jiang Yisheng was handsome, and his heart was a little more than others. Thinking of this, he raised his eyes and looked at Yan Yiming who was still calm.

Everyone said that the Crown Princess had a deep love for the Crown Prince, and she did not hesitate to block the sword with her body to save the Crown Prince, and the Crown Prince did not marry the Crown Princess for many years after the Crown Princess died. Even His Majesty said that this love is rare, but now it seems that it is actually a A fake show.

Taking advantage of the prince's special affection to play with the prince in the palm of his hand, he never left the prince with the slightest chance, and when the prince was mentioned, the beautiful face did not move in the slightest.

He was not moved by what the prince did, and he didn't even care.

So what about him.

If he is also kept in the dark by her like the prince, if he fails to find out, will he always pretend to be strangers like before, even not giving him the chance to meet again.

Yan Yiming said that it was fortunate that the crown prince never suspected that everything went so smoothly. Jiang Yi watched her quietly before saying,

"Everyone says that the prince and the concubine have a deep relationship. I thought you would still care about the prince, but now it seems that I was wrong."

Yan Yiming raised his eyes to look at him, and she could probably guess which sentence Jiang Yi followed after this sentence.

At the beginning, I didn't expect that there would be such a development, so I left too many traces, which led to being recognized by Jiang Yi now. This incident was not within the scope of Yan Yiming's prediction, but it has happened now, no matter what, Yan Yiming Still have to face it.

She admitted that she was a little lost because of Jiang Yi's surprise just now, but now she has reorganized her thoughts.

Whether she recognized it or not, except for a little condemnation from her conscience, it didn't really have much impact on her, and because she had always been heartless, rounding up meant that it had no impact.

Jiang Yi wouldn't have guessed that her purpose was just to keep the five protagonists alive, all she wanted was to go home.

She didn't want this identity to be involved with them any more, even Jiang Yi who had already recognized her.

"It's true that you were wrong," Yan Yiming said, "I never cared about him. I wouldn't have done it then, let alone now. No matter who it was at the time, the past is gone, and now, I'm just the princess of Lin'an."

As smart as Jiang Yi, needless to say, he understands too well, so how can he not understand what she means.

Jiang Yi admitted that at this moment, he was so angry that he wanted to lock the woman in front of him so that she could never say such things again. There was no such thing as past and present, and he would not care. Yan Yiming.

Yan Yiming saw the almost crazy rage in his eyes, saw his thin lips tightly pressed because of suppressing his anger, and took a slightly uneasy breath.

But in the end Jiang Yi still didn't do anything, he stretched out his hand to tidy up her somewhat messy collar, his cold fingers touched the skin, Yan Yiming shrank his neck abruptly.

As if he didn't hear what Yan Yiming said just now, his voice was still clear and pleasant, saying,

"It's getting late, I'll take you back."

Jiang Yi didn't want to say it, and Yan Yiming didn't need to continue this unfriendly topic just to make himself boring. She wanted to say that she could go back without sending her, but then she thought it was useless, so she nodded and didn't refuse.

After returning to the temporary mansion, Wei Xiongjie went out to greet him after hearing the notification, the smile on his face froze when he saw Jiang Yi coming out of the carriage, his eyes looked back and forth between the two of them several times Finally, he pulled the corners of his stiff lips and said, "How could the Princess come back with Mr. Jiang?"

Yan Yiming was afraid that Jiang Yi's stubbornness would provoke Wei Xiongjie into a lot of trouble for nothing, so he was about to go back and talk about meeting him by chance, but Jiang Yi answered him first,

"I just don't want to run into the princess when I go out to enjoy the maple leaves." Jiang Yi chuckled and explained, then turned to look at Yan Yiming, "I had a very happy conversation with the princess today, and I will definitely visit again in the future if I have a chance."

Yan Yiming was suddenly a little ashamed. He judged a gentleman with a villain's heart. According to Jiang Yi's actions, he would not embarrass her in business matters. He smiled and said welcome, but he didn't want to say the next sentence. ,

"It's just that, although Master Wei is a close friend of the princess, there is a difference between men and women. It's really inappropriate and wronged to live with the princess. Mr. Wei, Jiang Mou would like to ask His Majesty to find a residence for Lord Wei, so as not to Others thought he had neglected Lord Wei."

Yan Yiming coughed lightly and said no, although she wanted Wei Xiongjie to go far away, but Wei Xiongjie is a trusted minister of King Jiang Xia, so he should give some face, Wei Xiongjie said with a dark face that he was The officials assigned by Prince Jiang Xia to the princess did not dare to bother Mr. Jiang.

Jiang Yi smiled and didn't bully Yan Yiming any more. After he finally said his goodbyes, the background with thin aura slowly disappeared into the streets and alleys.

Yan Yiming put away the smile on his face, turned his head to face the dark-faced Wei Xiongjie, sighed and walked into the mansion, Wei Xiongjie followed her into the mansion with a stern face and followed behind him, he said coldly, "I and the county The Lord has said many times not to go out alone, at least there must be a casual maid by your side, how many people in the capital are staring at you is not as safe as you think, if something goes wrong, how can I explain to the prince, that Lord Jiang deliberately approached you and..."

Suddenly the words stuck in his throat, he stared at Yan Yiming's fair neck in disbelief and froze in place.

Yan Yiming looked at him with red eyes and angry look, he was a little puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Wei Xiongjie didn't marry a wife, but he also recognized what the red mark on Yan Yiming's neck was. Wei Xiongjie was so angry that he trembled all over, stared at Yan Yiming and said angrily, "What is that!"

What is that, Yan Yiming reacted for a long time, and then remembered that not long ago, Jiang Yi bit her neck hard in a rage.

If it hadn't been for forgetting this, Yan Yiming would have let Little Apple get rid of this imprint, and now he is a bit embarrassed to face Wei Xiongjie, and he doesn't know how to explain it.

Yan Yiming secretly scolded Jiang Yi for being inhumane and not telling her, but he looked back with an expression of not understanding what Wei Xiongjie said, "What?"

"...the princess's neck..."

"What's wrong with my neck?" Yan Yiming pretended to be stupid, and stretched out his hand to touch it casually, "Where? What does it look like at first glance, not to mention these useless, Dingbeihou is dead, Jane How are you preparing for it?"

There was no trace of panic on Yan Yiming's expression, Wei Xiongjie stared at the red mark with some doubts, could it be the mark left by mosquito bites in the maple forest.

Thinking about it this way, he felt absurd. There was no need for the princess to lie to him, let alone anyone who could bully the princess. Only Jiang Yi was with the princess just now. Although he felt that Jiang Yi seemed a little unusual to the princess, he definitely Would not be so rude to the princess.

After thinking about this, he calmed down, and then he talked to Yan Yiming about the current situation.

Once Marquis Dingbei died, the 100,000 forbidden troops in the capital would no longer be under the control of Prime Minister Jian. This undoubtedly cut off Prime Minister Jian's greatest reliance in the capital, and according to Prime Minister Jian's temperament, he would definitely not give up.

His Majesty has ordered Shao Jingyu to return to the capital to take charge of the forbidden army and hundreds of thousands of naval forces, but the northwest is far away from Jinling, and the decree to send Shao Jingyu to the northwest and then return to Beijing will take at least four months. , and the position of General Wei for the past four months was temporarily kept by Shao Jingyu.

Shao Jingyu won several battles back then, but now everyone in the north praises Shao Jingyu, and the Mongolian army still shudders when they hear Shao Jingyu's name. It can be seen that Shao Jingyu's threat is great, and Jane is especially afraid of him.

If we wait for Shao Jingyu to return to Beijing and sit in Jinling, it is not enough to prove that most of the soldiers in the south of the Yangtze River are moths eating the emperor's food, but the 100,000 cavalry that Shao Jingyu brought back from the northwest are indeed Rakshas who kill people without blood. One can keep Jinling unobstructed, and the other can stop Jiangxia King's army from north to south.

Even if he could take the emperor's life then, Shao Jingyu could take his life the next moment.

Therefore, all plans must be made in advance, before Shao Jingyu returns to Beijing.

Before Shao Jingyu returned to the capital, he brought the imperial army under his command, forced the palace to force the Nangong clan to abdicate, and informed the world of Jian Yuyan's identity, so that Jian Yuyan succeeded in enthroning, and then successfully opened all the gates for King Jiangxia, and blocked Shao Jingyu from the gate of Jinling .

As long as it succeeds, none of the Nangong clan in the capital will be left behind. The only pity is that the king of Yue, Nangong Ye, is guarding Beiping.

It's a problem after all.

Yan Yiming listened to Wei Xiongjie's words, and thought that Shao Jingyu's prestige was really scary, and he could actually force Jian Xiang to the point where he had to do something, and it was because he had to do it that all the plans were a little hasty.

But since Jian Xiang dared to make such a decision, he must have something to rely on. After all, Yan Yiming couldn't figure out the extent of Jian Xiang's power after more than 20 years in the court.

But what she was sure of was that the man who took over as General Wei for the time being had already stood by Jian Xiang's side.

This drama finally ushered in the climax. As long as Jian Yuyan can turn against Jianxiang in this decisive game, thereby winning the chance of survival, and then wait for Nangongxuan to officially ascend the throne, she can leave here and return to the world.

Yan Yiming took out the letter that had been hidden in the envelope for a long time, and handed it to the hidden guard who had been preparing for a long time.

That night, Jian Yuyan received the letter that he had worked so hard to get his hands on. The familiar handwriting on the letter made his eyes blush. Incinerate clean.

A few days later, Jiang Yi received a secret letter from the most unexpected person, staring at the name on the letter, Jiang Yi's handsome brows furrowed deeply.

With such a big reversal, he seems to have overlooked some details that shouldn't be ignored.