MTL - Estranged-Chapter 14 You are like a human, he is like a fairy.

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The man walked slowly, stopping at a safe enough distance for Xu Jingxian and the others to see each other clearly.

"Hello, both of you. We are destined to meet each other. I wonder if I can borrow a fire to keep warm. I also want to spend the night here and enter the city again during the day."

The appearance in memory, the voice in memory, are exactly right.

It's just that this smile, this demeanor, shouldn't be what he would have.

Chang Ming remained calm and did not answer.

Xu Jingxian spoke first: "Of course, sir, please sit down, but please tell me the origin of your name."

Chang Ming couldn't help but look at her, he was full of guard just now, but now he is actively enthusiastic?

Xu Jingxian pulled his sleeves and whispered to him.

"I think he looks so good-looking, he doesn't look like a monster."

Changming: …

After all, you are also a famous monk, can you stop saying such ridiculous things?

Chang Ming: "I'm also good-looking, so why don't you obey me?"

Xu Jingxian: "It's different, you are like a human, but he is like a fairy."

Chang Ming: Are you still like a dog?

The other party turned a blind eye to their muttering in front of them, nodded and clasped their hands.

"My surname is Yun, and my single name is Hai. I am a casual cultivator in Yunyou. I heard that a rare treasure has been born in Jiuchongyuan recently. I come here to see it. Is it the same for the two of you?"

He said it lightly, but the monk who can pass through the first thick fog has some abilities. Although Xu Jingxian has a good impression of him, he does not dare to underestimate him.

"What Qibao?"

"On a certain day in the first ten days, the purple light shot up into the sky above Wanshen Mountain, and it lasted for a long time. Some people said that there was a magic weapon here, and the heavens sensed it. This is the time to come to Jiuchongyuan, let's see if we can meet any chance."

After Yun Hai finished speaking, he realized that Chang Ming had been looking at him, so he nodded slightly at him.

"Haven't you asked the two fellow Taoists about Gao's name?"

Xu Jingxian smiled and said: "My surname is Xu, and my girlfriend's name is Jingjing. It is good for Mr. Lang to call me Jing'er. This is my fellow Taoist, named Changming, but we are not very close."

Changming: …

Yun Hai: "I think Fellow Daoist Changming is kind-hearted. Have we met somewhere?"

Chang Ming said meaningfully: "Maybe it was in a dream."

Yun Hai laughed: "I have dreamed thousands of times, maybe we really met in a dream."

Xu Jingxian:? ? ?

Why did the two have such a strange conversation when they first met? !

In order to prevent herself from becoming an incompatible outsider, she forcibly intervened to change the subject.

"We didn't intend to go here by mistake, and now we can't get out if we want to, so we can only continue to move forward. I wonder if fellow Daoist Yun knows anything about this place?"

Yun Haidao: "I only know that although this Jiuchongyuan is mysterious, it is not that there is no grass in it, but that there are towns and cities, which is no different from the world, except that there are few ordinary people. Basically, they are desperate outside, or they have skills. All in all, a strong monk, you don’t need to make a fuss about what you see or hear here.”

What he said were general chatter, Xu Jingxian was bored, so he barely interrupted.

"Fellow Daoist Yun talks eloquently, so you must be confident. Both of us are newbies who have just graduated from the school. I don't know if we can walk with you tomorrow, so that we can take care of each other?"

Yunhai: "Of course."

Xu Jingxian was delighted: "Friend Daoist Yun is really a good person. When we go out, I will definitely invite you to my house as a guest!"

Yun Hai: "Where does Xu Daoyou live?"

Xu Jingxian blinked: "My house is on the mountain in the east. I can see the sunrise and the colorful clouds. The sea meets the sky. It's much more beautiful than the gloomy here. And..."

She came as soon as she opened her mouth, her face was not red and her heart was not beating, Chang Ming almost believed her words.

But Yunhai is obviously more interested in Changming than in her.

"Where is Fellow Daoist Changming? Do you also live in the same place?"

"I am home all over the world, and I have no fixed place to live." Chang Ming said.

"Have fellow daoists really never been to Jiuchongyuan?" Yun Hai asked.

"It's true that you have never set foot here, why is Fellow Daoist Yun asking such a question?"

"I see that the two fellow Taoists are calm and relaxed. It doesn't seem like they are setting foot for the first time. They are still thinking about whether they can gain your favor and be less dangerous." When Yun Hai smiled, he naturally had a suave and unrestrained style, which attracted people's attention. "I heard that Xu Fenglin also came in a few days ago."

Xu Jingxian focused slightly: "Xu Fenglin from the Donghai School? That genius swordsman?"

Yun Hai: "Exactly. I heard that Xu Fenglin was also accompanied by a young woman. Just now I thought they were the same."

Xu Jingxian said aloud: "We are fledglings and not good at learning, how can we compare with Xu Fenglin? But the world says that he is as good as a master. Although I have never seen him, I am a little unconvinced. There are many talented people in this world. The master But it doesn’t mean that he will do it right away, no matter how capable he is, he can’t be more capable than those great masters who have already become famous in the world, right?”

Yun Hai: "I don't know much about it, but Xu Fenglin must have been able to fight with the master of the Shenxiao Immortal Mansion for more than 300 rounds at the Qianlin Meeting, and he was praised by several great masters. He must be quite capable. "

Xu Jingxian: "Xu Fenglin already has a magic weapon as powerful as the Fuyun Sword, why did he come to Jiuchongyuan?"

Yun Hai smiled: "No one would think too much of a magic weapon or magic weapon, right? The two of you are here because you want to catch a chance?"

Xu Jingxian took the opportunity to chat with Yunhai, partly because she really coveted the other person's beauty, and partly wanted to take the opportunity to find out the details of the other party's background, but the two chatted for a long time, Yunhai did not leak, but Xu Jingxian's identity as a demon was exposed.

When it comes to understanding Yun Hai, Chang Ming claims to be number one, but no one dares to be number two.

Because the first time he saw the other party, Chang Ming knew that this person was not called Yun Hai at all.

His real name is Yun Weisi.

The big disciple Yun Weisi who followed him to heaven and earth, but later turned against each other and vowed to kill him.

Under the light of the fire, Yunhai's eyebrows were bright, and he frown and smiled. He was that person, but he didn't look like that person.

Yun Weisi seldom smiles. Once he devotes himself to doing something, he can forget himself completely, forgetting to eat and sleep, until the matter is successfully concluded. Chang Ming had strict requirements on his disciples back then, but no matter how strict the requirements are, Yun Weisi He can do it perfectly in Si, even though later Yun Weisi puts this obsession on chasing and killing Chang Ming.

It was also Zhuyu who was at the front, and even though he took in three disciples one after another, Chang Ming always felt that they were a little worse than Yun Weisi.

However, unless Yun Weisi is possessed by a ghost, the sea of ​​clouds that are chattering and laughing, advancing and retreating freely in front of him will definitely not be him.

Is it an illusion deliberately done by someone, or is Yun Weisi's temperament changed drastically due to an accident?

From Xiaoyun, a young man in the mountain behind the Qixian Gate, to this sea of ​​clouds at this moment, Chang Ming always feels that his every move seems to be under the control of others.

This made him feel like a bug stuck to a spider web, and the slightest movement would attract the attention of predators.

"Fellow Daoist Changming, you keep looking at me, do you think of the old man in your dream?"

Yunhai's voice came, interrupting his meditation.

"There is indeed such an old man, but he is very similar to you, but not at all."

The sea breeze roiled Chang Ming's temples and made his voice drift far away.

Jiuzhongyuan is equivalent to another world, and the sea here does not seem to be much different from the sea in the human world.

But Chang Ming didn't expect that one day he would be able to chat with a person who looks exactly like Yun Weisi calmly and around the fire at night.

Yun Hai: "Since they are very similar, how can they be completely different?"

Chang Ming: "Like, it's the surface, not like, it's the heart."

Yun Hai: "I am even more confused when I hear these words. We meet by chance, and fellow Taoists can see my heart at a glance?"

Chang Ming: "You came here just now, and your hands are dripping water, which means that you just washed your hands, and the part of your underwear that was exposed was stained red with water. It should be fainted after mixing with blood and water. You just killed someone, and you don't want to get dirty again." Clothes, hands fiddle with the dirty sleeves from time to time, awkward, completely different from my old friend."

When Yunhai heard him say that he had killed someone, he didn't refute it, and still smiled.

"Does your old friend never kill people?"

Chang Ming: "Kill him too."

Yunhai: "Oh?"

Chang Ming: "But if you kill it, you will kill it. He won't bother to care about these details."

Yun Hai smiled and said, "Those who achieve great things don't care about small things. It sounds like your old friend is a person who achieves great things."

Chang Ming: "When he was young, he lived and wandered. He saw wealth and went through hardships. He didn't care much about things outside of him, and he didn't care about friends and enemies. Many people thought that he was heartless, but in fact he just knew that many things are too easy to lose, and people lose everything. Your energy is limited, you can only grasp what is most important to you."

Yunhai sighed: "This is a natural monk, the most suitable for pursuing the Tao of longevity, so he has become a fairy now?"

Chang Ming: "No, but I think if he can persevere in his cultivation, this day will come sooner or later."

Yun Hai: "What about Fellow Daoist Chang Ming, your old friend already has the power to ascend, but why are you still so downcast?"

Chang Ming asked back, "Am I downcast?"

Yun Hai nodded: "I'm so downcast that I-"

Before the words fell, there was a loud bang in the distance!

The three of them raised their heads immediately following the sound, and flames shot up from the direction of the first abyss, instantly illuminating half of the sky.

In the light of the fire, there was faint movement of Zi Yan and the sword energy of the divine weapon intertwined, which shows how big the movement is over there.