MTL - Estranged-Chapter 16 Master, don't you believe me?

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Thunder resounded through Qixinghe from time to time, and lightning mixed with firelight repeatedly dyed the sky from black to purple.

The fight between Sad Tree and Brother Short Whip attracted the attention of almost everyone in Qixinghe, but not everyone stopped fighting.

Jiuchongyuan, where the weak prey on the strong, has no legal and moral constraints. Many people have already taken advantage of the discoloration of the world, the sun and the moon, and the Qixinghe chaos. Finally, there was a result, one person was disembowelled and died on the spot, and the other person searched his body for the magic weapon and spiritual weapon, and raised his head with a lot of interest, and stared at Chang Ming and the others again.

After all, there were only three of Chang Ming and the others, and there was only one other party, so the other party glanced at them from a distance and then disappeared into the night. Xu Jingxian didn't take it seriously. In her eyes, the other party was alone and nothing to worry about.

But not long after, they were attacked from behind!

It was the mid-level cultivator who launched the sneak attack first.

A slender and straight three-foot long knife silently slashed at Chang Ming.

He could tell at a glance that Chang Ming was the weakest and least threatening among the three. Moreover, the clothes of the three were neat and tidy, and their eyes were very new. It was obvious that they were fledglings that had just come in from the outside. Oily and unprepared, it would be unlawful not to act.

The other two who shot at the same time attacked Xu Jingxian and Yunhai from left to right.

Xu Jingxian sneered, and the half of the gauze that was eaten by the corpse insect just now slipped out of her sleeve and slammed at the other party!

The person who stabbed at the sea of ​​clouds with a sword found that he had stabbed nothing.

Obviously the sea of ​​clouds was right in front of him without moving, but it disappeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye.

He reacted with a hiss, and turned around quickly, but he was half a beat too late. Immediately, he felt severe pain in his shoulder, but it was his clothes and flesh that were sliced ​​off by something, and the blood flowed profusely in an instant!

And Yunhai, who disappeared a moment ago, happened to be standing behind him, smiling at him, as if to say: You alone dare to overestimate your capabilities?

Lu Wei originally calculated everything properly.

His eyes lit up when he saw the three of Chang Ming, and then he realized that apart from Chang Ming, the other two were not easy to mess with, and the possibility of taking down the three at the same time was almost zero.

The only and the best way is to ask his companion to bluff to attract the attention of the other two. He took the opportunity to attack Chang Ming, stopped immediately after he succeeded, and then quickly evacuated with his allies.

With their familiarity with the terrain, they can guarantee that the other man and woman will never catch up with them.

He has been struggling in the muddy waters of the Qixing River for a long time, and he has already figured out his own way of survival, which is to bully the good and fear the evil, bully the weak and fear the hard. His cultivation is not weak in the Qixing River, but he is certainly not the strongest. , Give up more benefits, seek alliances, and pick up some convenient bargains, the longer you can survive.

Indeed, he had spent several months in Qixing River relying on his eyesight and adaptability, his cultivation had rapidly improved from the middle level, and he had also taken several magic weapons at hand.

Tonight is an excellent opportunity to burn, kill and loot.

He never expected that his half-step miscalculation would actually lead to a complete overturn in the future.

This half step is Chang Ming who he didn't pay attention to at first.

From Lu Wei's point of view, this person's footsteps are flimsy, his breathing is heavy, and he is weak. Even if he is a monk, his cultivation level is negligible. The three of them are not from the same family, nor are they friends. Once danger occurs, the other two will easily abandon Chang Ming and ignore it.

But when Lu Wei cut down with his own knife, he didn't expect the direction after the blink of an eye.

A white light flashed out from the opponent's sleeve, and rushed towards him. Lu Wei dodged subconsciously, and found that it was just a white snake. He couldn't help feeling angry that he had been tricked, and turned his head and slashed at him again!

Unexpectedly, there was a piercing coldness coming from behind at this time, Lu Wei felt his whole back was frozen by ice, and he couldn't help but turned his head to look, only to see that the little white snake turned into a huge monster, looking down from the snake's head, the snake believed Spit out and bite down on him.

Lu Wei was taken aback, and stretched out his hand to grab Chang Ming to resist!

The latter was already nimble and hid behind Xu Jingxian.

Xu Jingxian: ...

The monk she dealt with was slightly weaker than her, but that didn't mean that she could deal with it easily, especially since her gauze had been broken before, and the fighting skills of the sad tree and the short-whip monk not far away shook the surrounding air The scene also affects the people present. At this time, there is one more Changming to protect. Xu Jingxian was distracted and her arm was almost strangled by the opponent's weapon. She was so angry that she directly sacrificed the golden bell. Shocked, Sha Ling directly strangled the other party's neck.

Amidst the screams, Xu Jingxian pulled Sha Ling back, and the other person's head went up to the sky, blood splattered everywhere.

She turned her head and scolded Chang Ming bitterly, at this time she no longer had the affectionate intention of inquiring about news when they first met.

"Can you be more promising?"

"Fairy is amazing!" Chang Ming praised sincerely.

Can future interest save your life? Obviously not.

Xu Jingxian exhaled from the nasal cavity, only to feel that she was so pleasing to the eye that she almost put Chang Ming in her boudoir at the beginning, but she was completely blinded by her color.

The sea of ​​clouds also solved another monk.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lu Wei didn't want to fight with the white snake anymore. Seeing that the white snake didn't move at all when he slashed at the hard scales, he decisively withdrew and prepared to run away, but just as he jumped up, his ankle was directly entangled by the gauze.

The soft damask felt like it turned into a steel blade when it came into contact with the skin. Lu Wei could only feel the excruciating pain, and couldn't help screaming, his whole body fell directly from the roof. , tortured people to the point of weeping and crying.

Everyone looked at Lu Wei howling and begging for mercy, but they didn't show any compassion. This person just killed people and failed to seize the treasure, and he reaped the consequences.

Only Chang Ming was dizzy and dizzy due to the excessive consumption of spiritual sense just now because of the forced imperial possession, so he could only reach out and grab Xu Jingxian's sleeve to stabilize his figure.

Xu Jingxian didn't notice his strangeness, and jumped off the roof to beat Lu Wei violently. Chang Ming almost couldn't stand up, and his body subconsciously tilted to the side.

A hand reached out, just to support him.

"It's just that I'm closer to you, why did Fellow Daoist Chang Ming hide with Fellow Daoist Xu instead?"

The breath of the sea of ​​clouds is close at hand, Chang Ming closed his eyes and felt dizzy.

He tried to pull his hand back, but he didn't.

The other party seemed to be considerate and helped each other, but in fact, he put his hand firmly on his waist, sealing off all Chang Ming's escape routes.

Xu Jingxian was still violently beating the monk below, and the two of Sad Tree in the distance were still struggling to decide the outcome.

Yun Hai seemed to have to get an answer, otherwise he would not let go.

The gentle words made Chang Ming feel not comfort, warmth and sadness, but cold and murderous aura.

The murderous intent concealed by the appearance, the strings were stretched to the extreme, if his answer was not what the other party wanted, maybe the hand on his waist would instantly turn into a murderous weapon to take his life.

"Fellow Daoist Changming doesn't believe me that much?"

Yun Hai's tone of voice was even slightly lowered, as if Chang Ming's distrust of him was a heinous crime.

Back then, his big apprentice would never have said such words in such a tone.

Yun Weisi could only ask in confusion: Master, don't you believe me?

And this sea of ​​clouds—

He looks exactly the same as Yun Weisi, and is much more dangerous than Yun Weisi. If the moodiness of the third apprentice Zhou Ke is visible, then Yunhai's sudden repetition is invisible and unpredictable.

Chang Ming thought to himself that he could read people's hearts, but when he met this Yunhai by chance, it was impossible to understand the other party's behavior and thoughts in a short period of time.

But he still softened for a moment.

Just for a moment.

"Why did Fellow Daoist Yun say that? You and I met by chance, and I don't know your strength well, so naturally I can't pass the danger on to you."

The author has something to say:

The following are some slight spoilers, those who don't want to watch goose goose directly click the fork:

Yunhai is either a puppet or himself

In fact, the copywriting has also passed through, and he split