MTL - Eternal Reverence-Chapter 1214 Spiritual list

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Like Jin Fengling, the silver hammer spirit brought about two billion worth of net worth to Li Fuchen.

Now Li Fuchen's net worth has added up to more than six billion yuan.

This greatly exceeded the expectations of Li Fushi.

Before entering the Thuring Spirit Desert, Li Fuchen’s goal was to be more than a dozen or twenty trillion yuan.

In the following period of time, Li Fuchen met several other spiritual masters, but these spirits were very cautious, and did not come up to shout and kill. In this regard, Li Fuchen naturally would not provoke the other party.

"Frost Spirit Lord, you should not be too much. Our two brothers and sisters have already given you the space ring. What do you want?"

It is still a desert here, but the surface of the desert is covered with a layer of light blue frost. Above the frost, there are three figures.

These three figures are all spiritual masters.

The two spiritual masters on the left are brothers and sisters, one is called the Blackhorn Lord, and the other is called the Reed Spirit.

Both brothers and sisters are spiritual masters. This situation is not common in the entire Ziyun **** world.

The lord on the right, wearing a light blue light armor, with a light blue ice on his body, it is obvious that this frosty land is made by him.

"You thought I was a fool, you have other space rings." Frosty Lord sneered.

"The Frost Lord, don't deceive too much."

The Black-horned Lord is very angry, but he has no choice.

Although he is an extremely powerful middle spirit, the sister Lusong Lord has just stepped into the middle spirit level some time ago, but the gap with the Frost Spirit is still far from the big.

The other party is not only a powerful spiritual master, but also the top ninth lord of the 1985 blue-green main list.

The Cang Lan Ling main list means the spiritual master list in the Cang Lan City area.

Canglancheng is a three-level **** city with three second-class **** cities and eighteen first-class **** cities.

We must know that the distance between the city of God and the city of God is tens of billions of miles, and the range of Canglan City is at least several hundred billion miles.

Generally speaking, the four-star sectarian rule ranges from several hundred thousand miles to several million miles. The five-star sectarian rule ranges from tens of millions to hundreds of millions of miles. How many four-star sects and how many five stars are in the hundreds of billions of miles? The sects cannot be estimated at all.

There are so many sects, and the powerful spirits will naturally be many times many times, and the spirits will not be less.

In addition, there are some spiritual masters who have not joined the sect.

It is estimated that the number of spiritual masters in the entire Cangcheng City is not less than one million, while the number of celebrities in the Clan Blue City is only one thousand.

In other words, there is only one thousand spiritual masters, and only one can be the leader of the blue spirit.

It is conceivable that the lord of the Clan Blue Master is horrible.

The Frost Spirit Lord is the ninth and eighty-five of the ranks of the Blue Spirit. The strength is strong enough to crush most powerful spirits, not to mention the two medium spirits.

The reason why they can live to the present is mainly because the two people have a deep chance to get a few four-star low-order charms in a dangerous place. It is necessary to know that in the Ziyun **** world, the four-star charm is not circulating, there is a **** stone. Can't buy it.

These four-star low-order runes have defensive charms and attack miracles.

Unfortunately, the four-star low-order attack miracle can hurt the Frost Spirit, but it can't kill the Frost Spirit.

The light blue light armor on the other side is a scorpion mysterious artifact, enough to withstand most of the damage of the four-star low-order attack.

On the other hand, the power of the four-star low-level defense deity is constantly consumed, and sooner or later it will be consumed.


The Frost Spirit continually consumes the power of the four-star low-level defense genius. At the same time, the frosty earth below is thicker and thicker.


Suddenly, cracks appeared on the frosty ground.

Frosty Lord's brow wrinkled.

The next moment, the frosty earth shattered, and the sand of the sky rose to the sky.

"not good."

Frosty Lord's face is ugly, and it is an elite swallowing sand.

Although he is the 985th rank of Cang Lan Ling's main list, but compared with the elite Ting Ling Sha who can match the lower Xuan Shen, it is still far away, and one stroke can't resist it. Only one dead end.

"The icy ice."

The Frost Spirit master showed his spirits and escaped the first time.

I don't know how long I have escaped, and the Frost Spirit has stopped.

At this moment, he was a little depressed. He had already won the Lord of the Blackhorn.


Suddenly, the Frost Spirit Lord discovered another spiritual master.

This spiritual master is very special, and the spiritual power is repaired as if it is the level of the middle spirit, but the breath that comes out is the level of the spirit, and others can't see it. How much can he see it.

"Frost land."

In the first time, the Frost Spirit master exhibited the spirit of the gods, and the endless frost and spiritual power covered the area of ​​Nuo Da, and also shrouded the other side.

"A strong ice cream."

Li floats and smashes, and far away, he can't eat the erosion of the spirit of the ice. If it is close, it will be enough.

If he guesses well, the other side's Frost Spirit is only half-heavy, which is more than most of the spirits.

And in normal terms, the magic of frost is not particularly focused on strength, the other side can hammer the spirit of the ice to seven, it is conceivable, how terrible the strength.

"Sword of Frost."

In the hands of Frost Spirit, a sword of frost is condensed, and a sword of frost is waved, and a frosty sword is swept to the dust.

Li Fuchen did not dare to neglect, Yuanji smashed his display, and a black sword greeted him.


The black sword is like a black crystal collapse, and the frosty sword continues to sweep into the dust.


The sword has not arrived yet, and the area around Li float has begun to freeze and the temperature has dropped sharply.

The sword is long.

Li floats the body and turns it into a sword.

Despite this, there is still a large amount of sword gas that is eroded by the frosty sword gas, which turns into ice crystal crushing.

For a moment, Li Fu's martial spirits lost a hundred.

If there is another hundred swords, Li Fuchen will die.

"Is it the existence of the spiritual master list." Li Fuchen's face is dignified. He believes that even if he encounters a powerful spiritual master, he will not be so embarrassed, and there is only the existence of the spiritual master list, and there is such a powerful combat power.

Li Fuchen did not shout out.

Mao’s strength is much worse than him, and it’s useless.

"Don't struggle, useless, the whole Cangcheng City below the mysterious god, can be my opponent, no more than a thousand, you are in my hands, it is your honor." Frosty Lord is indifferent.

Li floats: "This may not be."

Li Fu dust in the sea, a group of fireballs condense.

The next moment, a fireball condensed by the power of a **** slammed into the Frost Spirit.

"The soul is a god, you are a soul repair."

The Frost Spirit Master was shocked. He was still very jealous of the soul repair.

The essence of the fireball is still the power of the soul, so the Frost Spirit Lord only had a chance to be amazed, and was hit by the fireball.

To the surprise of the Frost Spirit Lord, the power of the fireball is not too big, just to make him feel uncomfortable, the soul is a bit hot.

The heart is determined, the Frost Spirit Lord continues to attack Li Fuchen.

Seeing that the fireball could not hurt the Frost Spirit, Li Fu was not surprised.

Although his soul is the level of the metaphysical god, but the fireball is only the soul of the next soul, the level is too low.

If the secluded fireball is the real soul of the middle soul, it is enough for the other party to drink a pot.

Although the secluded fireball could not hurt the Frost Spirit, Li Fuchen continued to attack with the secluded fireball. He did not believe that the other god's soul had no reaction to the secluded fireball.

It’s like a thin ordinary person attacking a strong ordinary person, maybe the other side can get a punch, but the ten punches and punches, the other party can’t stand it.

After all, the damage will accumulate, and the more you get to the back, the more you can't afford it.

Without any pause, Li Fuchen continued to attack the Frost Spirit Master with a secluded fireball.

For a long time, the Frost Spirit Lord is not calm.

He thought that the other party couldn't make many soul attackes. Where did he know that Li Fu's soul attack attacked one after another, and there was no stopping.

The spirit of his spirit, from the beginning of the burning, gradually became hot, and some of the souls began to melt, which made his strength have declined, and the state gradually faded.

On the other hand, Li Fuchen, constantly turning into sword air, can not only transfer his attack damage, but also plunder the vitality between heaven and earth to supplement himself.


The Frost Spirit Lord is also able to afford the person who can put it down. Seeing Lee’s dust, he decided to leave immediately.

"I don't think it's the existence of the spirit list. I can't compare it now."

"It's time to leave."

More than six hundred trillion yuan of the next stone is enough for Li floating dust to use for a long time, no need to continue to wander in the swallow desert.

Of course, the swallowing desert did not want to leave and left. In the next year, Li Fuchen could not find a way to leave the swallow desert. However, his net worth increased by several hundred billion, reaching more than a trillion.

"The Gate of Sand."

On this day, Li Fuchen discovered a portal of sand formation, which was not a big surprise.

In the swallowing desert, the sand gate will appear randomly, and the sand gate is one of the ways to leave the swallow desert.

Entering the gate of the sand, Li Fuchen left the swallow desert.

Did not return to Yinyu Town, Li Fuchen recently chose a town to live down.

"Ice blue iron, four-star medium-grade refiner material."

"Yinwujin, four-star high-grade refiner materials."

“岚炫草, four-star low-order **** grass.”

"Three-color pearl grass, four-star middle grass."


In the inn, Li Fuchen began to count the harvest.

The spirit is not the spiritual master, the collection is too rich, Samsung materials do not say, piled up like mountains, there are many four-star materials, many of which are very rare types.

In addition, there are so many things that are mixed, and it is extremely difficult for Li Fuchen to count.

"Hey, this piece of iron?"

Li Fuchen found a piece of black iron in the space ring of the Fire Rock Master.

This black iron piece is very common, but it exudes a hint of time and space fluctuations.

Take out the iron piece and observe the dust.

It was only for a long time that Li Fuchen could not detect the special features of the iron piece, except for the fluctuation of time and space.

"Do you want to pour into the spirit of time and space?" Li Fuchen subconsciously poured into his own time and space.

The next moment, Li Fuchen came to another time and space.

This is a star-studded time and space, there are countless stars.

"Follow the stars!"

In front of Li Fu's dust, a light and shadow of a time and space condensed suddenly appeared, and then turned into a light, and instantly flew to the depths of time and space.

"A fast speed, is this a mysterious technique?"

Li floats and marvels.

The speed of light and shadow is too fast, ten times faster than him.

Time and space are broken, and Li Fuchen returns to the real world. At the same time, there is more information in his mind.

This information is the information content of the cultivation of the stars.

As Li Fuchen guessed, the chasing star is indeed a mysterious god, and it is a supernatural skill.

"With the chasing stars, my survivability will increase tenfold and 100 times. In addition, the rules of time and space can also be upgraded."

Li Fu's face showed a smile on his face. Sometimes, the surprise came too suddenly, which made him somewhat unprepared.