MTL - Eternal Reverence-Chapter 1215 Cultivation star

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There is no rush to replace all the harvests with the gods, killing several spiritual masters, and Li Fuchen has received five hundred million yuan of lower stone. If you sell the swallowing sand core and the swallowing sand crystal, the number can be increased to eight hundred. Trillion, so Li Fushi is not in a hurry, and I don’t even plan to sell all the harvest. I have to know that things that can be collected by the lord are some rare things. It’s a pity to sell them. If you need them later, they may not Can buy.

Anyway, the eight billion yuan of the next product stone is almost enough, not to mention the addition of the **** stone, Li Fuchen also found more than two billion Chinese stone from the space ring of these spiritual masters, equivalent to more than two hundred trillion down the **** stone.

After selling the swallowing sand core and the swallowing sand crystal, Li Fuchen began to delve into the superiority of time and space.


"It's too difficult. The upper-class magical skill is the upper-class magical skill, not so easy to comprehend."

After spending half a month, Li Fuchen was able to practice the chase star to the entry stage. If he changed to the upper spirit, he almost practiced.

However, one point of hard work, only the pursuit of the star in the entry stage, the speed has surpassed the speed before Li Fuchen.

Keep up the good work, Li Fuchen continues to cultivate and chase stars.

Three months later.

Star chasing reached the initial stage.

"My current speed is ten times faster than the original. Below the mysterious god, I can compare with the speed. It is estimated that there is not much!"

The rules of time and space are very good at rushing the road, and with the superiority of time and space, the speed of Li Fuchen is one-to-one in the upper spirits, and this is still the pursuit of the realm of the realm, if it is the chase of the realm of Xiaocheng The estimated speed will be the almost invincible existence of Xuan Shen.

You must know that Li’s time and space rules and time and space spirits are in the lower level of spirituality. If it is the middle spiritual **** or the upper spirit god?

In the late Lingshen, the next Lingshen peak, the next Lingshen is complete...

The practice of chasing stars has brought Li Fu’s too many rules of time and space to understand, and the realm of time and space has risen.


The invisible roar sounded, and Li’s time and space rules reached the level of the middle spirit.

In the middle of the middle spirit, the middle of the spiritual god, the middle of the spiritual peak, the middle spirit is complete.

Immediately, it broke through to the level of the upper spirit, and has reached the middle level of the upper spirit, only to stop.

At this time, Li Fuchen's time and space spirit, do not know when, from a heavy intensity, reached a double intensity.

We must know that the spirit of time and space does not pursue strength, and the lower spirit has the dual strength of time and space, and it is already very powerful.

"Time and space repair can be broken."

The realm of the rule has gone up, and the realm of life has already reached the level of the middle spiritual spirit. Li Fuchen naturally upgraded the spiritual spirit of time and space to the level of the middle spiritual spirit. At the same time, his time and space spirit and strength increased by one. , reached the triple strength, the Spiritual Power Index is 1.2 billion.

Time and space spirits are repaired to reach the level of the middle spirit, and Li Fuchen is playing with the stars, and the speed is faster. Now his speed, not to mention whether it can be compared with the weaker lower gods, at least at the spiritual level, belongs to the unsolved existence. .

As the realm of time and space rules rises to the upper realm of Lingshen, Li Fuchen is more and more aware of the speed of chasing stars.

In the past few months, the star chasing has reached a stage of small progress.

The chase star in the small stage is as fast as a dream, comparable to long-distance teleportation.

Li Fuchen thinks that his speed should be faster than most of the lower gods. Of course, this is purely his personal intuition. Is it really faster than most of the lower gods? know.

The realm of time and space rules has been raised, and the speed of enlightenment to chase stars has increased. The pursuit of stars has reached a stage of small succession, which in turn has brought Li Fuchen a lot of time and space.

In the late period of the upper spirit, the upper spirit is the peak, and the upper spirit is complete.

In a few days, Li Fuchen’s time and space rules reached the limit of the spirit.


A bang!

The realm of time and space rules has broken through to the lower level of mysterious gods.

In the early stage of the lower Xuan Shen, the lower part of the mysterious god, the lower part of the mysterious god.

In the end, Li Fuchen's time and space rule realm stayed in the lower realm of Xuan Shen.

At the same time, Li Fuchen’s time and space spiritual power index has reached 2 billion from 1.2 billion, and the intensity of time and space has reached four levels. This is incredible.

At this time, Li Fuchen cast a star, the speed is several times faster.

Li Fuchen can be sure that he is now faster than most of the lower gods, and maybe even better than some median gods who are not good at speed.

After the chasing star reaches the stage of Xiaocheng, Li Fuchen wants to continue to improve. It is difficult. At least now he has no clue. It is estimated that if he wants to train the star to four or five minutes, it will take at least several years to cultivate. The limit, that is, the eight-point fire, is not the matter of time, but whether it can be realized, if you can't realize it, it will not give you more time.

Eight minutes of heat up, Li Fuchen does not consider.

It is impossible to reach the stage of great development, that is, it is very hot, and it is a congenital restriction.

"It is the right way to precipitize the realm of time and space."

Don't look at Li Fuchen's time and space rules to reach the lower realm of the mysterious gods, but in fact it is more illusory, the foundation is very shallow, at this time, he needs to precipitate a lot, create more time and space skills, and so on. The foundation is deep, and it may be easier to understand the follow-up star.

Life is like a dream.

Li Fuchen first raised the life-like dreams created in the gods to the level of the upper spirit.

At this time, the life of a floating dream is once exerted, and the internal void is endless, and the power of time and space of terror is strongly erosive.

Then, Li Fuchen created a time and space spirit technique - time and space cutting.

This spiritual skill can cut a piece of time and space, of course, you can also cut the enemy into nothingness.

It’s not over yet, it took a little more time, and Li Fuchen created the second door-time spirit of time and space – time and space are not destroyed.

This is a **** spirit and spirit. Due to the characteristics of time and space rules, time and space are not terrible than swords. Li Fuchen estimates that if he wants to break his time and space, the difficulty will be long. Ten times as many as ten times, that is to say, if Li Fuchen encounters a terrible enemy, this enemy can easily break the sword for a long time, but unless he is ten times ten times more powerful, otherwise it will not It may break the time and space.

Time and space rules are terrible and terrible. Here, the survivability is extremely strong. It is also the median spiritual god. The survival ability of time and space rules is much stronger than the kendo rules.


A long spit breath, Li floating dust is ready to leave.

Speaking of it, he has been in the Ziyun **** world for a short time, but has not been to the city of God.

I didn’t go to the city of God before because the city of God was too far away.

The distance between the city of God and the city of God is tens of billions of miles.

To know that this is the purple cloud **** world, the oppression is enormous, the tens of billions of miles here is a very distant distance. If the true God does not stop, it will take tens of thousands of years to reach another **** city from a **** city. At least for hundreds of years.

It is too far away, and Li Fuchen cannot waste time on the road.

Moreover, at that time, he did not have to go to the city of God, the town can meet his needs.

But now, with the improvement of cultivation, with the increase of strength, Li Fuchen feels that he still has to go to the city of God. After all, compared with Shenzhen, Shencheng is more prosperous and more good things. Li Fuchen still wants to get a mystery. What is the artifact sword?

In addition, he also needs to refine the main material of Samsung's best Shen Dan, which enhances the realm of life.

The speed of Li Fuchen is now several times faster than that of the ordinary spirit, and it is almost ten times.

This is still the case without the pursuit of star chasing. After all, the use of chasing stars is very time-consuming and spiritual.

Like a shadow of nothingness, Li floats through the time and space of the Ziyun gods. The scene outside is as clear as the picture in the mirror, but it is more isolated.

"After a few days, I should go to Huangfeng City!"

Huangfeng City, a first-class **** city in the third-level Shencheng Canglan City.

It is also the nearest city to Li Fuchen.

Close to Huangfeng City, the strong gradually increased.

In the town of God, the mysterious **** of the mysterious god, Li Fuchen has encountered many, but fortunately these mysterious gods have no interest in Li Fuchen, a median spiritual god, are too lazy to take a look.

In addition to the mysterious god, the domain **** Li floating dust saw several.

These few domain gods, although not deliberately exhaled, but the pressure of the inadvertent disclosure of the body, still make the rules of heaven and earth stop working, time and space seems to have solidified.

"It’s a **** city, there are too many powerful people around."

Li Fuchen is not surprised. Xuan Shen is a top-ranking strongman in the town of God. When he gets the **** city, he can only be regarded as an ordinary master. Only the domain **** is the strong, and the domain master is the top strong.


There was a fight in the front, and Li Fu’s dust was fixed. Looking at the distant wilderness, the two upper spirits were fighting.

These two upper spirits are all spiritual masters.

Of course, it is just an ordinary spirit.

The middle spirit is not so easy to see. Compared with the mysterious god, the ordinary spiritual master is much rarer, and the medium spiritual master is rare ten times and ten times. As for the powerful spiritual master, it is rarer than the domain god.

The two spiritual masters, one is a young swordsman and the other is a black masked man.

The black masked man is like an illusory shadow, attacking the young swordsman from all incredible angles. Within a moment, the young swordsman has at least smashed the black masked man for more than a dozen attacks, and his body gradually weakened.

"Who are you, why attacked me." Yan Beishan is very depressed, this black masked man, the strength is not much stronger than him, on the attack power, it is far worse than him, but the other side's body spirit is too skillful It’s amazing, I can’t touch each other.

Li Fuchen didn't want to help, but I thought about it. It is very close to Huangfeng City. Most of the other people are Huangfengcheng. One more friend can save him a lot of time and trouble.

Therefore, Li Fuchen shot.

The object of his help is naturally a young knife.

This young swordsman, temperament and integrity, clear-eyed, at first glance is a bright and honest person.

On the other hand, the black-faced masked man is filled with endless killing atmosphere. This killing atmosphere contains malicious inconvenient scrubbing. Obviously, this is a murderous existence, not a good one.

Of course, these are only easily seen by Li Fuchen, and it is impossible to see so many things by switching to other spiritual gods.

A black sword is swept out, and it is difficult to avoid the black-faced masked person.


A sword, the spiritual power of the black masked man is completely annihilated.