MTL - Eternal Sacred King-Chapter 3289 Holy clan

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The Scorpio Palace Master said solemnly: "The spider died in the hands of the Supreme Being of Evil Destruction. This revenge is difficult to avenge, but the culprit, Su Zimo, can't let him live!"

The lord of the Palace of Heavenly Centipede exuded divine consciousness and communicated with the poisonous insects around him. He couldn't help frowning slightly, and whispered softly, "Going to the Southern Region, Tianzun event?"

"The Southern Region is too far away from this place. Our Five Poison Palace is very powerful in Huagai Prefecture, but we can't control that side." The Lord of the Heavenly Snake Palace shook his head slightly.

The Palace Master Tianchan said, "Is this the case?"

The scorpion race Taoist said tentatively: "Report to the four palace masters, that Su Zimo seems to have the bloodline of fortune-telling Qinglian."


Hearing the words, the palace lord's eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and there was a sinister smile on his face, and he slowly said: "It's okay for this son to go to the Southern Region, we don't have to do it ourselves, we can use a knife to kill!"

"You mean to release this news?"

Scorpio Palace Master asked.


The Lord of the Centipede Palace said: "After all, it is the bloodline of the Holy Master of Chaos. I believe that in the five holy places, some people will be interested in the creation of Qinglian!"

"As long as he goes to the Ancestral Fire Holy Land, don't even think about leaving alive!"

"Palace Master is wise!"

The monks of the Five Poison Palace sighed in admiration.

Palace Lord Tianchan frowned and said, "If we release this news, I'm afraid people in the Holy Land may not believe it, right?"

The master of the Tianzhu Palace said: "This news is spread by the master, and the major holy places should not doubt it. What's more, the death of the spider must always be reported to the master."

"Master likes the sky spider the most, but I didn't expect that he was killed by the madman Xie Extermination Supreme!" The master of the Heavenly Snake Palace sighed.


in the space tunnel.

Su Zimo thought of the previous Five Poison Palace and asked, "Senior, the one hundred and eight states in the southeastern territory are ruled by the Five Poison Palace and these forces, why haven't I heard of the birth of a saint?"

The Chaos Holy Land was destroyed, more than six billion years ago.

No matter how difficult it is to be sanctified, Su Zimo still doesn't believe that no one has ever vindicated the Holy Throne these years.

After the destruction of the Holy Land of Chaos, Lin Meng Zhizun and others were dragged into the Qiankun Fortune Map, and they knew nothing about what happened in the Great Thousand World over the years.

Some doubts, only the beacon in front of him can give him an explanation.

"It's not that no saints were born."

Feng Bo said: "Most of the saints in the Great Thousand World are under the command of the five holy places. Moreover, for the conflicts and collisions of the major forces, the major saints will stay out of the matter, and will not take action against the creatures below the holy land."

"Why is this?"

Su Zimo asked.

Feng Bo said: "The saint kills the creatures below the holy realm, and it will be contaminated with karma. Once the Dao is contaminated with karma, it will affect its own combat power. More importantly, it may attract divine punishment, leading to death and dao disappearance! "

Su Zimo nodded secretly.

In this way, under the shock of divine punishment, the saint will indeed have some scruples.

Fengbo said: "It's like the Five Poison Palace in Huagai Prefecture. In fact, there is a saint behind them. Those five poisonous insects are the pets kept by the poison saint."

Su Zimo was stunned.

The Five Poison Palace has dominated Huagai Province for many years, and the five palace masters are actually just poisonous insects raised by a saint!

Uncle Feng said again: "However, even if Supreme Xie Extermination kills all the five poisonous insects, this Poison Saint will not dare to do anything to Supreme Xie Extermination."

During the conversation between the two, they had come to the end of the space tunnel.

Coming out of the void, Su Zimo looked around, his eyes were red, the surrounding temperature was obviously much higher than Huagaizhou, surrounded by heat waves.

There are sand and gravel all around, and even in some places, flames are still burning!

Many mountain peaks are flowing with hot magma!

In such an environment, the vegetation that can still survive is extremely rare, and there is no greenery in a radius of thousands of miles.

In the sky ahead, you can see a large area of ​​magnificent buildings, standing above the horizon, straight into the sky, clustered together, like a group of huge holy flames!

Uncle Feng pointed to the magnificent building and said, "The Ancestral Fire Holy Land is in front, and I will send you here. The battle of Tianzun will take a few days. You can go and participate at that time."

"Do you have any questions?"

Su Zimo pondered for a moment, then asked, "The battle of Heavenly Venerate, where are the powerhouses from, will the people in the Ancestral Fire Holy Land participate?"

Uncle Feng smiled, shook his head and said, "If someone from the Holy Land participates, you won't have the chance to win the supreme reputation."

"The eight major territories of the Great Thousand World will hold similar events. Generally speaking, there will be no strong people from other territories who travel thousands of miles to the Ancestral Fire Holy Land to participate in the competition for the Supreme Heavenly Venerate in the Southern Territory."

"There are one hundred and eight states in the southeastern region, and there are forty-nine spiritual lands in the southern region. What you have to face is the most outstanding Heavenly Venerate powerhouse among these forty-nine spiritual lands."

"Such a grand event is a method for the Holy Land to select talents. If people from the Holy Land participate, it will be too bullying."

Su Zimo's expression remained unchanged, and he asked, "All of them are in the realm of enlightenment, so people in the Holy Land are so strong?"

Feng Bo said: "You are now in the realm of enlightenment. With the help of your flesh, blood, and spiritual treasures, you can try to leapfrog the Great Heavenly Venerate and the Supreme Heavenly Venerate. But if you are in the Holy Land, it will not be so easy to leapfrog."

"What's more, in the Holy Land, there is also the inheritance of the Holy Race!"


Su Zimo's heart moved, and he asked, "The holy clan of the Ancestral Fire Holy Land, do you mean the Suzaku clan or the Phoenix clan?"

At the beginning, among the nine Lords of Heaven, the main body of Lord Zhu Tian was Vermillion Bird.

And in the summer, some monks have the Suzaku blood, but they are not the Suzaku family.


Fengbo shook his head and said, "The saints are the saints, and they are few in number. They are neither the Vermillion Birds nor the Phoenixes. These two tribes can only be regarded as people in the Holy Land, but they do not belong to the saints who have inherited the same lineage."

Su Zimo was shocked.

Phoenix, dragon and phoenix are called taboos in the world of Xiaoqian, and Suzaku is called the Holy Spirit in many ancient books.

Even the Suzaku and Phoenix clans are not considered saints?

What is the origin of this saint?

Fengbo said: "Whether it is the Vermillion Bird Clan, the Phoenix Clan, or the Yan Clan, only when the bloodline returns to the ancestors will they become the Saint Clan!"

Su Zimo looked stunned.

Several doubts that had been in my heart for many years, suddenly have an answer!

Only by returning blood to the ancestors can you be qualified to become a saint!

And there are two people he knows who have returned blood to their ancestors.

Eidolon and Happy!

This is why, Ye Ling can come out alive from the demon battlefield!

Ye Ling's bloodline returned to his ancestors, even in the Great Thousand World, he belonged to the lineage of the Saint Clan, not to mention Fengtian Realm, even people in the Heavenly Court would not dare to hurt him.

After Ye Ling and the two stepped into the Emperor Realm, they were forcibly taken away by a force from the Great Thousand World. It is very likely that they were summoned from the Holy Land powerhouse!

When Su Zimo left, Kunpeng Xiaoyao had not yet stepped into the Emperor Realm, but when the monkey stepped into the Emperor Realm, he was also taken away by the power of the Great Thousand World.

Could it be that the blood of the monkey has also returned to its ancestors?

In this way, Eidolon and monkeys shouldn't be in any danger in the Great Thousand World.

And Ye Ling entered the holy clan and obtained the inheritance of the holy clan, there must be a great chance, and the future achievements may not be under him!

I just don't know which holy place Ye Ling was taken to.

Su Zimo was about to ask again when some cultivators galloped past and looked over here.

Uncle Feng didn't seem to want to be noticed, he moved and disappeared into the void.

"In the Holy Land, you are not allowed to use swords and soldiers without authorization, you can go by yourself."

Leaving a sentence, Feng Bo has disappeared.