MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 93

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Everyone in the teahouse came for the shadow of the moon. Of course, some people were not willing to run away.

"How do you prove that this is the head of the Shadow Gate?"

Anyuan said indifferently: "You don't need proof, you will naturally know it after a while."

"You look at the bag on his waist! Write a shadow!" Han Changsheng fears that the world will not scream in the crowd.

Anyuan looked down at the bag at his waist. That was what Han Changsheng gave him to collect from the top ten killers.

“What is it inside?” someone asked aloud, “You are not going to be bought by Shadowmoon Gate to fool us?”

An Yuan untied the bag and poured out the contents. Then he was surprised to find that Han Changsheng gave him all ten identity cards. To find the second-level killer to pass the order, the need is to pass the token. Each of them has a few passes of tokens, but the identity cards are all in Anyuan’s hands. Several martial arts people rushed up to see Everyone is stunned.

- Not only is the Shadow Moon Gate Lord killed, but even the top ten killers are also in the doldrums! The core of the entire Shadowmoon Gate has been destroyed.

In a noisy and confusing discussion, An Yuan silently reinstalled a few brands, picked up the head and stuffed it back into the wooden box and walked out.

"How did you do it?" Someone asked him aloud later.

Anyuan did not pay attention to it. He went out and went to the inn.

Han Changsheng hurried out after the back door of the teahouse.

In the evening, Han Changsheng, An Yuan, and Hua Xiaoshuang were gathered at the inn.

Han Changsheng asked Hua Xiaoshuang: "How is the task performed?"

Hua Xiaoxiao smiled: "Nature is getting it." The core of the Shadow Moon Gate has been scattered. The people underneath are not in a climate, and they don't have to pay one more, they will be demobilized.

Anyuan suddenly said: "Flower, I have something to say to you."

Han Changsheng and Hua Xiaoshuang are both a glimpse. The meaning of this is to let Han Changsheng avoid it. Han Changsheng reluctantly got up and moved out: "I..."

Anyuan said: "You stay here, spend a shower, you go out with me."

Han Changsheng could only watch stunnedly as Hua Xiaoshuang and Anyuan left the room.

Anyuan took the flower to the double floor and did not open it. The flower double double preached: "If you don't want to make people eavesdrop, go far."

Anyuan looked at him with amazement and turned and continued.

Not long after, the two came to an empty place. There are no walls everywhere, and there is no place to listen to the roots of the wall. Some people follow, and once they are close, they have nowhere to hide.

Anyuan pulled out his own sword: "I want to learn from you."

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "You called me out, is this purpose?"

An Yuandao: "Yes."

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "Exactly, I also want to try your kung fu." Then he pulled out the sword.

The two men went to one place in a blink of an eye. Hua Xiao is one of the four lobby masters. Wu Gong is not weak, but he is not a master of swordsmanship. His swordsmanship and Han Changsheng are naturally different from the elders of Lan Fang. The two passed. After two strokes, the look on Anyuan’s face has become extremely dignified.

After a while, the two men retired, and Xiaoshuang also carefully looked at Anyuan. Anyuan’s martial arts are good, I am afraid I am still above myself.

An Yuan slowly collected the sword: "You really are not... Who is he?"

An Yuan’s words were so boring, and Xiaoxiao’s eyes burst into laughter, but he did not defend anything: “That’s why you have to ask yourself. See who you are looking for.”

Anyuan brows deep lock: "You, what purpose?" Hua Xiao double raised his hands and waved: "I am just passing by, it is not my business."

Anyuan was silent.

I don't know how long it took, Anyuan took a step toward the inn: "Go back."

Han Changsheng was restless in the inn. Anyuan and Hua Xiaoshuang have been gone for a while. When Anyuan left, his expression was very dignified. Today, he said that he should have many questions, but he did not ask a word. Why is he looking for Hua Xiaoshuang to speak alone? Did he find anything?

Zhengjiao, Anyuan and Hua Xiaoshui are back.

Han Changsheng immediately greeted him: "You..."

Hua Xiao double rushed: "I will leave tomorrow."

Han Changsheng and An Yuan are both a glimpse. Han Changsheng asked: "Walk? Where are you going?"

Hua Xiaoshuang said: "I have some things to check, so take a step first."

After encountering Hua Xiaoshuang, Han Changsheng was looking forward to seeing him go back early, don’t give himself a mess, but Hua Xiaoshuang suddenly proposed to leave, but Han Changsheng felt uneasy and looked at Hua Xiaoshuang with suspicion. It is very doubtful whether he has caused a big trouble for himself and then patted his **** and left.

Anyuan didn't expect Hua Xiaoshuang to suddenly say that he wanted to leave, but he has confirmed that this guy is not the flower he used to get along with himself. It doesn't matter if he leaves.

Han Changsheng looked at Hua Xiaoshuang and looked at An Yuan. An Yuandao: "I should go too."

Han Changsheng suddenly stunned. What he is afraid of is this. If Anyuan wants to follow the flower, he will be worse. Not to mention anything else, he finally helped Anyuan to ban the Shadow Moon Gate. Lu Honghua’s conditions have been fulfilled. Then he will take Anyuan to find the three people to get their approval, otherwise Anyuan Still unable to board the position of the martial arts lord, his task is not completed.

An Yuan said: "Now my family hatred has been reported, Master has also received the punishment he deserved. The master is dead. As a second disciple, I should return to Yuehua to see the younger brothers and sisters. It is time to return to Tianyuan Mountain Villa. The spirit of the dead father."

Han Changsheng quickly calculated. From the way to the Yuehua School, you can pass the wine scented valley where the wine is coming from the wine. When you lie into Anyuan, it is good to complete a challenge first.

Han Changsheng immediately said: "I will go with you!"

Anyuan didn't talk, just looked at him, his eyes filled with "why."

Han Changsheng said with a smile: "This... I also want to go to Yuehua."

Hua Xiaoshuang snorted and shook his head. He said, "I will go back to the room and rest." Then he walked out and pushed the door out.

Han Changsheng was very embarrassed. He suddenly heard Anyuan’s voice and said, “What about Dragon Sword?”

Han Changsheng glanced: "What?" After a moment, he returned to God and was shocked. How can Anyuan ask him a dragon sword? Can it be said that Anyuan has discovered his identity? He pretended to be stupid: "What dragon sword?"

Anyuan did not entangle, and went to the door to open the door: "You should also go back to the room to rest."

An Yuan under the order of the passengers, Han Changsheng silently pinched the cold sweat, I do not know whether to relax or worry, grinding out of the room. As soon as he left, Anyuan gritted his teeth against the back of his back, then slammed into the bed and covered his face with a quilt.

He is now almost certain that "Luoweiwu" is "flowers", but he does not know whether it should be exposed. "Flower" will suddenly leave after that night, maybe because he did something like him, can't face him, now he wants to go back to Yuehua, "Luoweiwu" wants to follow, explain the **** I don't want to be separated from him. If he exposes it, will the **** pat the **** and run the man again, or change his identity back to him?

What is certain now is that this guy's easiness is not fabricated out of thin air, but indeed has its own people, at least, the real "flowers and chic" has emerged. What is the purpose of his ability to accommodate these people with him? The play in the teahouse today was carefully planned by him? What does he want to do?

"Ah!" Anyuan sighed, and suddenly his expression became angry and touched his ass. No matter what conspiracy this guy has, the last time he hated his ass, it’s not so easy! He will definitely retaliate!

Early the next morning, Hua Xiaoshuang really took the horse and left.

Han Changsheng packed up his luggage and came to Ai Ai, waiting for the door of Anyuan.

Not long after, Anyuan came out. Seeing Han Changsheng at the door, he smiled and asked: "How long are you going to accompany me this time?"

"What, what?" Han Changsheng gave a glimpse.

An Yuan snorted and circumvented him downstairs. Han Changsheng quickly followed.

The author has something to say: thanks o, xiaoxiao, mines pumping paper 7