MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 749 Re-enter the underground palace

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  Chapter 749 Re-entering the Underground Palace

  【Bao, don’t forget your purpose of coming to Jiangsai. 】

   "I know." Ayu nodded.

  Whether it is the inexplicable identity of the holy envoy, the underground palace to be explored, or the few new people she met, nothing can shake her original intention.

  The biggest purpose of her coming to Jiangsai is to ensure the safety of Fifth Brother, which has been achieved.

  Secondly, she wanted to find the path for the future development of the girls' academy, and she thought that she could get the answer here.

  Furthermore, after seeing the current situation in Jiangsai City, she hopes to solve the mystery here. If she can help improve the atmosphere here, that would be great. If it can't be achieved, she won't force it.

  After all, trying to shake the centuries-old customs by one's own efforts is a bit of a dream.

   After getting acquainted with each other, everyone discovered that Wancheng Lord is actually a very easy-going person, but the woman in red next to him is very solemn and restrains his subordinates severely.

   Once, they witnessed City Lord Wan laughing and chatting with them. When he heard that someone outside asked to see the City Lord, he instantly changed his face and became the majestic and domineering City Lord again.

After he finished dealing with those matters, when he came back, he seemed to walk with the evil spirit that strangers should not enter, but when he got in front of them, the city master Wan opened his mouth, smiled very honestly, and shouted: "Holy envoy, I'm back! "

  Wang Wulang sighed: "A person should not be judged by his appearance."

  Xiaoyao Wang had skin trauma on his body. After three consecutive days of raising it, it was almost healed. There were only some tiny scars left, waiting to scab over.

"Before I came to Jiangsai, I found that the Duhu here was useless, and the Duhu mansion was dilapidated like a slum. It is obvious that the local power is growing, and the imperial court can't reach it, and the Duhu can't do anything." King Xiaoyao frowned, his tone was very impatient, "If you want to change the system here, it won't happen overnight. If you think it's troublesome, you can rest here first and wait for me to deal with the affairs of Jiangsai City before I come to pick you up."

   This Wancheng Lord looks like a bad guy, but he is actually pretty good. He is not a good guy, but he is not a villain either.

  Compared to other forces living in Jiangsai City, Wancheng Lord is taller than short.

  But the lives that fell into his hands were actually quite a few, and the reason why King Xiaoyao was imprisoned by him was because King Xiaoyao accidentally detected the existence of the city lord, and then he used his tricks.

  If Ayu and the others hadn’t come, Xiaoyao Wang’s people would have picked him up in three days, and a fierce battle would be inevitable.

   On the surface, he was sent by the emperor's brother to rectify Jiangsai. Of course, in the eyes of those idiots in the court, he was feared by the emperor's brother, so he was sent to this barren land.

  Secretly, he heard about A Ruan here, so he took the initiative to find Brother Huang and wanted to come here to find out.

  Ayu: "Uncle Ashu, we don't care about your plan, but I'm not here for sightseeing, I also have my own things to do, if I just stay in the stone palace, I can't do anything."

"what are you up to?"

"I want to know why Jiang Sai became like this." After thinking for a while, Ayu added another item, "Also, the Princess Ruan Ruan mentioned earlier, if possible, please tell me what you found. I."

   On this point, Xiaoyao Wang did not object.

  Anyway, the fact that she is A Ruan's child must be pretty close, so it's okay to tell her.

  Therefore, the two sides discussed the general direction in the stone hall, and planned to separate their actions and go to the Duhu Mansion to meet up after five days.

  Wan City Master refused: "Why do you have to divide your troops into two groups? Whether it is the Ruan Ruan princess you mentioned, or you want to investigate the history of Jiangsai City, you can actually go to one place to solve the problem."

  Ayu and King Xiaoyao looked at each other and said in unison: "The underground palace?"

"That's right, on the night of the full moon every month, a group of wild wolves will be guarding outside the underground palace. At the same time, some of the organs in the palace will be dormant. This is the best time for us to enter the underground palace." Wan Chengzhu said , "We will enter the underground palace again on May 15 next month. This time is used to make various preparations."

   "Okay." Ayu didn't care much about the length of time, "Anyway, we're not too late to wait."

  She secretly felt that maybe this trip to the underground palace could really bring them unexpected joy.

   In the blink of an eye, it was May 15th, the previous people were still there, and the drowning girl who was rescued by Ayu did not leave.

  She got acquainted with everyone, and she shook herself to the bottom.

  Her name is Shui Miao, and she is the next successor of several tribes around Jiangsai.

It's not about how capable she is, but the surrounding tribes, which belong to her father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, grandpa, and grandma. Her own family loves her own family, and if she suppresses those who have opinions, she will not That is to say, he became the heir to lead several clans.

  Going to the underground palace soon, Shui Miao said: "Actually, you don't need to prepare a lot of things to prevent wolves."

   When everyone looked over, she said: "I know how to control beasts."

  (end of this chapter)