MTL - Evil-Natured Husband, Don’t Tease!-Chapter 1536 Fanwai 64 - Only the king can save you

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"This king knows naturally!"

"Who?" If she knew who it was, she must cut this person into eight pieces to relieve the hatred of her heart, and she would have suffered so much pain.

"You can't know for a while, the time is ripe, and the king will tell you naturally."

Mo Qingfeng smiled coldly. It turned out that this fairy scent in her body was injected, so who would it be? Solitary Zenan?

Impossible, he will not do this. If he is, he will not use internal force to help her calm him.

"Chu Muchen, you don't say it now, horror, you have no chance to say it later." Mo Qing looked at him coldly, his right hand tightened.

"If the king can come in, he can go out. If you don't want to die, let the king save you."

"How to save?"

"Only the king's body can save you. If you think that the fairy in your body disappears, it will be combined with the king's yin and yang. After three days, this fairy will disappear." Chu Muchen slowly opened his mouth.

When Mo Qingfeng heard it, Qi Hua suddenly became more chilly, combined with yin and yang?

She smiled and looked at Chu Muchen coldly: "Chu Muchen, do you think that you are practicing into a fairy, do you need a stove?"

"This king said that Duo Younan can't save you, only the king can save you." Chu Muchen said, the dark face gradually becomes gentle. "You are the king of the king, and the combination with the king yin and yang is also What is wrong with the husband and wife? I love you, this king only believes that you are a wife in this life."

"You are looking for death!" Mo Qing was so cold that he was cold, and his right hand was lifted, and the silver rope was shot.

Chu Muchen jumped into the body and escaped the silver rope that led to it, and then went straight to the bed.

He knows that now she is not suitable for sports, even if it is not his opponent, this time, it is the best time to take her back.

The ink wind leaped from the bed, flew to the roof beam and stood up, and the silver rope was shot again.

Chu Muchen once again avoided the silver rope from the snake, and attacked the ink wind.

Damn it!

Flying from the bed to the beam of the house, Mo Qingfeng felt that the meridians began to hurt again. The fairy scent that had just been lived in the town of Solang, was eager to move in her body.

The terrible pain came again. Mo Qingfeng knew that Chu Muchen was going to be thin and she jumped out of the beam when he flew over.


The body jumped down and was not controlled by her. When she landed, she ran into the table.

It is not a wise choice to play with him at this time. Mo Qingfeng wants to start his mind and try to enter the space.


At this time, Du Gu Zenan broke into the door and promptly stopped Chu Muchen who rushed to catch Qian Qingfeng.

"Chu Muchen, there is a road in heaven, you don't go, **** has no door to come in, you are looking for death!" said Duo Zenan, coldly, squatting, stretching his arms, bringing the ink wind into his arms, another Only the empty hand, the move to Chu Muchen, recruiting poison.

"Master, I will help you!"

The ghost charm rushed up and confronted Chu Muchen.

Suddenly, the house was murderous.

Chu Muchen is like crazy tonight, recruiting poison, it is not like being seriously injured.

Fighting fiercely, from inside the house to the house, quickly alerted the killer of the building.

Chu Muchen knows that he will not leave, it is too late!

The palm of the hand condenses a powerful white light, and sighs with a sigh of relief, and the white light shoots out, attacking the singer and the ghost.

And he turned into a white smoke and quickly drifted to the Qingxin Pavilion.

"Want to run, not so easy!" Ghostly chasing up, chasing the backyard of Qingxin Pavilion, the white smoke disappeared, and the ghosts looked around.

"What about people?" Suddenly, Nalan Yuyu appeared in the white dress behind the ghost.

"Run!" said the ghostly and annoyed, the person he wanted to catch, never escaped, the Chu Muchen, actually ran away.

The ghost charm is impressed by Chu Muchen. When he was in the Eight Kings, he did not like this man very much.

Especially when he saw that he was so indifferent to Mo Qingfeng, he wanted to bite him.

I still think about it tonight, grab him, and torture him a bit, but he was run away, it was awkward!

"Nalan son!"

"Nalan son!"

The Larks chased up with the people who could clear the building, and saw Nalan Yuyu, they stopped and looked at him.

"Can the enchantment of Qinglou be solved? How do we know that outsiders are coming in?" Nalan Yuyu looked gloomy and looked at them coldly.

"Nalan Gongzi, the enchantment is not solved, and we have no ability to lift the enchantment around the Qinglou." The Lark said, as for the outsiders who broke into why there was no movement, they could not understand.

People who can't clear the building can't get in. There are outsiders breaking into it tonight, or the first time in hundreds of years.

And let him run, this spread out, can you still have the prestige of the building?

So, can everyone break in?

"I am going to break into the building tonight, if anyone is going out, I want someone's head!" A cold voice sounded, everyone turned and looked at the stunned Mo Qingfeng and a cold and lonely one. south.

Listening to her cold and ruthless voice, the people who can clear the building are standing on the side seriously, and even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

Mo Qingfeng walked in front of them, his eyes were cold and fierce. "You are all searching around. If you catch the other side, you will kill it! And, as a killer of the Qing House, the outsiders didn't know if they came in, and they were ran away. When this word is passed out, it will only throw away the face of the building, and it will also allow more outsiders to come in. This will make the building clear and the outside is no different."

"Ink girl, did not catch the assassin, we are very embarrassed, tonight, we will not say more than half a word." Lark promised.

Her words just fell, and other killers swear to her that there will be no more than half a word tonight.

"All go to search, don't let him run!" Mo Qingfeng waved, said coldly.

Hearing, they all quickly dispersed to search for Chu Muchen, leaving only Nalan Yuyu and ghosts.

Mo Qingfeng turned and took a deep look at Nalan Yuyu. "Chu Muchen is coming to me, I am sorry to disturb you."

Nalan Yu Yoga looked at her warmly. "As long as the ink girl is fine, you are the landlord who can clear the building. No matter who comes to it, as long as you can enter the Qinglou, you must die."

Said, the gentle bottom of the bottom quickly swept a haze.

The solitary south of the South is slightly stunned, and the slender phoenix emits a light as sharp as a night eagle, faintly shot on Nalan Yuyu.

Nalan Yuyu felt that she had been looking at herself. He glanced at the solitary Zenan, and turned slightly to avoid his gaze. When he turned around, the warm light flashed a coldness.

"Feng, you shouldn't stand for too long. Just now you have made a fortune. When I go back to the house, I will give you the internal strength to keep the scent. Otherwise, you will suffer from pain tomorrow." Gently placed on the shoulders of the ink wind, the voice is soft and sweet.