MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 12 Aberrant Frogman

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When going out for "hunting", weapons are essential.

After his beloved Tang Dao broke, Qiao Xun bought a strengthened version of the compound bow at a nearby archery club. Of course, weapons like this are generally not allowed to be sold, but how can a person who is a psychologist have no connections.

The owner of the club happened to be his former patient, and he gave him a reinforced compound bow half-sell and half.

Putting the compound bow and twelve arrow clusters into the storage backpack, putting on a sports suit that is convenient for movement, and putting on a dagger for melee combat, Qiao Xun set off.

The neighborhood is very quiet late at night, and the temperature in late autumn is very low. Qiao Xun controls his body temperature to change with the ambient temperature.

Because the polluting organisms are more active at night, the troops all come here to transfer during the day.

Although the transfer army was not there, there were still soldiers stationed at the front and rear gates of the community, and it seemed that they could not go out directly.

However, as an aborigines in the community for many years, how could they not know some shortcuts?

Qiao Xun tried his best to avoid the sight of the soldiers on guard, climbed over a flower bed, and then came to somewhere on the eastern fence. This place used to be a garbage spot, but when Zhidong City created the article, the community dismantled the garbage spot, and did not fill the hole in the wall in time, just nailed a few pieces of iron to cover it, and later did not do it for the convenience of saving money.

The iron sheet is the kind of construction subway shed. Although it is not thick, it is basically delusional for most people to want to bend it.

Exactly, this became the first threshold for Qiao Xun to feel his ability.

He squeezed the lower edge of the iron sheet with both hands. In order to avoid making a loud noise, he did not exert any brute force, but slowly exerted his strength to roll up the iron sheet little by little. Like spring rolls.

It was very easy, and my hands didn't even turn red.

"It seems that the flesh and blood of the eight-legged frog man is indeed a great tonic."

One more...forget it.

Without any delay, Qiao Xun got out of the hole in the wall.

When he came to the street outside, there was a gust of wind, and he frowned.

It's not that it feels cold, but there is a... salty smell in the wind. Like canned herring.

There was no one on the street, not even the streetlights, only some floors were lit, providing some very weak lighting.

Fortunately, Qiao Xun's night vision ability has been greatly improved, so he won't feel the wall.

Following the salty smell in the wind, he moved forward cautiously.

On the way, I saw some sticky wet marks from time to time, very similar to the wet marks of the "mermaid" squirming in the video that Yu Xiaoshu gave him before.

The salty and fishy smell is getting stronger and stronger, almost to the point of pungent throat.

In front of a gym, he stopped.

Because through the transparent glass outer wall, he saw a froghead man running wildly on a treadmill in the gym.

On how terrifying a self-disciplined frog is.

Judging from the broken glass outer wall, the frog-headed man directly broke through the glass outer wall and entered.

That's anti-theft glass...

First message: This frog has a strong impact.

Qiao Xun lowered his footsteps.

The innate ability of "amphibian" does not lack the hunting skills of "sneak". Although the skills are not very consummate, the froghead is training well.

He took out the compound bow, loaded the arrow cluster, and Qiao Xun walked in through the broken glass outer wall.

If you can not talk about martial arts, try not to talk about martial arts.

Qiao Xun attacked the self-disciplined frog.

Time is passing.

The power of the enhanced compound bow is much greater than that of the ordinary one, and the sound of breaking wind is very intense. Qiao Xun felt very pleasant.

A cluster of sharp arrows hit the froghead's head.

If it is an ordinary person, it is certain that an arrow pierces the head, but for this froghead, it is only half inserted.

Probably the brain is useless after being contaminated. The froghead was not affected, jumping off the treadmill and quickly locked on Qiao Xun.

Then, with a croak, he jumped up.

Toad power.

Compared to the eight-legged frogman, this froghead man was much slower. Qiao Xun easily dodged.

Frogheads have extremely low IQs, only have an instinctive desire to attack, and have no decision-making ability at all.

Qiao Xun was like a bullfight. After a few laps, it consumed a lot of physical strength, and the attack speed and frequency dropped significantly.

After feeling his current fighting level, he didn't stay much longer. The sound of fighting here is very likely to attract other people to come. He doesn't want to be discovered yet.

After that, Qiao Xun's heart rate plummeted, and his whole body was like a cold killer... I should say, a cold-blooded hunter.

The deep eyes locked the froghead, and shot three arrows in a row, all in the abdomen.

Although it wasn't a fatal injury, it was strong enough to make the froghead lose his center of gravity and fall to the ground.

In an extremely calm state, Qiao Xun's decision-making has always been the optimal solution. He pulled out the dagger and stepped forward quickly, extremely fast.

The dagger was inserted into the froghead's heart, and the pink blood surged.

Qiao Xun, who loves cleanliness, certainly wouldn't let blood splash on himself, so he avoided it immediately.

After the froghead croaked a few times, he soon lost his vitality and collapsed on the ground with his mouth open and his tongue hanging out.

Then, Qiao Xun stretched out a finger and inserted it into the wound on the froghead's abdomen.

Soon, the frogheads became skin and bones.

Not having to bite is great.

After feeling the flesh and blood, a flush appeared on Qiao Xun's face.

Flushing comes and goes quickly.

Devour and digest in two steps.

Digestion information comes to mind.

[Contaminated Creature: Frogman (Aberration Type)

Main Advanced Talent: "Amphibian"

Ascension to God Long Rank: 1st Rank—Familiar

Totem: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇]

[Before losing consciousness, there was one thing circling in his mind—the fitness card expired in one day]

Terrible, is this the big guy whose fitness card is about to expire...

It is suggested that the gym erect a monument to this big guy.

This time, the digestion information is much more detailed.

There are more ascending steps and totems.

"Ascension to the Long Rank...Is the first rank originally called a family... What's next?"

Although Qiao Xun didn't know the specifics, he felt that he should be at the first level. Think about it too, after all, it has just begun to evolve, and it is natural to start from scratch.

But what the **** is a totem?

Although this thing appeared in my mind, I couldn't perceive it at all. There was a thick layer of mist covering it, as the eight-legged frog man said—indescribable.

After swallowing the frogman, UU read www. Qiao Xun's mental hunger was relieved a lot, but it was only relieved, and he was still a little unfulfilled.

He didn't stay long, took out the arrow cluster from the frogman's body and left quickly to continue looking for the next target.

In the silent and dark steel forest, Qiao Xun held a compound bow and acted as one,


Shortly after he left, a four-man control team arrived.

Looking at the frogman who turned into a mummified corpse on the ground, they were all puzzled.

This is obviously not what the control team did. The control team's job is to "confront, control, deal with, and clear", and it is impossible to leave traces.

The leader at the head was a red-haired woman who frowned and said:

"Yan Jun, perceive if there are any traces of other evolutionaries."

Yan Jun is the guide in the team.

He nodded, squatted down, put his hands on the ground, and closed his eyes.

A rhythm was transmitted from the ground to his mind along his palm.

——The spiritual talent is "listening".

After feeling it a few times, he stood up and shook his head:

"There is no trace of other evolutionaries."

"What about other polluting organisms?"

"Neither, the pollution value in the vicinity has returned to zero."

The red-haired woman frowned tightly. There was no trace of an evolutionist and no other polluting creatures. Then how did this frogman die? It was such a strange death.

After thinking about it, she didn't have any eyebrows, and she said seriously:

"Xi Keshan, record the situation and clean the scene."


This is the duty of the Sentinel.

He took out a bottle of spray and sprayed it at the frogman.

After the spray dissipated, there was nothing left on the ground, only the mucus secreted by some frogmen.

Then, the control team left here.