MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 13 eat

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After leaving the gym, Qiao wandered into a snack street.

In the past, even at one or two o'clock at night, this place was brightly lit, and cars were coming and going. Standing on the street, at a glance, there are all kinds of food stalls, grilled fish, malatang, barbecue, hot pot...

At this moment, it was as quiet as the shooting scene of a ghost movie. The trees on both sides of the street were covered with fallen leaves from the wind, and no one was cleaning it. The street lights were all turned off, and it was pitch black.

Qiao Xun lowered his pace and moved forward cautiously.

His body is in a fully activated state, and the innate abilities of "amphibians" have been brought into full play.

Night vision, alertness, stealth, heat…

Just devoured an "amphibious creature" talent and gained so many abilities. This also made Qiao Xun couldn't help but look forward to what other kinds of talents would be capable of.

The wind swept the leaves, and there was desolation everywhere.

As soon as the river wind blew into the empty alley, it made a whimpering sound, which sounded like a woman squatting in the corner and weeping in a low voice.

In addition to the whimpering sound, the wind also brought a wisp of fishy stench—

The smell of polluting organisms. While making Qiao Xun disgusted, he couldn't stop his excitement.

He quickened his pace slightly, following the smell.

At an intersection, Qiao Xun found the target.

Outside the snack bar with the sign "Aunt Li Stinky Tofu" hanging, a polluted creature with the upper body of a giant salamander and the lower body of two stout but twisted human legs stood quietly. The saliva from its mouth dripped on the fallen leaves on the ground, making a rusty corrosion sound.

It looked at the closed roller shutters of the snack bar.

This stinky tofu snack shop Qiao Xun has been frequented before, and the business is very good. Basically every time I come, I have to queue. This giant salamander stands where the queue is.

Qiao Xun really admired the bad breath after becoming a polluted creature.

At the same time, he conjectured that after normal people are polluted, what they most want to do may become an instinct. Just like the old brother whose fitness card was about to expire.

The giant salamander stands alone in the bleak autumn wind, like a rickety old man who is obsessed with looking into the distance.

"Poor...I'll give you a ride to avoid the suffering of this world..."

Qiao Xun raised the compound bow, aimed at the salamander man's head, and shot an arrow.


The sound of breaking through the air is like the whining of a beast.

The arrow plunged into the salamander man's head, and blood spattered.

Its blood was glowing green and splashed out suddenly, like a colorful art painting.

Blood splattered, wailing, anger.

The giant salamander turned around and faced Qiao Xun.

Then, seeing it take a sharp breath, ha-tui!

A string of sticky and burning oral secretions quickly came to Qiao Xun.

He hurriedly turned his body sideways, then looked behind him.

The saliva spit out by the giant salamander is highly corrosive, and it melts the lamp post in the blink of an eye.

"The normal attack has an enchantment..."

Before Qiao Xun could shoot the second arrow, the salamander attack struck again.

Its attack speed is extremely fast, and five sprays in one second degrades it.

Fast attack speed, accurate, long range and powerful.

The giant salamander looks like a self-propelled Gatling, and it keeps on going.

Wherever Qiao Xun hides, saliva attacks follow. Soon, a circle was drawn, and saliva fell on the ground, building walls, and street trees, forming a circle.

It didn't have time to reload at all, and it attacked with high frequency and high intensity, giving Qiao Xun no chance to stabilize his body and operate the compound bow at all.

Fortunately, Qiao Xun digested the talent of "amphibious creatures" very well, and devoured the flesh and blood of the eight-legged frog man. His athletic ability is extremely strong.

The streets were too empty, and a suitable bunker could not be found for a while. Bunkers like trash cans and street trees can't resist the salamander attack at all.

Seeing that it didn't appear to be "reloading" at all, Qiao Xun knew that the frontal confrontation was useless.

It's not even close at all.

It must interrupt its high-intensity attack.

While running around to avoid attacks, Qiao Xun observed the surrounding environment.

Soon, he found a movable trash can at the intersection not far to the right of the giant salamander.

See it, think it, think it, do it.

Qiao Xun quickly ran behind the trash can, aimed at the giant salamander, and kicked it violently.

It's made of iron from the trash can. It hurts to kick it, but his body has a very high tolerance now and he can't stand it.

The trash can flew up and smashed towards the giant salamander man.

This blow is not to cause any substantial damage to it, but to interrupt its attack.

Seeing the flying garbage can, the giant salamander also has the natural ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and instinctively jumps away.

Qiao Xun grasped the neutral position of the attack and stabilized the compound bow to shoot three arrows in a row.

The three arrows precisely hit the giant salamander's head, deflected its center of gravity, and staggered backwards.

Qiao Xun, like a cheetah, sprinted close.

This giant salamander man was obviously stronger than the previous frogman. Even if his body's center of gravity was misaligned, he quickly recovered and stood firm again.

But it was too late, the hunter came to it.

Qiao Xun thought to himself:


The spiritual talent "Mi Tan" directly made the giant salamander go completely dumbfounded, standing there in a daze, motionless, and at the same time uttering a very strange syllable:

"Thick... Steep... Fu..."

Qiao Xun was stunned for a moment, then said in a low voice:

"Let's eat in your dreams, good night."

The dagger was inserted into the salamander's heart.

The blood with green fluorescence spewed out and sprinkled on the ground like a fountain.

On the pitch-black street, the giant salamander fell into the fluorescent green light.

Perhaps looking down from the sky, it is a beautiful and romantic painting.

But unfortunately, it was paved with blood.

Qiao Xun tried to imagine that this giant salamander was probably just an ordinary office worker before his life. He was tortured by 996 in the company, and was scolded by his wife and children at home. After get off work every day, the greatest satisfaction was to buy one at the snack bar. stinky tofu. While eating stinky tofu, walking on the way home by the riverside, accompanied by the bright neon lights at night, accompanied by the noisy market noise... Maybe only at such times can I have my own time for a short time.

Is it worth sighing? worth.

But don't be sad.

The sentimental and hypocritical is not the law of survival in the doomsday.

Qiao Xun remembered what Zhou Sibai said—

"Don't face the night gently."

He put a finger into the wound of the giant salamander.

Gather flesh and blood, and then nibble one by one.

This time, it was digested very quickly, and the digested information appeared in his brain's cognition—

[Contaminated Creatures: Deformed Salamanders

Main Advanced Talent: "Amphibian"

Ascension to God Long Rank: 1st Rank—Familiar

Totem: ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇]

[Stinky tofu is a kind of belief, UU reading www. "It would be great if there was a stinky tofu religion." He often said this to his friends]

The talent "amphibians" is a hodgepodge. Different polluting creatures and different evolutionaries have different abilities.

Like this salamander, its main learned ability is to create corrosive liquids, and the fluorescent substances in its blood are the source of corrosive liquids, similar to the relationship between bone marrow and blood.

Spitting, peeing, etc. all count.

Qiao Xun was afraid after a while, but fortunately he solved it quickly, otherwise this guy would probably pee on himself.

Spitting is only used by children when they fight, and peeing is a means for rogues to insult people.

Qiao Xun imagined how he would spit in a fight, and he couldn't help but feel awkward. After thinking about it, he put this ability on hold and did not plan to practice.

He is still a person, so he still needs face.

After "eating" two polluted creatures, Qiao Xun was generally satisfied.

Looking at the time, it is now four in the morning, and it is not a few hours before dawn.

After pulling the arrow out of the salamander man's shriveled body, after wiping it clean and putting it away, Qiao Xun turned back and went home.

Just a few steps away, the wind brought... the smell of people.

His keen sense of smell told him that four people were coming this way.

Qiao Xun frowned slightly, and immediately changed a path to speed up and leave.

No matter who the person is, he doesn't want to meet directly now.

Only hiding in the dark and looking at the light is the safest.

Qiao Xun is very self-aware, and he is ignorant of this rapidly changing world.

Xiaobai must have Xiaobai's consciousness, be honest, and growth is king.