MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 35 The Underworld

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Qiao Xun and Xin Yu stood side by side, standing in front of Ji Zhengzhi's tombstone.

Xin Yu recalled the past and said:

"Lao Ji is an idealist and has always been struggling on the road of studying ancient runes. It was also for this reason that he was willing to take risks with me. When I joined the team before, I told him that the investigation tasks of the investigation team were average. It’s very dangerous. When you go out, you have to remove half of the head and put it back on when you get home. He told me that he hopes to die under the sun in the future, not in a hospital bed or in his sleep.”

Qiao Xun said softly,

"Look now, he did it."

Xin Yu glanced at him, his brows softened slightly,

"In less than a year after you left, the underground war broke out in full force. That was the root cause of destroying the concept of nationhood."

"Those titans."

"Well. Giants, everyone generally calls them giants. They claim that they are the real masters of the earth, the first round of life, but after hibernation, they gave the second round of life an opportunity to develop. Therefore, They want to take back the earth." Xin Yu sighed, "The extremely powerful life and power of giants are almost natural disasters for humans. Cities and countries become obliterated under their roaring and trampling. Fan. The original republic was extremely difficult to resist, and there were constantly small worlds merging into the Asian plate, so that the current big republic is completely different from the original one. We lost a lot of friends and a lot of homes. "

"A lot has happened."

"Well, every day... a lot of things happen." Xin Yu said, "Three years ago, the giants launched a general attack, and Zhidong City fell. The government of the Lianli Center organized a great retreat of Zhidong City. Lao Ji, it was there. He was sacrificed during the Great Retreat. On the Evolution Grid, I saw with my own eyes that he broke into the giant camp in order to help a fairy boat get rid of the shackles of the giant's power, and was torn to shreds."

Qiao Xun looked at the photo on the tombstone. Ji Zhengzhi's voice was present, and the black and white photo showed Sven's face with a slight smile.

"Lao Ji is a man."

"He has always regretted not being able to enter Magic Chang'an with us."

Joe Tour said,

"It's right not to go. At least, his imagination of Magic Chang'an is still very beautiful. It's not as hypocritical and ugly as we have seen."

Xin Yu frowned, looked at the gray sky, and sighed,

"Alas, the older you get, the lonelier you become. Friends who used to be good friends, but now I look around, and they are basically gone. Those who survived are also running around on various busy fronts. Occasionally I am idle, and I don't know. Talk to someone. I'm thirty-eight years old."

"However, the appearance is still the same. The age of a life is not only a simple linear time, but also its position as a life, in its life cycle. I have been to many worlds in a finite world, and most of them can live a long time. A thousand-year-old human."

"Don't console me, old is old."

"When did you become so pessimistic? I remember you used to be adventurous and always liked high-risk things."

"You have to allow me to whine now and then."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly,

"As you please."

"What are you going to do when you come back this time?"

"Well, it's not actually coming back. It's that my route passed the Earth."

"So, in fact, you don't plan to come back." Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun resentfully.

Qiao Xun nodded,


"The truth hurts! Don't you know how to lie to me?"

"Why are you lying to me?"

Xin Yu suddenly choked,

"Forget it, it's pointless to say that."

"If you're lonely, you don't plan to find a boyfriend or something..."


"Where's your girlfriend?"

"I don't need love. Didn't you say it? Love is just a genetic romanticization of reproduction."

"I said?"

"I must have said it, but now I don't admit it. Or, you found out that you were actually wrong."

Qiao Xun paused and said nothing more.

Xin Yu laughed,

"It seems that someone did find out that there was something wrong with his previous proposition. Then again, you have seen different beauties from different worlds on this trip. I'm afraid you haven't lingered."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"There's no need to tease me like this. If I'd linger in other finite worlds, I might already be a sea king on Earth."

"Forget it, today is the third anniversary of Lao Ji, I don't want to say too much nonsense."

The two stood in front of the tombstone and saluted.

After a while, Joe asked:

"and after?"

"What later?"

"Those titans, giants."

"Back to the ground."

"Why? With their power, it shouldn't be difficult to flatten the world. After all... they are Prime."

"The specific reason is not clear. The coalition government has been investigating, but there is no result. However, I remember that the day when the giants returned to the ground was when a certain **** recovered. But I don't know what god, because He It didn't take long for him to leave the earth after recovering. In addition..." Xin Yu paused for a while.

"in addition?"

"In addition, Xianyi... also left the earth. Not long after the giants retreated underground. So, at that time, I thought that she might have left with the resurrection god. In terms of time, it is more consistent."

"Did she say something?"

Xin Yu shook his head,

"I didn't say anything. However, when she finally saw me, her eyes were very reluctant." After speaking, she looked at Qiao Xun, "Do you have any ideas?"

Qiao Xun's eyes narrowed slightly.

"A resurrection god... If it can easily make the Primes bow their heads, at least it must be a high god, or even a supreme god."

He then made insights based on the clues provided by Xin Yu.

Soon, he determined that it must be a supreme god, and only the supreme **** can avoid the insight of others. However, probably because the Supreme God had just recovered and his strength had not recovered, he still found some clues.

The supreme **** left the earth, and the place to go points to...


Then, Qiao Xun silently put Xianjie into one of his must-pass routes.

He says:

"Since Xianyi is willing to leave the resurrection god, it should be voluntary."

Xin Yu thought about it,

"Yes. Threats are of no use to her. When someone threatens her, she usually chooses to die together, or to blow herself up. Her character, even threatening her with the lives of everyone in the world, is of no use to her. However, she is reluctant to leave. If you leave it, you probably won't come back for a long time, or even say, won't come back."

"It doesn't have to be that serious. There are no infinite possibilities in a finite world, but no absolutes either."

"You are so lofty, how can I understand what is finite and infinite."

"I'm not trying to comfort you."

"It's just ineffective comfort."

"Yeah, I don't do anything."

With the cold wind blowing, Xin Yu subconsciously tightened his clothes,

"Let's go, go back."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"There is one more thing, I have to go."

"What's up?"

"Go see Lao Ji."

"Isn't this seen?"

"No, I mean the real Lao Ji."

Xin Yu's back is surging with cold light,

"What's the meaning?"

"Remember what Bo Niang said before? When a world has native gods, the overall energy efficiency of the world will increase. After life dies, the possibility of wills becoming haunted will increase until all lives die. Then they will become ghosts.”

"Remember. Bo Niang also said that this generally requires the establishment of a world structure similar to the underworld to deal with these ghosts."

"Yes, she is right. The birth of life in the world is the first sublimation, having a native **** is the second sublimation, and establishing a complete will circulation system is the third sublimation. At this moment, the earth is the third sublimation. In the stage of sublimation."

"Although I don't understand. But are you saying that Lao Ji has become a ghost?"

"Not only Lao Ji, but most of the dead beings in the realization stage have become ghosts. These ghosts will enter the will circulation system of the current earth. Let's call it reincarnation."

"After entering reincarnation, do you want to be reincarnated?"

"Well. The current reincarnation of the earth is very similar to the underworld underworld that we are most familiar with. It can basically be said to have the same structure. Because the founder of reincarnation came from the birthplace of the original republic's mythology system - the fairyland."

Xin Yu Haosheng digested it for a while and said:

"Isn't Lao Ji about to be reincarnated? He has been dead for three years, so I'm afraid he should have been reincarnated long ago."

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"It's not. In a world, after the third sublimation is completed, until the fourth sublimation is completed, the birth of life is divided into two ways, one is the cycle of will, and the other is natural creation. The fourth sublimation has a limited boundary. Stability, that is, the world reaches a constant state. The current earth is far from reaching a constant state, and may not even be able to achieve it at all. Therefore, life is born in two ways: cycle and natural creation. Natural creation occurs when there is a cycle of will, Often only simple life is created. But! The current earth is very chaotic, the desire for reproduction of life is very low, the number of new lives born is less than the number of deaths, and reincarnation will squeeze a large number of ghosts. That is what we usually say... Queue for reincarnation Bar."

Having said this, Qiao Xun sighed,

"What is embarrassing is that Lao Ji has been dead for three years, and he is still lining up for reincarnation. Moreover, looking at the current state of the earth, he will have to wait in line for another five or six years. Also, the underworld in the immortal world pays attention to a yin virtue. Generally speaking Said that as long as you didn’t do anything evil in your lifetime, you will most likely be a human being in your next life. But in the current world, you don’t care so much if you have a reincarnation. Lao Ji is going to be reincarnated at that time. Simple life such as small fish and shrimp. The simpler the life, the greater the number. More importantly, once you turn into a simple life, unless you evolve very well, you will basically not be able to turn around."

The corners of Xin Yu's mouth twitched,

"Is Lao Ji so miserable?"

Qiao Xun joked,

"After five or six years, maybe the cockroach you accidentally stepped on is Lao Ji."

Xin Yu punched Qiao Xun hard,

"You're still talking in front of other people's graves! Don't you think about what to do!"

Qiao Xun spread his hands,

"He can't hear again."

"Bastard." Xin Yu cursed. However, her scolding tone was very light.

She also knew that since Qiao Xun would say things so casually, it means that he knew how to solve it in his heart.

Then she said carefully:

"I see in those myths and stories that life and death are impermanent, and wealth and honor are in heaven. If you interfere with the cycle of life and death without authorization, you will be punished by heaven."

Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows,

"God's condemnation? Who is the sky? In mythology, the sky is the world power established by the gods, and the law of the sky is the mythical law made by the gods. Now on the earth, there is a world power? Is there a mythical law? Moreover, even if there is Government, what if there are laws? When your ability is greater than this so-called 'Heaven', then you are a 'Heaven'. Sister, if you want to break through the finite world, you must first throw away this kind of civic thinking."

Xin Yu's eyes lit up and said:

"Breaking through the finite world!"

Qiao Xun realized that, sure enough, the adventurous spirit in Xin Yu's heart had not been completely extinguished.

he said with a smile,

"Let's go to this underworld with me first. Bring Lao Ji back."

"while walking!"

Xin Yu immediately changed his previous melancholy and depression, and his spirits were very high.

Qiao Xun snapped his fingers. The time and space in which the two live is constantly changing.

"How handsome!" Xin Yu raised his eyebrows.

"Really handsome."


Joe Tour said:

"Fortunately, the earth has an underworld, otherwise Lao Ji has been dead for three years, and when I come back, his will has long been broken down into countless parts by the root of the world and merged into many lives. Then we must get him. It's really troublesome to come back."

"So, the underworld is actually a good thing?"

"There is no doubt, it is better to have a cycle of will. This will greatly release the pressure on the root of the world. But the premise is that the basic structure of the world is stable. The current earth, the basic structure of the world is changing all the time, and Without seeing a constant possibility, it’s hard to say whether it’s good to have a cycle of will. But well, whether it’s good or not, I don’t have a good impression of the person who created the underworld.”

"What, that person offended you?"

"It's a big offense. The original Fragment World version of Magic Chang'an was created by that guy. If it weren't for my special situation, I would have been killed."

"Yeah, your situation is quite special." Xin Yu said resentfully, "Suddenly you said that you were going to pursue what infinite, and then lost all your family and friends."

Qiao Xun sighed,

"Hey, my inevitable fate, how can you say something like something ungrateful?"

"Of course I don't understand this. Whether it is infinite or limited, I only know that your name is Qiao Xun. On the earth, there are people who are happy or sad because they think of you. Qiao Xun, in fact, most of these people can't stand you in their entire lives. However, they still have the right to miss you, right." Xin Yu continued, "If you say you have to be responsible for so-and-so, you are suspected of standing on the moral high ground. I just think , you should understand our ignorance and emotions. Please don't take our 'lower' emotions as incompetent ignorance."

Joe Tour said,

"You criticize me like this I'm really embarrassed."

He found that no matter whether he was a first-order evolutionary at the beginning or an infinite seeker now, he was always criticized and educated by Xin Yu. Moreover, she can often speak to her heart.

Good teachers and good friends, it should be so.

Xin Yu snorted and said dissatisfiedly:

"I'm not criticizing you. It's just a whisper as a friend. If it were someone else, I wouldn't say a word more."

"Okay, what Sister Yu said is."

Time and space change, the stars move.

The two fell under a night sky. The Milky Way fell brilliantly, illuminating the Wangchuan River in front of it.

The ferryman with long white robes and long hair came to the two of them by punting and oars, and whispered a long song softly:

"Transfer the dead souls, guard the wonderful spirits... Transcend the living, guard the years... Lord Yan complains of misery, I don't know how difficult it is in the world, so the ghosts don't disperse..."
