MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 34 Time has passed, old friends reunited

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The finite world, Earth.

The Human Front, the Great Republic, and the joint central city of Yandu.

After more than ten years of vicissitudes, today's Yan City is no longer the Yan City of the original Republic. Since Asia merged into three small worlds, the boundaries of sea and land have undergone earth-shaking changes, with plates divided and countries collapsed. Under the impact of the powerful belief in gods, the surrounding countries had to abandon their previous hatreds, gather together to warm up, gather human and material resources, and jointly established this great republic.

In fact, this is a great revolution.

But at this juncture, this is the only way. Compared to transcendent gods, the power of ordinary countries is really not enough.

Therefore, in just ten years, the original world pattern has been completely overturned. No one can make it clear that the earth is still somewhat similar to the previous one.

The United Government Center Building, a meeting jointly convened by the most powerful and high-ranking people in the United Nations is held on time.

The key points discussed at this meeting are:

The "City of Hope" in South America and the emerging extraterrestrial life.

In the conference room, the participants came one after another. If you can't arrive, the evolver grid hangs up. In recent years, because of the integration of small worlds from time to time, most of the communication networks in various countries have been destroyed. Fortunately, the joint government has a transcendent information talent, and can connect the life signals of the evolutionary people on a large scale. When the bureau is in chaos, his eyes are darkened.

This is also one of the key cornerstones of the coalition government's ability to quickly gain a firm foothold in the changing situation.

The person who provided this key cornerstone was named Zhou Sibai.

He has almost cut off the path of evolution, and in the process of the sublimation of the earth, he has found his own direction again, and he has the intention of accumulating a lot of money. In the short two years after the demon entered the earth in a big way, he has crossed two levels in a row. , in one fell swoop became a transcendent existence.

It also coincided with the arrival of the gods with their beliefs, and the country collapsed, so his ability was discovered to the greatest extent.

It can be said that the communication network of the Great Republic is now established by him. Different from the previous photoelectric Internet, the current communication network is based on the transcendental energy to establish the evolutionary grid.

As for the real evolutionary network - "Tower Network", for some unknown reason, it disappeared after the birth of the first native **** on earth.

No one can enter the "tower network" anymore, and no one can feel the "tower" anymore.

The "tower" never seemed to exist. No trace of it can be found anywhere in the world.

The participants of the meeting were mainly composed of the core members of the former Republic's core archives bureau, the Supreme Committee and the Gongjin R&D Committee. Formerly other countries have fewer members. This is not because the former republic excludes members from other countries, it is because very few people from other countries can participate in meetings of this level.

After the meeting room was full, the opening speaker stood up to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said:

"There should be 454 people at this meeting, and there were 432 people, which is in compliance with the regulations. Then, I announce that this meeting--"

Someone interrupted him. Logically, this is illegal.

But the rules also depend on the weight of the person.

It just so happened that the weight of the person who interrupted the speech was one of the best among the participants.

"We still have a friend who hasn't arrived. Just a moment."

Some people probably guessed who it was, and those who didn't know were talking in a low voice. Who in the end can let that person speak in person and wait a moment. What a great deal to do that.

In the first few rows of the room, a man in a military uniform looked at the woman with red hair beside him,

"It should be that little guy."

The woman smiled slightly,

"General Lu, others are not little guys anymore. You call a **** a little guy."

Lu Yang laughed,

"I haven't changed this concept. I always feel that people at this age are still children."

"Yes, you have a child, and when you leave, she is the same age as her."

"You also like to make fun of me with this." Lu Yang's face showed an old look, and after squinting a little, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes became clear.

Xin Yu said:

"You didn't do it well."

"Yes, yes."

"The night before Xianyi left, when she found me, she didn't say a word. I just watched her leave."

Lu Yang shrank his shoulders and remained silent.

Xin Yu exhaled slightly,

"Okay, General Lu, I can't really blame you. Each has its own problems, and it's not always possible to get everything right."

"I can do better."

Xin Yu shook his head and said nothing.

A few minutes later, on the evolutionary grid in the conference room, a grid point flickered, and then a holographic image was slowly paved.

Everyone looked at the hologram,

It was a young woman, twenty years old. According to the evolutionary people generally look younger, she may have the appearance of twenty-six or seven years old.

After seeing her face, almost everyone in the room understood why she was worth waiting for in person.

Because she is the only **** who has her own belief system and is willing to join the Great Republic. In the Great Republic, many gods from various worlds have recovered. Most of the resurrected gods have their own belief systems.

And she is the only one.

Her name is Gomo Sayori.

There is nothing secret about Gomo Saori's life experience. Just a little inquiries and you'll understand.

Gomo Saori was born in Tateyama City, Japan. At the age of fifteen, she went to Zhidong City, the former Republic of China, to study and work under Zhou Sibai. It has always been a model of outstanding evolutionary people in Zhidong City. But before she became a god, no one thought that she would go from a fourth-order evolutionary to a **** in just three years.

Zhou Sibai's ability to become a **** within two years is largely due to the fact that he himself has been an evolutionary for a long time and has always had a clear path.

And she, when she became a god, was a real eighteen-year-old girl.

No one knows how she became a **** so quickly, and no one even knows what kind of **** she has become. Whenever someone raised the issue to her, she kept silent until no one mentioned it anymore.

After becoming a god, Sayuri Gomo has a belief system like a **** of resurrection. This time, everyone suspected that she was actually a **** of recovery. But she proved with practical actions that she is Gomo Saori, not the host of any god.

Gomo Saori didn't change her personality like most of the protagonists of bad vulgar stories, but always maintained her own work habits.

And her work habits have always been based on "guarding".

In short, for her, everything she does is to protect her friends, family and home.

Because of this belief-like habit, she helped the current Great Republic solve a lot of troubles caused by the resurrection of the gods. The **** of resuscitation in the Great Republic, because her negotiation can either keep a low profile and keep the water from the well, or simply leave and find an unrestricted place to spread her beliefs.

It can be said that Gomo Saori has made a great contribution to maintaining the basic stability.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting." Sayuri Gomo's voice sounded in the venue.

Still, no one blamed her for being late.

Everyone knows that she is probably late for some work again.

Because almost everyone present, when in contact with her, she is either working or on the way to work. It was as if there was nothing else in her life but tireless work. She seemed to be unable to stop for a moment.

Only Zhou Sibai, looking at her, showed some regret and intolerance.

The meeting started.

The rapidly expanding "City of Hope" in South America is displayed on the Evolver grid.

The spokesperson detailed the findings of these days.

About how this "city of hope" came into being, the basic characteristics of those extraterrestrial beings that invaded, and the content of the initial negotiations between extraterrestrial beings and them. All the information currently available about the City of Hope and extraterrestrial life is displayed.

Soon, everyone in the venue had a basic understanding of these extraterrestrial beings:

"Fallen Angel", severely rotten, exceptionally powerful, highly disciplined, divine monarchy civilization.

The contents of the preliminary negotiations between the fallen angel and the Great Republic were also displayed one by one.

Basically, it is the routine content of some preliminary diplomacy.

However, these contents clearly express the attitude of the fallen angels. That is:

"Don't see us as aggressors, we can coexist peacefully".

After feeling this attitude, everyone in the venue was a little surprised.

Because over the years, a lot of extraterrestrial life has invaded the earth. Although it is not as large as the Fallen Angel, it is not too small.

Like the original demon, other races that came along with the small world, the resurrected life of other worlds, and so on.

There are few invading extraterrestrial life, and it is showing a friendly attitude.

Therefore, after feeling the friendly attitude of the fallen angels, everyone was surprised.

Because in their habitual cognition, it seems that "unfriendly attitude" is normal. What's more, in today's Earth, the various forces are incompatible with each other, with constant conflicts, large and small, and local racial wars continue one after another, not to mention the never-ending war of beliefs.

However, the super strength and super scale of the fallen angels still attracted the attention of the participants.

The discussion about the fallen angels was very intense. But after half a day, she did not get a unified statement.

Of course, this is also the first meeting to discuss, and it did not say that there must be a specific method.

After the spokesperson announced the end of the meeting, Wu Mao Sa Xuli said hello to Zhou Sibai and Xin Yu, and then hung up in a hurry, and didn't have time to ask questions about the current situation.

Xin Yu sighed,

"Has she always been so busy?"

Zhou Sibai sighed,

"For her, it wasn't necessary. But she just... couldn't stop."

"Team Zhou, you used to be her coach, so you should know her very well."

The two walked and chatted.

Zhou Sibai said,

"In the past, Sasuri was well-organized and planned. No matter how many things she did, she still felt calm when she did it. It's different from her now. Although everyone said that she was still the same before and after she became a god. Integrity, generosity and kindness. However, these evaluations are ultimately revealed by her behavior. Very few people are really willing and able to care about her. I have been busy with her over the years, so I have less communication with her. But even so , I still feel that the hard work she has shown is abnormal."

"Then do you know why?"

"Her busyness is very paranoid. It seems to her that there is something to be achieved by working all the time."

"What do you think it is?"

"The things that have the deepest influence on Sa Xuli are probably related to Qiao Xun. But now, Qiao Xun is nowhere to be found, so I can't ask for a clearer question." Zhou Sibai looked worried, "I just want to take some time to visit her, But in the current situation, there is really not much time like that. The earth is undergoing huge changes every day, and if you are not careful, you will miss something.”

Xin Yu said,

"You, an immortal, are worried about this. What should those low-level evolutionaries do? Team Zhou, let's relax."

"You're right. Pointless anxiety is only internal friction."

Even though he said that, Zhou Sibai's frowning brows did not loosen at all.

"Speaking of Qiao Xun, I don't know where he went. For more than ten years, there is no news at all." Zhou Sibai sighed, "I don't know if he is still on Earth."

Xin Yu looked ahead and put his hands in the pockets of his coat. She answered in her heart, not on earth.

She and Lu Xianyi didn't tell anyone about Qiao Xun.

Whenever someone asks, it is vague on the grounds that "he has to do his own thing". Although it is true.

"Who knows, when he does things, he is always so... free. In the Kabul incident, everyone thought he was dead, but he came back well. Now, probably..." Xin Yu didn't have enough confidence to speak, "also will be back."

After a while, she added in a low voice,

"Who knows."

Zhou Sibai asked:

"What are you doing now? We haven't been in touch for a while."

Xin Yu laughed twice,

"I'm no better than Team Zhou. You're a busy person. I'm off today, and I'm going to sweep the graves later."

"Sweeping graves? A comrade-in-arms?"

"You know him, and he is also your former student. Ji Zhengzhi. Today is his third anniversary."

Hearing the name, Zhou Sibai sighed,

"Alas, the evacuation of Zhidong City three years ago made us lose a lot of friends."

Xin Yu nodded,


After leaving the United Government Center Building, Xin Yu said goodbye to Zhou Sibai.

Afterwards, she bought a bunch of flowers at a nearby flower shop and hurried to the cemetery where Ji Zhengzhi's tomb is located in the suburbs.

Although everyone is an evolutionary now, most of them are still just ordinary entry-level evolutionary people. There is a high probability that they will enter the door all their lives. They cannot survive on their own like those higher-level evolutionary people. Therefore, to maintain a basic life, we still have to rely on social machines.

Such as the trading market, public facilities, etc., are still functioning normally in the Great Republic.

It's just that life has become more cruel than before. This cruelty is not the competition and squeeze of living resources, but the high order pressure formed by the explosion of the number of evolutionaries in a short period of time.

The current coalition government needs to use a high-pressure system to suppress the unstable factors caused by the dangerous evolutionary people, and it will inevitably spread to the general evolutionary people.

But... Compared with those who have lost the blessing of the state, they are much luckier.

Today, the vast majority of people on earth live in extreme dystopian societies.

To put it better, it is called life in wasteland, and to put it uglier is to say that water is hot.

After all, compared to resurrection gods, extraterrestrial life, and polluted species, most of the humans who have lost the protection of the state are quite weak.

After Xin Yu entered the cemetery, he went straight to a tomb close to the inside.

Standing in front of the tombstone with the words "Ji Zhengzhi" written on it and the picture of Ji Zhengzhi hanging there, she exhaled, and the steaming mist swept across her face and quickly disappeared.

Put the flower on the table in front of the tomb. She wanted to say something, but when it came to her mouth, she felt that it was meaningless.

If you didn’t finish what you wanted to say before you were alive, and waited until you died, did you say it to the dead person, or to yourself to comfort it?

Xin Yu thought that most people who worship the deceased and used to say something are the latter.

She didn't speak, but someone suddenly said behind her back,

"Did you come to my grave to lay flowers like this before?"

Xin Yu's nerves tensed immediately. Years of combat experience made her instinctively expand the protective force field, strip the nearby time field, and prepare a fighting stance.

But after the instinctive reaction cooled, it was immediately replaced by a stunned emotion.

Qiao Xun looked at the stripped time field around him and said with a smile:

"Meeting is a great gift. I'm afraid I'll be too old when I get out of this time zone."

Xin Yu looked at Qiao Xun in amazement. For a while, she didn't quite believe her eyes. What if it is a hallucination caused by fluctuations in consciousness? She asked carefully:

"Are you Qiao Xun?"

Qiao Xun touched his I think I should not have changed. "

Xin Yu's heart throbbed violently, and for a moment, she felt like her blood was being evacuated and quickly pumped into every blood vessel. I don't know if I'm excited or shocked.

Seeing her standing there dumbfounded, Qiao Xun opened his hands and asked with a smile:

"Want to hold one?"

Xin Yu was a little stunned, like a good cat, he took a few steps forward and hugged him. After she really hugged him, the real feeling was accurately captured by her. She took a deep breath, her voice low and suppressed,

"It's really you."

"Looking at you, I'm not happy."

"I'm so happy, but I'm sad when I'm happy."

Just like a taut string, when it is suddenly loosened, there will be a scream.