MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 53 Punishment comes

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The Great Commonwealth Human Front. When more than half of the frontier nodes in the country were occupied by the army of the fallen angels, the allies had to consider surrendering.

They don't see any hope of a comeback.

This kind of fighting on different levels has destroyed the will of most people to resist.

It is like fighting with advanced thermal weapons with swords, swords and halberds. What's more, the fallen angel army's cleaning work in the occupied area also made them see that this kind of battle, for the fallen angels, there is no pressure at all. In other words, the fallen angels haven't even done their best.

Even so, in such a bleak and bleak situation, what's the point of holding on?

On October 19, 2049, the Great Commonwealth Human Front submitted a letter of surrender to the City of Hope.

The two sides chose to negotiate the surrender of the third city - "Crystal City" established by the Fallen Angels 5,400 kilometers north of the City of Hope.

On the Allied side, the wartime commander-in-chief, a former five-star general of the Federation, was dispatched.

As for the City of Hope, Alpi, who was not involved in the battle at all, was sent. The former chief knight of the Queen of Phoenix.

The dignitaries under Phoenix were all surprised by Her Majesty's decision. It's not that Alpi's identity is inadequate. But after all, he did not participate in this expansion war from beginning to end, and even during the war, he was still on vacation.

Suddenly let him negotiate on behalf of City of Hope?

Phoenix didn't explain too much about the doubts of the courtiers, and the sentence "I have my own arrangements" was suppressed.

The important ministers had no choice but to recognize Alpi, and there was no extreme opposition. There is no need to disobey Her Majesty the Queen for this. What's more, this surrender negotiation is not a big deal. After all, the war was fought very easily, and the bargaining chips are very rich, and there will be no unexpected things.

The third city of the Fallen Angels, the City of Crystals.

The negotiation ceremony is ready. On the Human Front side, General Huntington has entered the negotiating venue with the delegation to take a seat. The delegates all looked down, even a little dazed. Because looking back on this battle, the Human Front has no place to catch the eye, and it ended in just a few days.

However, what the Great Federation Human Front can do has already been done, and the gap between the two sides is too great. The feeling of primitive man beating modern man.

Later, on the side of the fallen angel, Alpi took the seat with the delegation.

The huge bodies of the fallen angels put great pressure on the delegation of the Human Front. This is at the negotiating table, and the oppression is magnified even more. It's like a feeling of completely falling into the downwind before it even starts.

When receiving Phoenix's order, Alpi, like the dignitaries, did not understand why Her Majesty made herself a negotiator.

There is no reason at all to support this choice.

He also met Phoenix and asked this question in person.

Unlike other important officials, Phoenix didn't blur him. For him, however, the answer was better than vague.

Phoenix said to him at the time:

"Because you have been worried that I will pay the price for this, I think you will be more disturbed and miserable if you keep it out of the way. You were my knight and always valued my safety, so it is up to you, Come and decide our future course in person. Let’s negotiate with humans and see how you choose, whether to coexist peacefully or to swallow the world.”

After Alpi heard this answer, he really felt overjoyed for a moment.

Because, he can choose to coexist peacefully, have a good talk with humans, and avoid making too many enemies for Her Majesty the Queen.

However, after the moment of joy, his heart fell into a cold abyss.

He knew very well that as a king, Her Majesty the Queen could never leave such a matter to a subject to choose. When she said this, she was forcing herself to take the initiative to accept her choice.

Alpi thought about what would happen if he resolutely disobeyed His Majesty.

Thinking back to Phoenix's expression at that time. He thought that maybe he died on the battlefield like Duke Yemu.

It seems that he chooses peace or hegemony, but in fact, he is letting him choose between life and death.

Alpi pondered the question sadly.

He discovered that, at some point in time, Her Majesty the Queen is no longer the benevolent prince who once loved the world.

Even so, he still thought about using his own death to restore Her Majesty's decision. But every so often, what Mr. Cha said to him at that time would be repeated in his head. So, no matter what, he is still alive.

Sitting at the negotiating table, Alpi stared at the Human Front delegation in front of him.

After the two sides introduced themselves, Alpi did not give the human delegation any room to detour for himself, and directly announced:

"From now on, we will take over all the city nodes of the Great Federation Human Alliance..."

The content after this sentence is not important, because this sentence represents everything.

The human delegation was of course strongly opposed to this result. This is clearly to destroy their country. In history, no country has ever died so suddenly and so suffocatingly. A few days ago, the Great Commonwealth Human Confederation was one of the only countries on earth, and today it is about to disappear from the future history?

The delegation strongly opposed it and repeatedly stated that it could choose to cede land and wealth, but refused to be completely banned.

However, this was never a reciprocal negotiation.

Alpi thought of Her Majesty Queen Phoenix's tough attitude, and said in a deep voice:

"Even if there is no negotiation today, it will only take five more days to completely take over all your city nodes. This negotiation is just to save those five days and save you from casualties. After all, from the beginning of the war to the present , no one on our side was killed. The gap between them may not need to be written on paper deliberately."

"No one was killed" is not an exaggeration. The Great Federation Human Alliance has its own native god, and with all its strength, of course, it can kill one or two fallen angels. However, fallen angels who are killed can be reborn through "regression calculation".

Fallen angels cannot be killed until they have a power that is completely higher than the "return calculation".

However, "regression calculation" originated in Phoenix. Phoenix itself, but a powerful god. She never mentions her strength to anyone, not because she is weak, but because no one needs her to speak with her strength so far.

Maybe, those who are quietly peeping here in other worlds can, but now, no one can.

The human delegation was outraged and strongly condemned.

However, no matter what they said, Alpi always insisted on his attitude and position, and there was no change from beginning to end.

General Huntington calmed down in time and said to Alpi:

"Your request is beyond our acceptance, and we need to talk to our government."

Alpi said,

"Please, but please remember that there are less than two hours left for this negotiation. I hope you can discuss a satisfactory result within two hours."

Negotiations suspended.

At half-time, the human delegation returned to the lounge and was in a state of anxiety to connect with the Great Federal Government to discuss the matter.

But I don't know why, but at this time, I can't connect with the government.

Whether it is using the wireless communication built by the Great Federation or the evolutionary grid created by the transcendental evolutionary, it cannot be successfully connected. Moreover, this inability to connect is not because the government does not accept the connection, but because of strong interference.

The human delegation unanimously believed that this was a subterfuge used by the fallen angels to prevent them from detouring.

They were so angry that they cursed.

But, this time, they really blamed the Fallen Angel Fang by mistake. Fallen angels are very proud beings, and they think highly of themselves, and they basically won't do this kind of thing.

The real reason why the human delegation could not connect to the Great Federation was that a large number of lifeforms with extremely high-efficiency energy descended on the territory of the Great Federation at the same time—

Punish the Angel!

A thousand angels of punishment have completed their full descent. They descended on the territory of the Great Commonwealth, the front line of the fallen angel army.

Along with them, the glory of the Lord swept across this chaotic land.

As the core force of several core mythical worlds, the highly effective angelic radiance, that is, the glory of the Lord, appeared on the earth and immediately clashed with the fairy arts that had already spread all over the world. The conflict between the two core forces caused a situation similar to "annihilation" where the angels of punishment came.

This is the root cause of the inability of the human delegation to connect with the government.

A thousand angels of punishment in different shapes would not even think about what their arrival would affect. They only came to fight with the glory of the Lord and the honor of being able angels.

The commander of the battle group of punishing angels raised the sword of punishment and declared:

"Fight! Punish those fallen sinners."

Glory erupted. Extremely gorgeous colors bloom in an instant.

The fallen angels stationed in the camp were swallowed up by this extreme splendor before they could react.

The first time he realized that it was not these fallen angels who had been attacked, but Phoenix in the City of Hope, thousands of miles away.

Sitting on the throne, Phoenix took a deep breath and muttered to himself the moment he felt the brilliance of the angel.

"It's finally here."

She stood up, looking far away,

"I've been preparing for this day for so long. Just this size is not enough."

Afterwards, she immediately connected with the will of every fallen angel on the front line through "return to the throne" and "return calculation".

Under the **** of this great will, no fallen angel warrior was panicked by the sudden killing of the punishing angel.

Assembling armies, integrating forces, interspersed tactics...

From defense to counterattack, everything is orderly, and every link seems to be carefully calculated.

Phoenix quickly completed his insight into the Angels of Punishment that had just arrived, and then informed each warrior on the front line of their characteristics, strengths and weaknesses through two major regression techniques. At the same time, it quickly formed its fighting style specifically for punishing the angels.

After a series of decisions, apart from the fallen angels who were attacked at the beginning, there were no casualties.

The fallen angel warriors on the front line seem to have merged into a huge fighting machine, resisting the attack of the punishing angels.

The power of the punishing angel comes from "the justice of the Lord".

Punishment is essentially a judgment of justice against evil. Therefore, as long as the punishment angel always stands in the position of justice and regards the enemy as a force of evil, the punishment can take effect, and the angel's aura can be used to unleash a powerful attack.

After Phoenix got this insight, he immediately found a countermeasure.

Deconstructing "Justice and Evil".

From the perspective of punishing angels, fallen angels are the basic unit of evil. This is what the glory of the Lord feeds back to them.

Phoenix's countermeasure is to expand the rotten essence on a large scale and pollute the angelic glory surrounding the punishing angel, or the glory of the Lord. Deconstruct the basic unit of evil. Let their attacks no longer have natural justice.

The results showed that her method was very effective.

As a middle-level able angel, the punishment angel is powerful in itself. However, their strength is not like the upper-level angels, and they can be completely independent. They must rely on the brilliance of the angels and the "justice of the Lord". Once the "righteousness of the Lord" is deconstructed, their power is greatly reduced.

On the front lines, the rotten essence mass pollution punishes the angels of the angelic brilliance. It is equivalent to adding a powerful debuff to them.

The battle situation was one-sided from the beginning, and quickly completed the flip.

The punishing angels held the sword of punishment, but found that there was no way to initiate a complete judgment on those fallen angels.

The battle commander was very puzzled by this,

"Why are those sinners not affected by the judgment? Are our judgments invalid, or are they innocent?"

He couldn't find the correct answer to this question.

Judging from the current situation, if it goes on like this, the punishment angel will not only be unable to expel and control these sinners, but will be surrounded and encircled by them. If you are not careful, you may even end up being wiped out.

How this is unacceptable.

No angel can accept that the glory of the Lord leaves a mark of shame.

In any case, it cannot be surrounded and trapped.

After joining the battle, within two hours, the battle commander could only order a retreat.

These fallen angels are not at all like what they simply imagined before their expedition, they only need to descend the judgment immediately. These fallen angels seem to have a very strong will, and this will is no less than their faith in the Lord. There is also a very complete fighting program and fighting consciousness, and it is completely a powerful regular army, not a grass-roots team.

"Inadequate preparation, underestimated the enemy!"

The battle commander used this as an excuse to hurriedly retreat with the punishment angels.

However, during the retreat, UU Reading also captured some angels. However, the Fallen Angels didn't pursue them too much, they could play defensive counterattacks, but after all, their scale was huge, and their mobility was not comparable to the small-scale Punishment Angels battle group.

During the retreat, the battle commander of the punishing angels clearly realized that a thousand punishing angels are not enough at all, and even a middle-ranked angel may not be enough, and an upper-ranked angel is needed.

After evacuating the frontal battlefield, he immediately reported the situation to Heaven.

In the City of Hope, Phoenix breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the news of the great frontline victory.

Although she was fully prepared, she was still nervous. Because he has never fought an angel head-on.

This result also let her know to a certain extent that Heaven did not have a good judgment on them, otherwise it would not have sent a trial team with such a small battle scale. However, what she didn't know was that even this scale was quite large for a paradise that had been peaceful for an unknown number of years.

Only, Heaven completely underestimated the fighting ability and fighting determination of her and the fallen angels.

Even so, Phoenix did not take it lightly, paying attention to the punishment angels who fled the frontal battlefield anytime, anywhere.

But when she was paying attention to the frontal battlefield, a team of "honorary assassination" quietly approached.

The angels of death are spreading the shadow of death until they spread it under her feet.


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