MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 57 become an island of paradise

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No matter where Yu Xiaoshu is, he is always free and lazy. She hardly cares about her manners, even in front of Qiao Xun, she is very casual.

However, for her, perhaps "deportment and temperament" is not something that is expressed in a realistic sense, but directly affects the senses of those who pay attention to her.

Therefore, no matter how free and lazy she is, it will not make people disgusted.

This is her magic.

"So, Raphael, can you show us?" Yu Xiaoshu leaned on the case and tilted his head slightly.

Raphael looked at her,

"do you want to see?"

"It should be said that many people want to know. What was the conceptualization process of heaven at the beginning?"

"I understand. So, are you the same?" Raphael looked at Qiao Xun again.

Joe Tour said,

"Does this affect you in any way?"

Raphael shook his head,

"It won't make a difference. You might be thinking, that's a taboo for heaven, and an unspoken bottom line for the Lord. But in fact, that's always what happened. Angels, suffer The glory of the Lord is blessed, but there is never a so-called offering to the Lord. What connects the Lord and the angels is faith, a faith that spreads truth, goodness and beauty. This faith should be pure and selfless. Therefore, the Lord is actually It was never said that that history could not be mentioned."

"Then why...for the outside world, this has become a taboo?"

"It is the choice of the will of the world."

"The Will of the World?"

Raphael's eyes flickered with mist,

"Up to now, heaven has evolved, and the Lord has blessed heavenly creatures. Everything seems to be so positive. But since the end of God's history, this world has embarked on a road that has no turning back. Everything on this road determines that this period of history should remain Silence decides... the fate of the fallen angels."

"I always thought that this was to prevent the belief in heaven from being stable and the glory of the Lord not polluted." Qiao Xun said.

"Your understanding is also correct. Because the glory of the Lord, the faith in heaven, is deeply bound to this world."

Yu Xiaoshu tapped lightly on the desk with his fingers rhythmically,

"That question goes back to the beginning. The Lord... and the world have become one."

Qiao Xun looked at her,

"This conjecture has now been confirmed."

Raphael didn't ask what Yu Xiaoshu and Qiao Xun were planning. she says:

"That history is not good-looking, but if it is helpful to you, you might as well walk with me."

As she spoke, she opened her arms, and her face showed lofty love.

Yu Xiaoshu fell into her arms naturally. Qiao Xun was not used to this kind of thing, so he hugged her after a slight pause.

In the embrace, their consciousness accompanied Raphael into the corridor of time, cleared away the fog of dusty years, and went to the past.

Snake Squad.

Now it seems that the huge beast wandering on the first day can no longer be said to be a "greedy snake", but a "starry snake" that oppresses the world.

However, Alcott has repeatedly emphasized to Wumao Sayuri and Nianwei that she prefers Western dragons to snakes!

For the earthly people who lived on the first day of the earth, half the sky was already occupied by huge shadows. They panic all day long, but never see the shadow fade away. However, after a period of time has passed, the shadow has always been entrenched in the sky, and has not come to the world, so I can't help but wonder, is that a will of the Lord?

In heaven, everything can be interpreted as the will of the Lord. Although the people of this world do not understand the essential reason for saying this, they have always believed in this sentence.

Even those who are not firm in their beliefs will hardly deny the Lord's will and its influence on the heavenly world.

The Snake Squad can do whatever they want on the first day, which is largely due to the imbalance between the various heavens caused by the broken God calendar and the absence of external troubles in heaven. It took a long time for the angel apprentices who first saw Alcott to eat so much that they told the guards of the second day what happened on the first day.

So, when the reinforcements came, the situation was out of control.

Alcott has grown to a level that a few angels can't handle.

She is about to devour the last planet of the first day.

"That's the last one!" Saiori Gomo said excitedly to Alcott's miniature shadow.

"After eating the last one, shall we go to the next day?" asked Alcott.

Nian Wei said,

"You can come as you want, didn't Qiao Xun say, let us be free for a day."

Alcott thought about it,

"Oh yes."

She was so large that she began to squeeze the structure on the first day, mobilized her body, opened her huge mouth, and gradually eroded the last planet on the first day.

Nian Wei said,

"someone is coming."

The three of them looked towards a certain direction in the starry sky, where the brilliance of angels shone. Pairs of angels came one after another. They fluttered huge wings, and because of their different abilities, their bodies were conceptualized differently, and their shapes were all kinds of strange. But the same, after seeing Alcott, they were both speechless in shock.

Young angels who have been peaceful and stable for too long, can't imagine that under the light of the Lord's glory, such a huge... evil will be born? They can't describe Alcott's true form, only a simple "evil".

"But it's too late."

Alcott gradually closed his mouth and devoured the last planet completely.

Since then, the entire first day has fallen into a deadly darkness. Only the radiance of an angel is a little sparkle in this darkness.

The last planet, and undoubtedly the "last straw", overwhelmed the huge "sick camel" on the first day.

The space structure on the first day completely collapsed.

Under Alcott's "unexpected" gaze, the first day began to return.

Throughout the first day, at a speed visible to the naked eye, it rapidly degenerated, from a complete world, gradually decayed into gathered matter and energy, and finally all poured into her body.

On the first day, she was completely devoured by her.

The earthly land, those angels who came to support...everything from the first day disappeared into the seven heavens of heaven.

Then, she began to turn her attention to her body.

Soon, she found that in her body, the prototype of a world had been formed. The real world, not the rotten lands parasitizing her body.

She looked at the prototype of this world and couldn't help thinking,

"Maybe, this is the return."

The first day disappeared, or rather, returned to another place.

"There's nothing... nothing, I can't feel anything." Sayuri Gomo said softly.

Nianwei looked at Alcott's miniature shadow,

"You finished the first day."

Alcott Head,

"Yeah. However, it's reborn in my body again. I...seem to understand Mr. Joe's intention to bring me to heaven."

Looking at Alcott's heavy expression, Nianwei smiled and comforted:

"Don't think too much, Qiao Xun may not think so much."

Wu Mao Sauri always contradicts Nian Wei's opinions on topics related to Qiao Xun,

"Mr. Qiao's thinking is not as narrow as yours."

After these days of big and small debates, Nianwei has become accustomed to Sa Xuli's preference for Qiao Xun in everything. She groaned:

"You speak for Qiao Xun like this, what benefit can he give you?"

Sayuri raised her eyebrows.

"What are you talking about, is it possible that in your opinion, interpersonal relationships are mutual benefits?"

"if not?"

"Then what benefits did you give me? What benefits did I give you? Nothing, but we've been arguing all the time. But now, aren't we friends?"

Sasori's straight-ball attack left Nianwei speechless.

She frowned slightly,

"You think we are friends?"

Sayori nodded.

"Yes. We are moving forward together."

"But you don't know me, and I don't know you either."

Sayori smiled.

"For some people, 'understanding' is the threshold for becoming friends, but for me, 'friends' is the threshold for understanding."

Nianwei lowered her head, her eyelashes trembled slightly, her brows dropped, and she whispered,

"You're a weirdo."

"You're just—" As soon as she said this, Saori suddenly felt a very strong vibration.

She immediately cheered up and began to look for the reason.

Alcott answered quickly,

"After the first day disappeared, the limited boundaries of heaven...shrinked."

The shrinking process of finite boundaries is a rather rare picture. Because most worlds come to an end, the limited boundaries are directly broken, and then everything in the world merges into the void. Atrophy is something that almost never happens.

Such an unseen picture attracted all the attention of the three of them.

They quietly feel the structural changes of a world.

In the process of shrinking the limited boundary, for them facing this, it seems that they are experiencing the change of a huge civilization. The vastness of things, in a short period of time, glows and heats up like shooting stars. They keep falling in this shrinking process. It is not a fall in the physical sense, but a fall at the will level, or backspin.

During the downspin, they saw countless particles entangled with each other.

Until a certain moment, all the particles have all found their positions and then come to rest.

As a result, the finite boundary is stable. The outermost perimeter of heaven is no longer the first day, but the second day.

The vast starry sky is displayed in front of you.

Nian Wei stepped forward. She stepped on the void and walked to the sea of ​​stars step by step,

"Is this the second day?"

The stars line up in the sky, revolving around the center of the second day. The center of the second day is no longer the earthly place of the first day, but the place of the will cycle that represents the "home". Here lives the dead souls of heaven. These souls will enter the afterlife in "reincarnation".

Because it is the place of rest, everything seems so peaceful and serene.

The whole second day was very quiet and there was a reassuring breath.

The three stared at the resting place in the middle.

After a while, Nianwei said:

"I want to go and see."

"What's wrong?" Sasori asked.

Nianwei's eyes are like slowly flowing water,

"I want to know what it means to go from death to a new life... and how it feels to be a life."

It was the first time Sasori saw her with this look, and she couldn't help but think of her childish imaginations about death and new life after hearing "The Death of Qiao Xun".

"I'll accompany you."

"No. I'm not feeling sentimental. I just want to comfort my heart."

"Me too." Sasori said with a smile.

Maybe this clean smile was moved, maybe Nianwei had some understanding of "friends" of her own. She nodded.

Alcott said,

"I can't accompany you anymore. I'll continue to devour. If something happens, I'll let you know."


Nian Wei and Sa Xuli embark on the journey of pursuing the "homecoming".

Looking at the two people gradually disappearing into the sea of ​​stars, Alcott's shrinking shadow looked up,

"My home... What is my home? Is it a return, or... a freshman..."

She lowered her head, closed her eyes, but watched the whole next day.

She felt that more and more angels were approaching her. Each of them carries the glory of the Lord, and the justice of her judgment.

She knew that eating the next day was not as easy as the first.

The disappearance on the first day, from the perspective of the three-person team, was simply "disappearing".

But for the existence of other days, it is not just that.

The change in the structure of the world caused by the disappearance of the first day has rippled through the whole of heaven. The strong tremors covering all places indicate that heaven is going through a great change at this time. In particular, the shrinking of the finite boundary has a direct impact on the underlying logic of heaven.

The first day is the "earth place," the potential link between heaven and other worlds.

And the disappearance of the earthly place means that the connection has disappeared. Heaven became an isolated world. The existence of other worlds is difficult to spy on everything in heaven, and the existence in heaven is also difficult to spy on everything in other worlds.

It's like going from a continent to an island.

This change has undoubtedly caused great concern.

For a time, on the seventh day of the "Land of Glory", a large number of angels gathered in the huge square. They scrambled to ask what happened and why was the connection to the other world cut off?

A long-lost unease was brewing in the noisy atmosphere.

Some angels who have experienced God's historical wars can't help but think of the "dead silence" before the war began.

It was not until "Walking with the Lord", the blazing angel Michael appeared, that the angels gradually settled down.

"Walking with the Lord" Michael is one of the pillars of heaven. There is a saying, "As long as the God of all aspects remains, the glory of the Lord will always shine on all parts of the world."

Michael said to the angels:

"We have committed the sin of arrogance. We have underestimated the resolve of the sinner. We have underestimated the indomitable will. The mighty eater of the world is in chaos the next day. And we send to the promised land of hope, to judge the soldiers of the sinner We, harvest failure."

Michael's words shocked the audience.

The angels who went to earth to carry out their missions actually... failed?

That's a thousand angels of punishment and a hundred angels of death. To fail in a place that is experiencing the third world sublimation?

Michael even used "sin of arrogance," a once-diabolical term for his attitude. You can imagine how tragic the failure was.

"We need atonement, we need to make amends."

Michael closed his eyes slightly, then opened them. He said to the angels:

"We need Salier to judge the fallen angels and honor Phoenix Elman's death."

Sally? !

The shock caused by the name was even more scorching than the word "Sin of Pride".

Because Sariel is also a fallen angel. However, for some unknown reason, he was not expelled like the other fallen angels, but was imprisoned in the fifth day's prison.

Let one fallen angel judge other fallen angels?

Michael's arrangement made the angels puzzled.

Michael answered this question,

"Phoenix Elman on Earth has the ability to pollute the radiance of the angel. But Sariel will not be affected by her. Moreover, we need to give Sariel a chance to atone for his sins."

This explanation makes sense. Although there are still some voices of doubt, they have been submerged in the urgency of this critical moment.

Michael continued,

"We need Gabriel to guard the next day. We need Raphael to appease the undead on the way home."

Gabriel's will responded, and then went to the next day.

But... Raphael didn't respond.

Michael said again:

"We need Raphael to appease the undead on the way home."

Still silent.

Michael's expression did not change, and UU began to look for Raphael's figure.

Then, his expression changed.

Because he found that the dusty years were touched.

"Raphael... Do you also doubt the world's choice?" Michael thought.

He re-declared,

"We need Ares to appease the undead on the way home."

After a while, the main angel Ares responded to Michael, and then went to the next day.

Michael then left the square, leaving only one question for the angels, why did he replace Raphael with Ares?

When the angels returned to various places, Michael did not return to the "Land of Glory" on the seventh day, but went to the Years Library of the "Land of Knowledge" on the sixth day.

He had to figure out why Raphael touched those dusty years.


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