MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-Chapter 58 After the Lord has returned to the world, Michael is the only light

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Heaven, the fifth day,

"Prisoner's Place".

In this desolate ruin, it is true that there is not a single bit of "the glory of the Lord" to be seen. Here, without exception, are all sinners in heaven. During the period of serving their sentence and redemption, there is no doubt that they will not be able to obtain the blessing of the Lord's glory, and naturally they will not be able to show the brilliance of the angels that represent the angels.

Here, it does not look like heaven at all.

After all, other places are shining with glory. Even a place like the "earthly place" on the first day that does not have much glory is still a lively place with beautiful mountains and rivers.

And here, desolate, dead, ruined, lifeless.

The third-rank angel of power, Yagwen, is in charge of this "place of secluded prisoners", which is equivalent to the warden here. His presence brought a little glory here. The place where the glory shone immediately showed some vitality, and there were faint buds gushing out from the desolate land.

Jaegwyn came here to look for Shariel under the guidance of Michael, and informed him of his mission.

However, from the look on his face, it seems that he is not very willing to do such a thing.

It's not that I feel that this kind of thing is not in line with my identity. After all, Sally is one of the twelve angels of creation. Although he is a fallen sinner now, he still enjoys a great reputation.

Jaegwyn was just reluctant to face Sariel.

"Angel of the Moon", "God of Evil Eyes", "Sinner of Fallen Corruption"...

Jaegwyn frowned even harder at the thought of Sally's names.

His throat twitched, and then he took a step. As the warden of the "Prisoner's Land", his hands have been fully conceptualized, and the main conceptual ability is to restrain all "sinners who are considered fallen by the Lord".

His invisible hands are gradually manifested in the concrete world, and their images are chains and shackles.

Between the chains and the shackles, a huge prison slowly emerged from this desolate land.

The prison is dead, breathing a sinful breath called "degeneration and corruption". The dry clumps of trees stood messily outside the prison, showing their teeth and claws, like evil spirits, and a gray mist lingered among the clumps of trees, which was unusually cold.

This is where the glory was abandoned. Inside are the sinners cast off by glory.

Jagwyn walks through the misty clumps of trees. The surrounding temperature dropped a lot all of a sudden, causing him not only to tremble a little, but also his hands behind the figurative flutter.

When he came to the door of the prison, he hesitated again, and then opened the door after tightening the chains and shackles.

The inside of the prison is much better. It is not a cold and humid environment, but a clean, spacious corridor with no head in sight. This architectural style is generally used in major buildings in heaven, such as the prison here, the library of the sixth day...

The Years Corridor in the Years Library on the sixth day, each node carries a period of time, and every node in this prison carries a piece of depravity and decay.

Jaegwyn's eyes were quiet, and without looking for it, he looked straight at the node that carried Sariel's depravity and decay.

Then, he enters that node.

Inside the node, is a conceptual world, or fantasy.

Sariel's prison fantasy is a grassland. The green grass is lush, the evening wind blows, and the waves are rolled. The setting sun in the distant mountains brings the afterglow, and decorates the grassland with psychedelic gold.

On a boulder that is not high, a person is sitting, facing the direction of the setting sun.

Jagwyn looked at his back, paused for a moment, and then shouted:


The man on the boulder turned around slowly like a rigid machine.

Before he could turn around completely, Jaegwyn closed his eyes tightly.

Jagwyn was reluctant to meet Salier's eyes.

Sariel, the "Angel of the Moon", once ruled death and darkness. He was born with a pair of evil eyes, which can be granted "blocking". Seal the soul, kill the body.

After Jagwyn closed his eyes, he felt more clearly about everything in the illusion. It is a peaceful and peaceful afterglow scene. If the illusion represents the state of mind of the sinner, does it mean that the current Sariel is actually very quiet?

He wasn't sure. Until Sariel's voice rang in his ears,

"Don't be afraid, the evening wind will accompany you."

What does the evening wind have to do with me being with me?

After a moment of hesitation, Jaegwyn opened his eyes and looked forward.

For the first time he saw Sariel as a human being. A middle-aged man with short blond hair and green eyes.

Sally's eyes are very calm, like this grassland with the afterglow.

Jagwin said,

"Michael has brought you a mission."

Sariel stepped down from the boulder,

"Is it still necessary to squeeze the last bit of value from sinners after all?"

Jagwin said,

"Michael didn't say that. It's heaven that needs you. This is your chance to atone."

Sariel smiled, charmingly,

"Do you think that if I really wanted to atone for my sins, I would wait for Michael to give me a chance?"

Jagwyn couldn't answer. In the end, he also understood that with Sariye's ability, if he was truly willing to atone for the Lord, he would have left this fantasy prison long ago. But he wondered,

"Why, are you unwilling to make atonement?"

Sariel's lower jaw is slightly tilted,

"A sinless man, atonement for what sin?"


Jaegwyn certainly denied this statement, but he did not directly refute it, and was still willing to leave some dignity to the "Angel of the Moon", one of the twelve angels of creation. he asks,

"So, your idea is, do you want to complete Michael's mission?"

"Michael said he wanted me to atone for my sins?"


"Then I refuse. He gives me the task directly, and I will gladly accept it. But after the word 'Atonement' is included, I refuse any task."

"Why are you obsessed with this?"

Sariel's eyes were warm,

"Every creature is trying to understand the meaning of life. Maybe, for me, insisting on this thing is the meaning of life."

"Why don't you want to admit your guilt?" Yegwen just finished asking when he realized that this question was a bit beyond his authority and status as the warden. He lowered his head, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

Salier didn't mind,

"I used to be in charge of 'Death and Darkness', so many people think that I am withdrawn and scary. But I don't know if you understand that the closer you get to 'Death and Darkness', the more you yearn for 'New Life and Light'."

Jagwyn tried to understand, but couldn't. He exhaled,

"Do you really want to refuse? Next time, maybe Michael will come over in person."

"He came the same way."

"If that's the case, why don't you first listen to what the mission is?"

Sariel looked at Jaegwyn,

"It doesn't make sense."

Seeing this, Jaegwyn didn't care whether Sariel wanted to hear it or not, and said directly:

"The fallen angels have left the rotten world and entered the promised land of hope. We previously sent a thousand angels of punishment and a hundred angels of death to solve the problem. In less than a day, the mission failed. The king of fallen angels, Phoenix El Man, has the ability to pollute glory. Only you will not be affected by her."

Sariel looked at Jaegwyn suspiciously,

"Are you sure it's the ability to pollute glory?"

"Michael said so."

Sally shook her head,

"He lied to you. Glory is not afraid of pollution at all."


Salier went on to say,

"However, if it is this task, I accept it."

Jagwyn was astonished,

"Why? Is this mission special to you?"

Salier said,

"If you are willing to question Michael's authority, then I can answer your answer."

Jagwyn shook his head immediately,

"Michael has no authority. But I won't question him either. He is a 'walker with the Lord' and represents the will of the Lord."

Sariel laughed and did not refute Jaegwyn's words, but said casually,

"After the Lord has returned to the world, Michael is the only light."

After he finished speaking, he crossed Jaegwyn, took one step, and disappeared into this prison illusion.

With Sally's disappearance, the illusion immediately dissipated.

Jaegwyn returned to the long corridor outside, with Sariel standing beside him.

He was astonished,

"Illusory prison is invalid for you?"

Salier said,

"If I want to leave, not only this prison, but the whole heaven can't keep me."

"Then why don't you leave?"

"Everyone thinks I'm guilty. If I go, I'm really guilty. If I stay here... Maybe there will be real glory."

Jagwyn didn't speak.

He didn't understand a lot of what Sally said and involved a lot of things, and even if he understood, he mostly chose to remain silent.

On the one hand, it is taboo, and on the other hand, he does not want to be influenced by Sariel in his beliefs.

Sariel suddenly paused, and then asked:

"Heaven, has it been invaded?"

"Well. Michael said it was the Devourer of the World. At present, the first day has been completely swallowed. However, Michael sent Gabriel and Ares to punish and appease."

Sally's quiet eyes suddenly reflected a magical light,

"A World Eater... A Fallen Angel King..."

He thought of something, didn't say anything else, and left impatiently.

Yegwen was stunned for a while, then realized that Sally was still a sinner and couldn't leave like this, so he hurriedly chased after him.


On the sixth day, the years library.

A ray of light flickered somewhere in the quiet corridor of time. After the light disappeared, Raphael, Qiao Xun and Yu Xiaoshu returned to reality.

Yu Xiaoshu always had the same expression on his face, neither salty nor bland, as soon as he came back, he leaned in front of the case and looked at Qiao Xun. Seeing the heaviness on Qiao Xun's face, she smiled slightly.

Raphael's expression was the heaviest. She already knew about this dusty time, and it was even more painful to experience it again, or to experience it with outsiders. She felt remorse for her inability to heal those pains, and pained for her inability to change the fate of those fallen angels.

Joe turned his head. After seeing Yu Xiaoshu's gentle face, he gradually calmed down.

Yu Xiaoshu asked with a smile,

"Are you ok?"

Qiao Xun nodded,

"I'm fine. Just not very comfortable with a highly conceptual experience."

"Yes, after all, you are a complete concrete being. Unlike me, you are a complete conceptual being..."

Qiao Xun felt that Yu Xiaoshu's remarks were intentionally implying something. But he didn't ask. If Yu Xiaoshu really wanted to tell and could tell him something, she would never hide it based on their relationship.

He looked at Raphael,

"I'm sorry to make you feel sad again."

Raphael's face was full of sublime love and blameless,

"It is my duty to feel the grief, it is the meaning of my being."

Qiao Xun exhaled,

"As you said, my assumptions about these years are not entirely correct. If I have offended, I am sorry."

"There is no need to be sorry for the unknown. Before the truth is touched, any existence has the right to imagine and speculate." Raphael's innocent love and spirit still made Qiao Xun, an "unhealthy" person, uncomfortable.

Joe Tour said,

"Thank you for your guidance, which helped me answer the doubts in my heart."

Raphael shook her head and said nothing. She turned to look at Yu Xiaoshu with a sad expression.

Yu Xiaoshu asked with a smile,

"Do you need healing too?"

Raphael looked ashamed,

"Sorry, I'm not doing well enough as a God to heal."

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"What you should do and what you can do, you have done well. Those years are the choice of the world, and it is your common choice. You don't need to criticize yourself."

Raphael looked confused,

"Is the world's choice the right one?"

"The choice of the world, there is no right or wrong."

"Candice, why do you, never grieve?"

Raphael asked the question she'd always wanted to ask.

Yu Xiaoshu replied softly,

"Because whether it's grief or happiness... everything together makes me up. I've never had everything concrete, but I've always had everything concrete." After she finished speaking, she looked at Qiao Xun.

This is to answer Raphael's question, and it is also a sentence to Qiao Xun.

Raphael may have been comforted, and finally had some smiles,

"If you say that, then we will all become part of you eventually."

Yu Xiaoshu raised the corner of his mouth,

"Who can tell?"

Before she left the case, she walked towards Qiao Xun and said as she walked:

"We should leave."

Qiao Xun looked at the end of the corridor of years,

"Looks like someone is coming."

Raphael said,

"It's Michael. 'Walking with the Lord', Michael of Baixiang. It seems that I touched those years and was felt by him."

Joe patrols,

"Will it cause you any trouble?"

Raphael shook his head,

"Don't worry about me. On the contrary, you are probably not tolerated by Michael. Michael coordinates everything in heaven and has always rejected things unknown to heaven. Candice, and you Joey, both Carrying a huge unknown. So, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, you'd better not meet him first."

Qiao Xun looked at the other end of the long corridor, narrowed his eyes,

"But in my opinion, meeting Michael is inevitable."

"Whatever it is, it shouldn't be now," Rafael said.

Qiao Xun loosened his shoulders and said with a smile:

"You're right. Not yet."

Raphael looked at Qiao Xun,

"Will you bring grief to heaven?"

"For you, what is the greatest grief?" Qiao Xun asked in return, "Is it the war with the devil, or the shattering of God's history, or the dusty history."

Raphael replied,

"That dusty history."

"Then I won't bring any grief to heaven."

After Qiao Xun finished speaking, he just He didn't say hello to Yu Xiaoshu. Because the break is over.

Raphael looked at Yu Xiaoshu,

"He's the devil, right?"

Yu Xiaoshu nodded.

Raphael murmured,

"No wonder I can't feel his soul. Demons...have no souls..."

Yu Xiaoshu denied,

"Other demons don't have souls, but he does. You can't feel them because you still have desires. You'll only be able to feel his soul when you're not ruled by your desires."

Raphael asked curiously,

"Then can you feel it?"

Yu Xiaoshu smiled,
