MTL - Evolved From Polluting the World-~ Finish this testimonial

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It took one year and fifteen days to complete the book. A total of 198w words.

At the heart of this book is "connection".

The connection between people, the connection between people and things, the connection between people and beliefs.

contact throughout the text.

The “search for infinity” often mentioned in the middle and later stages of this book is equivalent to getting rid of “connection”. Therefore, in the tone set by the author, it is a dissonant factor in itself. This is also the reason why the infinity that the tower seeks is a false infinity. Because the tower wants to cut off any connection and become an independent individual.

Introducing "truth" is more like a kind of self-reflection.

If the "infinity" is likened to a dream, the author believes that you must first figure out who you are before you can talk about pursuing your dreams.

Because of this idea, the dark line set in this book is actually:

Qiao Xun's thoughts on himself.

The author often describes Qiao Xun thinking about who he is, which is exactly what he wants to express.

Qiao Xun thought about himself for the first time, thinking that he was a demon, a demon who could not see the sun and needed to hide secrets;

The second time I thought about myself, when I became a god, I firmly believed that "I am me, I am Qiao Xun";

The third time to think about yourself is to think about "real existence".

"Existence" and "Authenticity", one represents "connection" and the other represents "self-thinking". Therefore, Qiao Xun gained his existence through his fateful connection with Yu Xiaoshu, and returned to reality through repeated self-thinking.

Therefore, Yu Xiaoshu should be another protagonist in fact.

The reason why Nan Shizuku Hitomi (Lan Jun) can accompany Qiao Xun to the end is that what she represents is "love that has nothing to do with other". Lu Xianyi is more like a mistake that a person wants to make up for in his life, but cannot make up for it. As for the answer Qiao Xun finally said, "Do you still love Lu Xianyi?", maybe it depends on whether everyone thinks that the love with Lu Xianyi is a mistake.

Allow me to leave blank.

Because the author also said that it was wrong for Qiao Xun to associate with Lu Xianyi.

Well, that's it for the testimonials about this book.

There are currently no extra plans for this book. So, there is a high probability that it will be completely over here.

After this, the author will first complete the unfinished extrapolation of the previous book, and then the new book.

As for what the new book intends to write... The author is also confused.

Because the ideas for several new books in the past were killed because they did not meet the current censorship environment.

So, let me think about it.