MTL - Extraordinary Bloodline Integration-Chapter 23 Trash talk is the first link in the battle, don't play when you are upset

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"try harder."




"Strength, do you only have strength when you face stripped prostitutes?" The chain of heavy blows can't break through the defense of the energy dragon scales on Mo Cheng's body, even if it is only equivalent to the physique of [Youth Dragon], at least Only a [excellent] level weapon can break his dragon scales.

"Should I yell a few more times to make you tougher?!"

When the opponent's all-out attack could not break Mo Cheng's skin, Mo Cheng mercilessly sprayed out the most vicious and obscene words.

"Can't you be hard, Bonnard? Are you soft? Are you soft? Are you really unable to work harder?"

"Do you have children? Is it a son or a daughter? Judging by your age, they should be underage."

"It's okay, I will [take care of] them well after you die."

"They will be selected into the choir and will be in the prayer room late at night. I will teach them how to sing hymns bit by bit behind their backs. Suppressing the pain with a childish voice, sing to God, and pray that your evil father can Ascension to heaven."

"Singing day and night, let me guide them in their direction."

"What a wonderful, touching story!"

In exchange for the vicious words, Bonnard smashed like crazy regardless of physical loss. He even lost the shield in his hand, and swung the mace with both hands to hit Mo Cheng on the head.

He knew that as a defensive knight, throwing away his shield and outputting all his strength with a mace was a fatal mistake. But he had no choice. The dead members behind Mo Cheng had already demonstrated the ability and madness of the other party. The other party really had the ability to bury his family.

So Bonnard had to hold back the opponent, hold the opponent at all costs, and persist until the arrival of the leader. Otherwise, once the devil in front of him turned around and left, he couldn't imagine what kind of **** his home would turn into.

Mo Cheng's words deeply stimulated Bonnar, who is his father, but this is not enough, far from enough!

"By the way, do you prefer grandsons or granddaughters? But it doesn't matter, they will definitely be able to give birth to very lovely offspring, and your grandchildren will also sing hymns devoutly and pray for you under my teaching. And I, will To be the godfather of your family for generations, no matter the age of men or women, they will respectfully call me..."


"Your granddaughter's daughter is still your granddaughter, how do you feel, how do you feel!"

Obscene words, cheap content, and involving his most beloved children, Bonnard broke out without a doubt.

"Mouth! Shut up, I'll kill you!"

The largest range drives the greatest strength, and the rules and calmness that the anti-riding should have are thrown aside. At this moment, Bonnard just wants to send the devil in front of him to hell, or bring him into **** with him.

However, Mo Cheng has been waiting for this moment to come.

Mo Cheng moved when Bonnard's swing was huge and inevitably revealed his flaws.

The mace was blocked with the left hand, and the right hand slid along Bonnar's arm all the way to the weak point of the neck armor. The five fingers were put together like a sharp knife and stabbed fiercely, piercing Bonnar's neck.

The confused anti-rider not only had no way to hold back Mo Cheng, but even showed a fatal flaw.

The main artery was directly cut open, and blood spurted out, "The only thing the anti-rider needs to do is to be calm, and you don't even use a mace to beat DPS with a shield, you really deserve it."

His eyes were already stained red by the blood he sprayed, and the armor on his body was heavier than ever. Even at this moment, every heartbeat brought endless pain.

But Bonnard used his last strength to tightly hold Mo Cheng's right arm with both hands, locking him.

"So that's how it is. You heard that I'm going to attack your family, so you won't retreat?" Mo Cheng wiped his eyes, as if he was moved by the scene in front of him. up.

But only [as if].

"So your family is the **** people?"

Raising his right arm, he violently smashed Bonnar and the entire armor against the wall. The armor without the master's control was extremely fragile under Mo Cheng's power, and the parts exploded like popcorn.

Kicking off Bonnar's unprotected arm with one kick, stepping on Bonnar's shoulder, and pulling out the entire head with force with his right hand.

"When you are dying, you are afraid of retribution, and you want to accumulate yin and virtue to benefit your family?"


He didn't stop at all, and went deeper without looking back.

Only one head with glaring eyes was left behind.

Die with peace!


On the other side, inside the Bloodfang headquarters.

Lilia's body curled up into a ball, trembling constantly.

She was locked in a small iron cage surrounded by three layers of chains.

This is a common method used by Blood Fang after kidnapping. When the people who paid the money came, they would even pour cold water into the cage.

The purpose is to make the meat ticket scream and tremble, so that others can quickly pay.

Lilia was knocked out and taken away in the hotel, and then woke up by a burst of crying, and then saw herself locked in an iron cage, surrounded by a group of people who were treated the same as herself.

Some of those people couldn't get in touch with their family members, or because their family members would not be able to afford that much money for a while, so the members of Blood Fang used them as targets for practicing seeing blood.

Some people even had their fingers and toes chopped off and sent back as tokens.

Fear, uneasiness, like a big hand firmly holding Lilia's heart.

What are they trying to do with Lilia?

Is it Viscount Joestar's person, or is it just a simple kidnapping?

But Lilia has no relatives anymore, even that seemingly reliable Mo Cheng, it's impossible for him to have that much money.

The number Lilia reported when she heard the members of Blood Fang discussing with other people was a very large number, a number that could not be reached even if the inheritance left by her brother was doubled several times.

Even if the priest named Mo Cheng really has that money, UU Reading www.uukanshu. What about com? Lilia is neither Mo Cheng's someone, nor does she have a future to repay.

He would definitely forget about Lilia as if he was throwing away a trouble.

Facing the infinite fear of the unknown, the white-haired little girl couldn't stop crying.

I don't know if it's because Lilia just arrived and the time left by Blood Fang to Mo Cheng hasn't been used up yet, but Lilia's cage has never been approached by anyone.

Suddenly, there was a messy noise outside the door, and the bloodfang members in the room changed their expressions, drew their weapons and ran out.

What happened?

Lilia, who was sobbing, didn't know, and it took her a long time to realize that someone was standing in front of her, even surrounded by fear.

It was a maid with long black hair. She was holding a piece of paper in her hand, constantly comparing the image on it with Lilia's appearance.

"Lilia, Lilia Joestar?"

Hearing the surname [Jostar] made Lilia subconsciously vigilant, but the moment she raised her head, the black-haired maid had already seen clearly the face that was exactly the same as in the image.

"It's such a small girl." The maid seemed surprised, "I'm sorry, but I still have to [clean up] you."

With a wave of the arm from left to right, the cage seemed to be cut open by a sword, and the incision was extremely smooth.

"It won't hurt you."

The palm of the white glove gently held Lilia's neck, and it only took an instant of strength to reunite the little girl who had lost all her relatives with her family.



The door seemed to be shattered by a raging beast, and countless broken fragments rolled towards the maid like arrows.