MTL - Extreme Pampering After Marriage-Chapter 828 Looking Back Later (47)

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  Chapter 828 Late Return to View Today (47)

  Xu Chi didn't laugh at her, but unbuttoned his suit jacket, put it on her body, and asked with concern: "Cold?"

  Ima nods while rubbing his nose with a tissue.

   "The air-conditioning in office buildings is usually fully turned on. There is no lounge in your office. If you take a break on weekdays, you should prepare a thin blanket."

   "It's my first day at the company, don't you know." She defended in a low voice, "I'll bring one from home tomorrow."

   "No need." Xu Chi took out a clean blanket from the bag he had put down and handed it to her, "Newly bought, it has been dry-cleaned."

  Seeing the blanket in his hand today, my heart warmed up, "Brother Xu Chi, you have been really considerate and thoughtful for many years."



  Xu Chi looked at her, and she also looked at Xu Chi.

   "Still called Brother Xu Chi?"

   "If you don't call me Brother Xu Chi, what's your name?" Jinjin's eyes flashed cunningly, "Xu Chi? Ah Chi? Or..."

  Clearly knew what he wanted to hear most, but he didn't call.

  Xu Chi stretched out his hand and pinched the tip of her nose, "I call it what I used to call it now."

  Jinjin tilted his head, "I think it's good to be called Ah Chi, otherwise it's fine to be called Ah Sui, why do you have to be called Brother?"

  Xu Chi's eyes flickered slightly, as if he understood something, he took her hand and rubbed it repeatedly, "Then call her A Sui."

  Jinjin nodded happily, "I also think it's good to be called A Sui, A Sui, A Sui, A Sui..."

  Xu Chi suddenly lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, and his voice stopped abruptly.

  Jin Jin's thick and slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and when a pair of cowardly eyes looked at him, he saw his handsome face approaching again.


  Xu Chi: "..."

   "Woooo..." Jinjin covered his face and fell into his arms, really ashamed to see others.

  The charming thoughts dissipated in an instant because of her sneeze, and the corners of Xu Chi's mouth could not be restrained, and he smiled.

  The warm palm caressed the back of her head, as if to comfort her.

   "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

  Shake your head today.

   "Then I'll take you back." If it wasn't for Lu Heyun's objection, he would have taken her back to his home directly.


  Xu Chi drove over by himself. There was no driver, so he opened the passenger door, and he didn't realize it until he got in the car today.

   "How did you get in here?"

  Xu Chi sideways pulled the safety belt and fastened it, "Do you think Xiaoyun Group's security guards don't know me?"

  The two companies have a close relationship, and they have cooperated a lot over the years. The security guards don’t have the foresight to not recognize him, and he will definitely recognize his license plate.

   Ink 7777.

  Jinjin rubbed his face, "I caught a cold, and my mind was so dizzy that I couldn't remember it for a while. You act like nothing happened."

  Xu Chibo's lips curled slightly, naturally he didn't have an excuse to dismantle this little confusion.

  The car drove out of Xiaoyun Group's parking lot and merged into the main road. Jinjin couldn't help but yawned, leaning against the car window and fell asleep unconsciously.

  Xu Chi glanced sideways at the sleeping little girl, subconsciously slowing down, turning and braking very slowly.

   When I got home, Jinjin just woke up, glanced at my watch, and muttered, "You're not good at driving, if you drive slower, it will be tomorrow."

   Xu Chi didn't explain, got out of the car and opened the door for her.

  When I got off the car today, I ran into Lu Heyun and Mo Zhiyun who had come back from a walk, "Dad, Mom..."

  "Sister-in-law, uncle..." Xu Chi nodded slightly, neither humble nor overbearing.

   Didn't show hospitality and enthusiasm to Lu Heyun just because he was with Jinjin.

  Lu Heyun glanced at them expressionlessly, snorted softly, turned around and entered the room.

  Jijin didn't expect that he would be so shameless and cast pitiful looks at Mo Zhiyun.

  Mo Zhiyun smiled, "Don't pay attention to him."

   After finishing speaking, he looked at Xu Chi again, "A Sui, have you had dinner yet? The kitchen has reserved food for Jinjin, you can eat some with her."

  Xu Chi declined her kindness, "No need, sister-in-law, I have a cold today, let her rest early after eating, I will go back first."

  Mo Zhiyun was startled, and looked at Jinjin in surprise, "Are you sick?"

  He reached out and touched her forehead with a slightly nervous expression.

   "It's okay, it's just a small cold." Jinjin held her hand and smiled to reassure her.

   Probably because she had a heart transplant when she was a child, so if she had a cold, fever and discomfort, her parents would be extremely nervous.

   Mo Zhiyun felt that her forehead wasn't very hot, she probably didn't have a fever, so she felt a little relieved, "Ah Suishin, thank you for sending Jinjin back here, I'll rest another day and let Jinjin bring you back for dinner."

  Ji Jin didn't understand what she meant, but Xu Chi did, and Fei pursed her lips lightly, "Okay."

  The bag in his hand was handed to her, "This is cold medicine, let her take it after today's meal."

  When I saw the medicine today, my almond eyes were full of surprise, when did he go to buy the medicine, how did I know.

  Mo Zhiyun was not polite to him, took the medicine and said, "Thank you."

   "Sister-in-law, you're welcome. I'm going to go first."

   After Xu Chi finished speaking, he took a look at Jinjin, turned around and got into the car.

  Jin Jin looked at his back, although he was not feeling well due to a cold, but his almond eyes were full of light, she was a little woman in love.


  After eating and taking a shower today, sitting on the bed and looking at the suit hanging on the hanger that he forgot to return to Xu Chi, the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

  Mo Zhiyun knocked on the door and came in, holding a water cup and medicine in his hand, "Take the medicine and go to bed early."

  I don't like taking medicine today, but thinking that Xu Chi bought it, I swallowed it obediently, and drank water desperately to wash away the smell of medicine in my mouth.

  Mo Zhiyun sat down by the bed, saw the suit on the hanger, thought that she was infatuated with the suit before he came in, and couldn't help asking: "Jinjin, do you like A Sui very much?"

  Jinjin was holding the water glass, and when he heard her words, his first reaction was shyness. After a moment of silence, he nodded and admitted, "Mom, I like him, I like him very much."

  Mo Zhiyun reached out and brushed her scattered bangs behind her ears, "Are you happy with A Sui?"

  Jinjin nodded without any hesitation, "I have been following him since I was a child, and I am very happy by his side, and I don't know why."

   "Then won't you be tired?" Mo Zhiyun asked, "I have to follow his pace all the time."

Jinjin shook his head, "No! He treats me very well, no matter what I don't understand, he will teach me, and he won't scold me when I do something wrong, no matter what I do, he will support me Me. I feel at ease by his side, as if I don’t have to be afraid of anything.”

  Mo Zhiyun saw that she was no different from when he loved Lu Heyun back then, so he reached out and touched the melon on her little head, "Then you and A Sui should be together."

  Jin Jin raised his eyes to look at her, surprise flashed in his eyes, and then worried, "But Dad..."

   "He just cares and cares about you too much." Mo Zhiyun comforted her, "As long as you stay together well, he will understand after a long time that A Sui won't make you sad."

  Jijin nodded, and said firmly: "Mom, don't worry, brother A Sui won't make me sad."


  Today, my physical fitness is good. After taking the medicine, I wake up with a light head and feet, no sneezing and sneezing, and I am full of energy.

   When Xu Chi called, she was just about to go downstairs for breakfast, her steps were light and her voice was sweet.

  Sitting at the dining table, Lu Heyun heard footsteps and looked up to see her. He was about to ask her how her cold was, but she yelled, "Ah Sui..."

  The face elongated suddenly, and the frown was filled with chill.

   Xu Chi finished the call because he was concerned about how her cold was doing, and hung up when she knew she was fine, so as not to delay her breakfast.

  Lu Heyun sneered coldly: "If he really cared about you, he wouldn't just call and pretend."

   "Brother Ah Sui sent me back yesterday, and even bought medicine."

   "How much is a box of cold medicine worth?" Lu Heyun sneered

   "Concern cannot be measured by money." Jinjin stared at him angrily, "Dad, how can you be so philistine!"

   "I'm a philistine, but your Brother A Sui is no longer a philistine?" Lu Heyun's thin lips curled up mockingly, "Why would he be a philistine and buy other companies?"

   "Dad, you..."

   "Okay." Mo Zhiyun, who came out of the kitchen to bring breakfast, interrupted the quarrel between the two, "Stop arguing, or I will cook myself tonight, and you all come back for dinner."

  The father and daughter who were fighting each other just now fell silent.

  Mo Zhiyun: "..."

  Although Lu Heyun objected, there was no way to stop the two young people from wanting to be together.

  It's just that I just took up the position of vice president today, and the company is so busy with many things that the two of them can't find time to make an appointment.

  The most important thing is that there is no time today. After Lu Heyun accepted her as the vice president, he handed over most of the company's affairs to her, and he rarely even came to the company.

  Jinjin seriously suspects that he just wants to exhaust himself with work so that he has no time to fall in love with brother Ah Sui.

  Jijin did not expect to meet Xu Chi at a banquet. She attended in place of Lu Heyun, and Xu Chi was a guest invited by the banquet host. Not only did she accompany her the whole time, she even brought her young and pretty daughter along.

  Before this day, she went abroad to study for a few years, and the female college had eighteen changes. Except for a few elder uncles, no one else knew her identity. When they saw her, they would whisper and talk about this new face.

   After the host of the banquet introduced to everyone, everyone showed a look of surprise, and some even said in order to get close: "So it's Mr. Chi's younger sister."

  Xu Chi raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not refute.

  It is impossible to refute in public today that no, I am his girlfriend.

   The two looked at each other, neither of them spoke, but they both knew what the other was thinking.

   Not long after, someone came over to strike up a conversation with Jinjin.

   "Hi, Ms. Mo, I'm Cheng Ying, my father and Uncle Lu are good friends."

   Jinjin blinked and looked at the strange man without speaking.

   Cheng Ying saw that she didn't understand, so he could only remind her politely, "Uncle Lu said that you will come to the banquet tonight, so he specially called me to take care of you."

  I immediately understood today, Dad is arranging a blind date for me!

   Still in front of brother A Sui!

  She subconsciously looked at Xu Chi, who was surrounded by people, and sure enough, he was looking at her, and his face was not very good.

   "My father thinks too much, I don't need others to take care of me." Jinjin expressed his attitude tactfully.

  I already have a boyfriend, so what kind of kiss do I have? Didn't Dad deliberately embarrass himself!

  Cheng Ying seemed very satisfied with her, and was not persuaded by her to quit, but actively fought for her and said: "Miss Mo, we are about the same age, let's make a friend and relax together when we have nothing to do?"

  Jinjin was still thinking about how to reject him, when he suddenly heard Xu Chi's voice, "Jinjin..."

  Xu Chi stood in the crowd, holding a high wine glass in one hand, and gently beckoned to her with the other, "Come here."

   Jinjin hesitated for a moment, and said to Cheng Ying, "Excuse me." Turning around, he turned to Xu Chi.

  Xu Chi also said "Excuse me" to the people around him, and stepped towards Jinjin, "Come with me."

   In front of all the guests, the two of them walked out one after the other without showing any intimacy.

  Because of the relationship between the two relatives, everyone just thought that they might be siblings and had something to say alone, so they didn't think too much about it.

No one would know that in a hidden corner that no one noticed, a tall man leaned against the pillar, his dark eyes shone with heat, his fingertips gently pinched her chin, and he lowered his head inch by inch, "I really want to kiss you."

  Jinjin's face was hot and his heart was turbulent, but he still rejected his request, "No, I don't wear lipstick. It would be very strange if I was eaten by you."

  Although Xu Chi thought about it, she didn't allow it, and naturally she wouldn't force it. Instead, she changed the subject and asked, "What did that man tell you just now?"


   "Today..." Xu Chi frowned slightly, his eyes showing displeasure.

  Although she couldn't hear their conversation, judging from the change in her expression, she didn't really want to talk to that man, but she was holding back out of politeness.

  I couldn't hide it from him today, so I had to confess, "He seems to be the blind date my father arranged for me."

  Xu Chi didn't respond after hearing this. He stroked her hair with his fingertips, full of tenderness and pity.

  Jijin was puzzled, "Aren't you angry?"

   "Why should I be angry?" He said calmly, "You don't like him."

  The little girl pouted, "But I'm angry."


   "That girl has been by your side all night, talking to you all the time."

  Jinjin looked aggrieved, "I, my real girlfriend, haven't even been able to say a few words to you."

  Xu Chi lowered his head and kissed her cheek very lightly, trying not to touch the foundation on her face, and coaxed in a low voice, "Don't be angry, huh?"

  Ji Jin wanted to laugh, but he held back his lips, his bright eyes looked at him, and the joy in his heart was about to overflow his chest.

  Xu Chi's breathing was stagnant, his Adam's apple rolled several times, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Today, don't look at me like that."

   "Why?" She is like a good baby who asks when she doesn't understand.

   "Because I can't help but want to kiss you."

   Before Jinjin could react, the man's lips had already dropped.

   Gentle and fiery.

  Finally, Jinjin's lipstick was still gone, but the lip color was more gorgeous than the lipstick used, and the almond eyes were watery, and there was an indescribable shyness.

  Xu Chi let her go in first, turned around and took out his mobile phone to make a call, "Check Cheng Ying."

  The two chapters have been merged. Although I really want to say that it will end at the end of the month and the beginning of the month, but thinking of those flags that have been dumped, I cover my face (*/ω\*) so I don’t want to say anything.

  But I finished the detailed outline for the last knife, sharpen the knife... see you tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)