MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 306 Single out the entire guild! Down

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"Bastard!" Hearing this, everyone's expressions changed for a while! Then, without even thinking about it, he summoned up the magic power of his whole body, and almost all of them had extremely ugly faces, howling and rushing towards Achill who was in the pothole in front—

Only Mineba stood there with a gloomy face, her eyes flickering and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Is that so, we all went together as expected." There was no sadness or joy on his face, and there was no extra fluctuation in his expression. Aqier's clothes and hair were all calm and automatic, and he stared indifferently at the saber-toothed ones rushing towards him. A member of Hudi said indifferently, "However, it is a pity that the ants—"

"After all, they are just ants!"

As soon as the words fell, a powerful magical aura erupted from his body instantly! Achill took a step forward in the pit, a faint afterimage emerged, and his figure instantly appeared behind everyone!

"It's an elephant that can be killed by ants—" Raising his head, Aqier said lightly without looking back, "But it can never be a god..."

"Boom—" As soon as the words fell, a terrifying magical shock erupted crazily in the unresponsive crowd behind him! That was the compression magic that he left in that place when he passed through the crowd—

one move! Just such an understatement! In a short time, most of the members of the Saber Tooth Tiger were knocked down by the sudden burst of magic power, and they fell to the ground one after another!

At least more than half of the people were directly incapacitated by Achill's hand—

"Okay, so strong..." Yukino lay on the stretcher with difficulty, staring intently at Aqier who was standing calmly with a pair of beautiful eyes, an uncontrollable excitement appeared in her eyes, Yukino murmured to herself with trembling lips "Is this the strength of an adult? You can only look up at it like a god... This is absolutely unsurpassable strength! Compared with him, the saber-toothed tiger who is known as the strongest is actually so powerful!" Vulnerable..."

"It's such a lord, and now he calls me by name to take me in! Take me to his guild, fairy-tail~! He even started a war with the entire so-called strongest guild, Saber-Toothed Tiger—" Tears fell from the corners of her eyes, wet the blood-stained white stretcher beside her neck, her shoulders trembled violently, she pressed her lips tightly, letting the tears slide down her face, Yukino sobbed softly He said, "Finally, have you finally been noticed, my lord, my lord Achill..." On his face, there was a smile that burst into tears of joy.

"Damn it—" Sting rolled and rushed out from the center of the explosion, and powerful blazing dragon-slayer magic power rose from his body! Like him, there is Rogge who also rushed out! But what emerged from him was the magic power of dragon slayer like a shadow! Facing an unimaginably powerful opponent like Achill, the two actually gave up trying to be normal! Directly turned on their respective white light mode and shadow mode—

"Sting, use that trick!" Rogge shouted at Sting, his figure was like a black lightning bolt, and he rushed towards Achill's direction—

"Know! Dragon Slayer Magic—" A powerful and dazzling white light of magic power surged in the palm of his hand, and he rushed towards Achill from the opposite direction to Rogge! The moment he came behind Aqier, Sting immediately grabbed his right hand, which was bound by magic power, towards Aqier's back like a claw without hesitation!

"Holy white judgment—" getting closer and closer, at the moment when his palm was about to catch Achill's back, Sting couldn't help but roared with joy in his eyes He laughed and said, "Deprive the invading enemy of all freedom!"


Turning his body slightly, with the pupils in Sting's eyes dilated in astonishment, he directly moved past and avoided his confident claw strike, and then reached out with his left hand! ~Slapped directly on the right wrist that passed by him—

"Who do you want to deprive of freedom?" His left hand tightly pinched Sting's right wrist, and at the same time, his right hand directly grabbed Rogge's face who was attacking from the shadow mode on the other side. Archie Er said lightly, "Are you..."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly threw his hands to the sides fiercely! Terrible power burst out like mountains and seas! I saw that Sting and Rogge were suddenly smashed to the two sides uncontrollably like two kites with broken strings—

"Boom~—" Breaking the wall,! The two passed through the barrier of the hotel wall at the same time, and were blasted out of the hotel—

"Memory modeling!~" Rufus' figure suddenly appeared above Aqier's head, and seeing countless pieces of memory flying wildly around him, Rufus gritted his teeth and roared, "Burning the karmic fire of **** - ten times Force open!"

"Peng~—" The large flames seemed to be spewing hot magma downwards, directly engulfing Achill's figure!

However, before Rufus could heave a sigh of relief, he saw a bright red magic spot! Crazy and dazzling straight up in the flames—

"False flash—"

"Boom—" The terrifying scarlet beam of light burst out of the flames! While completely devouring and annihilating the large amount of flames released by Rufus, it also submerged his entire figure! On the already dilapidated hotel wall, a huge gap was opened again!

At this time, Achill's unscathed figure also emerged from the flames.

With a pinch of the probe, the clenched left hand once again frantically condensed the extremely powerful scarlet magic power! Achill didn't even look at the adjustments behind him, and once again yelled at the remaining members of the Saber-Toothed Tiger who rushed towards him, and waved his left hand directly! The crimson magic light sphere compressed to the limit has already exploded behind him with incomparable craziness and ferocity—


From the perspective of the outside world, there was another loud explosion from the direction of the hotel where the saber-toothed tiger was staying! While the entire dilapidated hotel was crumbling, many people covered in green smoke were blasted out of the wall!

"What the **** happened over there??! The guild hotel where the strongest saber-toothed tiger stayed—" A passer-by looked in the direction of the dilapidated hotel in horror, "Could it be that someone deliberately provoked a war between the guilds? What?,!"

"No! I don't think so! Didn't you see that all the members flying out now are members of the Saber-toothed Tiger—" Another passerby denied it flatly, "Compared with the war between guilds, I am more willing to believe there There's a great civil war going on!"

"No way! Civil war?!"

"Otherwise, what do you think? Could it be that someone broke into the entire Saber Tooth Tiger alone?! Stop joking~! How is this possible—"

As everyone knows, the fact is really as he teased at the end, there is a war going on against the entire guild!

"Damn it! Rogge, are you alright?!" Sting, who was thrown directly by Achill's powerful force, rolled back on the street a few times, and directly ignored the doubts and disbelief of the people around him. Keeping his eyes on, he quickly came to the other side, beside Rogge who was thrown directly by Achill from the other direction of the hotel.

"No! That guy doesn't seem to want to waste too much energy on us—" Recalling that he was thrown out almost without any resistance just now, Rogge couldn't help showing deep fear in his eyes.

"Damn it, what a waste!" Sting slammed his fist **** the smooth rock-paved street, instantly creating a big deep hole in the ground! Almost gritted his teeth and said the word 'waste'! Like Roger, he also felt such a feeling——

That kind of feeling is like, he and others are basically no threat to him~ so I don't bother to expend much energy on them!

"Since this is the case, we have to use the last move—" Sting's face became extremely gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "I will make him feel regretful in this power that can slay dragons! Absolutely— "

"Dragon power, well, it seems like this is the only way to go now!" Nodding without hesitation, and after looking at each other, the two of them suddenly jumped up~ At the same time, they erupted and rippling out a white light pattern far more than just now. The shadow mode is even more powerful than the magical breath—

This is what the two of them used as the bottom of the box! Self-proclaimed as a real dragon slayer wizard! He used this to defeat and kill Shuanglongdi who raised and taught him the magic of dragon slaying! Dragon Force—

"Let's go together." Sting said lightly, and then the figures of the two disappeared in place at the same time in an instant! And appeared in the hotel behind Achill who just beat most of the remaining saber-toothed tiger mages with one move and lost all their fighting power—

"Go to hell! What a **** of death! Double dragon fusion magic—" The magic power of two different colors on the two of them instantly exploded and merged—

"Holy Shadow Dragon Fang Flash!"

"Boom—" However, the powerful fusion magic that just spewed out has not had time to rush in front of Achill to show its might! Already being a little impatient with Aqier, UU reading www. turned into magic powder, broken...

"This—no, yes, yes!" The eyes of the two of them widened, and they stared at the proud figure of Achill in disbelief and horror! His eyes were full of disbelief, and his words were filled with deep horror and horror!

"Noisy tongue. There's nothing impossible—" The slightly closed eyes opened indifferently, and Achill's momentum increased in vain, and he whispered softly, "Also, I don't allow the same Lesser..."

"Attack me twice in a row!"

"Pfft! Pfft—" Just as the words finished, two sharp long knives that were full of moon white appeared out of nowhere from behind! Then it pierced and penetrated directly from the belly of the two of them—

With two splashes of bright red blood! The two people whose faces were filled with horror and horror! Nailed straight to the only good lobby wall of the hotel behind him—

It's like nailing a broken cloth bag!

(ps: Houhou! The third update is here!)