MTL - Fairy Tail: The Nameless Grim Reaper-Chapter 360 The source of the mysterious magic

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"Wake up, teacher! Let me read your script, and let me read..." The indifferent and flickering red pupils stared at Achill, and Jeff spoke in a deep voice. "Everything you've ever hoped for—"

"I don't know what you're talking about at all." Gently squeezed the palm of the hand, and the remaining fire dagger dissipated in the palm of the hand, and Achill also refocused on Zeref who was opposite him.

In other words, his main attention has been on him from the beginning to the end. After all, except for the most terrifying black mage Jeff in the legend, neither Wanlong nor Akunorollia It's worth all his heart and soul.

"Is that all you want to say, Jeff." Taking a step forward, his figure appeared directly behind Jeff, back to back, and then directly grabbed his shoulder with his backhand.

Grabbing it with his right hand, he saw that Jeff's figure fluctuated like a phantom. Achill passed through it with his palm without hindrance, but he missed it.

"I don't think what you said is meaningful—" He stretched out his left hand without paying attention at all, a scarlet magic light spot on the tip of his index finger frantically condensed, and Aqir directly stretched his hand towards his left back without looking at it point to-

"Boom—" The scarlet light flashed, and the phantom in front of him dissipated. The moment Zeref appeared, he was directly overwhelmed by the thick scarlet magic—

The terrifying magic power, the hurricane of the explosion suddenly surged,! The soaring rays of light painted the half of the sky with scarlet red!

The smoke and dust dissipated, but Jeff walked out from the center of the explosion step by step, his whole body unscathed.

"It's interesting." Withdrawing his left hand in surprise, Achill wiped and raised his right hand in the air, "Fall down, Nifu—"

"Dingling—" There was a light sound of crisp metal scraping the air, and the moon-white magic power was instantly condensed in the air. The index finger lightly rested on a moon-white metal wide ring. The moon white long knife with a few small holes on the blade immediately spun slowly in his hand—

"This kind of battle is just meaningless." The red light in his eyes lit up, and before he finished speaking, a gray-black storm suddenly burst out from Zeref's body! The terrifying dark magic power far more violent than before spread all over the entire space in an instant!

"Give it to me!" The cherry red light flashed, and in the sky, Erza suddenly appeared behind Jeff with the demon sword Hong Ying in her hand! The whole body is covered with powerful blazing explosive magic power!

Mixed with a touch of cherry red, Erza slashed at the back of Jeff's neck with all her strength! The strong magic power even caused the space to vibrate and tremble—

"Whether it's meaningless or not, it's not for you to decide!" Mira also appeared on the right side of Jeref not to be outdone, and the white shark-toothed sword in her right hand was also moving towards Jeref with a tense momentum. Husband's waist was slashed away—

"For me, I just want to know one answer. I have been waiting for this answer for a long, long, long time..." Jeff raised his hand and moved towards behind him without looking at it, with an indifferent expression on his face ,.

And the right hand is also pressing down with the palm of the hand, pressing down on the big knife that has been chopped to his waist.

But the truth is—

"Do you think it's really that simple?" Achill whispered in his ear, and Zeref couldn't help but frowned slightly. However, before he had any reaction, he found that the attack behind him was like False phantoms usually go straight through his left hand without hindrance.

"Huh?" His pupils shrank slightly, and it was exactly as he thought, and the right palm pressed to his waist also passed through the white sword out of thin air, as if it was a phantom at all...

"Drink!~" Of course it's not a phantom! The powerful restless magic power brought the extremely sharp blade light and cold wind, and the red-tasseled long knife held high by Erza slashed down fiercely towards Zeref's face!

It's just completely opposite to the direction I feel!

At this time, Mira also appeared on the opposite left side from before, and the big knife in her hand had already struck horizontally—

"噗, 铛—" With one hand, he held tightly the blade of the knife he had slashed at the head, and with the other hand, he held the sharp edge of the blade that hit him from the left.

"So that's how it is." He actually blocked the joint attack of the two at the very moment! Jeff whispered indifferently, "Is the sense of direction all messed up? By controlling the ripples received by the other party's brain nerves, you can achieve the magic that confuses all other people's eyes and ears! It is a very superb and very strange method, if it is not because of If the magic resonates with me, even I will fall into it."

"However, it's a pity that I, who live and resonate with magic, as long as I accept the existence of my own magic and don't take the initiative to resist my own magic, then even if my body is deceived, it will still be my magic." The magic power crazily swept across the eruption room, and immediately knocked Erza and Mira away!

"But it will also drive the body to react instinctively." Jeff said indifferently, "So, even people who can be attracted by the confusion of nerves unconsciously conditioned to shoot and reveal their flaws. , but my magic can help me automatically correct at critical moments!"

"Is that so?" With a wave of his finger, the two women who were blown away by Jeref's magic power were instantly transferred to the sky, and Achill appeared in the open space not far behind Jeref, with both hands gesturing towards Jeref. Husband pressed **** his back, "It seems that you can only be solved with a hard bang—"

As soon as the voice fell, as the fingers flicked, one after another, circle after circle, countless bound roads bounded towards Zeref layer by layer! Tens of thousands of ghosts move together! In an instant, he was locked in tightly!

"Instant Opening Dance of the Red Tassels—" Dragging the long sword light, Erza summoned all her magic power to concentrate all her power on the long sword in her hand, and slashed down at Zeref below!

I saw the huge crescent-shaped blazing white magic power, with hints of cherry red luster tearing through the air like a cannonball!

"Instant brilliance—" Then it was like a cherry blossom blooming in an instant! The flash of brilliance is like a superb view, and almost instantly, Zeref has been slammed down!

"Heh~" At the same time, he took a deep breath, and the double-headed spear and the shark-toothed sword in his hand had joined together at some point. A brutal weapon in the shape of a 'cross' large dart! Instigate the magic power of the whole body to throw it downwards fiercely! With exaggerated shrieks and tremors—

The murder weapon rotating at a terrifying speed at a high speed drives the extremely powerful magical aura, and immediately followed Ersha's sword light with an indomitable momentum and cut down fiercely!

"Ten thousand years in the blink of an eye!~—"

Like afterimages regressing back in time and space, dragging a series of long shadows that condensed into substance in an instant, they bombarded like raindrops on the top of Jeff's head below one after another like a torrential rain!

"It's useless." Raising his head, being bound by tens of thousands of ghosts, Jeff said indifferently with his expression unchanged.

"Really." With a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, he stretched his palms forward, and dozens of circles of purple magic circles with mysterious eye patterns were lined up in the sky, and at the same time he said loudly, "You have to try it to know, calm down! The Cursed Eye Sangha—”

"Humming—" As soon as the words fell, Jeff's whole body was already covered with dozens of strange eye patterns that restrained his body from moving!


At this time, Erza and Mira's joint attack hit Zeref without any hesitation! In an instant, a storm of dazzling light towers soaring into the sky erupted—

"Is it solved, Achill." After the full-strength big move was launched, the pale-faced Erza and Mira could no longer maintain their strongest forms. The two people who had already been exhausted had already been safely transferred to his side by Achill the moment they finished using their tricks.

"Although I really want to say that it has been solved, it seems that it is not that simple." Arming the two girls who were almost unable to stand up, and staring closely at the dazzling pillar of fire in front of him, Achill He said calmly with his expression unchanged, "Relax, leave the rest to me. If you are concerned, return to the refugee force now and gather with everyone. Le Qi will help you recover your own exhaustion and heal your injuries. "This refers to the physical load brought by the two women's use of extraordinary strength.

"Is Le Qi's heart shape? Hehe, after all, ever since Le Qi got your special concept branch to evolve the shape magic into the most advanced heart shape, I haven't had time to try the power of her heart shape." Well." Hearing this, Mira tried her best to smile, and said, "Now I can feel it intuitively." She, who is naturally optimistic, is obviously enjoying herself while suffering.

"That's why I said that I can protect everyone's ability at critical moments." Hearing this, Elusa also tried to smile and nodded. They all bring a lot of physical load.

That's right, the power beyond the holy ten level is not something that can be easily used! Any power has its own self-injury, and it is okay if it is within the scope of its ability, but since it is beyond its original ability to use such an unconventional powerful force, it is also foreseeable to bring some physical side effects. !

"Then, I'll leave it all to you!" The two girls gave Achill a deep look, and then at the same time they showed beautiful and gentle smiles, which were smiles of trust~

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he nodded slightly, and the two women disappeared into his arms, and Achill stood up straight again.

"Okay." Speaking of this, he stretched out his palm, and the surging magic power suddenly erupted in his palm, and the huge wind force formed by the magic power completely blew away the towering fire pillar in front of him in an instant!

Achill said indifferently: "I know you are fine, if you can be obliterated by this level, then you are not worthy of being the strongest black mage in history."

After all, the strength he exerted just now is far from the strength he had when he killed Wanlong and Erza and Mira, who were in charge of the main attack, surpassed the Holy Ten level Although the magic power of the magic power is very powerful when combined with all of its strength, there is still a big gap compared to Akunorollia~ At most it is equivalent to when I fully opened the double-opening magic cherry gun on Sirius Island seven years ago That's all!

At this level, besides being able to play a certain role in probing, Achill doesn't think it can cause any harm to this legendary existence.

"But now it seems that one thing is confirmed~ Through the test just now...Although the magic power is very similar, but hey." Looking at the black mage Zeref who appeared from the flames and smoke, Achill said indifferently.

"Your magic power is completely different from the magic power of the mystery that I felt that night—" Aqier said in an extremely positive tone, "Or, the two are not at the same level at all! Am I right, Black mage! Zeref! Then can you please tell me—"

"The source of that magical power..." Speaking of this, Achill's face became extremely solemn and solemn, "What exactly is it?"