MTL - Fairy Tale-Chapter 635 clan

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   Chapter 635 Clan Land

   Time goes back to an ordinary house in a certain Demon City, one of the Seven Demon City, two hours before the three Oyster Clan were discovered.

  Jia Peicheng stood guard outside with a look of alertness, his face was solemn, his face changed beyond recognition, and there was some worry in his drooping eyes, he seemed to be waiting for something.

   After a while, a black-clothed demon cultivator walked out. He was not tall, his face was flat, and only a pair of quirky eyes made people know that he was a clever boy.

  The boy came out and glanced at Jia Peicheng, smiling like a little fox who succeeded in his trick:

   "Father, let's go."

  Jia Peicheng choked in his heart, and his dark face showed a subtle unease.

   He was a father, and every time he was called by the immortal Fuji, he had to lose ten years of life.

   He followed Lian Yi silently, not saying a word. From an outsider's point of view, this is a pair of demon cultivator father and son, which is very common.

  The father cultivated as an earth immortal and was taciturn, while his son was only a spiritual transformation, but he looked very clever, and his whole body was very pure. Although he was young, his future was limitless.

   The two of them are very ordinary, the devil repair boy is very detached, and seems to be yearning for wealth and honor, and he lingers on the surrounding area of ​​the devil's mansion.

   However, he also knows the etiquette very well, just looking at it, and he often haunts the surrounding streets.

   There are many demon cultivators like this. The demons worship the strong, and the strong are respected. There are many people in the demons who will directly teach future generations, and the demon king is the goal of their struggle.

   Even in the magic city, there is a martial arts competition every year, and the strong ones can go to the devil's mansion to work. Every ten years, they will compete again for the devil.

   Therefore, it is not a strange thing to come to the Demon King's mansion to observe.

  Isn’t it okay to just take a look?

   An hour later, the demon father and son went to the best restaurant in the city and asked for a private room.

  The father seemed reluctant, but he was a child who loved him. The son next to him wanted to eat a mountain delicacy that could only be served in the private room. He could only grit his teeth and took out the fairy stone.

   Finally arrived at the private room, and when the second child in the Yuan Ying period finished serving the dishes, they closed the private room door.

  The door has its own soundproof array, but it is very hidden.

   After the door was closed, Lian Yi raised his hand and pulled out a bunch of green spiritual threads. After the green spiritual threads were drawn out, they instantly turned into strands and scattered in all directions!

  Walls and doors, like frescoes, were soon engraved with green patterns.

   was only very fast, and it was fleeting in the blink of an eye. It didn't stay long before disappearing into the walls and doors, as if it had never appeared.

   It was only after those lines disappeared that the father finally relaxed. He relaxed his back and let out a long sigh of relief, as if he had been holding it back for too long.

   Naturally, the two of them wouldn't eat or drink from the restaurant run by the Demon Race, and each took out the delicious food in the storage bracelet.

Jia Peicheng's side is very monotonous, but it's just a wine bag, and it's rich even here. She even took off the black clothes she was wearing outside, revealing the green clothes inside. Seven or eight kinds of food are displayed.

   There are wine, vegetables, meat, tea and fruit, these days are really the envy of the gods.

   Now, with no one around, Jia Peicheng can finally talk about what he has held back for more than a day.

   "Fujixian, do you have any plans?"

   Originally, he thought that Fuji Xian asked him to kill the oyster clan monsters, that is, as soon as he entered the city, he had a clear goal and a quick fight.

  Unexpectedly, this is not the case.

   Before they entered the city, they used magic crystals to cover up their auras, and even changed their attire by disguising themselves, and their cultivation was too low to be noticeable.

   In Jia Peicheng's view, this is the omen of a big fight!

   However, he seems to be wrong, since he entered the city yesterday, even now, Lian Yi has been shopping!

   Then, the group of little devils who were fascinated by her talent and supernatural powers were very obedient, and they even asked everyone to take her to their house, and they didn't know what they were doing behind closed doors.

After    came out, they all looked satisfied.

  Jia Peicheng has endured it for a long time. In fact, he can't bear it for a long time. If it wasn't because of such things as innate and magical powers, he couldn't peep at will, and he wouldn't dare to peep at Fuji Xian. He had already asked.

  Lian Yi couldn't help raising his eyebrows, his eyes were full of smiles, Jia Peicheng didn't say anything, but his eyes seemed to say everything.

   She looks like a flower thief.

   "Do you know why we came to this magic city?"

   They entered the city yesterday. The demon king of this magic city is not the oyster clan from the outer domain, but one of the three local magic cities.

  Jia Peicheng nodded, even doing things with his own intentions, although his actions were a bit strange, but there were some situations that Jia Peicheng didn't say, he still knew.

  Actually, Jia Peicheng asked Lianyi about the information about the Seven Devils City.

   "This magic city is the beginning of the Seven Magic City. Before the Oyster Clan came here, there was a magic city here, and the address is the location of the magic city where we are."

   is equivalent to, now as one of the seven demon cities, this magic city is the change of the sun and the moon, and it is also built on the ancient site.

   Such an ancient city, there should be some legends and stories in this city.

   These, Jia Peicheng understands, but what he doesn't understand is, what do they even want to do with such a low cultivation base, what do they know?

  Lian Yi raised his eyes and knew what Jia Peicheng was complaining about.

   These days, Lian Yi is really listening to stories.

   The reason why she didn't pick the one with the highest cultivation base must have her own considerations.

   After all, she is a local monster. If her cultivation base is already an immortal, her psychedelic supernatural powers may not be able to be used. After all, her current cultivation base is only an earth immortal who has just entered the fairy gate.

   Now, this magic city is comparable to a tiger's den. She and Jia Peicheng are alone, so it's better to be cautious.

   Moreover, the lower the cultivation base, the better the control and the more invisible it is.

The most important thing is that Lian Yi has a choice. The "lucky ones" she chooses are either the relatives of the Demon King or the family members of high-ranking officials who work in the Demon King's mansion. If you ask them about things, you will be able to dig out some common diggers. Something out of reach.

   That's why she lingers in this area.

   Those who can live around the Demon King's mansion are either rich or expensive.

   "This is not just the beginning of the Seven Demons City. The place where this Demon City is located was originally the clan of the Primordial Demon Yuanzun family. Buyan Mountain is also."

   Hearing this news, even Yi was surprised.

   Later, she deliberately asked this question repeatedly, and I heard that there was a city chronicle in the Demon King's mansion, and it was recorded in it.

  Jia Peicheng: "…"

   After a while, it was rather dry, "Such a good place, if they say they don't want it, they don't want it?"

   Lian Yi snorted, in fact Jia Peicheng stopped talking and she knew what was going on.

   What he really wanted to ask was, is it not good to live and work in peace with such a clan land?

   It is going to start a war of immortals and demons, pulling thousands of living beings into this huge vortex, and no one can be alone.

   is just a "greed" character at work.

   She shrugged, picked a spirit fruit and took a bite, the sweet juice overflowed the tip of her tongue, and she felt a little better.

   "It's clearly recorded in their city chronicles. In fact, where the Seven Demons City is located, it turned out to be the clan of the native Demon Race, but obviously this city is very special."

Jia Peicheng agrees with what Lian Yi said. This is the site of the old city. Now he knows that this place is the original clan of the Shimo Yuanzun clan. Even if part of it was given to the oyster clan, the demon clan in this city have always occupied it. No one would believe it if it wasn't special.

Without waiting for her to ask again, Lian Yi replied: "I asked a lot of people who don't know, only the relatives of the Demon King's family. It said that there is a team in the Demon King's mansion, which is specially sent by the Demon King. I have already found two of them. Address, tomorrow, let's go and have a look!"

   This team should be the confidant of the Demon King. Since he is a confidant, he must know a lot of things.

  Lian Yi took another sip of wine and continued to count the news she had inquired.

   "By the way, there are still more than two months, and it will be the martial arts competition, which is to compete for the devil."

   To put it bluntly, that is, when fighting, the stronger is respected.

   The person who is eligible to bid for the Demon King must be a person who holds a post in the Demon King's mansion.

   And choose the strongest one among them, and fight with the current devil, the winner can become the new castle lord.

   And cruelly, the winner can do anything to the loser.

   Under normal circumstances, if a new Demon Lord is born, the old Demon Lord will die without a place to be buried, and will be killed on the spot.

   In the magic city, there is another kind of happy, not so **** situation, that is, if the cultivation base has reached the point where it can cross the ladder, then you can choose a strong person to succeed the devil.

   Under normal circumstances, they will be chosen in their own family.

   Therefore, in this magic city, it seems fair to hire a demon king, but in the end it is still controlled by the family.

   The current Demon King is called Magic Resistance, and he has been in office for decades. It has a father-son relationship with the previous Demon King.

   However, this method is also extremely ruthless. In the competitions of the years, the people who are also demons fell into his hands, and the end is very tragic.

   This demon loves to break the enemy's head, and has practiced claw skills, making it extremely powerful.

   "What happened to the martial arts tournament? Could it be that Fuji Xian wants to see it?" Jia Peicheng was actually very interested when he heard what Lianyi meant.

Unexpectedly, Lian Yi really nodded: "It's just two or three months, I can still afford to wait, since I want to find the secrets of this magic city, I naturally need to know a thing or two about the master here, otherwise, when facing the enemy , how can we win.”

   It's not that Lianyi can't get through this magic city, it's really this place, the terrain is too special.

Not to mention, this magic city is the clan of the Shimo Yuanzun family, because of the special nature of Wuyan Mountain, and whether this land is very close to the small ladder or the third middle world, it can't even let go. .

   She always had a gut feeling that there was a connection.

   But what is the specific connection, even I can see flowers in a fog.

   But, since she has the opportunity to come here, she will definitely make more inquiries.

  Before she first arrived, she really didn't expect it to be so complicated.

   is just a matter of passing.

   After all, her main purpose was to find the spirit of beech wood, to inquire about the magic city, and to add some firewood to the conflict between the two races of monsters, which was her original intention.

  Unexpectedly, along the way, she found more and more that the water was not ordinary deep.

   actually involved the clan of the Beginning Demon Clan.

   made her dizzy.

   Originally, she couldn't get in touch with these in the Guangmei Star Region, but when she arrived in this fairyland, she had more and more direct confrontation with the Beginning Demon Clan.

   She felt more and more that the heavenly pit dug for her by the Wuji Tianzun, and she didn't know if there would be a day when it would be filled.

   Seeing Lianyi talking, I don't know what suddenly came to mind, and two fierce lights suddenly appeared in his eyes, which made Jia Peicheng choked on the wine.

   looked up again, and saw Lian Yi looking at him with a normal expression, as if he was still asking him what was wrong.

   He also felt that he had misunderstood the two fierce lights just now.

   I always feel that it doesn't fit well with Fuji Xian.

   However, since there are still two or three months, it is not urgent to inquire about things in the city.

   Jia Peicheng was worried about one more thing.

   "Have you inquired about the rising immortals in the Guangmei Star Region?"

This is also very miraculous. As soon as they entered the city, they heard rumors in the city that the immortals from the Guangmei Star Region were very unruly and always provoke the Shimo clan. So far, three have been caught and they have been infiltrated. in hell.

   One of them is very famous. Before his ascension, he was the master of time and space in the Guangmei star field, named Suyuan.

   There are two more, but they just recently ascended.

   One of them was a Buddhist monk, and the other was Lian.

   This is directly pointing to the east and the outside.

   At that time, when Jia Peicheng heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

   Although I felt something was wrong, it was inevitable that I would be nervous.

   But Lian Yi was like nothing, so he didn’t even ask about it.

   Now Jia Peicheng asked.

   Lian Yi really asked a few questions.

"Naturally, I asked. It's similar to what we thought before. This is to blow up my whereabouts. At this time, if I move, or if someone really asks about it, then they will follow their path. "

When    came out of the Xiling Pond, the life information of this person had been recorded in the fairy world, and the fairy world became the fairy people of the fairy world by default.

   Therefore, where a monk comes from is transparent in the fairy world.

   It is normal for monsters to know so clearly.

   From this point of view, Lian Yi is still very grateful to the monsters, it seems that Lian Wai has finally soared, otherwise, the demons will not make a fuss about him.

   "I used my innate magical power to probe it, but these days, the Demon King suddenly ordered to spread these rumors."

   "It should be revenge for the conflict I picked on two monsters."

   "Others, there is no actual news that the three were caught."

   Not to mention traceability, old and hot, how many years has this old guy lived and how many years has he been besieged and blocked by the demons? They haven't been caught, how could they be caught suddenly now?

   Also, Master Donglai has a sect with her, and even the outsiders and her compatriots blood, so the demons chose to make a fuss about these two people, wanting to see her lose her sense of time and show her feet.

   However, how could she be so bad.

  How cautious Master Donglai is, she didn't know it a day. If she is going to be arrested, the news won't be released soon.

   There is also an outsider, that is, a character like a loach who can't lose his hand, and there is a feeling between the blood of the compatriots.

   Even without panic, without panting, without shaking hands, that guy must be alive and well.

   was about to say something when suddenly there was a knock on the door!

   (end of this chapter)