MTL - Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills-Chapter 963 . Leaving Shu City

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   After some searching, the butler was not in the mansion. The search was fruitless, so Chu Tang sneaked into King Dongling's room.

  A bell rang, and the door of King Dongling's room opened, and then King Dongling came out of the room, his eyes blank, walking mechanically, and going in one direction.

  Chu Tang avoided trouble, did not show up, and followed in the dark.

  The patrolling guard came over and saluted respectfully, "My lord, it's so late, where are you going?"

  The king of Dongling "looked" at the guard, "I'll go to the dungeon to have a look, don't follow, you should patrol well, lately there are always bad guys trying to break into the palace to save people, so be vigilant."

   "Yes, my lord." The guard clasped his fists and responded respectfully.

   Tanglin King continued to walk forward.

  Just walking through a corner corridor, a delicate voice came, "My lord, are you going to my concubine's room?"

   This sound made Chu Tang get goosebumps all over his body, he rubbed his arms, how could there be such a voice?

  Dangling King pushed the concubine away and walked forward.

  The little concubine finally saw King Dongling, how could she let him go so easily, grabbed King Dongling's arm and dragged him to her room, "Xiao Zhou, come on, help me."

  She couldn't do it alone, so she asked her servant girl to help her catch people.

  Chu Tang Fu forehead, are all the women in the back house so horny?

   King Dongling wanted to go to the dungeon, so he naturally wouldn't follow the concubine, so he pulled out his arm, pushed the concubine and the maid away, and continued to walk to the dungeon.

   "My lord, my lord..." The concubine looked at King Dongling's back and cried out in a mournful voice.

  At this time, another bell rang, and the concubine and the maid obediently walked to their rooms.

  Chu Tang waited for the concubine and maid to leave before following up again.

   Right at this moment, something bad happened, the steward came back, he was very surprised to see King Tangling walking in the garden, "My lord, why did you come out?"

   Tanglin King said while walking, "I'll go to the dungeon to have a look."

  Under the dark night, the butler frowned slightly, and the prince seemed to be a little bit wrong, "Subordinate, will you go with me?"

   King Tangling nodded, and headed for the dungeon with the steward.

  Chu Tang took out the bell again, and after controlling the butler, they went to the dungeon together.

  It turned out that the entrance to the dungeon was in the woodshed. After the two entered the woodshed, they opened the mechanism on the wall, and then a secret passage appeared on the wall, and the two walked in one after the other.

  Chu Tang followed and entered the dungeon together.

   The dungeon was heavily guarded, and Chu Tang did not take it lightly just in case.

  The king of Dongling and the steward didn't stop until they reached the door of the prison where Jiang Zhaoyong was imprisoned. The two looked at Jiang Zhaoyong without speaking.

  Jiang Zhaoyong was tortured. He curled up in a corner, his hair was disheveled, and his clothes were stained with blood. He stood motionless in the corner, as if he had passed out.

   King Tangling had the cell door opened and walked in.

  The butler stepped back, entered the shadow, and came out of the shadow after a while, walking towards the cell.

  The housekeeper brushed Jiang Zhaoyong's hair away, and even his face was covered with bruises.

  He fed Jiang Zhaoyong a pill, then waved his hand, and a gust of wind blew out all the lights in the cell, which shocked everyone, but after a while, the fire ignited itself again.

  The guard hurried forward to show his courtesy, "My lord, are you alright?"

   "I'm fine, you must watch carefully, and don't make any mistakes." King Dongling waved his hand and warned solemnly.

   "Yes, my lord."

  Then, the prince and the housekeeper left the dungeon and walked towards the gate.

  Looking at this scene, the concierge was very strange, but this was not something he could talk about. He just watched without daring to say anything, and then he just watched King Donglin and the steward and left.

   King Dongling and the steward walked into an alleyway, but disappeared.


   Shang Zixing looked at Jiang Zhaoyong who was covered in injuries, not knowing what to say.

  Chu Tang sat on the stool and looked at Jiang Zhaoyong on the bed, "I can't leave the city at night. We will leave the city early tomorrow morning. You go and prepare a carriage and pick us up at dawn tomorrow."

   "His injury is so serious, can he walk?" Shang Zixing was very worried.

   "It's okay, his injury will be much better tomorrow." Chu Tang had already fed Jiang Zhaoyong pills, which contained spiritual energy. After taking them, his body would be nourished and his injuries would heal quickly.

   "That's fine, I'll go get ready right away." He admired the ability to quietly rescue people from the heavily guarded Dongling Palace.

  Chu Tang performed a cleansing technique on Jiang Zhaoyong, cleaned him up a bit, and then left the room.

   "Qing Zhi, Qing Zhi..." The parrot flew over and landed on Chu Tang's shoulder.

  Chu Tang took out some small caterpillars for them to eat, "Eat it, I forgot to feed you today, are you hungry?"

   "Hungry." The three parrots flew over to eat quickly. In fact, they can already find food for themselves, but the food outside is not as delicious as Chu Qingzhi's.

  Chu Tang watched them eat, "I don't know how the fourth sister is doing?"

  The parrot flew in front of Chu Qingzhi and comforted her, "Qingling auspicious people have their own auras, and nothing will happen."

  Chu Tang touched its head, "Eat it quickly, we are leaving here tomorrow."

  The next day just after dawn, Chu Tang helped Jiang Zhaoyong go downstairs and put him into the carriage.

  Jiang Zhaoyong has woken up, his injuries have healed a lot, but the internal injuries have not fully recovered, his face looks very pale, "Thank you for coming to save me."

   "It's all thanks to Chu and Tang, I didn't do much to help." Shang Zixing put down the curtain of the carriage, sat on the shaft by himself, and drove the carriage.

  Jiang Zhaoyong already knew that Chu Tang's identity was Chu Qingzhi, and looked at Chu Tang, grateful, "Thank you very much."

   "As long as people have nothing to do." Chu Tang said.

  While they were talking, the carriage was also heading towards the city gate. The palace hadn't realized yet that their prince had replaced Jiang Zhaoyong, and the carriage left Shucheng smoothly without any movement.

   After passing through the city gate, the carriage immediately rushed to Tangying.

  In the carriage, Chu Tang coughed suddenly, "Jiang Zhaoyong, I have something to tell you."

  Jiang Zhaoyong saw that Chu Tang's tone was so solemn, he couldn't help breathing slightly, "What happened?"

  Chu Tang said slowly, "The fourth sister is missing, I rushed back to save her, but you don't have to worry too much, the other party just wants to use the fourth sister to exchange things with Jing Hong, it should not hurt the fourth sister."

  Jiang Zhaoyong clenched his hands tightly, "When did it happen?"

  Chu Tang said, "Yesterday, I originally planned to leave Shucheng after saving you, but I didn't open the city gate at night, and your injuries are too serious, so I left now."

  Jiang Zhaoyong blamed himself very much, "If something happens to Qing Ning, I will never forgive myself!"

   "Stop talking about this, tell me, why are you going to the palace?" Well, what are you going to the palace for?