MTL - Farming in the Mountains: Max Level Jiaojiao Is Three Years Old-Chapter 2021 Extra Story: A New Life 136

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   Chapter 2021 Extra Story: A New Life 136

"We have done a lot of work for her, but there is no improvement. We also know where the problem lies. It's her mother. I can't be in a hurry... But there are only 100 days left before the college entrance examination. Time is waiting for no one. Mr. Zhou, you See what you can do?" The head teacher asked after changing the conversation.

   Zhou Ping had no good solution, but he was not worried at all, and smiled: "Isn't there still 500%? It's pretty good. I think I passed 200 to 300% in the beginning."

   The head teacher had a black line, "Mr. Zhou, that's not what you said..."

Zhou Ping smiled and said: "Teacher, I understand what you mean, but I still want to follow our family. Although it is a pity that I may not be able to get into a good university, I also fail the school very much, but Yaoyao is only a child and should not be burdened with so much. We also know that our Yaoyao situation is special right now and cannot be forced, otherwise you wouldn't call your parents to talk about this, and at this time of her life, it's best for her to come out slowly."

   The head teacher said a lot more, but Zhou Ping still meant it, and he didn't give in. In the end, the head teacher had no choice but to give up and keep sighing.

   seems to have seen that the city No. 1 Middle School will not have the top scorer in the college entrance examination this year.

When he came out of the office, today was not the day of class at all, Zhou Ping wanted to take the little girl home, but seeing that the little girl was still bowing her head, Zhou Ping thought about it and didn't go home immediately, but looked for it nearby. In a milk tea shop, I brought the little girl in to buy milk tea, and then sat in the milk tea shop and let the little girl drink milk tea.

The little girl was holding the milk tea, biting the straw, and kept her head down. She didn't look at Zhou Ping until she drank quietly for a while before she raised her head and said to Zhou Ping, "I'm sorry, brother. ."

   "What nonsense, why are you sorry for me." Zhou Ping smiled and pushed the little cake in front of the little girl and let the little girl eat it.

   The little girl didn't eat it, and still held a super-sized cup of milk tea, "I'm going to cause you to be told by the teacher."

"What's that," Zhou Ping felt amused, "What are you thinking about, you little head, don't think about it, my brother doesn't feel that he is being told. It's you, don't care about what your teacher said, you don't care about the test. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get into college, your family doesn’t matter, if you really want to go to college, but you can’t get it, your family can’t do anything about it. The big deal is to send you to study abroad. You can’t rest assured about this kind of thing, ah?”

The    voice unconsciously turned into a coax, especially gentle.

The little girl looked at him, blinked for a while, and then asked, "Brother, what university did you study?" The older brother looked very smart at first glance, but she didn't understand, why did the older brother just say that he had passed two exams in the past. Three percent.

"Me," Zhou Pingyi was there, picked up his milk tea with one hand, and took a sip, "I was originally a scumbag and couldn't get into any university. Later, it was with the help of my two good friends. , that is Xue Yan and Jiang Yue that I told you again, and then they were admitted to university, which is S University, and later got their master's degree in S University. This is the main reason why our family will transfer the company to S city. , because I decided to develop there, and it turns out that my decision was right, so the company is developing so well now. But the competition is really big. When your college entrance examination is over, you can go to college, whether you have been admitted or not, and have been admitted again. Wherever you go to university, we will take you all to move to S city, otherwise it will be too troublesome to run away."

   (end of this chapter)