MTL - Farming Space: The Lucky and Lovely Lady Come to Farm-Chapter 20 Feeling cold

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Chapter 20 Feeling cold

Gu Qing hadn't left the hospital yet when he heard Gu Fei's shout and hurriedly walked into the house.

 Gu Fei groaned and took out a few taels of silver from under the pillow, "Brother, I know there is no money at home. This is all what I saved before. You can use it to buy food first."

Gu Qing took the silver in surprise. Could it be that the silver was hidden in the girl's shoes? Such a big piece would hurt the feet.

Gu Fei said again: "I have to ask my eldest brother for one thing. Go into the city and ask for me whether the female relatives of Pingyang Marquis Mansion are still in prison."

 She was worried that the second lady might be exiled.

Gu Qing nodded, "I happen to be going to the Yamen, I will make sure to inquire carefully."

Gu Qing took the silver and went out, and the father and son hurried to the city.

 After a while, Li Chunhua came in with Xiaocao in her arms, followed by a woman and a little boy.

Gu Fei stood up and smiled at her, "Auntie."

This woman, Mrs. Li, is the daughter-in-law of her brother-in-law and Li Chunhua’s aunt. It was Li who was the one who led Gu Qing and Li Chunhua to get married.

 The little boy is Li's child, named Huzi, and he is seven years old this year.

 Li took a dozen eggs in her hand and put them on the bed, "Auntie heard that you came back and didn't get any other good things. I also saved a few eggs at home to replenish your health."

"Thank you, Auntie. How are you at home?" Gu Fei said while looking at Ms. Li. She hadn't seen her in eight years. Ms. Li was much older, and her face was full of sorrow.

Mrs. Li sighed, "Oh, what's the matter? The harvest this year is not good. It hasn't rained since the beginning of spring. Not even a drop of summer grain has been harvested. The autumn grain can't be sown. What will the family eat from now on?" ah!"

Li Chunhua hugged Xiaocao and sighed, "Isn't that right? I heard that several families in the next village have fled to famine. There is no other way. There is no food, so we can't starve to death at home."

My family originally had some savings, but in order to redeem my sister-in-law, I emptied all my savings. I don’t know how I will live in the future.

 The two women sighed at each other.

Gu Fei felt a chill in her heart when she heard this, and suddenly remembered the history book she had memorized during the college entrance examination. In the year xxxx AD, there was a severe drought in the five counties in the north. The drought lasted for three years, and the entire north had no harvest, so that nine out of ten households were affected. The fields were empty, and the fields were starved to death. They ate bark, grass, roots, field mice and bugs, and everything edible in the fields. In the end, they had no choice but to eat people.

 Some ate their own wives, some ate their own sons, some cut the flesh directly from the corpses and ate them, and there were countless women and children sold to the south by human traffickers.

 Too many people died and no one collected their bodies. The corpses rotted and breed bacteria, which caused the plague. Later, the entire north became a hell.

Gu Fei knew from his memory that it was now the third year of Jiayou of the British Dynasty, and Jiayou was the reign name of the last emperor of the British Dynasty!

According to the year of the demise of the British Dynasty, wouldn't this year be around AD xxxxx?

 The three-year drought has begun?

Gu Fei's heart trembled, and she tried her best to recall the content in the history book. The current emperor was called Emperor Ai in history. Since the severe drought in the north in the third year of Jiayou, the people in the north have been in dire straits. The central government has gradually lost control over the local areas. The vassal kings Separate regimes and endless wars, the entire Kyushu region fell into a century-long period of turmoil.

 Oh my God, how could I have traveled to this era? Gu Fei suddenly felt like she was getting cold.

How to do how to do?

 (End of this chapter)