MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 15

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The fourth year of Kangxi, that is, the year when Nemin was canonized as the queen, because the emperor was still young and should not indulge in women's sex, so only a few concubines were appointed. The family background is good and the status is high. It is also only one of the Niuhulu clan.

This year's general election is the first general election since Emperor Kangxi got married and took the lead.

Nemin is in charge of the palace and the upcoming draft. When the old lady entered the palace, what she said could be changed.


Hesheli Shulan is Nemin's younger sister and will be ten years old during Chinese New Year. Nemin refused at the time, never thinking that they would bring it up again now.

"It's not enough to have one of my daughters in the palace, I have to send Shulan in too. Those women who were raised in the harem at a young age, who is not bitter and afraid to speak?"

"Quiet the fire." Rong Xin gave her a lychee and said calmly, "You are the empress, if you say no, who would dare to disobey?"

Nermin spit the core on the veil, and still said: "When I was going to marry into the palace, they had this plan, but I told Mafa that I didn't want to, and Mafayi is gone. Me. Now, I'm just watching Ma Jia and Zhang give birth. Are you anxious? But what's the use of Shulan at her age?"

Rong Xin saw that she was starting to talk, worried that she would get angry, picked up a lychee and put it down, poured a glass of warm water, and said objectively: "Even if there are some other thoughts, think It must not be a lie to ask Second Miss to accompany you."

Nemin took a deep breath and calmed down, "Alas—Sister Rong will go to Hesheli's house for me, and tell them that whenever I stay in the harem for a day, after the Hesheli's house, The honor of the family is there, and the rest of the Hesheli family can wait until they are old enough to be married and become the first lady."

"Yes, the slave will leave the palace tomorrow."

Nemin pressed her forehead, "Is it better than anything to teach a man?"

Since the death of Sonny, the Hesheli family has been in decline in the court. , anyway, let Nemin feel more relieved.

But not to mention the next generation of the big house, the young sons of other houses are all mediocre, and Nemin is in the deep palace, so there is no way to pay attention.

In response, Rong Xin could only say: "When I leave the palace, I will help you ask the young masters about their academic and martial arts skills."

"Just as you say."

On the second day, Rong Xin came directly to Hesheli's house with the pen and ink that Nemin rewarded the young masters. She was not notified of her departure from the palace in advance, so as soon as the gatekeeper saw her Surprised, he saluted and hurried in to report.

Rong Xin only paused for a moment, then was invited into the main hall, saw the old lady and the others, and respectfully said: "I made a sudden visit today and disturbed the old lady."

"I'm not disturbed." The old lady asked, "But what is the mother's order?"

The maid served tea, Rong Xin smiled and nodded at her, and then said to the old lady: "The empress's palace is busy, and I often feel guilty because I have no time to care about the health of the elders in the family. It just so happens that I am not very busy today. I'll come back to visit on my behalf."

The eldest lady said with a distressed face: "Lao Nvshi conveyed, please take care of your body."

"Definitely." Rong Xin greeted the little **** to present the gift, and then asked, "Miss and young masters here? The lady also prepared gifts for them separately."

The eldest lady glanced at the old lady, and immediately said, "We're in class, so let them come over to receive thanks."

When the juniors of the Hesheli family arrived, Rong Xin first informed the boys about Nemin's teaching expectations, they took the gift and thanked them, and then left.

The girls are here for now.

Rong Xin looked at several cute and well-behaved little girls one by one, and finally fell on the second Miss Shu Lan, smiling: "The election is imminent. In the scene, she is very fortunate to be born in the Hesheli family, because of the loving elders like the ladies, she was extremely happy in those years."

"The lady has been sensible since she was a child, and she deserves to be loved by others."

Rong Xin smiled, then picked up an exquisite wooden box from the little eunuch's tray behind him, opened it, and said to a few little girls: "This is a fashionable bead flower in the palace, Play with the ladies."

A few younger ones followed behind Shu Lan, took it respectfully, and thanked the queen.

Rong Xin pointed out: "Second Miss's age, it is time to participate in the next draft, with the Queen's Empress, it must be to marry a top young talent, not Miss Negative has such a character."

Hesheli Shulan was young and didn't know about the elders. Hearing her say this at this time, her eyes were both shy and joyful.

After the eldest lady and the old lady looked at each other, they added a few words with a smile.

Rong Xin said what she should have said, and did not stay for a long time, she declined the proposal to see her family, and went back to the palace with her.

Nemin said that she wanted to eat candied fruit from a store, so she made a detour. Rong Xin heard the constant hawking on the street in the carriage, and after asking, she remembered that it was fifteen today, no. Few people came out to set up stalls.

Rong Xin opened the window a little, just happened to see a small stall selling rattles, all kinds of rattles, she saw a red one at a glance, and said to the little **** outside: "Stop ."

"Nv Shi, do you have any orders?"

Rong Xin handed him some copper plates and said, "Buy that red rattle for me."

The little **** got off the carriage, bought a rattle according to her instructions, returned to the carriage and handed it to her, saying, "The Ministry of Internal Affairs has done it more delicately. If the female historian likes it, you can ask them to do it."

Rong Xin shook the rattle, listened to the sound of "dong dong", with a smile on his face, "What is done in the palace is the same as it is outside."

She took the rattle all the way back to Kunning Palace, but when she stepped in, she found that the people beside the emperor were guarding outside the palace.

Rong Xin calmly took the things into the hall and greeted him calmly.

Kangxi looked at the rattle in her hand and asked with a smile, "Why did Rong Nushi bring this thing back when she went out of the palace?"

"The slave happened to see some people selling it, so I wanted to buy it back and show it to the empress." Saying that, Rong Xin presented the rattle with both hands to Nemin.

"I'm so old, you still use these things to coax me." Said so, but Nemin directly picked it up, looked carefully and turned a few times, "Folk craftsmanship, It doesn't have any flavor."

Seeing that the queen was having a good time, Kangxi shook his head and laughed, "I never thought you would still like this."

"Your Majesty, please don't wrong your concubine, the concubine just can't bear to waste Rong Xin's heart."

Rong Xin covered her mouth and smiled, Nemin's appearance was not simply because she didn't want to waste her mind.

"How is the health of Mrs. Hesheli?"

Rong Xin put away her smile and replied seriously: "Go back to the emperor, the old lady looks very good."

Kangxi nodded and said to Nemin: "If I remember it well, the queen has a younger brother who is also of age to get married?"

"Yes." Nemin gently put the rattle on the drawer and said, "Lunbu is not too small. Before my mother entered the palace, she also mentioned Lunbu's marriage to me."

"The Queen's younger brother, you have to point to a good one."

Rong Xin listened to the two chatting about the draft, quietly exited the hall, handed the candied fruit bought for the Queen to Qianhang, and then went back to change clothes.

On the day of the primary election in the Imperial Garden, Rong Xin accompanied Nemin to the Imperial Garden.

At this time, there were already a group of beautiful girls standing in the distance waiting, Rong Xin looked up at the sun, Nemin noticed, and said lightly: "Eight flag women have experienced this , If you can't stand even this little bit of the sun, won't you be embarrassed for festivals and festivals in the future?"

"You said so."

Banner women have always been proud of the fact that Manchu girls also grew up on horseback. The sinicization has changed a little over the years, but the essence has not changed. The beautiful women must also be healthy.

Nemin sat on the chair on the east side, the palace attendant held an umbrella for her, and drank tea without being arrogant or impetuous.

About the time of a stick of incense, Kangxi's Luan Jia and the Empress Dowager's Feng Nian arrived together. The Empress Dowager did not go to see the show girls, but looked at Nemin kindly and asked, "Come here early, are you tired?"

Nemin shook her head and said in a friendly tone: "Back to the empress dowager, the concubine is fine."


Today, I read the women with yellow flags and yellow flags in the upper three flags. The eunuchs who called the names read their names one by one, the official positions of their fathers, etc., and then the show girls stood in a row of five people. , stand in the open space in front of the emperor, the empress dowager, and the queen.

The Empress Dowager looked at the beautiful woman at the head, and said with some emotion: "This dazzling, you are so old... In a trance, I thought you and the emperor were playing in the imperial garden, just Yesterday."

This woman is Mrs. Tong, the niece of Empress Xiaokangzhang.


Seeing this, Nemin said gently: "Tong's, can you leave a sign?"

There is no doubt about it.

The next row of show girls came up, Rong Xin still thought about the attitude of the empress dowager and the emperor to Tong's daughter just now, and unconsciously remembered the stories of those cousins.


It is Nemin, and Rong Xin also knows that she must not have no grudges in her heart.

Just as a queen, magnanimity is the mother's posture in the world...