MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 16

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The establishment of the Qing Dynasty has only been more than thirty years since the establishment of the Qing Dynasty.

Let's not mention the previous dynasty, in the harem, the basis for the promotion of concubines is still very vague, not to mention that the draft system has only been held a few times since the time of Emperor Shunzhi. There are only a handful of old examples that can be referred to.

In the early stage of the draft, all the affairs of the show girl outside the palace were sponsored by the Ministry of Housing, and after entering the palace, the queen should be in charge.

Nemin went through all the records of the draft, and Rong Xin helped her to straighten it out, and re-improved it on the basis of the only old example, so that the selection of the show girls in the palace was more standardized, Therefore, this time reading the female photos of the draft is more efficient than before.

Originally, the Empress Dowager was a little worried that the Queen was young, and she could not cope with such a big event for the first time, but as the draft progressed little by little, every link was flawless, she was really very gratified .

Privately, the Empress Dowager also said to Kangxi and Su Malagu: "It can be seen that I was under great pressure and supported Hershey to become the queen, which is a very correct decision."

Kangxi nodded in agreement, "The grandmother's vision, the queen is indeed the grandson's 'good helper'."

"But I heard that the female historian beside the queen is often praised in the palace and seems to be very capable?" Xiaozhuang asked casually.

Kangxi nodded slightly, "The queen trusts her more than her."

Xiaozhuang looked at Su Mala and asked, "You have more contact with her, tell me?"

Laughing, the palace people mention her and say 'good' more often."

Kangxi said calmly: "There is also an old nanny in the queen's dowry, who manages many chores of Kunning Palace for the queen. If you say that she is capable, it is not inferior. But the master can stand, The people below can't be arrogant."

After hearing this, Xiaozhuang said with relief: "The draft is so significant, the queen can manage it well, and with such a master of the middle palace, I can also live in the Cining Palace..."

The concubine entered the palace by the draft, not just filling the harem for the emperor, but also involving the Eight Banners, involving the Manchu, Mongolian and Han...

Xiaozhuang does not love power, and the queen can stabilize the harem without being swayed by others. In this way, the emperor can have no worries. Therefore, there is a virtuous queen, she is sincerely happy for the emperor and Qing.

At this time, Nemin was considering the positions of the beautiful girls who stayed in the palace.

Even if the emperor does not intend to give a high position, Nemin, as the queen, should persuade her, but how to persuade her, she has to know what to do...

"Mother, it's time to rest."

Nemin regained her senses and asked with concern: "Why haven't I returned? I have Xueqing here."

"Even if the servant wants to be lazy, she has to wait for you to lie down." Rong Xin looked at her straight, with persistent eyes.

Nemin shook her head, lay on the bed, and said helplessly: "Even when I lie down, I have so many thoughts, how can I fall asleep?"

If you are troubled, you will say something more: everything is done according to the rules, and there is always something wrong."

"Precisely because the rules are not enough to refer to."

"How come? As the saying goes, in terms of merit and deeds, you convince people with reason, uphold reasonableness and justice, who dares to complain? Not to mention—" Rong Xin bent over and approached Nemin'er Side, in a low voice, "Your Majesty can't get past the word 'Etiquette'..."

Nemin pondered, but she couldn't figure it out for a while, so she said, "I'm going to sleep now, you can go back too."

Rong Xin did not refuse this time, nodded and stepped back.

On the second day, after careful consideration, Nemin wrote a letter, and when Kangxi came to the Cining Palace, he presented it to him—

"Since the ministers and concubines have been in control of the Central Palace, they have feared that they will be indebted to the Holy Grace. Looking at the way of governing the interior of the past dynasties, I feel that if you want the interior curtains to be in disorder, they must be rewarded with ritual and law.

According to the opinion of the ministers and concubines, the law of reduction should also be stipulated when the concubines and concubines are promoted and punished:

Those who serve the superiors with all their hearts advance to the throne, those who have merit in giving birth to children advance to the throne, those who have meritorious deeds in the family will advance to the throne...

Anyone who fails to serve his heart will be punished, a person who murders an emperor's heir will be punished, and a member of the royal family who is not strict will be punished...

Such things, please correct me and approve. "

Kangxi read the book carefully, only to find that the queen had been standing still in front of him when he looked up, and immediately smiled: "You and I, husband and wife, why do this? Sit down."

Nemin sat next to him and asked, "What does the emperor think? The concubines also know that there must be some omissions, but now the concubines can only think of this."


As for the position of the newcomer to the palace, Kangxi once again made it clear that there is no need to give a high position for the time being.


Tong Guowei's daughter, Tong, was named a nobleman and was given to live in the west side hall of Changchun Palace;

Borzijit, daughter of Ji Ayuxi, the third-class Duke of Horqin, was named a noble, and she was given to live in the west side hall of Yanxi Palace;

The Na La clan was named a nobleman and was given to live in the eastern side hall of the Yanxi Palace, and several other concubines were assigned to the apse of each palace.

With the relationship between the emperor and the Tong family, it is natural that the Tong family is the first to serve the bed.

Nermin was not surprised at all, even when the emperor favored the newcomer, he still found a book to read.

Rong Xin came back from Chuxiu Palace, saw her like this, smiled slightly, and replied: "Niangniang, this servant has seen the First Prince and Concubine Zhang."

"How?" Nemin was fascinated and asked casually without looking up.

"The eldest prince is young and frail, and even in a bitter summer, he can't stand the ice. The slaves have warned Concubine Ma Jiashu on your behalf that everything the doctor says is subject to what the doctor says. Don't think wildly."

"In the end, it is a child born in October of pregnancy. I can understand it if you value it, but you can't go beyond the rules."

"Concubine Zhang stayed in the house all day to raise the baby, the servants looked at her, her face was pale, but the imperial doctor's examination showed that there was nothing wrong."

Raising a fetus, for fear of something going wrong.

However, the imperial doctor didn't say anything, and she couldn't be more talkative.

Nemin raised her head from the book and asked, "Aren't the other people making trouble these days?"

At this time, when Nemin asked, she replied: "The concubines only have some small disputes over words, as usual, but it's harmless."

"It's good to be innocuous, in fact, their low status is convenient for me." Nemin put the book gently next to him and said, "But I can understand that if Mrs Tong entered the palace, it would be convenient for me." Given a high position, the Niu Hulu clan is a bit unreasonable and has to be promoted together."

However, although the emperor looked at the Niuhulu clan at this time and changed his perception, because of Aobai and Ebilong, he couldn't let go of his grudge no matter what.

Rong Xin nodded in agreement, but did not discuss this time, and instead said: "When the slave came back from the imperial garden, she happened to meet Concubine Niu Hulu and said a few words. …”

She came out of Chuxiu Palace at that time. She didn't take a sidewalk, but took a detour in the imperial garden. Unexpectedly, it was already evening, and the Niu Hulu family seemed to be enjoying the scenery in the pavilion quite leisurely. .

When Rong Xin encounters people, it is impossible not to come forward to greet her, but when Mrs. Niu Hulu saw her, she said in a very gentle tone, "Where did Nvshi Rong come from?"

"Back to the little master, I just visited the eldest prince and Zhang promise from the Chuxiu Palace, and I'm about to return to the Kunning Palace to return to life."

Shi Niu Hulu sighed: "The Empress is really hard work."

However, Rong Xin looked down at the small pot of wine and a few plates of side dishes on the stone table, and then looked at the leisurely and contented state of Niu Hulu. In such a comparison, Nemin seemed to be a bit miserable.

It is clear that Nemin was also a leisurely girl when she was in her boudoir, but at this time, the Niuhulu family can be so leisurely, is there no Nemin who has a good future...

Rong Xin didn't know why he couldn't bear to watch it, so he politely said: "The sun is sinking, the sky is cool and dewy, the little master goes back early and pays attention to your feet."

"Lao Nvshi is concerned, I will pay attention."

At this time, Nemin listened to Rong Xin's story, stared at the shadow of the candlelight in front of her, and murmured: "When I was in the boudoir, I was not on good terms with her, when I heard about her I often go on horseback riding with a few noble ladies on the racecourse, and I also said that this is 'the way is different and the way is different', and now it seems that it really isn't the same..."

Rong Xin listened to her words, but felt a little sad, and blamed herself: "It's all slaves, isn't it, to say that these made you like this, you should be punished."

Nemin looked at her with a smile, shook her head and said, "It's not a big deal."

"Last time you ate that candied fruit well, why don't the slaves go out of the palace to buy some for you tomorrow?" Actually, it is not easy for Rong Xin to go out of the palace, but now she wants to To make Nemin happy, she only thought of such a thing for a while.

"Can't the queen do anything?" Rong Xin's smile faded for a moment, and then smiled again, "The servant took the time to learn how to do it, and in the future, the candied fruit of the empress will be covered by the servants. already."

"Really?" There was joy in Nemin's eyes, but it was not for a few candied fruit, "I definitely like what you did. But..."

Rong Xin puzzled: "But what?"

Nermin blinked a little mischievously, and said, "Since I have always been at odds with the Niu Hulu Clan, I naturally can't see her well..."

Rong Xin suddenly couldn't help laughing, "Then you can't teach others to know that it's because the slaves are talking too much, otherwise, wouldn't they offend people?"