MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 18

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In the next few days, Kangxi continued to favor the beautiful girls other than Bolzigit. Among them, the most favored one is the Tong family, followed by the Nara family, and one of the two will be called to sleep in three or five days.

Nowadays, there are more than a dozen people who have served in this palace. Among them, the favored concubines are-Tong, Ma Jia, Nala, and one who was a palace maid. The emperor's favored Dong family.

Tong's is the cousin of the emperor, Ma Jia has a eldest prince, and the Nala family is from a good family. People dare not target them, so they point the finger at Dong, who was born in Baoyi.

Because the queen has sternly declared the taboos in the palace, they did not do anything to frame it, but the wind and the cold ran on and said disdainfully, and often cut off the hustle when Dong's "random encounter" with the emperor .

Whether it can be done or not, it is indeed quite frustrating.

And the reason why Dong's "random encounter" with the emperor is not entirely because she is familiar with the people around the emperor when serving in the Qianqing Palace, but also because she is familiar with the emperor's habits.

Nemin is the lord of the middle palace, so she can think about it, and turn a blind eye to some things, as long as they don't make trouble too ugly, or anger the emperor, no matter how to win her favor, She never takes advantage of her status as a queen to grab other people's hard-earned opportunities.

So when the concubines greeted the queen, no matter what they thought, they did have some sincere respect.

As a first-class female official in front of the Empress, Rong Xin was even more respectable in front of the Emperor than many concubines. Not to mention walking sideways in the palace, it was almost the same.

Rong Xin sometimes asks herself, seeing that the favored concubines such as Niu Hulu and Tong are polite to her, it is inevitable that there will be some changes in mentality.


There are many eyes and ears: "…"

These days, the feeling that only I know that I am a laity is quite meaningful.

On the first day of November at 3:00, Mr. Zhang launched, and it was still Rong Xin's empress who appeared in the Chuxiu Palace in charge.

When she arrived, Mrs. Zhang had just recovered from the labor pains, Rong Xin saw her sweating profusely, and said respectfully: "Little Master, please be at ease, as ordered by the Empress, the production matters have been arranged properly. , the imperial physician is also waiting in the front hall."

Mr. Zhang pulled a pale smile and said, "Empress Lao is worried, there is a woman's history here, I am no longer worried."

Seeing that she was weak, Rong Xin turned to ask the maid next to her, "How much did you eat for dinner?"

"Hui Nu Shi, I only took a few mouthfuls."

As soon as Rong Xin heard this, she asked Mrs. Wen again, and said to Mrs. Zhang, "Producing is a work of strength, you will definitely not be able to hold on to such a little food, I will ask someone to make it for you. Something to eat."

"I also feel a little flustered." Mr. Zhang nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Rong Xin turned around and went out and asked Dantong to personally watch the preparation.

Although she now knows, the palace has always been very strict with regard to those private matters, and it is unlikely that there will be murders, but it is not a problem to be careful.

Until the end of Xu Shi, the people who stayed at Zhang's came to report, and it was still too early to give birth.

Rong Xin covered her mouth and yawned, and said to the little palace maid, "Make two more pots of strong tea, everyone drink some to wake up."

However, before the tea arrived, someone hurriedly knocked on the door. Everyone thought that something was wrong with Mr. Zhang, but when they opened the door, they saw the elder brother beside him. Waiting maid.

"Please say goodbye to Nvshi Rong." The palace maid hurriedly bowed and said anxiously, "Nvshi Rong, please ask the imperial doctor to see the first prince, the first prince... The first prince is not good... "

Rong Xin glanced at the imperial physician, saw that the imperial physician had already begun to ask about the situation of the palace maid, and explained that Dantong listened to some of Zhang's movements, called her at any time, and then came to the West Side Hall.

As soon as the door opened, a choking smell of burning coal rushed out of her nose, Rong Xin covered her nose, frowned and asked: "Isn't there a heated kang? Why is it burning like this again? How much carbon?"

The imperial doctor checked the pulse of the eldest prince again. The eldest prince's nurse was worried, and after hearing her question, he replied in a low voice and panic: "Hui Nu Shi, it's cold today, the servants and others are worried about the big problems. The prince was weak and sick, so... he wanted to regenerate a brazier to keep warm..."

Rong Xin glanced at the eldest prince, who had a pale face and some difficulty breathing on the warm kang. Hearing him even crying, he was a little out of breath. It was really pitiful.

"Bring two basins of water." Rong Xin ordered.

The palace attendant did not know what she ordered, but she still obeyed and prepared.

Rong Xin evacuated the handkerchief slightly, smelled the charcoal smell in the room, and asked the nurse in doubt, "It doesn't seem to be the charcoal allocated to the eldest prince, right?"

The nanny was about to answer when a voice suddenly came from outside, and then Ma Jiashi hurried in with a tear-stained face and rushed to the eldest prince, sobbing: "Big Brother...Big Brother..."

Seeing this, Rong Xin solemnly instructed Ma Jia's maid: "Pull the little master away, and don't disturb the imperial doctor's pulse diagnosis."

The palace maid did not dare to disobey, and even persuaded and pulled Ma Jiashi away from the heated kang.

Ignoring her worried appearance, Rong Xin thought of the stern look on the imperial doctor's face, and said to the little **** of Kunning Palace: "First, ask someone to go to the imperial hospital to ask someone who is good at small prescription pulse. The imperial physician is here, and I will report to the Empress."

The current imperial physician is specially prepared for Zhang's childbirth.

Moreover, if there is any temporary problem on Zhang's side, it can't be delayed. It is best to hire another imperial doctor in case of emergency.

Ma Jiashi heard Rong Xin calling for an imperial doctor again, wiped the tears from her cheeks, and choked up: "I'm thanking Nvshi Rong on behalf of the eldest brother."

"You don't have to do this, it's my duty."

Ma Jia is just a concubine, in this harem, she is not even as powerful as Rong Xin, and Rong Xin did not ask the empress first, but also considers the safety of the eldest prince. The seriousness is not the dereliction of duty by Kunning Palace.

Rong Xin saw the maids come in with the water basins, and instructed them to place the basins around the heated kang.

At this time, the imperial doctor got up and cupped his hands at Rong Xin: "Rong Nvshi, the first prince's carbon poison is not deep, just because he is weak, the symptoms are more obvious, and the first prince needs to be treated first. Move to another place and ventilate this hall."

Rong Xin turned his eyes and landed on Ma Jiashi, seeing the look of anticipation flashing in her eyes, and said: "Find a thick quilt to wrap the eldest prince, tonight, please temporarily The lord will take care of the eldest prince for one night, and how to arrange it tomorrow will be discussed after I have asked the empress."

Ma Jiashi nodded again and again and said excitedly: "Rong Nushi, don't worry, I will take good care of the big brother."

As a biological mother, she has never been close to her child after the full moon, so Rong Xin can understand her excitement.

Rong Xin watched the maid beside the eldest prince packing things for the eldest prince, suddenly remembered what he asked just now, and asked again: "What's the matter with the burning of carbon in the palace?"

The nanny glanced at Ma Jia's family carefully, and answered with her head down and trembling: "Hui Nu Shi, yes... It was saved by Ma Jia's little master from the example for the eldest prince."

When Rong Xin heard this, she looked at Ma Jiashi and saw that she was weeping again. In the end, she didn't say anything to accuse her, but looked at the nurse seriously and said, "The princes and daughters of the previous dynasty have repeatedly The poison has caused death, and the palace has already asked the palace attendants to be vigilant. Tonight, the eldest prince will be the priority, and I will not punish you for the time being, and tomorrow, you will go to the Internal Affairs Office to receive the punishment.

You will be punished severely after entering the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the eldest prince was treated urgently by the imperial doctor, his face improved, and then he returned to the second room of the main hall.

Mother Qi came to Kunning Palace, Rong Xin didn't expect it to be her, but then she saw Liang Jiugong by the emperor's side also came, and knew that she was right for the safety of the eldest prince. of.

At this time, Xiaofangmai's imperial physician had not left yet, because Rong Xin had to take care of Zhang's childbirth, so he asked him to tell Qi Mama and Liang Jiugong the situation of the eldest prince.


However, it will save a while. Zhang's child was born until the afternoon of the next day, when she finally gave birth to the eldest princess. Even if someone else came, Rong Xin couldn't leave halfway.

Zhang's body photo is much worse than Ma Jia's. She hurt her body after giving birth. Rong Xin arranged her recuperation and the maid of the eldest princess, and then returned to Kunning in a drowsy manner go to the palace.

Nemin felt distressed that she had tossed for so long, so she immediately urged: "Mother Qi told me about the urgent matter, the rest is not urgent, you go back to rest first."

Rong Xin did not refuse, nodded and said, "The slave will come tomorrow."

"Have dinner before going to bed."

Rong Xin responded and exited the main hall.

On the second day, Rong Xin told Nemin what happened in the Chuxiu Palace that night of Zhang's birth in detail, and then learned that the emperor called the Ministry of Internal Affairs to severely punish the eldest prince's dereliction of duty the palace attendant.

And, also called Nemin to verbally teach Ma Jiashi, the prince has his own example, don't do anything unnecessary.