MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 17

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"Concubine Borzigit."

"The concubine Tong."

"The concubine Nara."


"Greetings to the Empress, the Empress is blessed and safe."

Nemin raised her hand lightly, "Let's get up, give your seats."

Several rookie girls who came to pay homage today, among them Bolzijit is from Horqin and raised in the palace since childhood. Name, because he is still too young to serve in bed, when he becomes an adult, he must be promised the position of a concubine, so as to be full of suitability.

Apart from her, they are all from the Eight Banners, especially the Na La and Tong who are the most eye-catching.

The Nala clan is a common surname in Manchuria. The Yehenala clan has a prominent position in the dynasty and holds important positions. The birth mother of Qing Taizong Huang Taiji belongs to the Yehenala clan.

The Tong family is Empress Xiaokangzhang, the niece of Kangxi's biological mother, and Kangxi's cousin.

According to what she had prepared earlier, Rong Xin invited Mrs. Niu Hulu, Mrs. Ma Jia and three new nobles to sit down. Today Mrs. Zhang is also here, because she is pregnant, and Nemin is also at the end gave her a seat.

"I live with Concubine Zhang in the front and back halls. Maybe we haven't seen each other for a long time. Fortunately, the newcomer entered the palace today, so we can continue."

Ma Jia gave birth to the eldest son of the emperor. Although she was inferior to the queen and Niu Hulu in terms of identity, she privately believed that her status should be the only one in the palace, so she said When he speaks, he is very cheerful and confident.

Mr. Zhang held her stomach in her hands, her eyes flashed in the eyes of everyone, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and she lowered her head and carefully replied: "I am in poor health, I am deeply afraid that the emperor will be ill, I must The Empress was sympathetic, so she raised the baby in the house."

"Isn't the empress empress sympathetic?" Ma Jiashi said with a smile, "Otherwise, how can I give birth to the eldest prince?"

Unfortunately, even if she lives in the first palace, Ma Jia's family can't get close to the eldest prince often, but this does not prevent her from always talking about the eldest prince.

According to her usual habits, it is estimated that the next sentence should be about the first prince.

I asked someone to prepare the gas tea for Mrs. Zhang, and I can't leave it to others, so let's drink this today."

After speaking, Nemin gently picked up the tea bowl at hand and took a sip.


Nemin smiled and said, "If it is to be brewed, it will be lighter. I have made a paste in advance by the palace maid, and added a lot of good things to nourish blood and nourish qi. If you like it, I will make it later. Fang Zi will transcribe it to you."

"The first day my concubine came to greet you, I asked you for something..." Na La's face was a little embarrassed, "The concubine embroidered a forehead for the empress at home, and I was ashamed to respect it. Come on, I've got your recipe now, and I'll have the audacity to ask you to accept it."

Nemin nodded, then bowed outside the door and walked into a palace maid, holding a tray in both hands, knelt on the ground, and respectfully greeted: "The servant greets the empress, the empress is auspicious."

This maid is the dowry of Na La's.

According to the old practice, concubines do not have dowries, but Nemin considers that the show girls have many servants and attendants at home, and they will definitely feel uncomfortable when they first enter the palace. Women may bring two dowry maids, or a small amount of dowry.

Rong Xin walked out from behind Nemin, took the tray from the palace maid, brought it back to Nemin, and presented it.

Nerminsu picked up the plate and wiped her forehead, and saw that the head was decorated with precious jewels and jade, and the buckles at both ends were also polished with gemstones. Heart.

"Exquisite embroidery, good workmanship."

Nala immediately smiled and said humbly: "The Queen's concubine won the prize, you don't dislike the poor craftsmanship of your concubines."

Rong Xin nodded, handed the tray to Dantong, and then returned to Nemin.

Other people saw that the Na La clan had not yet been favored, so they got some face in front of the Queen, they had thoughts in their hearts, and they could control their faces, but their eyes revealed some thoughts.

Ma Jia said directly: "Sister's embroidery is really good, but unfortunately there is an embroiderer in the palace. My skills are also unfamiliar, and I can't compare to Sister Nala." Then she turned to Tong again , asked, "I look at Sister Tong's beauty and beauty, so she must be very popular?"

Tong Shi bowed her body softly, and said reservedly, "My sister is ashamed, she can't compare to the noble Nala."

Borzigit is a Mongolian, and she is not favored because of her young age. She looks like the empress dowager with a sincere personality, so no one pulls her to speak.

Although she is not lower than the others, but sitting there looking at the cakes, she immediately sees a little age difference.

Rong Xin has been observing everyone, noticed her appearance, and couldn't help but smile in her heart.

Nemin apparently noticed it too, and instead of continuing their topic of "embroidery", she said, "It's still early before breakfast time, and the cakes I specially teach people to prepare come in all kinds of flavors. , you can use whatever you want."

Seeing her like this, even Niu Hulu, who had been drinking tea quietly, also showed a smile.

Nemin smiled and said, "No need to say thank you, let's eat."

"The Emperor arrives—"

When everyone heard the eunuch's shout, they got up and sorted out, knelt down and saluted, but Nemin curtseyed.

Kangxi passed over the concubines and took the lead in helping the queen, before saying to the rest: "Get up."

The concubine Niu Hulu, Ma Jia and other concubines who entered the palace early were still at ease, but the newcomers couldn't hide their excitement, and among them, Tong, who had just been favored yesterday, had a smile on his face. A bit shy.

Seeing that he was in a good mood today, Nemin smiled and asked, "The emperor has always been diligent in studying, why did he come to Kunning Palace today?"

Kangxi said in a close tone: "It happened that there was nothing to do, so I came over and went to the Cining Palace with the Queen to greet the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager."

The tone of the emperor and the queen is quite natural, obviously they have a very good relationship. The emperor has never paid attention to Tong and others, and taught the people who were full of joy to be more or less disappointed.

Kangxi just favored the newcomer yesterday, and today he invited An Shi to Kunning Palace for his concubines, of course not because of the Tong family or others, but because of the queen.

He just wanted to teach people to know that no matter who he favors, the queen is always the lord of the central palace he trusts.

Nemin also cooperated very well, cared about the emperor a few words at the right time, and then led the topic to everyone, almost without any omission.

Nemin had breakfast at the Cining Palace again, during which she talked a little about the concubines, and everyone else passed by, except for Mrs. Bolzijit, she said a few more words, At the end of the sentence, she said that she was "innocent and lovely".

Before Nemin, all the empresses came from Mongolia, and the Bolzijit family spent their years in the palace, and naturally they were taken care of by the Cining Palace. As soon as they described it, they laughed together.

Three generations are very friendly and harmonious.

Rong Xin felt proud when she saw it.

The question of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is always a problem no matter what era How amazing is it that people who have conflicts are happy!

After breakfast, Rong Xin followed Nemin back to Kunning Palace, when Nemin saw that there were no outsiders, she turned her neck and said, "I haven't been so tired for a long time, hurry up and call someone I have my hair ripped out, and I'm going to relax."

Rong Xin called Qingbi to come over, Qingbi swiftly re-braided a long braid for the empress and put it on her chest, waited for the empress to change into her regular clothes, and then stepped back.

Then Nemin leaned on the couch and said comfortably: "I saw today that there are more women, and it is really different. One person, no matter how soft and soft words are, it will make people annoying. "

Rong Xin took a pillow and tucked it behind Nemin, and said with a smile: "But the servants look at so many wonderful little masters sitting in one place, and always feel that the house is bright."

"Humph." Nemin glanced at her, "I said, Qianhang and the others entered the palace with you, when you talk to Xueqing, always keep your voice low, because you are looking at The color is good!"

Rong Xin couldn't help laughing and crying, "You're right, it seems that the slave is the kind of person who is blinded by lust."

Nami couldn't help but laugh.

Rong Xin explained with a smile: "Although Qianhang and the others are good, but Xueqing is obedient and obedient, and they have been with each other for a long time, not to mention slaves, other people in our palace, always take care of them. She's a little bit."

"I'm looking at Borzigit today, and I'm in a similar mood." Nemin smiled wider, "Her simple appearance reminds me of my sister at home, But her stay in the palace is very different from Shulan's stay in the boudoir..."

No matter what happens in the palace, for little girls, it is not as comfortable as at home.

Not to mention Mongolian girls who grew up in Mongolia, it is a place where men and women are dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses. Now they are locked in the palace, I wonder if they will yearn for the eagle soaring in the sky...

Nermin covered her mouth and yawned, "So I have repeatedly rejected the family's proposal to ask Shulan to enter the palace, the girls have been carefree for this period of time in the boudoir. Do you even want the girls to throw their heads and blood for the men to fight for fame and fortune?"

Rong Xin looked at her tenderly, "Ladies are lucky."

Nermin's voice gradually blurred, "Now it seems that it's not bad for Sister Rong not to get married, I'm on my side..."