MTL - Feng Mang-Chapter 18 It's too easy.

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The re-selection venue is in the rehearsal hall of the film and television city. Li Shang came early. The huge rehearsal hall only had a few people, most of them were staff.

"Hey, take your hands and move this table over.

One said to Li Shang.

Li Shang secretly thought that if he was idle, he would help those chores set up the venue.

After half an hour, people came one after another. In addition to the selected group performances, there were also art school students, models, and related households, all dressed in famous brands and heroic.

There are even "tuggers and mouths", bodyguard assistant makeup artists embracing.

After reading these people, Li Shang looked at himself again, especially the broken pants, which was really low.

While queuing for the number plates, the handsome guy in front of Li Shang took off the Armani suit jacket and pushed it back into Li Shang's hand, saying, "Thank you for saving me.

"Am I? Li Shang was surprised.

The handsome guy raised an eyebrow. "Is there anyone else?" Li Shang shook the notice in his hand, "I'm also in line.

"I'm so sorry, buddy, I just watched you move the table, thinking it was a mess ..." Li Shang's lips line froze, Quan Dang didn't hear it.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, it was finally Li Shang's turn, and he quickly handed in the notice and the identity document.

The registrar reached out, "What about the others?" "Other?"

"Isn't it a text message telling you to bring a full-body photo, a half-length photo, and a close-up of your legs?" "I don't know ..." Li Shang hurriedly pulled out the phone, which didn't matter, he found himself Set the strange number information to automatically block.

The registrar raised his hand directly, "Next.

"Li Shanglai refused to leave." Teacher, see if you can accommodate ... "" You still have a chance in the future, and I think you are too inadequately prepared this time. "

"The implication is that you cannot be selected even if you have all the information.

Li Shang was pushed out abruptly by the people behind him, and he still didn't give up. He planned to go out and take two photos, maybe it was too late.

As soon as Liang Jing got out of the car, he saw a man rushing out of the door.

He didn't see anything else, but when he saw the piece of meat on Li Shang's knee, his blood pressure suddenly burst.

"Come on! Stop him!" Li Shangji blushed blankly: "Get out, I have something urgent!" Liang Jing's thoughts these days are all looking for someone, and the "QR code scanner" has been around for a long time It is useless, and the recognition is naturally reduced.

In addition, Li Shang and Han Dong are very similar in shape, and Li Shang is wearing the "iron card" that Liang Jingyi read for a few days. Liang Jing couldn't wait to make a decision when he was excited.

"What's the matter with you?" Xiaowen asked Li Shang.

"I need a photo to participate in the re-election, I have to take it quickly, and I won't be able to catch it later!" Liang Jing bowed down and put a piece of rag that had been stuck for a long time on the hole in Li Shang's pants, and it was instantly revealed that he had escaped Cheerful smile.

"What other photos? It's you.

Li Shang looked blank, "What is me?" "Xiaowen patted Li Shang's shoulder." Thank you parents for our boss.

"Thank my parents? "Li Shang is even more confused.

Xiaowen nodded, "Too-will-give birth."

Before Li Shang understood the situation, he was taken into the car.